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==John Bludworth will==
'''John Bludworth will'''
PROB 11/205 Essex 108-149 Will of John Bludworth, Vintner of Saint Edmund Lombard Street, City of London 17 October 1648
PROB 11/205 Essex 108-149 Will of John Bludworth, Vintner of Saint Edmund Lombard Street, City of London 17 October 1648
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29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki
29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki
===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
The London vintner John Bludworth was the father of Sir Thomas Bludworth, who was a subscriber to the ''SVJS''.
The London vintner John Bludworth was the father of Sir Thomas Bludworth, who was a subscriber to the ''SVJS''. He made his two sons, John and Thomas (the future Sir Thomas Bludworth), his executors.
Richard Spencer, a London merchant and former apprentice of John Bludworth, was one of the witnesses to the will.  Richard Spencer was associated with Sir Thomas Bludworth during his lifetime.<ref>[[MRP: Richard Spencer will|Richard Spencer will]]</ref>
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: 22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London|22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London]]
See [[MRP: Sir Thomas Bludworth will|Sir Thomas Bludworth will]] (John Bludworth's son)
See [[MRP: Dame Mary Bludworth will|Dame Mary Bludworth will]] (John Bludworth's daughter-in-law)
See [[MRP: Sir Thomas Bludworth junior will|Sir Thomas Bludworth junior will]] (John Bludworth's grandson)
See [[MRP: Walter Bludworth will|Walter Bludworth will]]
==To do==
(1) Check this transcription
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the tenth day of May one thousand six hundred fortie and eight, and in the foure and twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereaigne  Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith xr, I John Bludworth Cittizen and vintner of London being in good health of bodie and sound and perfect minde and memorie (praise be therefore given to Allmightie God) but considereing the frailtie and uncertaintie of this mortall life and that nothing is more certaine than death, nor nothing more uncertaine than the houre of death doe therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the tenth day of May one thousand six hundred fortie and eight, and in the foure and twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereaigne  Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith xr, I John Bludworth Cittizen and vintner of London being in good health of bodie and sound and perfect minde and memorie (praise be therefore given to Allmightie God) but considereing the frailtie and uncertaintie of this mortall life and that nothing is more certaine than death, nor nothing more uncertaine than the houre of death doe therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
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ITEM I give and bequeath fiftie pounds in monie to be given and distributed by my Executors with the advice of my brother Thomas Haughton amongst my kindred on my side being Bludworths in London and in the countie of Derby where most neede is to everie one five pounds apeece.
ITEM I give and bequeath fiftie pounds in monie to be given and distributed by my Executors with the advice of my brother Thomas Haughton amongst my kindred on my side being Bludworths in London and in the countie of Derby where most neede is to everie one five pounds apeece.
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Church wardensof the parish church of S:t Warbers  in the  towne of Derby the summe of one hundred pounds, if it be not given and paid by mee before my decease to be paid to themwithin one yeare next after my decease.  Nevertheless to this intent and purpose that the same monie shall withall convenience that may be laid out in and for the purchaseing of land in feoffees in trust and the rents therof ariseing to be yearlie disposed of for ever as hereafter is expressed (that is to say)  twelve pense everie Sunday in wheaten bread to the poore of that parish.  To the Church wardens there yearlie two shillings fo theire paines, and to the parish Clearke yearlie two shillings for his paines and thirteene shillings & ffoure pense  to the parson, minister, or xxxx of that Church, to preach a Sermon on the first day of November yearlie for ever in rembrance of Gods miraculous deliverance of our Estate and nation from the xxxxx gunn=powder plott.  And the  rest and residue of the said rents and profitts I appoint on that day to be laid out in two penny wheaten loaves of wheaten bread and for ever distributed to and amongst the poor people of the same parish according to the discretions of the Church wardens and overseers of the poore of the same parish.
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Church wardens of the parish church of S:t Warbers  in the  towne of Derby the summe of one hundred pounds, if it be not given and paid by mee before my decease to be paid to themwithin one yeare next after my decease.  Nevertheless to this intent and purpose that the same monie shall withall convenience that may be laid out in and for the purchaseing of land in feoffees in trust and the rents therof ariseing to be yearlie disposed of for ever as hereafter is expressed (that is to say)  twelve pense everie Sunday in wheaten bread to the poore of that parish.  To the Church wardens there yearlie two shillings fo theire paines, and to the parish Clearke yearlie two shillings for his paines and thirteene shillings & ffoure pense  to the parson, minister, or XXXX of that Church, to preach a Sermon on the first day of November yearlie for ever in rembrance of Gods miraculous deliverance of our Estate and nation from the XXXX gunn=powder plott.  And the  rest and residue of the said rents and profitts I appoint on that day to be laid out in two penny wheaten loaves of wheaten bread and for ever distributed to and amongst the poor people of the same parish according to the discretions of the Church wardens and overseers of the poore of the same parish.
ITEM I give to my sister Anne Whittington widowe the summe of fiftie pounds
ITEM I give to my sister Anne Whittington widowe the summe of fiftie pounds
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==Possible primary sources==

Revision as of 12:06, January 11, 2012

John Bludworth will

PROB 11/205 Essex 108-149 Will of John Bludworth, Vintner of Saint Edmund Lombard Street, City of London 17 October 1648

Editorial history

29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

The London vintner John Bludworth was the father of Sir Thomas Bludworth, who was a subscriber to the SVJS. He made his two sons, John and Thomas (the future Sir Thomas Bludworth), his executors.

Richard Spencer, a London merchant and former apprentice of John Bludworth, was one of the witnesses to the will. Richard Spencer was associated with Sir Thomas Bludworth during his lifetime.[1]

Suggested links

See 22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London

See Sir Thomas Bludworth will (John Bludworth's son)
See Dame Mary Bludworth will (John Bludworth's daughter-in-law)
See Sir Thomas Bludworth junior will (John Bludworth's grandson)
See Walter Bludworth will

To do

(1) Check this transcription


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the tenth day of May one thousand six hundred fortie and eight, and in the foure and twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereaigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith xr, I John Bludworth Cittizen and vintner of London being in good health of bodie and sound and perfect minde and memorie (praise be therefore given to Allmightie God) but considereing the frailtie and uncertaintie of this mortall life and that nothing is more certaine than death, nor nothing more uncertaine than the houre of death doe therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my most mercifull father assuredly trusting and beleeving that through the mercie and the death and meritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and redeemer I shall have free remission of all my sinnes and after this life is ended be made partaker of those unspeakable ioyes which are prepared in the kingdome of heaven for the elect in Christ And my bodie I comitt unto the earth whereof it was framed in hope of a ioyfull resurrection & willing that my bodie be buried in the parish church of S:t Edmond the King in Lumbard Streete


In London where now I am a parishioner in such manner and with such solemnities as my Executors hereafter named shall in their discretions thinke fitt and decent for the performance whereof and of such mourning as then shalbe worne I will and bequeath the summe of two hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England.

And touching such temporall goods chattells and substance as God in his mercie hath blessed mee with all in this life I dispose thereof as followeth.

First my will and desire is that all and everie such debts and summes of monie whatsoever as at the time of my death I shall owe to any persons shall be truely satisfied by my Executors within as short a time after my decease as conveniently maybe, and that the debts so oweing by mee and my funerall charges being first paid or deducted all the rest and residue of my goods chattells debts and personall estate shall according to the laudable customer of the Cittie of London be divided into two equall moyties or halfes. One of which moyties or halves I will shall remaine to my sonns John Bludworth Joseph Bludworth Bartholomew Bludworth, and my daughter Elizabeth Clay she having received att her marriage one thousand pounds in past alreadie, and my sonne Thomas Bludworth having allreadie had a porcon att his marriage with M:r Walter Rogers his daughter allreadie to satisfie for his full orphanage part, and this moytie to be equally divided amongst them for theire orphanage parts and porcons, answering unto them by the said custome and the other moytie or halfe part I referre for the performance and satisfaction of the severall legacies herafter pertiucullarly expressed (that is to say)

FFIRST I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Haughton of the town of Derby one hundred pounds in mone to be paid him within one yeare after my decease.

ITEM I give to Thomas Haughton and Hanna Haughton children of my late brother Jonas Haughton late of Roachford in the Countie of Essex deceased ten pounds a peece.

ITEM I give and bequeath to my kinswoman Elizabeth Bludworth which once dwelled with mee five pounds in mony

ITEM I give to George Bludworth Baker the summe of five pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath fiftie pounds in monie to be given and distributed by my Executors with the advice of my brother Thomas Haughton amongst my kindred on my side being Bludworths in London and in the countie of Derby where most neede is to everie one five pounds apeece.

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Church wardens of the parish church of S:t Warbers in the towne of Derby the summe of one hundred pounds, if it be not given and paid by mee before my decease to be paid to themwithin one yeare next after my decease. Nevertheless to this intent and purpose that the same monie shall withall convenience that may be laid out in and for the purchaseing of land in feoffees in trust and the rents therof ariseing to be yearlie disposed of for ever as hereafter is expressed (that is to say) twelve pense everie Sunday in wheaten bread to the poore of that parish. To the Church wardens there yearlie two shillings fo theire paines, and to the parish Clearke yearlie two shillings for his paines and thirteene shillings & ffoure pense to the parson, minister, or XXXX of that Church, to preach a Sermon on the first day of November yearlie for ever in rembrance of Gods miraculous deliverance of our Estate and nation from the XXXX gunn=powder plott. And the rest and residue of the said rents and profitts I appoint on that day to be laid out in two penny wheaten loaves of wheaten bread and for ever distributed to and amongst the poor people of the same parish according to the discretions of the Church wardens and overseers of the poore of the same parish.

ITEM I give to my sister Anne Whittington widowe the summe of fiftie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath to my maid Margarett the summe of fortie shillings

ITEM I give and bequeath to my servant Richard Spencer the summe of ten pounds.

ITEM I give to Henry Saunders, Joseph Saunders, Thomas Rich, William Wermell and Thomas Harris to each of them five pounds a peece to buy them mourning,

ITEM I give to the Companie of Vintners a peece of guilt plate conteyning fortie one ounces and foure pense weight in a standing cupp

ITEM I give towards the releife of the poore of S:t Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke the summe of ten pounds.

ITEM I give to the other hospitalls of S:t Bartholomews and Bridewell five pounds a peece. I having in my life time given to the Christs Church which I delivered Maister


Babington the sume of ten pounds

ITEM I give to my grandchildren John Clay, Thomas Clay and Elizabeth Clay one hundred pounds a peece.

ITEM I give to my brother in Lawe Richard Yonge the summe of twentie nobles for a token of my love.

ITEM I give to my partner Thomas Gladwin the summe of ten pounds for a legacie.

ITEM I give to the poore prisoners in Ludgate, Newgate and the two Counters twentie pounds in monie (that is to say to each of theise prisons five pounds a peece)

ITEM I give to Samuell Smith my sister's sonne the sum of seventeene pounds haveing given him three pounds alreadie

ITEM I give five pounds in money to be distributed amongst twentie poore silke weavers such as I dealt with all upon London bridge, at the discretion of M:r Thomas Rich and William Merrell which were then my servants.

ITEM I give and bequeath to my sonne Joseph the summe of ten pounds because his course of life doth not please God, nor mee. To my sonne Bartholomew I give and bequeath to make his orphanage part the summe of two thousand pounds when he shall attaine the age of twentie and one yeares.

ITEM I doe hereby declare that I have in my life-time settled part of my lands in Lincolnshire on my sonne John Bludworth, and have bought halfe of M:r Blanchards part since, yet nevertheless besides that land which I wholly give him, I give and appoint that he have to make upp his orphanage part the summe of fifteene hundred pounds in monie

ITEM I give to everie child which shall be liveing of my sonne John Bludworth fiftie pounds apeece, and if any of them decease in theire minoritie, the legacie of him, her, or them deceasing to remaine to the survivours of them.

ITEM I give to my sonne in lawe ffranics Clay and Elizabeth his wife the summe of five hundred pounds I haveing alreadie advanced her in my life tyme because I have found her a verie loveing and dutifull daughter. The residue my goods chattells debts and personall estate I give and bequeath to my three sonnes John, Thomas, and Bartholomew equally amongst them or the survivours of them equally to be divided.

And I doe make and ordaine and appoint my two sonnes John Bludworth and Thomas Bludworth executors of this my last will and testament.

And overseers of this my last will I nominate my said sonne in lawe ffrancis Clay, and my said brother Mathew Hardy desireing them to be aiding and helpfull to my said executors and for their care and paines herein to be taken I give to either of them the summe of six pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence.

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.

John Bludworth.

A codicill. The eleaventh daye of May one thousand six hundred fortie and eight I doe give and bequeath to Thomas Mathew my servant the sume of ten pounds either to procure him a good master, or to make a stocke for him as my executors shall please within one yeare after my decease

John Bludworth

This ninth of June one thousand six hundred fortie eight I doe give and bequeath to ten sequestered ministers the summe of one hundred pounds to be distributed att the discretion of my executors.

John Bludworth

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us George Day: Fra: Stukely, Richard Spencer. Mary Young. ExB

PROBATUM fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London xxx ffrancisco King xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Possible primary sources

  1. Richard Spencer will