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That hee this deponent lately received a letter of advice from
That hee this deponent lately received a letter of advice from
William Blacket of Newcastle Merchant (this deponents correspondent
William Blacket of Newcastle Merchant (this deponents correspondent
dated at Newacstle the tenth of this present, signifying
dated at Newacastle the tenth of this present, signifying
that Mr henry Ladd of Amsterdam Merchant had in
that Mr henry Ladd of Amsterdam Merchant had in
Amsterdam bought a certain shipp a vessell formerly called the ''Saint Paul''
Amsterdam bought a certain shipp a vessell formerly called the ''Saint Paul''

Revision as of 12:02, May 13, 2014

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The 19th of Aprill 1656.

Intimation touching the}
[Invention] of Newcastle}

Edward Bolle of London Merchant, aged 50 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin
Doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court
of the Admiraltie, saith and deposeth.


That hee this deponent lately received a letter of advice from
William Blacket of Newcastle Merchant (this deponents correspondent
dated at Newacastle the tenth of this present, signifying
that Mr henry Ladd of Amsterdam Merchant had in
Amsterdam bought a certain shipp a vessell formerly called the Saint Paul
of hamborough, for the
account and to the use of him the said William Lad and company (whereof this deponent is one) English
merchants. And that, they being nowe owners of her had
named her, the Invention of Newcastle, and had put Mathew
henderson to goe master of her, and willed this deponent to
make entrie thereof in this Court; and for the further confirmation
of such their propriette hee inclosed sent (sic) this deposition
an Attestation made by the said Ladd and passed at Amsterdam before John Crosse Notary,
this 17th of Aprill 1656 new stile, declaring the said buying
and selling of the said shipp as aforesaid, which hee nowe showeth
for the informaton of this Court./



The 21th of Aprill 1656./

Cooke and Jameson Johnston against the Tankervaile}
and Batson: Clements: Smith}

Examined upon the libell./

Rp. 3.

William Jeffery of Wapping in the parish of Stobenheath
alias Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner Masters Cheife
Mate of the shipp Tankervaile aged 31 yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first and second articles of the sayd libell hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the shipp Tankervile (lately as this deponent hath heard named the Discovery)
and well knew her by the name of the Tankervile during all the voyage in question
And saith that in and during the tyme arlate the arlate Robert Cooke was of this deponents
sight and knowledge Master and Governour of the sayd shipp and soe commonly accompted
and was (as hee hath heard) Master of her for severall voyages before the
voyage in question, and was (as this deponent beleeveth) constituted Master of her
for the voyage in question by the arlate Richard Batson who was during all
the tyme arlate and is commonly reputed to bee lawfull Owner of the one halfe parte of the sayd shipp,
and this deponent beleeveth him soe to have bin during all the tyme arlate and farr longer
and for still to bee, And hee further saith that within the moneths and tyme arlate
the sayd Robert Cooke did by order of the sayd Batson goe with the sayd shipp the
voyage in question, which was from the Port of London to Gottenberge in Norway,
and for the better performance of the sayd voyage hyred the arlate James Cooke
at the rate of fifty five shillings per moneth to be one
of his Mates, and the arlate Maynard Jameson at the rate of forty fowre shillings
per moneth to bee boatswaine of her for the voyage in question, this hee the better knoweth

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner