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|Status=Page created 26/04/2015; transcribed on 26/04/2015 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/04/2015
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/04/26
|First transcribed=2015/04/26

Latest revision as of 11:28, May 30, 2015


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HCA 3/46 f.637r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ffrancis [?Vannsbrengt] against the shippe}
called the Willing Mind whereof}
Robert [?Deipson] is Master and against the said}
Robert Peirson and Company Suckley}

The like Peirson and Company
Which day the said Cheeke
appeared the said Peirson and
Suckley for the said [?RaXXXbrough]
whom the Judges assigned to give
a libell with sureties the next
Court day./.

Thomas Northey Roger kilvert}
and Lambert Pitcher against}
henry Land Budd}

Thelike Land./.

James [?RXadon] Master of the shippe}
the Sunne of London against}
Thomas Martin Suckley}

The like Martyn.

Simon Bailey and Company against}
the shippe called the Why not [?so]}
of Ipswitch and against John}

The like [?fforserar]./

Christofer Cooper and Company owners}
of the shipp called the Primrose of}
hull and Thomas Wood owner of}
the goods in the same against the}
shipp called the Samuels}
Delight whereof John Breeze}
is Master and against the said Breeze}
and all others et cetera Smith}

Which day the said Smith
appeared for the said Cooper
and Company and Wood and
made himselfe partie for them
and exhibited the originall
mandate with the certificate
thereon indorsed and upon
preconization being made for the
said Breeze in particuler and all
others in this behalfe cited and noe
bodie appearing the Judges at Smiths
petition accusing their contumacy pronounced
them contumacious and in paine et cetera to have fallen
into the first default and continued the certificate
in the same state that nowe it is untill the next
Court day./

John kendall against the shipp called}
the Peter of Caen whereof}
Walter Lesingham is Master and}
her tackle and ffurniture and}
against the said Lesingham}
and all others et cetera Smith}

The like./.

Abraham Cotton against 14 pipes of}
oyle more or lesse or the proceed}
thereof remainining in the houses}
of Rowland hill merchant}
lately consigned to him by}
Christofer Maynard belonginge
to the said Cotton and against the
said hill and all others et cetera

The like at the petition of
Cheeke at whose petition the
Judges did decree the said
hill to bee monished to
appeare in this place upon
the third day after if et cetera to
specify by vertue of jis
oath what goods or monies
hee had in his hands at the
time of the arrest in this
behalfe made belonging to the
said Cotton./.
