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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 22/10/12 by David Pashley; Edited by Jill Wilcox 27/5/2013
|First transcriber=David Pashley
|First transcribed=12/10/22
|Editorial history=Created 09/04/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 09/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140055
|Transcription=1. for hee this deponent had on their behalfe lett the sayd shipp (in case
2. it had come safe to Boston) to freight by the moneth a XXXX for severall
3. moneths at the rate of sixty pounds sterling a moneth to Israell iackson
4. and Mathew Harrison Merchants of Boston And fu further cannot depose/
5. To the 9th hee saith that hee this deponent hath two severall tymes to witt
6. once at Scarborough and once at London on the behalfe of the sayd Laue ˹Lawe˺
7. Cooper and company required the sayd William Lee to make them satisfaction
8. for their sayd shipp the Providence and her ladeing which hee hath refused
9. to doe XXXXXXX And further referring him selfe to the Registry of
10. this Court hee cannot depose /
11. To the 10th hee saith the sayd Lee is an English man liveing at Redriff
12. and subiect as hee beleeveth to the authority of this court And further
13. hee cannot depose /
14. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated in Court before both the Judges /
The 10th of January 1656./ &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;
Cuthbert against Turley and Parrott /
Charles Suckley.
Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Cuthbert/
'''( 2.nd'''
'''John Nouin''' of London derry in Ireland Merchant, aged
23 yeares or thereabout a witnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
26. To the first second third fowerth and 5th articles of the sayd allegation
27. hee saith and deposeth that at such tyme as the Shipp the Recovery of London
28. did arrive at Berghen in Norway the voyage in question, (which to the best of
29. his now remembrance ˹was˺ about the latter end of March 1654 English style or
30. beginning of Aprill 1655) the arlate Robert Cutberd did come thither in her
31. as Master and was commonly owned by the Company of the sayd shipp as
32. Master of ˹her ˺and this deponent being severall tymes on board her while
33. shee was there did heare the Company of her frequently call him Master
34. and observe that they did give obedience to his Command as ˹being˺ Master, and
35. this deponent alsoe heard the arlate Francis Turley who came as Merchant
36. of ˹and in˺ the sayd shipp the sayd voyage acknowledge the sayd Cutberd to bee Master
37. of her ˹this hee deposeth for that hee was at Bergen upon his owne Merchandizing affaires) at the arrivall of the sayd shipp there and for several days after˺ And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose
38. hee not being in England nor XXXX when the Contract and agreement was
39. made betwixt the arlate Parratt Turley and Cutberd nor privie thereto /
40. To the 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that hee this deponent
41. being as aforesayd at Berghen about his Merchandizeing affaires at the tyme of
42. the arrivall of the sayd shipp Recovery well knoweth that upon the day of the
43. sayd shipps arrivall the sayd Cutberd and Turley came a shoare at Bergen togeather
44. and came to the house of one Henry Younge a place where Marchants and Masters of
45. shipps are usually entertayned with lodgeing and dyett and other necessaries, and
46. dyned there in Company with this deponent and severall others, and after dinner
47. the sayd sayd Turley Cutberd and this deponent ˹and others˺ continued in Company togeather
48. till toward Evening that day, and then the sayd Turley and Cutberd goeing aboard
the sayd
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 12:31, May 6, 2014

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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1. for hee this deponent had on their behalfe lett the sayd shipp (in case
2. it had come safe to Boston) to freight by the moneth a XXXX for severall
3. moneths at the rate of sixty pounds sterling a moneth to Israell iackson
4. and Mathew Harrison Merchants of Boston And fu further cannot depose/

5. To the 9th hee saith that hee this deponent hath two severall tymes to witt
6. once at Scarborough and once at London on the behalfe of the sayd Laue ˹Lawe˺
7. Cooper and company required the sayd William Lee to make them satisfaction
8. for their sayd shipp the Providence and her ladeing which hee hath refused
9. to doe XXXXXXX And further referring him selfe to the Registry of
10. this Court hee cannot depose /

11. To the 10th hee saith the sayd Lee is an English man liveing at Redriff
12. and subiect as hee beleeveth to the authority of this court And further
13. hee cannot depose /

14. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated in Court before both the Judges /



The 10th of January 1656./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Cuthbert against Turley and Parrott /

Charles Suckley.

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Cuthbert/

( 2.nd

John Nouin of London derry in Ireland Merchant, aged
23 yeares or thereabout a witnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./


26. To the first second third fowerth and 5th articles of the sayd allegation
27. hee saith and deposeth that at such tyme as the Shipp the Recovery of London
28. did arrive at Berghen in Norway the voyage in question, (which to the best of
29. his now remembrance ˹was˺ about the latter end of March 1654 English style or
30. beginning of Aprill 1655) the arlate Robert Cutberd did come thither in her
31. as Master and was commonly owned by the Company of the sayd shipp as
32. Master of ˹her ˺and this deponent being severall tymes on board her while
33. shee was there did heare the Company of her frequently call him Master
34. and observe that they did give obedience to his Command as ˹being˺ Master, and
35. this deponent alsoe heard the arlate Francis Turley who came as Merchant
36. of ˹and in˺ the sayd shipp the sayd voyage acknowledge the sayd Cutberd to bee Master
37. of her ˹this hee deposeth for that hee was at Bergen upon his owne Merchandizing affaires) at the arrivall of the sayd shipp there and for several days after˺ And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose
38. hee not being in England nor XXXX when the Contract and agreement was
39. made betwixt the arlate Parratt Turley and Cutberd nor privie thereto /

40. To the 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that hee this deponent
41. being as aforesayd at Berghen about his Merchandizeing affaires at the tyme of
42. the arrivall of the sayd shipp Recovery well knoweth that upon the day of the
43. sayd shipps arrivall the sayd Cutberd and Turley came a shoare at Bergen togeather
44. and came to the house of one Henry Younge a place where Marchants and Masters of
45. shipps are usually entertayned with lodgeing and dyett and other necessaries, and
46. dyned there in Company with this deponent and severall others, and after dinner
47. the sayd sayd Turley Cutberd and this deponent ˹and others˺ continued in Company togeather
48. till toward Evening that day, and then the sayd Turley and Cutberd goeing aboard
the sayd

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner