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To the 10th hee cannot depose./.
To the 10th hee cannot depose./.
To the 11th: hee saith his foregoeing deposition it true ./.
To the 11th: hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./.
Build [LEFT HEADING] To the Interrogotories: [CENTRE HEADING]
Build [LEFT HEADING] To the Interrogotories: [CENTRE HEADING]

Revision as of 15:25, June 29, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.475r Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Time or neere thereabouts. And for soe long time the said
Bond ought to be paid for his service in the said Ship
In this Deponents Judgement. And further cannot deposeth :/:

To the 9th hee cannot deposeth saving as aforesaid ./.

To the 10th hee cannot deposeth ./.

To the 11th: hee saith his foregoeing deposition it true ./.

Build [LEFT HEADING] To the Interrogotories: [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was a Carpent[e]r
of the Anne the voyage in Question. and saith hee
hath not receaved any of his wages for the said voyage
saving a peece of Eight which hee rec[eiv]ed at Scanderoon
of William Malym, and further cannot Answer./.

The the second hee hath not soo deposed./

To the third hee saith that the said Bond is an
Able Boatswaine. soe far as this Deponent Knoweth

To the 4th hee saith that hee doth not account them[?] to
bee sufficient Seamen and Marines that suffer a
Shipp and Lading to be lost and cast away before a faire
Winde, neither doth hee beleave they doe honestly
when the Letters bills of Lading and booke of Acconts
are saved, to keepe them from them when they doe
Concerne, or forbeare to save them, when the same may
Be saved and preserved without danger, And saith that
Hee doth not Knowe that the Booke of Accounts was
saved, And in this Deponents Judgement it could
not have bin saved, And further cannot Answer./.

To the 5th hee saith that
The said ship lay at ffamouth a little before the said
Disaster, and saith hee beleaveth there was then about
thirty saile there whereas about six (besides
the Anne) were English Ships and bound for London
and All of them (expect the Anne, and the Griney
ffrigot were staid in the Downes) came safe to London
as this Depondent hath heard and beleaveth And otherwise
cannot Answer /:

To the 6th hee saith the Anne was Cast away neere
Montroy on the Coast of ffrance, and none of the said
Other ships were then in her Company, the Anne being
Separated from them by foule and darke weather,
And otherwise for his part negatively /.

To the 7th hee saith hee Doth not knowe howe much[?]
the said Bond hath received in. part of his said voyage
or whether hee hath receaved any. but beleeveth hee
receaved some at Cyrpus, And otherwise saving
as aforesaid cannot Answer :/.

CSG, 29/06/14: Katie, below is my transcription of the above, filling in/correcting as requested.
Some of my readings are debatable, and not necessarily better than yours. I would be very happy to discuss any reading further on Skype

time or neere thereabouts. And for soe long time the said
Bond ought to be paid for his service in the said Ship
In this Deponents Judgement. And further cannot depose:/:

To the 9th hee cannot deposeth saving as aforesaid./.

To the 10th hee cannot depose./.

To the 11th: hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./.

Build [LEFT HEADING] To the Interrogotories: [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was a Carpent[e]r
of the Anne the voyage in Question. and saith hee
hath not receaved any of his wages for the said voyage
saving a peece of Eight which hee rec[eiv]ed at Scanderoon
of William Malym, and further cannot Answer./.

The the second hee hath not soo deposed./

To the third hee saith that the said Bond is an
Able Boatswaine. soe far as this Deponent Knoweth

To the 4th hee saith that hee doth not account them[?] to
bee sufficient Seamen and Marines that suffer a
Shipp and Lading to be lost and cast away before a faire
Winde, neither doth hee beleave they doe honestly
when the Letters bills of Lading and booke of Acconts
are saved, to keepe them from them when they doe
Concerne, or forbeare to save them, when the same may
Be saved and preserved without danger, And saith that
Hee doth not Knowe that the Booke of Accounts was
saved, And in this Deponents Judgement it could
not have bin saved, And further cannot Answer./.

To the 5th hee saith that
The said ship lay at ffamouth a little before the said
Disaster, and saith hee beleaveth there was then about
thirty saile there whereas about six (besides
the Anne) were English Ships and bound for London
and All of them (expect the Anne, and the Griney
ffrigot were staid in the Downes) came safe to London
as this Depondent hath heard and beleaveth And otherwise
cannot Answer /:

To the 6th hee saith the Anne was Cast away neere
Montroy on the Coast of ffrance, and none of the said
Other ships were then in her Company, the Anne being
Separated from them by foule and darke weather,
And otherwise for his part negatively /.

To the 7th hee saith hee Doth not knowe howe much[?]
the said Bond hath received in. part of his said voyage
or whether hee hath receaved any. but beleeveth hee
receaved some at Cyrpus, And otherwise saving
as aforesaid cannot Answer :/.