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and was imployed by the arlate Alderman Barker to
and was imployed by the arlate Alderman Barker to
[?Xode] both the ''Golden ffalcon'' and the ''ffortune'')
[?Xode] both the ''Golden ffalcon'' and the ''ffortune'')
oftentimes within [?XXXXXXX] teen dayes after the ships first arrivall in the [?Roade] and after earnestly desired the said
oftentimes within [?XXXXXXX] ten dayes after the ships first arrivall in the [?Roade] and after earnestly desired the said
Deazsly to bring the said ship ''ffalcon'' neerer the
Deazsly to bring the said ship ''ffalcon'' neerer the
Peerehead to the end shee might be the sooner Laden and with lesse hazard
Peerehead to the end shee might be the sooner Laden and with lesse hazard

Revision as of 21:38, November 9, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.497r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 26th of Aprill 1660./.

[GUTTER ?XXXX against Alderman Barker}
[GUTTER ?XXXX Suckley}

Examined on the said Allegation/.

Rp. (2dus.

John Hunter native of Edenborough in Scotland
but residing at Present at the signe of the Ball in
Saint Lawrence Pountneyes Lane London Merchant aged
48 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and Examined.

To the first article hee referreth himselfe to the Charterparty

To the second 3d and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth that the arlate Thomas Dearsly the voyage in question
made with the arlate shipp the Golden ffalcon (in [?Keck] Roade
above an English mile from the Peerehead all the time
the said ship staid in the said Roade, And saith that
hee this Deponent (who went thither in the ship the ffortune
and was imployed by the arlate Alderman Barker to
[?Xode] both the Golden ffalcon and the ffortune)
oftentimes within [?XXXXXXX] ten dayes after the ships first arrivall in the [?Roade] and after earnestly desired the said
Deazsly to bring the said ship ffalcon neerer the
Peerehead to the end shee might be the sooner Laden and with lesse hazard
and told him if hee would come up with his said ship beere
to the Peere head, hee would fully lade his ship, before hee
would put any Lading onboard the ffortune, but
notwithstanding hee refused to come up any neerer, although
of this Deponents Knowledge hee might have come up halfe
a mile neere to the Peere head then hee did, and there hee
might have rode in as good ground and as Deepe water, and
in as much safety as hee did in the place
where hee rode as this Deponent verily beleeveth, And this
Deponent and alsoe the said Deazsly were Informed by severall
of the Inhabitants of Keck that ships of 100: 120 and 130 Lasts
burthen did use to ride within halfe a mile of the Peere
head, and never any ships lay out soe farr to receive in their Lading as the ffalcon
did, or to that effect, And saith that the said Peere head is the
ordinary ad usuall place from whence goods are sent onboard
ships lying in the said Rode, and this Deponent never knew
any goods put in boates to be sent onboard ships at any other
place in the said Rode although hee hath made Many
voyages thither And further deposeth that if the said
Dearsly had come up with the said ship soe farr as hee might have don as
aforesaid, this deponent could have fully laded her within twenty
dayes after her arrivall in the said rode, And saith that there
was above a Thousand Quarters of
Barley left at Keck aforesaid which was provided to be laden onboard
the ffalcon, and another ship if this Deponent could either buy or