MRP: William Finch will
William Finch will
PROB 11/339 Eure 55-107 Will of William Finch, Merchant of London 08 July 1672
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30/01/12, CSG: Created page
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See 6th March 1665/66, Letter from William Finch to Sir GO, London
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(2) Look for will of George Finch
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This Twentie Fourth June in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred seaventie and Two I William Finch of London Merch tthough sicke and weake of Bodie yet being sound and perfect in minde and memorie thankes be therefore given to Almightie God and willing to mind his uncertaine estate of this life and how certaine
WEE are to die and that the time therof is most uncertaine and therefore being willing and desirous to settle and dispose of such estate as God of his infinite goodnes hath given and blessed mee with in this life and for prevention of all dissensions and unnecessarie suites that might hereafter arise betweene anie of my kindred or Relations after my decease concerning my estate aor anie part thereof I doe now revoke and disanull and make voyd all former Wills and testamanets by me made at anie time before the sealing thereof and doe make and decalre this to be my only last Will and testament: Wherein first and principallie I yeeld and commend my Soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator hopeing and assuredly beleiving by and through the meritts death and passion of Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour and Redeemer to have full and free remission of all my Sinnes and to see my God in the land of the living And my bodie I committ to the Earth to be decently buried as my dearely beloved wife and my sonne Henrie my hereafternamed Executors shall see convenient not exceeding five hundred pounds
ITEM I give to my deare and well beloved wife the one Third part of my personall Estate
ITEM I give 1/3 part of my Estate to my Children my sonne Henrie being eldest I give him a double portion out of the said 1/3:
ITEM I give to my Moth: Mistris Mary Finch One hundred pounds p Ann during her life to be paid out of the 1/3 part remaining
ITEM I give my Sister Mary Finch Eight hundred pounds
ITEM I give to Bro: Hen: Ffinch ffive hundred pounds
ITEM I give to bro: George Finch One Thousand pounds
ITEM I give to Brother Tho: ffinch Eight hundred pounds
ITEM I give to Aunt Francis Bowen twentie pounds per Annum during her life
ITEM I give Aunt Martha ffinch Twentie pounds per Annum during her life
ITEM to Mary ?Greatkins I give tenn pounds per Annum for Tenn years
ITEM I give my Godsonne William ffinch son to my Bro: Hen: ffinch One hundred pounds to be paid at the yeare Seaventeene to putt him to prentice
ITEM I give Henrie Sadler Two hundred and Fiftie pounds
ITEM I give towards the Redemption of poore prisoners in the prisons of London and suburbs the summe of Two hundred pounds to be distributed according to the discretion of my Executors
ITEM I give to the ?Hospitalls for the Releafe of maimed Seamen the summe of One hundred pounds
ITEM I give to the parish of Richmond ffiftie pound
ITEM I give unto Master Roger ?Howen when he drawne out a ballance of Bookes One hundred pound
ITEM I give to M:r ?Samfould ffiftie pound
ITEM I give to Master Ben: ?Delenons Tenn pounds for a Ring
ITEM I give to Master John Lethuler and his wife fiftie pound, tosay twentie five poundes to each to buy them rings with, and to there daughter my Godaughter Twentie pound
ITEM I leave Fiftie pound to be laid out in Twentie rings to be given to my principall Factors with this motto: MEMENTO MORI;
ITEM I give to my maid Joane twentie pound and to the rest of the servants that shall live with mee at my decease five pounds p peece
ITEM I give to Doctor John ?HXXXX & his wife two daughters and younger sonne twentie pound a peece
ITEM I leave to Mother Dixon twentie pound p Annum during her life
ITEM to Brother John Dixons Bro ?Millbard and his wife Tenn pound p peece
ITEM to the Almes Houses in Brendford Hounslowe Richmond Mortlake Putney and Wansted: 40 XXX
ITEM I give unto my greate and good freind Master Charles Boone twentie five pound and to his vertuous Ladie Twentie five pound to buy Rings
ITEM To William Finch the pson (sic) Twentie pound
ITEM I forgive John ?Wybard all his unjust Actions and do remitt unto him what ?stated ?Dr to mee in my books I doe alsoe forgive the unjust Edwin and pray that God will alsoe forgive him
The Rest of my 1/3: p:t I give to my Children to be equally devided
AMONGST hoping theire Mother will doe as much for them out of her Third The Executors nominate is my wife and sonne Henrie: Overseers to helpe and settle the Estate i appoint ?M:r Brother Henry and Bro: Thomas, and for Bro: Henry extraordinarie paines he must take therein I add to his Legacie Three hundred pounds This I designe my last Will untill I am able to drawe it out in beter forme: Fourteene June: One Thousand Six hundred Seaventie two:
ITEM I give to M:rs Hester M:rs Katherine and M:rs ?Penne Chamberlan Tenn pounds p p:te for a Ring
ITEM I give to the parish of S:t Hellens towards building of a new Steeple fiftie pounds
ITEM To Doctor Horton[1] Tenn pounds
ITEM to M:r Burford for mourning tenn pounds
PROBATUM fuit humor Testamentum apud LONDON coram venerabilis Richardo Lloyd legum Doctor Surrogato venerabilis et XXXX vivi Domini Leolin Jenkins Militis legum etial Doctoris Curia Prerogativa Cantariensis Magistri Custodis sine Commissary legitime constituti Octavo die Mensis July Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo secundo Juramento Hestora Finch Relicta dicti defunct et XXX Executor in Testamento nominat commissa fuit administratio omnium et singularum bonorum juriam et Creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrand Eadem ad sancta Evangelia in debita juris XXXXX jurate Reservata potestate similem commissione facio Henrico Finch filio et altere Executori in Testamento nominat cum veneris et in debita juris forma admissur
SEPTIMO die Mensis JUNIJ Anno Dom MILLESIMO sexcentesimo septuagesimo Tertio ?emanavit Commissio Johanne Moore militi Curatori legitime assignat; Henrico Finch filio et Executori supersiti Testamenti dicti defuncti habentis xr ad administrand bona jura et credita XXdem defuncti juxta ?Tenerem et affectum Testamenti ipsius defuncti durante minori Xtate et in ?usum dicti Executoris de bene et fideliter administrand Eadem ad sancta Dei Evangelia in debita juris forma jurat probatia dicti Testamenti XX XX Henrica Finch Relicta et atterius Executorum XXXazatione mortis dicti XXXXXXX
Mrs Finch, died 1673
"1673 May 9 M:rs Finch, in her Husband's grave in the north quire" (p. 319)
London County Council, St. Helen's, Bishopsgate: George Finch, d. 1710
"73. WILLIAM FINCH, 1672.
GviLiELMi Finch non ita
Arms at head of slab : {Argent), a clieveron (sable) between 3 griffons
{sable)" (p. 80)
"75. GEORGE FINCH, 1710.
Here lyeth Interrd the Body
of George Finch of Valentine
in Efsex Efq. who Dyed the 5
of October ijio aged 48 who
was Son to William Finch of
this Parifh Efq' & Married to
CONSTANCE the Daughter of
Nathanil Horneby Citizen
of London by whome he had five
Sons & one Daughter where of
James & Henry Dyed young & ly
Buried near this Place the Reft
Survived him.
Achievement of arms above. Arms: {Argent), a cheveron {sadle)
between three griffons {sable). Crest : A griffon." (p. 80)
Possible primary sources
- ↑ Probably Thomas Horton, minister of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. See: "1673 Mar. 29 D:r Thomas Horton, our minister, in the Chancell under the Communion table" (, p. 319)