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'''Albert Tompson''' of Delft haven mariner, aged 23 yeeres (Master of the ''Pilgrim'')
'''Albert Tompson''' of Delft haven mariner, aged 23 yeeres (Master of the ''Pilgrim'')
'''Nathaniell Townsend'''
'''Nathaniell Townsend'''
'''William Trevill''' (merchant)

Revision as of 04:18, May 14, 2013

HCA 13/72 People

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Created 11/05/13, by CSG


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Aeggon Alders
Allen (on the Gilbert)
Manoel Alverez ("of the New Market neere Covent Garden Steward of the Portugal Ambassadour, aged 36 yeares or thereabouts"; "a Portugese by byrth and liveth at present with the Portugall Embassador in New Markett neere Covent Garden")
Edward Ascough ("a woollen draper dwelling in Towerstreete London"; part-owner with Robert Kilmer, Edward Nicholas and Richard Beswick of the Anna and Mary)
Edward Ayscough
Captaine John Aylet ("of London Mariner, aged 30 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)


Mr Baldero
Harry Baldero
Henry Baldero
Abraham Barnabye (deponent in HCA 13/72)
Thomas Barrett (on the Gilbert)
Thomas Burton ("of Passage nigh Waterford in Ireland Merchant, aged about 54 yeares"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Leonard Bates ("of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill London Scrivener, aged 34 yeares"; shop in Cornehill)
William Becks (Cook(e) on the Gilbert)
Marke Bennett ("of Greenwich in the County of Kent Mariner, aged about 25 yeares", mariner on the Gilbert)
John Berry (a pilot "a Pylott, to conduct and carry the sayd shipp from king roade to hung roade")
Philipp Bequin ("the ffactor and Agent of the said Anthonio Mara de Conte")
Richard Beswick ("of hull mariner, aged 27 yeares", master of the Anna and Mary, part-owner with Edward Ascough, Robert Kilmer and Edward Nicolas of the Anna and Mary)
David Bonnell
Andrew Bowman (deponent in HCA 13/72)
Charles Bradick Master of the Maidstone frigot aged 53 yeeres
Charles Bradicke
Mr. Broadrick (a part-owner of the Gilbert)
Edward Brigges (signature of deponent in HCA 13/72)
Edward Briggs ("of Shoreham in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts Master of the said Barke the Willing Minde"; Master of the Willing Minde in July 1652 on voyage to Ireland)
John Bryson ("of the parish of Saint Katherines Coleman in ffanchurch streete London Merchant aged 24 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
James Buckland (mariner on the XXXX from Barbary to Barbados, who deserted ship at Barbados)
Thomas Burton
Mr. Budd (a proctor in the High Court of Admiralty)


Henry Carter ("servant and Apprentice to Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill London Wine Cooper aged 20 yeares")
Cavallier (on the Gilbert)
Chipson (on the Gilbert)
ffrederick Claeson ("of Amsterdam mariner, boatswaine of the said shipp the Morning starr aged 30 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Henry Classaw (master of the Nightingale)
Benjámin Clarke (Purser of the Bridgewater ffrigott in the service of the Commonwealth, till death in February 1656/57; buried at sea off coast of Portugal)
Thomas Clarke ("commonly reputed a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, and was resident at lalagona about three miles from Santa Cruse")
John Clerke (at Dort)
John Cobb ("of Rederiffe in the County of Surry Mate in the shipp the Gilbert")
Thomas Cockerill (mariner on the XXXX from Barbary to Barbados, who deserted ship at Barbados)
Monsieur du Colbrant
Adrian Jorison Coninck
Thomas Cowell (seized Tobacco belonging to Spaniards)
Mr Cowell (= Thomas Cowell)
Edmund Cowse
James Cowse
Cox ("this yong man Cox")
Henry Crew
Captain Croford (master of the Gilbert)
William Croford (master of the Gilbert)
Ralph Curtis (mariner on the XXXX from Barbary to Barbados, who deserted ship at Barbados)


Antonio Maria da Conte ("of Genoa"; was and is a Genoese merchant, and hath lived as a Merchant stranger at Lisborne aforesaid for or by the space of five or six yeares last past")
John da Carvallio (factor of Gonsalo da Gamboa. a Portuguese)
Anthonio Maria da Coule ("Italian Merchant resident at Lisborne")
Antonio da ffonseca ffranca
Gonsalo da Gamboa
Gonsalo da Gamboa dyalo ("dyed in the Island of Cape de Verd some yeares since"; prior to going to live at the Cape da Verde Islands lived in Lisbone in same house as Barbara da Gamboa and Mathew da Gamboa))
Barbara da Gamboa (living at Lisbone)
Mathew da Gamboa (living at Lisbone)
Martin da Lizonda ("Captaine of a merchant man")
Antonio Martinis da Mesa ("of Sevile Merchant aged thirtie two yeares")
Anthonio Moria dy Coute
Anthinio Maria de Conte
Diego de la Baton
Antonio de ffonseca ffranca
Marquis de feda ("Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders and Governour of dunkirke")
Nicholas de Ferrari ("of London Merchant aged 56. yeares")
Phillip de Moira (factor or Agent at Bahia, Brazil, of Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo: a Portuguese)
Phillipp de Moyra
Gonzalo de Gambea dyalo
Gonsalo Gamboa dialo (commonly accompted the true and lawfull owner of the Nostra Seniora da Rosario alias the Lady Mary)
Gregorio Diaz ("of Lisbone Merchant"; "was and is a Portugueze, and a Subiect of the king of Portugall")
ffrancisco dirckson ("of hamborough")


Mr Ebbot ("who married the said Butcher his widow")
Daniel Edwards ("of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)


Thomas ffelton (servant of the scrivener Leonard Bates, who had a shop in Cornehill)
Peter fferrari ("is alsoe an Italian borne, and is onely resident in ffrance as a Merchant stranger")
Mr ffitz Garrard
William ffisher (a freighter on the XXXX)
Richard ffitz Gerald ("of Waterford Merchant")
Antonio da ffonseca ffranca (merchant sailing from Cartagena to Spain)
John ffrancisco ("a Mulatto named John ffrancisco (who alsoe came in the Successe)")
John Frannsen (deponent in HCA 13/72)
John ffreeman ("John ffreeman and Company")
Mr ffreeman
Christofer ffreer (Master of the ffrancis)


Robert Gale ("of London Merchant aged 46 yeeres": deponent in HCA 13/72)
Captaine Garrett (a dutch passenger in the XXXX)
William Gillam ("of Brighthamson", owner of a 1/8th part of the Willing Minde)
Gillett (on the Gilbert)
John Godolphin ("The right worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiraltie")
Thomas Gray ("of Wapping Boat=swaine of the shipp the Golden ffleece)
Thomas Greene
William Greene
Jacob Gregory ("of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill London Salter, aged 45 yeares")
William Gregory (Son of Jacob Gregory; living at Barbados)


Thomas Hanson (of Christiansand in Norway, " Mariner, Stiersman" of the Little Lyon now of London aged 24 yeares)
Robert Hartley ("of Bright Hamson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 31 yeares")
Richard Hauson (Master of the Peter of howsum)
Paul Heyn of Christiansand in Norway Mariner Master of the shipp called the Little Lyon now of London, aged 43 yeares"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Robert Hide (signature of deponent in HCA 13/72)
John Humphreys ("of Bright Hampson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 27"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
John Howell (Merchant)
John Humphrey (John Humphrey and company were owners of the Willing Minde: they were "all of Bright Hamson" in Sussex; Master of the Willing Minde for a year toa year and a half, before handing over to Edward Briggs; deponent in HCA 13/72)
William Humphrey (owner of a 1/8th part of the Willing Minde)
Richard Hussy ("of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney Mariner late Master of the Saint Lucar Marchant aged sixty yeares")
Robert Hyde ("of Rederith in the County of Surry Marriner aged 23 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)



Thomas Janson ("of housum in the Dukedom of holstein, aged about 46 yeares"; "Stierseman in all the three last voyages" of the Peter of howsum; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Marmaduke Jenkins (mariner on the XXXX from Barbary to Barbados, who deserted ship at Barbados)
Mathew Jennings (mariner on the Gilbert)
Nicholas Johnson (Master of the Nicholas)
Thomas Johnson ("of Rotterdam Mariner, aged 40 yeeres": boatswaine of the Prinse when anchored neere the chaine against Saint Catherines in the River Thames)


Robert Kilmer (part-owner of the Anna and Mary with Edward Ascough, Edward Nicholas and Richard Beswick; woolen-draper, living in Tower streete, as was Edward Nicholas and Edward Ascough, who were also woollen.drapers)
King of Portugall
King of Spaine


Mr lemman
Mr Lemmans wife
Lemmons wife ("her house over the water over against Saint Catherines")
Edward Lewes
Luke Lilly ("now of the parish of Saint Austin by Pauls London gentleman late Passenger in the shipp the Gilbert from the Barbados"; "he hath bin a Planter in New England nigh 20.ty yeares and hath made noe more or other voyages than from London to New England and thence to the Barbadoes and soe back againe for London ˹England˺")
The Lord Protector
James Lordelll ("James Lordell and Company")
Nicholas Lorson ("of Timsborough in Norway Marchant aged 31 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)


George Margetts ("George Margetts and Company")
Fernando Martin ("a native of Saint Lucars and Subiect of the kinge of Spaine")
William Martyn (translator for Spanish speaking deponents in the High Court of Admiralty in London)
William Martyns (= William Martyn)
Baldwin Mathewes ("of Middleborowe Merchant aged 37 yeares"; factor of and for William Vanbrugh in Middleborwe; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Peter Mayse ("shipwright of delft haven")
Captaine Mings (Comander of the Marston Moore, a frigot in the immediate service of the Commonwealth)
Nicholas Miniott (french man)
George Moone ("served as a mariner in the shipp the ffrancis")
John Moore ("of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Mariner, aged 32 yeares")


John Newland
Edward Nicholas part-owner of the Anna and Mary with Edward Ascough, Robert Kilmer and Richard Beswick)
Norbrooke (captain of the XXXX)


Thomas Oake ("of Rie in Sussex Mariner aged 30 yeeres"; mariner on the Willing Minde in July 1652 on voyage for Ireland; deponent in HCA 13/72)


Mathew Paine ("of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, late master of the shipp the Martin ffrigot of Waterford, aged 29 yeeres")
Math: Payne (signature of deponent)
Francis Pardini ("of London Merchant")
William Peacocke (part-owner and proprietor of the Charity of London)
John Peterson ("of Amsterdám Marriner Stiersman of the shipp the Morning starr, aged 27 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Edward Phillips ("of debtford Sailer, one of the Company of the Maidstone frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth, aged 24 yeeres"; deponent in HCA 13/72)
John Popa
ffrancis Prince (part-owner and proprietor of the Charity of London)
George Prince ("of London Merchant Mariner, aged 30 yeeres"; "Master, and Comander of the shipp the Charity of London of the burthen of 240 Tunne or thereabouts"; part-owner and proprietor of the Charity of London; deponent in HCA 13/72)
Charles Pullen ("of East Cowes in the Ile of Wight Marriner, aged 34 yeeres")



Augustin Rasett (("a Genoese")
James Reade
William Ricks ("of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney aged about 40ty yeeres", mariner on the Gilbert)
ffrancis Rois ("was master of the shipp the Abrahams offereing")
Anthony Rowles ("of London Pewterer, part-owner of the Little Lyon with Caleb Veren, Robert walker, and XXX)


Saddleton ("one Saddleton a pyrate in a small man of warr, who put this deponent ashore at Saint Maws, and carried his said vessell (the Willing Minde) away into ffrance")
Hugh Salisbury ("Hugh Salisbury and Company late Owners of the Shipp the Christopher of Portsmouth")
ffrancis Sanstevan (commander of an enemie man of warr "belonging to ffonteravia")
Beniamin Say ("Marchant living at the Barbadas "; "correspondent in traffique of the producents Edmund and James Cowse")
Lewis Scarletti ("an Italian Merchant resident at Lisbone"; "of fflorence in Tuscany")
Egbert Scutt (Egbet Scutt and company commonly accompted owners of the Morning Starr of Amsterdam)
Captaine Seaman ("Captaine of the said Golden ffleece")
Thomas Sherwill
Nicholas Skidmore ("a pilott who by the order of the sayd Croford did pilott her to Kingroade arlate")
Smith (a proctor in the High Court of Admiralty in London)
Ambrose Smith (Merchant)
Peter Smith ("of BrightHampton in the County of Sussex Sailor, aged 23 yeeres")
William Smith (Masters Mate)
William Spenser ("a Pylott"; "hired and ordered by the arlate William Croford to conduct and carry the sayd shipp to Pennarth" from Aberdee, Wales)
William Spencer (= William Spenser, pilot)
Mr Standhopp ("the Mariners Sollicitor", solictor for the mariners of the Gilbert in the HCA)
Herbert Staires (mariner on the XXXX from Barbary to Barbados, who deserted ship at Barbados)
Robert Stiles (part-owner and proprietor of the Charity of London)
John Stricke (french man)
Suckley (a proctor in the High Court of Admiralty in London)
Stricks father ("living at Bulloigne")
Richard Symonds ("of London Marchant, aged 23 yeeres")


Albert Tompson of Delft haven mariner, aged 23 yeeres (Master of the Pilgrim)
Nathaniell Townsend
William Trevill (merchant)




William Vanbrugh
William Vanbrughs (owner and proprietor of one fatt of black and browne thredd")
William Venus ("of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen[e GUTTER] Bermondsey in the County of Surry Ship wright, aged about 42 yeares"; went four voyages on the Six Brothers as Carpenter of her)
W:m WV Venus (marke of deponent in HCA 13/72)
Caleb Veren ("of the parish of Saint Saviours in Southwarke Merchant"; part-owner of the Little Lyon of London. SEE HCA 13/72 f.91v Annotate)


Robert Walker (Merchant of the parish of Saint Saviours, Southwarke, Surrey; probable partner with Caleb Veren in importing timber from Norway to London; part-owner of the Little Lyon of London with Caleb Veren and others; SEE HCA 13/72 f.91v Annotate)
John Watson ("of the parish of Saint Mary Woolchurch citizen and Merchant tailor of London, aged 34 yeeres"; had his "shopp in Popes head-alley")
George Wheeler (Master of the Nostra Seniora da Rosario alias the Lady Mary)
Claus Willems (master of the Morning Starr)
Claus Williamss (master of the Morning Starr)
Thomas Wilmer (servant of the scrivener Leonard Bates, who had a shop in Cornehill)
Samuell Wilson ("the yonger"; a part-owner and proprietor of the Saint Lucar Merchant)
John Wood ("a Shipps-master of fflushing")
Batholomew Woolvin ("of Shoreham" (Sussex) owner of a 1/8th part of the Willing Minde)