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To the third article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent
To the third article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent
oereceyving the obstinacy of the arlate William Cooke
pereceyving the obstinacy of the arlate William Cooke
in his not following this deponents orders in going for
in his not following this deponents orders in going for
Londonderry, did send to London from Dublin for a
Londonderry, did send to London from Dublin for a

Revision as of 19:07, January 8, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.289r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And he further deposeth and saith That the sayd
shipp the Endeavour being about the fourth of August
last at Dublin in Ireland and there discharged of
part of her Lading he this deponent did as factor
for the aforenamed Andrewes and Draper desire
and demannd the sayd Cooke the Master of her to
sett sayle from thence to Londonderry, where a new
Lading of goods was to have bin taken in, and that he
the sayd Cooke absolutely refused to goe, and sayd that
the copy of his Charter party did not mention any such
Port, and that by reason of such the sayd Cooks refusall to
goe for Londonderry the sayd shipp stayed there at
Dublin untill the two and twentith of the said month
of August last, And further he cannot depose.

To the third article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent
pereceyving the obstinacy of the arlate William Cooke
in his not following this deponents orders in going for
Londonderry, did send to London from Dublin for a
true copy of the sayd Charter party, and that he the deponent
did accordingly receive there at Dublin a true copy therof
And further he cannot depose.

To the fourth article he deposeth that by the obstinacy predeposed
of, of the sayd Cooke the arlate shipp stayd at Dublin
three weekes, and that after the expiration of the sayd
three weeks and upon the receipt of the copy of the
sayd Charter party, the sayd Cooke did sett sayle for Londonderry
and that at London derry he the deponent did taste some
of the arlate wynes, and that he did find some of them
to be eager, and that all the sayd wynes remayned unsold
at this deponents departure from London derry, And he saith
that he doubteth not but if the sayd Cooke had sett sayle
from Dublin for London Derry when this deponent desired the
said Cooke soe to doe part (ast least) of the sayd wynes had bin
sold off,And further he cannot depose

To the fifth article he deposeth and saith That the arlate Andrews
and Draper did pay fifty five pounds per month for the
freight of the arlate shipp And further he cannot depose.

To the sixth and seaventh articles he deposeth and saith That
the Endeavour arlate having delivered her wynes at Londonderry
and there taken in Salmon did sett sayle for Bilboe, where
she safely arrived in company with another shipp which alsoe came
from London derry with Salmon too, and that upon their
arrivall at Bilboe they found that there had bin a vessell arrived before
them with salmon, And that of this deponents knowledge
who arrived there in the sayd shipp the Endeavour the
markett was soe spoylt and lost that noe money was offered for
salmon, soe that it could not be sold, but that the same was
left behind, and that the sayd shipp returned empty, whereas