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The 15th day of October 1651.
The 15th day of October 1651.
The Clayme of John Peterson G[ueson])
The Clayme of John Peterson G[ueson]}
and Company. for the ship the ''Brower'' of Ossan)
and Company. for the ship the ''Brower'' of Ossan}
whereof Claes [T]ymonsen Brower is master and for
whereof Claes [T]ymonsen Brower is master and for}
the goods wares and merchandizes schedulated)
the goods wares and merchandizes schedulated}
abord her taken by Captaine William Greene and Company.)
abord her taken by Captaine William Greene and Company.}
Examined upon the allegation and schedules annexed
Examined upon the allegation and schedules annexed

Latest revision as of 13:12, July 6, 2014


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Smith dt.

To the crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee was spoken unto
and required by Mr N[o]ttell one of the producents to come and testifie the
truth in this busines, which Mr Nottle hee hath only knowne about three
weeked by meeting him here, but doth not knowe the interrogated W[alter]
Tucker or Richard harris, and saith hee this deponent hath noe part
or share in the goods claimed by the said producents, but saith that there were three
and twentie hundred deale boards and sixtie masts, two lasts of pitch
and one last of tarr, twoe cables, and about thirtie [lines] aboard
the said shipp at the time of the said seizure for
accompt of him this deponent and the rest of the owners of the said shipp

To the second hee saith that the said shipp and goods were not condemned
at dunkirke for prize, nor suffered by the Governour to be brought
into the harbour, but was by the Jersey man kept out in the Roade
and there sold back as aforesaid as this deponent was informed; and
in case of n[?one] redemption hee would have carried the said shipp and
goods for Jersey as hee said and as this deponent was likewise
informed, And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose
saving that none of the said owners or merchants that redemmed the
said shipp were or are ffrench men or subiects of the ffrench kinge.

To the last hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid.



The 15th day of October 1651.

The Clayme of John Peterson G[ueson]}
and Company. for the ship the Brower of Ossan}
whereof Claes [T]ymonsen Brower is master and for}
the goods wares and merchandizes schedulated}
abord her taken by Captaine William Greene and Company.}

Examined upon the allegation and schedules annexed
given and exhibited on the behalfe of the said Claymers
and Company.
[?yXX] Smith


Rp. EA/ jus.

Claus Tyminson Brower of Ossan in Holland
Marriner aged 49 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles of the said allegation and to the schedules thereunto
mentioned hee saith and deposeth That when and for all the tyme
arlate the producent John Peterson Ghueson and Company were and att this
present are and ought to bee the true and lawfull Owners and
proprietors of the shippe the Brower of Ossan arlate and of her
tackle apparell and furniture and for such were and are comonlye
accompted reputed and taken And saith that within the said tyme the said
Ghuson and Company were and still are the true and lawfull owners and
proprietors of all and singular the goods wares and Merchandizes
mentioned and expressed in the first schedule to the allegation annexed now
read over unto him and perused by him, which said goods the said producents and [?companye]
about fower moneths did lade abord the said ship the Brower at Amserdam to bee
transported therein to Barnestable where the same were to bee sold
and disposed of by this deponent by theire appointment
and for theire use and benefitt., And saith further that within the
said tyme hee thsi deponent and Company. were and att this present
are and

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