HCA 13/68 f.233v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.233v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 22nd day of November .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Isaack Phillips and}
Company Imployers of the shipp the Suckly}
whereof Christopher Ewingtin}
is Captaine to the Master and Company}
of the shipp the Boer whereof}
harman Hedden is Master. Smith.}

Examined upon Interrogatories on the begalfe
of the sayd Isaack Phillips.


Harman Hedden of Embden Mariner
Master of the sayd shipp the Boare or Blew
Boare aged 34 yeares or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth videlicet.

To teh first Interrogatory this deponent saith he knoweth well the sayd shipp
the Boare and was and is Master of her, and saith she belongeth
to the port of Emden in East ffreezland, and her Owners were and
are all of them Emdeners subiects of the Grave of East ffreizland and he
doth not know where the sayd shipp was built nor by whom or att what
Costs and Charges. and otherwise cannot depose.


To the third he saith that he this deponent was borne at Noord[?oop] in
East ggreizland 2 miles from Emden and liveth att Embden with
his wife Children and family and is a subiect of the Grave of
East ffreizland. and the shipps Company of the Boare were and are