HCA 13/72 f.211r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.211r.

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HCA 13/72 f.211r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Catherines stayres and the dock is in this deponents Judgment a hundred
yards and upwards part only whereof videlicet about tenn yards of it belongeth to
the sayd Jenkin Ellis and the rest the sayd Ellis hath nothing to doe with for noe right
to that hee knoweth of, and saith hee never heard the sayd Ellis in expresse termes
give consent to laye any Billanders or other vessells at or neere his wharfe (nor sawe him receave money for the same
but this deponent being in manner predeposed anoyed by their lyeing there hath
severall tymes since the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fifty three complyned to
the sayd Ellis of the hinderance and preiudice that their lyeing There was to his
deponent and the sayd Ellis hath answered this deponent and sayd that
hee would make use of his wharfe, and that they must lye or words to
that effect And further hee cannot answere./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Humphree Hutchins [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 12th of January 1657 English Style

Examined upon the sayd article./



John Ward of the precinct of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London
aged fifty yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth vidlicet./

To the first article of the sayd articles and the order therein mentioned hee saith that
for that hee was not present at the making of the sayd order And further cannot

To the 2 and 3 articles of the sayd articles hee saith that hee this deponent hath bin an
Inhabitant of the precinct of Saint Katherine arlate for those there or fower and twenty
yeares last past and is a waterman by trade and plyeth constantly with a wherry at
Saint Katherines Stayers and other places neere thereabouts and by reason hee is owner alsoe
of a lighter which frequently carrieth Coles and other goods to places neere thereabout hee
hath part of a roade and Chayne belonging to him to make his lighter fat to betwenne
Saint Kathereines Stayres and Saint Cathereines dock and thereby knoweth that in the yeares 1654
1655, 1656 and in this present yeare 1657 divers vessells french dutch and other
vessells to the number some tymes of five and somtymes of fower a brest at a tyme
have layne at and neere the Wharfe of the sayd Jenkin Ellis betweene Saint Catherines
Stayers and the dock of Saint Catherine and have layne soe neere
shoare that neither lighters nor wherries could passe betweene shoare and them
to the great hinderance and preiudice both of the Inhabitants thereabouts who
are thereby deprived of their liberty of shipping off or takeing in any goods at
their wharfes and alsoe of the watermen and lightermen who have
occasion to land goods or fayres thereabouts who are by reason of such their lyeing
soe many a brest and soe neere shoare forced to beare out with their boates and lightermen farr into the
River of Thames and to rowe gainst the strength and Current of the tyde before
they can come to shoare to launch either their goods or fayres therabouts And this
deponent by reasin of their soe leyeing there soe many a brest and soe neere shoare
hath within the tyme predeposed of bin severall tymes hindered and put by from
laying his lighter and other his boates fast to his chayne and hath
when hee hath made his boates fast to his chayne hath somtymes had [?them]
sunke and splitt and dammaged by the sayd vessells upon the turne of the
tyde for want of crewe to winde in And hee further saith that hee verily beleeveth
and is perswaded in his conscience that the sayd vessells laye there soe many a brest
by the permission and leave of the sayd Ellis who permitted them soe to doe (as hee beleeveth)
to make a particular gaine and profitt to himselfe and the reason of such hee