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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 09/08/14 by Jill Wilcox;
|Status=First cut transcription completed on 09/08/14 by Jill Wilcox; edited on 09/08/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox

Revision as of 15:46, August 9, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.445v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the interrogatories in the fourth place [center heading]

To the first hee saith that if hee were judge in the rest
for [?thereXXXX] aforesaid should [?condemma] the said goods taken in [?theXXX GUTTER]
Mary for prize; unlesse better evidence to the contrary did [?appear GUTTER]
than hee hath goe over [?bene] or heard of, and saith hee hath [?hXXX gutter]
not only Admirall Stokes bue severall other, after that is
should be a wonder to their if the time were not condemmed

To the second hee saith that such papers of the mary is [?XXX GUTTER]
to this deponents hand hee delivered without div XXXX to [XXX GUTTER]
said Admirall Stokes, and for the said particular
papers hee referreth himself to his fore going deposition, [denying XXX GUTTER]
hee now hath any of them, or knoweth where any of them and.

To the third he saith that such place as was taken in the [?XXX GUTTER]
shipp the saint mary this deponent suffered the said Moller and
van lynen to take [?inventries] of, and did himselfe the like
and that hee can and is ready to produce his said note or
Inventary from aboard the ffairfax where the time is now
[?ravoi] mans and as he the true schedules annexed hee saith him
[?under Innedeth] nor the language or [?XXXtuth] of them, but is well
assured that they are not they have which they then tooke as
as fore said which was second XX this deponents pressure. and otherwise cannot [XXX GUTTER]
saving as aforesaid.

To the fourth hee saith that there was an inventary taken of [XX GUTTER]
said money and plate by Commission from this Court, [?accXX GUTTER]
whereof mentioning the quantitis and weight of each parcell
hee saith hee can produce from aboard the ffairfax. and
otherwise answereth not.

To the 5th hee saith the said Moller and van linen was [GUTTER]
examined at Tolon upon oath by Admirall Stokes which is [GUTTER]
oath the examined were taken in writing without oath [XXX GUTTER]
[?sune] heard prepared for three topics in their examinment [?GUTTER]
but where [?thyle] papers are hee knows not, and as [toby XXXGUTTER]
and otherwise cannot answer.

to the 6th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoring deposition and cannot
further answer

To the 7th hee saith hee denieth that there was any such man [XX GUTTER]
was named Rilsun who was either purser or other officer [to XXXGUTTER]
said Admirall Stokes or did any busines for him, and as to [?XX GUTTER]
said schedules hee referreth him selfe to his foregoing deposition and
cannot further answer.

To the interrogatories in the fifth place.

To the first hee saith hee supposseth that the pursers taken
the saint mary which camme to Admirall Stokes his hand were [?XXXX GUTTER]
him or his order, but saith they were not charged by this deponent
that might [?sguifis] that the said goods belonged to spaniards, [XXXX GUTTER]
as they of the shipp had cast them over board before
according to their owne confession [afor insucened], and otherwise hee
referreth him selfe to his foregoing deposition, and [?shant] the [XXGUTTER]
cannot answer.