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|Transcription image=P1130991
|Transcription image=P1130991
|Transcription=The same day:
1. The same day:
2. Examined upon the foresaid libell:
Examined upon the foresaid libell:
3. '''Josias Harrison''' servant to John Cooke, of the parish
4. of Saint Michaells Crooked Lane London ffishmonger, aged
'''Josias Harrison''' servant to John Cooke, of the parish
5. 26 yeers or thereabouts Sworne ˹and˺ Examined:/
of Saint Michaells Crooked Lane London ffishmonger, aged
6. To the second, 3, 4, 5, and 6th articles of the said libell and to the fifth
26 yeers or thereabouts Sworne and Examined:/
7. schedule thereout annexed, nowe showed unto him, hee saith and
8. deposeth that in or about the moneth of Aprill 1653 and whilst
To the second, 3, 4, 5, and 6th articles of the said libell and to the fifth
9. John Case arlate was Master of the shipp the Stamboline arlate
schedule thereout annexed, nowe showed unto him, hee saith and
10. there were delivered on and from the shopp of the said John Cooke
deposeth that in or about the moneth of Aprill 1653 and whilst
11. (situate in Thamestreete) on the instance and upon the bespeaking of
John Case arlate was Master of the shipp the ''Stamboline'' arlate
12. the said Chase, to and for the use and victualling of the said shipp
there were delivered on and from the shopp of the said John Cooke
13. (there outwards bound) all and singular the ffish and goods arlate
(situate in Thamestreete) on the instance and upon the bespeaking of
14. mentioned in the said schedule, whereof the said John Cooke was
the said Chase, to and for the use and victualling of the said shipp
15. to the time of the said delivery, owner, and and saith the said fish and
(there outwards bound) all and singular the ffish and goods arlate
16. goods were there respectively worth the respective summes schedulated
mentioned in the said schedule, whereof the said John Cooke was
17. amounting in all to --15l--13s--4d ˹or thereabouts˺ and soe much they were then worth
to the time of the said delivery, owner, and and saith the said fish and
18. on the common market prise. All which hee knoweth because
goods were there respectively worth the respective summes schedulated
19. hee this deponent as servant of the said Cooke delivered the
amounting in all to --15l--13s--4d or thereabouts and soe much they were then worth
20. said fish and goods, and having soe delivered them entred them in
on the common market prise. All which hee knoweth because
21. the said masters shopp booke, as hee lately perused, and
hee this deponent as servant of the said Cooke delivered the
22. findeth it to agree in particulars and prises with the said schedule
said fish and goods, and having soe delivered them entred them in
23. And otherwise cannot depose, seeing that upon the delivery of
the said masters shopp booke, as hee lately perused, and
24. the said goods aboard the said ship, this deponent had a note
findeth it to agree in particulars and prises with the said schedule
25. brought back of the receipt thereof aboard.
And otherwise cannot depose, seeing that upon the delivery of
26. Repeated before Doctor Godolphin with his:
the said goods aboard the said ship, this deponent had a note
27. precontest./:
brought back of the receipt thereof aboard.
28. Josias Harrison SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin with his:
30. The 19th of November 1656.
31. <margin value="Left">Rasmusson and Southward&#125;
32. Cheeke dt. j.us</margin>
Josias Harrison &#91;SIGNATURE, RH SIDE&#93;
33. Examined upon an allegacon in on the behalf
34. of the said Southward 3th October 1656.
35. '''Roger Morris''' of the parish of Trinity Minories citizen
36. Embroiderer of London, aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts
The 19th of November 1656.
37. sworne and examined.
38. To the first and second articles of the said allegacion (upon which alone hee
Rasmusson and Southward&#125;
39. is by direccon of the producents proctor examined) hee saith and
40. deposeth that within the space of tenn dayes or thereabouts after
Cheeke dt. j.us</margin>
41. the arivall of the shipp the Justice arlate to this port (the time
42. otherwise he doth not now remember) hee this deponent bought
Examined upon an allegacon in on the behalf
43. of the producent John Southward the younger all such deales as the
of the said Southward 3th October 1656.
44. said Southward had in the said shipp brought ................. that voyage
45. to this port from Berghen, after the said Southward .. and this
'''Roger Morris''' of the parish of Trinity Minories citizen
46. deponent had bin aboard to see them; and saith that in persuanse
Embroiderer of London, aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts
47. of the bargains and according upon the order of the said Southward
sworne and examined.
48. given to the master, and to another that undertook to have the
49. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">ordering</margin>
To the first and second articles of the said allegacion (upon which alone hee
is by direccon of the producents proctor examined) hee saith and
deposeth that within the space of tenn dayes or thereabouts after
the arivall of the shipp the Justice arlate to this port (the time
otherwise he doth not now remember) hee this deponent bought
of the producent John Southward the younger all such deales as the
said Southward had in the said shipp brought that voyage
to this port from Berghen, after the said Southward and this
deponent had bin aboard to see them; and saith that in persuanse
of the bargains and upon the order of the said Southward
given to the master, and to another that undertook to have the
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Revision as of 08:21, December 15, 2013

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The same day:

Examined upon the foresaid libell:

Josias Harrison servant to John Cooke, of the parish
of Saint Michaells Crooked Lane London ffishmonger, aged
26 yeers or thereabouts Sworne and Examined:/

To the second, 3, 4, 5, and 6th articles of the said libell and to the fifth
schedule thereout annexed, nowe showed unto him, hee saith and
deposeth that in or about the moneth of Aprill 1653 and whilst
John Case arlate was Master of the shipp the Stamboline arlate
there were delivered on and from the shopp of the said John Cooke
(situate in Thamestreete) on the instance and upon the bespeaking of
the said Chase, to and for the use and victualling of the said shipp
(there outwards bound) all and singular the ffish and goods arlate
mentioned in the said schedule, whereof the said John Cooke was
to the time of the said delivery, owner, and and saith the said fish and
goods were there respectively worth the respective summes schedulated
amounting in all to --15l--13s--4d or thereabouts and soe much they were then worth
on the common market prise. All which hee knoweth because
hee this deponent as servant of the said Cooke delivered the
said fish and goods, and having soe delivered them entred them in
the said masters shopp booke, as hee lately perused, and
findeth it to agree in particulars and prises with the said schedule
And otherwise cannot depose, seeing that upon the delivery of
the said goods aboard the said ship, this deponent had a note
brought back of the receipt thereof aboard.

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin with his:

Josias Harrison [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 19th of November 1656.

Rasmusson and Southward}

Cheeke dt. j.us</margin>

Examined upon an allegacon in on the behalf
of the said Southward 3th October 1656.

Roger Morris of the parish of Trinity Minories citizen
Embroiderer of London, aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegacion (upon which alone hee
is by direccon of the producents proctor examined) hee saith and
deposeth that within the space of tenn dayes or thereabouts after
the arivall of the shipp the Justice arlate to this port (the time
otherwise he doth not now remember) hee this deponent bought
of the producent John Southward the younger all such deales as the
said Southward had in the said shipp brought that voyage
to this port from Berghen, after the said Southward and this
deponent had bin aboard to see them; and saith that in persuanse
of the bargains and upon the order of the said Southward
given to the master, and to another that undertook to have the

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