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Interrate read or delivered to the said winter./:
Interrate read or delivered to the said winter./:
Reported before '''Dr. Eston'''/. [LEFT HEADING]
Reported before Doctor Exton/. [LEFT HEADING]
'''Jeffrey Pearse''' [RIGHT HEADING]
'''Jeffrey Pearse''' [RIGHT HEADING]

Revision as of 14:15, October 26, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.551v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And a short space after this deponent received another order from
the said Admirall Stokes to send some goods out of the Guiney
(which were before brought out of the ffairfax onboard
the Guiney, and were Commonly said to be taken out of the
2 Prizes in question or one of them by the said winter.
And accordingly this deponent did send on shore to the said
Admirall some bales of goods (but how many bales hee rembers not) and two small bags of Copper
And saith that there were noe
pape[?] whatsoever taken from the said winter nor any
money or goods (besides what is before mentioned) that
this deponent Knoweth of And saith this deponent tooke noe money
plate or goods whatsoever out of either of the prizes.
in Question and further cannot Answer/:

To the 6th hee saith he never sawe the Dutch Consull

To the 7th hee saith that hee doth not remember how
long the said winter was under restraint before hee
made his escape and otherwise negatively/.

To the 8th hee saith hee never sawe the Instruccons
Interrate read or delivered to the said winter./:

Reported before Doctor Exton/. [LEFT HEADING]

Jeffrey Pearse [RIGHT HEADING]

quoad the Hopewell praeduit.

pd 9ne. [LEFT HEADING]

28: August 1660./:
James Jinkins junior de ffairchurch[?] streete London
Milliner atatib[?] 26 aumored out de ciruifer [XXX GUTTER]
et Examinatue dirit et depoint put Sequitur./.

Ad ju Azlum dirtae Allonie in har rania datae, dirit et de
that hee well Knoweth the arlate John Jefferyes James[?Jenkins GUTTER]
Thomas Colceonate[?] Thomas Burton and Richard [XXX GUTTER]
who hee saith are all subjects of this Kingdome of England and they were the true and lawfull owners of the
Arlate ship the Hopewell in the moneths of November and
December 1657. and soe they continued and were [XXX GUTTER]
her seizre hereafter mentioned. And for sure Commonly [XXX GUTTER]
which hee deposeth for that hee this deponent was then Servant to the
said James Jenkins one of the said owners and thereby
came to knowe the same of alr nescit./.

And 2d and 3rd et qud dirit that the forenamed Owner of the said ship
Did here in the River of Thames put a cargoe of goods
amounting to a great value on board the said Ship to be carried in her upon [XXX GUTTER]
joint Accounts to the Coast of XX Africa and thereto be [?XXX GUTTER]
and barterred away for Comodityes of that Country and
the same to be Carried to Virginia upon the said Owners