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E: wto@cam.ac.uk
E: wto@cam.ac.uk
See [http://www.histecon.magd.cam.ac.uk/william_oreilly.htm online profile]
See [http://www.histecon.magd.cam.ac.uk/william_oreilly.htm online profile]
Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell
3-67 Assiniboia Hall
Department of Philosophy
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2E7
Tel: 780 248-1209
Email: geoffrey.rockwell@ualberta.ca
Project director: TAPoR

Revision as of 06:21, April 4, 2012

Academic contacts

Editorial history

20/09/11, CSG: Created page


This page lists individual academics & departments


Dr Paul Arblaster
Docent, Zuyd University
Vertaalacademie (School of Translation)

Selected publications:

• 'Piracy and Play: Two Catholic Appropriations of Nieuhof’s Gezantschap', in The Dutch Trading Companies as Knowledge Networks, ed. Jan L. de Jong et al. (Brill, 2010), pp. 129-143

• 'Antwerp and Brussels as Inter-European Spaces', in The Dissemination of News and the Emergence of Contemporaneity, ed. Brendan Dooley (Ashgate, 2010), pp. 193-205

• 'The Southern Netherlands Connection: Networks of Support and Patronage', in Catholic Communities in Protestant States: Britain and the Netherlands c.1570-1720, ed. Benjamin J. Kaplan et al. (Manchester UP, 2009), pp. 123-138

• 'London, Antwerp and Amsterdam: Journalistic Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century', in The Bookshop of the World, ed. Lotte Hellinga et al. (HES & De Graaf, 2001), 145-150

• Arblaster, Paul. Antwerp & the World: Richard Verstegan and the International Culture of Roman Catholicism. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2004


Dr Jan Broadway
E: janb@xmera.co.uk

- Cell's technical Director, 2002-2010
- Now an independent consultant
- Her research concentrates on early modern gentry society and the development of local and family history


- a biography of the seventeenth-century herald and scholar Sir William Dugdale and a catalogue of his correspondence.


The Cambridge Group for the History of Population Growth & Social Structure
Sir William Hardy Building
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
Downing Place
Deputy director: Leigh Shaw-Taylor
E: Leigh.shaw-taylor@geog.cam.ac.uk
T: 0044-(0)1223 333181
W: http://www.hpss.geog.cam.ac.uk/

Professor Thomas Corns
Head of School of English
University of Bangor
T: +44 (0)1248 382213
E: els009@bangor.ac.uk


Dr Perry Gauci
V. H. H. Green Fellow, Tutor in History, Fellow Librarian and Archivist
Lincoln College
Turl Street
T: 01865 279795 (direct line)
E: perry.gauci@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
See online profile

Dr. James M. Gibson
Bridge Archivist
The Bridge Chamber
5 The Esplanade
Kent ME1 1QE
T: 01634 846706
E: bridgearchivist@rbt.org.uk.


Professor Tim Hitchcock
University of Hertfordshire
AL10 9AB
T: +44 (0)1707 284000
E: T.Hitchcock@herts.ac.uk
Online profile


Professor Lisa Jardine
Centre for Editing Lives and Letters
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

E: l.a.jardine@qmul.ac.uk


Centre for Urban History
University of Leicester
Marc Fitch House
3-5 Salisbury Road
Leicester, LE1 7QR
T: +44 (0)116 252 2378
E: cuh@le.ac.uk


Dr Noah Moxham
E: N.Moxham@uea.ac.uk

Centre for Editing Lives and Letters
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Specific enquiries:

  • Research projects: Dr Matt Symonds, m.symonds@qmul.ac.uk, 020 7882 8905
  • M.Res. and M.A. degree programmes: Dr Robyn Adams, r.adams@qmul.ac.uk, 020 7882 8907
  • Events: Alex Filby, a.l.filby@qmul.ac.uk, 020 7882 8905
  • Mailing list for the AHRC Centre for Editing Lives and Letters


Dr William O'Reilly
Trinity Hall
T: +44 (0)1223 765956
E: wto@cam.ac.uk
See online profile

Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell
3-67 Assiniboia Hall
Department of Philosophy
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2E7

Tel: 780 248-1209

Email: geoffrey.rockwell@ualberta.ca

Project director: TAPoR


Professor Robert Shoemaker
University of Sheffield
E: r.shoemaker@sheffield.ac.uk
T: +44-(0)114-22 22584

- C18th century historian
- Steering Committee, 18thConnect (project which aggregates 18th century digital resources; a partnership between Miami University, Ohio, and the University of Virginia)

    • 18thConnect will soon offer access here to Voyeur: Reveal Your Texts, a window that allows using TaPOR tools to analyze these texts.

Selected publications:

- Arising out the London Lives project, Shoemaker is writing a book, co-authored with Hitchcock, entitled Poor Man, Sick Man, Beggarman, Thief: Plebeian Lives and the Making of Modern London, 1690-1800. Planned as an e-book, this will examine the role played by plebeian Londoners, through their interactions with the agencies of poor relief and criminal justice, in the evolution modern social policy.


Data Mining with Criminal Intent
- Using Zotero and TAPoR on the Old Bailey Proceedings

    • Zotero, a popular environment for managing online scholarship has been created that allows humanists to collect, index and manipulate large amounts of text
    • TAPoR Tools, a range of facilities for the quantitative analysis of text, has been piloted and tested.

Newgate Commons: The creation of Newgate Commons: a new form of interface for the Old Bailey Proceedings that supplements the current search interfaces. The Newgate Commons will allow scholars to use mining and clustering techniques to identify, collect and work with, sets of relevant trials and related texts, and to extract them for further study with other tools. The interface will also make it easy for users to train machine learning ‘agents’ to help identify patterns in the text (and underlying account of prosecutions and punishments) of interest to the researcher.

Zotero Virtual Collections: The modification of Zotero Virtual Collections,the Zotero bibliographic reference management tool, so it can be used to manage the collections of documents created within the Newgate Commons and call upon full texts only when needed.

Voyeur Analytics: Voyeur Analytics. the project will connect Zotero to analytical tools designed by the TAPoR project to work on large collections, including the Voyeur toolset for analysis and visualization. The emphasis throughout will be on extending existing tools as needed to allow researchers to navigate between them seamlessly and to use Zotero as a hub from which to manage large study collections. In the process we will create the potential to analyze and visualize change over time in a way that goes beyond current historical methodologies, illuminating the relationship between text and event in new ways.

- Funder: JISC, NEH, SSHRC
- Programme: Digging into Data Challenge
- Partners

    • PI: Tim Hitchcock (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
    • PI: Daniel Cohen (George Mason University, USA)
    • PI: Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta, Canada)
    • William Turkel (University of Western Ontario, USA)
    • Stéfan Sinclair (McMaster University, Canada)
    • Robert Shoemaker (University of Sheffield, UK)
    • HRI Digital, Humanities Research Institute (University of Sheffield, UK)


Dr Neil Younger, Essex University
E: nyounger@essex.ac.uk
T: 01206-872299