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=Simon Delboe will=
==Simon Delboe will==
'''PROB 11/352 Bence109-158 Will of Simon Delboe, Merchant of London  04 November 1676'''
'''PROB 11/352 Bence109-158 Will of Simon Delboe, Merchant of London  04 November 1676'''
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This two and twentieth day  of Septemb:r Anno Smn 1671 and in the three and twentieth day of the reigne  of our Soveraigne  Lord Charles the Second bx the Grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance, Ireland King defender of the  ffaith &c.  I Simon Delboe of London Merchant being at psent in good health of body and  of a sound and disposing mind and memory (thanks bee therefore given to Almighty God) being now goeing a Voyage to the East Indies and intendeing God willing to abide for some time there, and considering the many perills and dangers of the  Seas and the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof doe now therfore revoake annuall and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee made at any time before the date of these psents and doe make and declare this to be my only last Will and Testament wherein ffirst and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting and stedfastle beleiving by and through the merritts  death and passion of my onely Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my sinns, and to enjoy life everlasting My Body I committ to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to dispose thereof And as touching and concerning such Estate as it hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee in this psent World I give, devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner following (that is to say) WHEREAS in and by one Obligaton beareing date the  Ninth day of August last past before the  date of these psents Thomas Breton and ffrancis Lodwicke of London Merchants at my request and together with mee stand bound unto the Governor and Comp:a  of Merchants London tradeing to the East Indies in the summe or penalty of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of  England Conditionned for my ??truth dureing my Imploym:t in and for the said Governo:r and Company and their Successors in such manner as therein is mencioned  And Whereas I have an Action in the East India Company for ffive hundred pounds paid on  a subscription by mee for  one Thousand pounds  And Whereas I have on or about the ffifth day of this instant month of September assigned and transferred unto the Account of the said Thomas Breton my said Action and the money theron subscribed and paid, and all benefitt proceed and advantage to be had
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This two and twentieth day  of Septemb:r Anno Smn 1671 and in the three and twentieth day of the reigne  of our Soveraigne  Lord Charles the Second bx the Grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance, Ireland King defender of the  ffaith &c.  I Simon Delboe of London Merchant being at psent in good health of body and  of a sound and disposing mind and memory (thanks bee therefore given to Almighty God) being now goeing a Voyage to the East Indies and intendeing God willing to abide for some time there, and considering the many perills and dangers of the  Seas and the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof doe now therfore revoake annuall and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee made at any time before the date of these psents and doe make and declare this to be my only last Will and Testament wherein ffirst and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting and stedfastle beleiving by and through the merritts  death and passion of my onely Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my sinns, and to enjoy life everlasting My Body I committ to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to dispose thereof And as touching and concerning such Estate as it hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee in this psent World I give, devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner following (that is to say) WHEREAS in and by one Obligaton beareing date the  Ninth day of August last past before the  date of these psents Thomas Breton and ffrancis Lodwicke of London Merchants at my request and together with mee stand bound unto the Governor and Comp:a  of Merchants London tradeing to the East Indies in the summe or penalty of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of  England Conditionned for my ??truth dureing my Imploym:t in and for the said Governo:r and Company and their Successors in such manner as therein is mencioned  And Whereas I have an Action in the East India Company for ffive hundred pounds paid on  a subscription by mee for  one Thousand pounds  And Whereas I have on or about the ffifth day of this instant month of September assigned and transferred unto the Account of the said Thomas Breton my said Action and the money theron subscribed and paid, and all benefitt proceed and advantage to be had
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Revision as of 09:32, October 20, 2011

Simon Delboe will

PROB 11/352 Bence109-158 Will of Simon Delboe, Merchant of London 04 November 1676


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This two and twentieth day of Septemb:r Anno Smn 1671 and in the three and twentieth day of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second bx the Grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance, Ireland King defender of the ffaith &c. I Simon Delboe of London Merchant being at psent in good health of body and of a sound and disposing mind and memory (thanks bee therefore given to Almighty God) being now goeing a Voyage to the East Indies and intendeing God willing to abide for some time there, and considering the many perills and dangers of the Seas and the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof doe now therfore revoake annuall and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee made at any time before the date of these psents and doe make and declare this to be my only last Will and Testament wherein ffirst and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting and stedfastle beleiving by and through the merritts death and passion of my onely Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my sinns, and to enjoy life everlasting My Body I committ to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to dispose thereof And as touching and concerning such Estate as it hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee in this psent World I give, devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner following (that is to say) WHEREAS in and by one Obligaton beareing date the Ninth day of August last past before the date of these psents Thomas Breton and ffrancis Lodwicke of London Merchants at my request and together with mee stand bound unto the Governor and Comp:a of Merchants London tradeing to the East Indies in the summe or penalty of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England Conditionned for my ??truth dureing my Imploym:t in and for the said Governo:r and Company and their Successors in such manner as therein is mencioned And Whereas I have an Action in the East India Company for ffive hundred pounds paid on a subscription by mee for one Thousand pounds And Whereas I have on or about the ffifth day of this instant month of September assigned and transferred unto the Account of the said Thomas Breton my said Action and the money theron subscribed and paid, and all benefitt proceed and advantage to be had


or recived thereby And Whereas by Indenture beareing date the ffourteenth day of this said Instant moneth of September made betweene the said Thomas Breton of the one parte and mee Simon Delboe of the other parte It was agreed that my said Acton and benefitt proceed and advantage thereof or thereby accrueing should bee paid to Thomas Browne Cittizen and Scrivener of London to bee by him with the consent of the said Thomas Breton Imployed at Interest and the same together with the Interest thereof should be imployed in the first place for the Indemnity of the said Thomas Breton and ffrancis Lodwicke their Executors and Administrators from the said Obligacion in such manner as therein is mencioned In the next place to pay such moneys (not exceeding ffourty pounds p Ann as shall bee necessary for the educaton and maintenance of my sonn Simon Delboe in such manner as therein alsoe is menconed And the residue and remainder thereof to bee paid assigned and transferrred unto mee my executo:rs Administrato:rs or Assignes or unto such person and persons and for such uses intents and purposes as I shall by and writeing under my hand or hand and seale direct and appoint And Whereas by a certaine Writing or Letter of Attorney alsoe neareing date the said ffourteenth day of this Instant Septemb:r I Simon Delboe have authorized and impowered the said Thomas Breton and Tho: Browne joyntly or severally to demand recover or receive of and from the said east India Comp:a aswell all such sallary as shall bee due from the said Comp:a as allsoe all and every other summes of money debts dues and demands whatsoever of all and every other person and persons whatsoever where it doth or may concerne as by the said severall Writings and Indenture more fully may appeare Now I the said Simon Delboe doe by this writing under my hand and seale
purporting my last Will and testament Declare Will and appoint That (after the said Thomas Breton and ffrancis Lodwicke their Execut:rs and Administrators and every of them shall bee fully indemnifyed and satisfyed all such moneys charges damages and expences which they either or any of them shall or may any waies pay sustaine or bee put unto for or by reason of their or either of their Bound and Surety with or for mee as aforesaid and after all such moneys as aforesaid paid and satisfied for the maintenance and educatonof my said sonn Simon Delboe the said Thomas Breton and Thomas Browne their Executo:rs and Administrators either and every of them shall and may pay divide and dispose as well the said residue and remainder of all such moneys Interest prceed and advantage as shall come to their or either of their hands or Custody which shall bee had made or receaved uponor by vertue of the said Acton or the assignement thereofas alsoe all other moneys ?wares and merchandizes and the benefitt profitt and advantage that shall bee made thereof which shall come to the hands management or Custody of the said Tho: Breton and Tho: Browne or either of them by vertue of the said Letter of Attorney or by any other wayes or meanes whatsoever unto and amongst my three Children Anne Peter and Simon Delboe equally parte and share alike, the parte and share of my said daughter Anne to be paid her, at her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage first happening, and the parts and shares of my sonnes to be respectively paid them at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares And my Will and mind is that if any of my said three children shall happen to dye before her, his, or their Legacy or Legacyes shall become due and payable as aforesaid then the Legacie or Legacyes paret or share or parts or shares of him her or them soe dyeing shallbee equally paid


And divided unto and amongst the Survivor:s and Survivor of my said children parte and share alike at such time as his or theire owne part or share or parts or shares is or are payable as aforesaid And I doe hereby make and ordainemy said Loveing Freinds Thomas Breton and Thomas Browne Executors of this my Will desireing them to execute the same in all things according to my true meaneing herein (of which I noe waies doubt) And I doe declare this my Will comprized and written in the two proceeding sheets of paper and this sheete to bee mine only last Will and Testament In Witnesse whereof at the topp of the first sheete where all are affiyed together I have sett my seale and at the bottome of both the preceeding sheetes of paper I have subscribed my name and to this sheete have sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare first above written)


Signed sealed published declared and delivered by the said Simon Delboe the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the prsence of ffra: Thornton W:m Millett Rob:t Damson Servts to the afores:d Thomas Browne

QUARTO die mensis Novembris Anno Domini Millesimo sexcent :mo septuagesimosexto Emanuavit Commissio Anne Vanden Busch als Delboe Uxori Jasperi Vanden Busch Filia naturali et legitimae xxx non Legator principali testamentidicti Defuncti Bribentis et Ad Administrandum bona jura et credita xxxxx defuncti juxta tenorem et effectum Testam:t ipsins Defuncti ( yy quod Thomas Breton et Thomas Browne Executores in dicto Testamento nominati, oneri executoris dicti Testamento expresse xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx de bene et fideles Administrando eadem Ad Sancta de Evangelia vigxxx Comissionis Jurat xxx
