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|Transcription image=P1130927
|Transcription image=P1130927
|Transcription=1. To the 8th hee saith hee was ˹not˺ present when the Pipe of wine arlate was staved but
|Transcription=To the 8th hee saith hee was ˹not˺ present when the Pipe of wine arlate was staved but
2. heard the arlate Sydney Blake soone after the same was soe staved confesse and
heard the arlate Sydney Blake soone after the same was soe staved confesse and
3. acknowledge to this deponent at Loratava that a Pipe of wine belonging to the arlate
acknowledge to this deponent at Loratava that a Pipe of wine belonging to the arlate
4. John Page after it was slung in the tackle of the sayd shipp Industrie was staved
John Page after it was slung in the tackle of the sayd shipp Industrie was staved
5. and some parte of the head of it beaten cleane out and this deponent alsoe heard
and some parte of the head of it beaten cleane out and this deponent alsoe heard
6. divers of the boatmen who carried the same to the sayd shipps side affirme the
divers of the boatmen who carried the same to the sayd shipps side affirme the
7. like which Pipe of wine hee saith at the tyme it was so staved was XXXXX
like which Pipe of wine hee saith at the tyme it was so staved was XXXXX
8. worth about sixteene pounds sterling and upwards and soe much at least this
worth about sixteene pounds sterling and upwards and soe much at least this
9. deponent well knoweth it cost the sayd Gowen Painter the sayd Pages factor, at
deponent well knoweth it cost the sayd Gowen Painter the sayd Pages factor, at
10. Loratava before the shipping thereof. And further hee cannot depose./
Loratava before the shipping thereof. And further hee cannot depose./
11. To the 9th hee saith that after the sayd Blake had taken in what goods hee
12. would at Loratava hee stayed and ˹was˺ dispatched by the sayd Gowen Painter and
To the 9th hee saith that after the sayd Blake had taken in what goods hee
13. the rest of his laders hee the sayd Blake stayed sayling off and on in and about
would at Loratava hee stayed and ˹was˺ dispatched by the sayd Gowen Painter and
14. the Roade of Loratava two or trhee dayes ˹longer than hee needed˺ for the Company of some shipping which
the rest of his laders hee the sayd Blake stayed sayling off and on in and about
15. were then in Loratava and had not receaved their full dispatches, the winde beingall that tyme fayre for England, And further to this article hee this hee deposeth
the Roade of Loratava two or trhee dayes ˹longer than hee needed˺ for the Company of some shipping which
16. of his owne sight and knowledge And further hee cannot depose/
1were then in Loratava and had not receaved their full dispatches, the winde beingall that tyme fayre for England, And further to this article hee this hee deposeth
17. To the 10th hee saith that during the tyme that the shipp Industrie remayned
of his owne sight and knowledge And further hee cannot depose/
18. at the Canaries hee there was by the ffactors of the sayd Page videlicet the sayd Gowen
19. Painter and Christopher Alcorado laden and caused to be laden aboard the sayd
To the 10th hee saith that during the tyme that the shipp Industrie remayned
20. shipp for Accompt of the sayd Page one hundred thirty sixe pipes of wine
at the Canaries hee there was by the ffactors of the sayd Page videlicet the sayd Gowen
21. all full and well conditioned, besides the pipe of wine predeposed of which was
Painter and Christopher Alcorado laden and caused to be laden aboard the sayd
22. staved as a foresayd this hee knoweth for that hee was imployed by the sayd
shipp for Accompt of the sayd Page one hundred thirty sixe pipes of wine
23. Gowen Painter as his servant to see nyntie eight of the sayd pipes put on board the
all full and well conditioned, besides the pipe of wine predeposed of which was
24. sayd shipp and by that meanes alsoe knoweth that the sayd Alverado laded the rest of
staved as a foresayd this hee knoweth for that hee was imployed by the sayd
25. the sayd 136 pipes being 38 And further to this article hee cannot depose/
Gowen Painter as his servant to see nyntie eight of the sayd pipes put on board the
26. To the 12th hee saith that hee well knoweth that the arlate Sydney Blake had
sayd shipp and by that meanes alsoe knoweth that the sayd Alverado laded the rest of
27. receaved of the arlate Alverada for Accompte of the sayd Page the thirty eight
the sayd 136 pipes being 38 And further to this article hee cannot depose/
28. pipes of wine predeposed of, before such tyme as the sayd Alverada XXXX GUTTER
29. unto him the twelve pipes of wine aforesayd for Accompt of the sayd and
To the 12th hee saith that hee well knoweth that the arlate Sydney Blake had
30. therefore could not but XXX well knowe that the sayd Alverada was the XXX GUTTER
receaved of the arlate Alverada for Accompte of the sayd Page the thirty eight
31. Pages correspondent and factor And further hee cannot depose/
pipes of wine predeposed of, before such tyme as the sayd Alverada XXXX GUTTER
32. To the 13th hee saith hee hath seene bills of ladeing signed by the sayd Blake
unto him the twelve pipes of wine aforesayd for Accompt of the sayd and
33. the voyage in question for fifty pipes of wine consigned to the arlate RoXXX GUTTER
therefore could not but XXX well knowe that the sayd Alverada was the XXX GUTTER
34. Ingram ˹and laden aboard the sayd shipp the sayd voyage˺ and the like bills for forty fower or forty two pipes of wine consigned
Pages correspondent and factor And further hee cannot depose/
35. to the arlate Thomas Pilgrim all which wine XX soe laden for Accompt of the sayd Ingram
36. and Pilgrim were soe laden in the tonnage of the arlate John Page And further
To the 13th hee saith hee hath seene bills of ladeing signed by the sayd Blake
37. to this article hee cannot depose./
the voyage in question for fifty pipes of wine consigned to the arlate RoXXX GUTTER
38. To the 15th article hee saith hee was present saith saving his foregoeing
Ingram ˹and laden aboard the sayd shipp the sayd voyage˺ and the like bills for forty fower or forty two pipes of wine consigned
39. deposition to the 7th article of the allegation to which hee referreth hee cannot
to the arlate Thomas Pilgrim all which wine XX soe laden for Accompt of the sayd Ingram
40. depose saving that hee hath ssene a protest in writeing made before a Notary
and Pilgrim were soe laden in the tonnage of the arlate John Page And further
41. by the arlate Alvarada against the sayd Blake for refuseingg to receave the
to this article hee cannot depose./
42. twelve pipes of wine predeposed of And further hee cannot depose the
43. sayd arlate not being annexed to the allegation and soe not shewed unto him at this
To the 15th article hee saith hee was present saith saving his foregoeing
44. his examination./
deposition to the 7th article of the allegation to which hee referreth hee cannot
45. To the last hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Blake beside the wines
depose saving that hee hath ssene a protest in writeing made before a Notary
46. laden for the sayd Pilgrim and Ingram did take aboard the sayd shipp Industrie
by the arlate Alvarada against the sayd Blake for refuseingg to receave the
47. XXXX pip in the tonnage of the sayd John Page some pipes of wine and without
twelve pipes of wine predeposed of And further hee cannot depose the
48. consent of the sayd Pages ffactors some pipes of wine but the number or XXX GUTTER
sayd arlate not being annexed to the allegation and soe not shewed unto him at this
49. whose Accompt laden hee knoweth not. And further hee cannot depose./
his examination./
51. To the Interrogatories CENTRE HEADING
To the last hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Blake beside the wines
52. To the i hee saith hee well knoweth that the Interrogate Gowen Painter XX GUTTER
laden for the sayd Pilgrim and Ingram did take aboard the sayd shipp Industrie
53. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">factor GUTTER</margin>
XXXX pip in the tonnage of the sayd John Page some pipes of wine and without
consent of the sayd Pages ffactors some pipes of wine but the number or XXX GUTTER
whose Accompt laden hee knoweth not. And further hee cannot depose./
To the Interrogatories &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;
To the i hee saith hee well knoweth that the Interrogate Gowen Painter XX GUTTER
&#91;factor GUTTER&#93;
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 07:55, May 4, 2014

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To the 8th hee saith hee was ˹not˺ present when the Pipe of wine arlate was staved but
heard the arlate Sydney Blake soone after the same was soe staved confesse and
acknowledge to this deponent at Loratava that a Pipe of wine belonging to the arlate
John Page after it was slung in the tackle of the sayd shipp Industrie was staved
and some parte of the head of it beaten cleane out and this deponent alsoe heard
divers of the boatmen who carried the same to the sayd shipps side affirme the
like which Pipe of wine hee saith at the tyme it was so staved was XXXXX
worth about sixteene pounds sterling and upwards and soe much at least this
deponent well knoweth it cost the sayd Gowen Painter the sayd Pages factor, at
Loratava before the shipping thereof. And further hee cannot depose./

To the 9th hee saith that after the sayd Blake had taken in what goods hee
would at Loratava hee stayed and ˹was˺ dispatched by the sayd Gowen Painter and
the rest of his laders hee the sayd Blake stayed sayling off and on in and about
the Roade of Loratava two or trhee dayes ˹longer than hee needed˺ for the Company of some shipping which
1were then in Loratava and had not receaved their full dispatches, the winde beingall that tyme fayre for England, And further to this article hee this hee deposeth
of his owne sight and knowledge And further hee cannot depose/

To the 10th hee saith that during the tyme that the shipp Industrie remayned
at the Canaries hee there was by the ffactors of the sayd Page videlicet the sayd Gowen
Painter and Christopher Alcorado laden and caused to be laden aboard the sayd
shipp for Accompt of the sayd Page one hundred thirty sixe pipes of wine
all full and well conditioned, besides the pipe of wine predeposed of which was
staved as a foresayd this hee knoweth for that hee was imployed by the sayd
Gowen Painter as his servant to see nyntie eight of the sayd pipes put on board the
sayd shipp and by that meanes alsoe knoweth that the sayd Alverado laded the rest of
the sayd 136 pipes being 38 And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 12th hee saith that hee well knoweth that the arlate Sydney Blake had
receaved of the arlate Alverada for Accompte of the sayd Page the thirty eight
pipes of wine predeposed of, before such tyme as the sayd Alverada XXXX GUTTER
unto him the twelve pipes of wine aforesayd for Accompt of the sayd and
therefore could not but XXX well knowe that the sayd Alverada was the XXX GUTTER
Pages correspondent and factor And further hee cannot depose/

To the 13th hee saith hee hath seene bills of ladeing signed by the sayd Blake
the voyage in question for fifty pipes of wine consigned to the arlate RoXXX GUTTER
Ingram ˹and laden aboard the sayd shipp the sayd voyage˺ and the like bills for forty fower or forty two pipes of wine consigned
to the arlate Thomas Pilgrim all which wine XX soe laden for Accompt of the sayd Ingram
and Pilgrim were soe laden in the tonnage of the arlate John Page And further
to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 15th article hee saith hee was present saith saving his foregoeing
deposition to the 7th article of the allegation to which hee referreth hee cannot
depose saving that hee hath ssene a protest in writeing made before a Notary
by the arlate Alvarada against the sayd Blake for refuseingg to receave the
twelve pipes of wine predeposed of And further hee cannot depose the
sayd arlate not being annexed to the allegation and soe not shewed unto him at this
his examination./

To the last hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Blake beside the wines
laden for the sayd Pilgrim and Ingram did take aboard the sayd shipp Industrie
XXXX pip in the tonnage of the sayd John Page some pipes of wine and without
consent of the sayd Pages ffactors some pipes of wine but the number or XXX GUTTER
whose Accompt laden hee knoweth not. And further hee cannot depose./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the i hee saith hee well knoweth that the Interrogate Gowen Painter XX GUTTER
[factor GUTTER]

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