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ITEM I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Tyte of Towcester my house and Tenements in Towcester wherein hee formerly lived with the Close Orchard XXXXyard next the Streete and the  lands in the feild with all other the appurtenances being in the Parish of Towcester aforesaid in the County of Northampton and ten pounds a yeare to bee paid him by my Executors dureing his naturall life And after his decease I give and bequeath the said House and Tenement with the Appurtenances to my Cosen George Tyte Thomas Sheppardand John Gore and to their heires for ever As alsoe I doe give and bequeath my Mannour of Helinden withall and singular the appurtenances before mentioned as alsoe my Coppice of Wood called Western Hills in the Parish of SyXentham in the County of Northampton to their and their heires for ever
ITEM I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Tyte of Towcester my house and Tenements in Towcester wherein hee formerly lived with the Close Orchard XXXXyard next the Streete and the  lands in the feild with all other the appurtenances being in the Parish of Towcester aforesaid in the County of Northampton and ten pounds a yeare to bee paid him by my Executors dureing his naturall life And after his decease I give and bequeath the said House and Tenement with the Appurtenances to my Cosen George Tyte Thomas Sheppardand John Gore and to their heires for ever As alsoe I doe give and bequeath my Mannour of Helinden withall and singular the appurtenances before mentioned as alsoe my Coppice of Wood called Western Hills in the Parish of SyXentham in the County of Northampton to their and their heires for ever
ITEM I give and bequeath the Lease of my Tenement in Lothbury which Ihold of the Company of Drapers and the Lease of my Tenements in Bell Alley in the Parish of Coleman street which I hold of S:r John AXXX for terme of yeares to the said George Tyte Thomas Shephard and John Gore
ITEM I give and bequeath the Lease of my Tenement in Lothbury which I hold of the Company of Drapers and the Lease of my Tenements in Bell Alley in the Parish of Coleman street which I hold of S:r John AXXX for terme of yeares to the said George Tyte Thomas Shephard and John Gore
ITEM I give and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Gore and to my Sister Ann Tew ten pounds a yeare to each of them to bee paid them by my Executors hereafter named dureing theri naturall lives
ITEM  I give to my brother Henry Tytes two daughters twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid them three months after my decease And if it shall happen that my Cosen Geo. tyte shall dye in Spaine or unmarryed at his returne and doe departe this life then my Will is that his two sisters Legacyes before mentioned shall bee made two hundred and fifty pounds apeece and my other bequests to him as aforesaid to come and XXXX to Cosen Thomas Shepard and John Gore
ITEM I give to my brother Williams foure daughters twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid three moneths after my decease
ITEM I give to my  Cosen Emersons two daughters which hee had by my brother Henry Tytes daughter twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid in six moneths after my decease
ITEM I give to my Cosen Thomas Gores foure Children Twenty pounds apeece to bee paid one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give to my Cosen Nathaniel Woods Children which shall survive mee twenty pounds apeece to bee paid one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto John Georges two daughters twenty pounds apeece to bee paid three moneths after my decease
ITEM I give to my sister M:rs Mary ??Morice ten pounds To the Lady Margaret Holmes ten pounds and to my Sister M:rs Hannah Lowther ten pounds apeece to bee paid them three moneths after my decease And doe hereby forgive my sister Holmes and my sister Hannah Lowther what they owe mee upon Account
ITEM I give to my brother Anthony and brother John Lowther two hundred and fifty pounds appece to bee paid by my Executors when my brother S.r George Willoughby shall bee soe Just as to pay them the money hee hath kept of minne neare thirty yeares which if hee refuseth to doe I doubt not but Equity will constrayne him And I doe hereby make constitute and appoint my Cosen George Tyte Thomas Shepherd, and John Gore Executors of this my Will by this makeing void all former Wills by mee made Publishing and declareing this to be my last Will and Testament ordering them to pay my Legacyes according to the XXXes lymited And the residue and remainder of my Estate as debts bonds bills money plate householdstuffe and goods with my bookes I doe hereby bequeath and give unto them with all my weareing apparrell and linnen
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this twentieth day of January One Thousand
Six Hundred Ninety One In the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King William and Queene Mary
Tho. Tyte
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us, and Published, and Declared by mee the same time as my last Will and Testament and Witnessed by the following Testators
W:m Robinson, Samuel Clarke, W:m Baron, W:m Twyford
PROBATUM apud London fuit hummor Testamentum coram venerabili vivo George Bramston Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et egregij viri domini Richard Raines Milities Legum etiam Doctoris Curiae Praerogattive Cantua Magistri Custodis sive Commissari legitime constituti decimo die Mensis Junij Anno domini Millesimo Sextesimo Nonagesimo Secundo Juramentis Thomas Shepard, et Johannis Gore duorum Executori in dicto Testamento nominatori quibus Commissa fuit Administratio XXX et singularum bonem jurXX et creditorum dicto defuncti Juris forma Jurat Reservata potXXXX similem Commissionem faciendi Georgio Tyte aXXX Executorum in dXXo Testamento nominatorum Cum venerit XXXem XXXXX
PROBATUM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ITEM I give and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Gore and to my Sister Ann Tew ten pounds a yeare
'''More text to be added to transcription'''
'''More text to be added to transcription'''

Revision as of 15:57, December 1, 2011

Thomas Tyte will

Editorial history

01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context


This transcription is incomplete

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Thomas Tyte of London Merchant being in good health of body and sound memory considering my age and haveing dayly before my eyes the frailty and changes of mortall men not knowing how sooneit may please Almighty God to callmee out of this Earthly Tabernacle doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

FFIRST and Principally I bequeath my Soule to Allmighty God from whome I receivedit not doubting his acceptance of it in and through the Infinite merrits ofmy blessed Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ whoe hath made full satisfaction for the Sinns of all true Beleivers

ITEM I desire that my body maybee decently buryed in the Parish Church where I shall dye with as little charge as may bee at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named

ITEM I give and bequeath to my Cosen George Tyte Merchant now resideing in Bilboa in the Kingdome of Spaine my ffarme at Haversham in the County of Buckingham which I purchased of M:r Thomas ?Trimell for fifteene hundred pounds and would not have him sell it under that Summe I say I giveit to him and to his heires forever with all houses Cottages and all other the appurtenances thereunto belonging

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said George Tyte, Thomas Shepard of London Merchant, now liveing at Stepney in the County of Middlesex, and John ?Gow of Towcester in the County of Northampton Mercer to bee equally divided amongst them my Mannour of ?Helinden in the County of Northampton


with all houses and Cottages and all trees and underwood growing theri upon withall rights and priviledges to the said Mannour in any wise belonging or appertaining As alsoe my Coppiceof Wood called Westerne Hills in the Parish of ?Sqrentham in the said County of Northampton

ITEM I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Tyte of Towcester my house and Tenements in Towcester wherein hee formerly lived with the Close Orchard XXXXyard next the Streete and the lands in the feild with all other the appurtenances being in the Parish of Towcester aforesaid in the County of Northampton and ten pounds a yeare to bee paid him by my Executors dureing his naturall life And after his decease I give and bequeath the said House and Tenement with the Appurtenances to my Cosen George Tyte Thomas Sheppardand John Gore and to their heires for ever As alsoe I doe give and bequeath my Mannour of Helinden withall and singular the appurtenances before mentioned as alsoe my Coppice of Wood called Western Hills in the Parish of SyXentham in the County of Northampton to their and their heires for ever

ITEM I give and bequeath the Lease of my Tenement in Lothbury which I hold of the Company of Drapers and the Lease of my Tenements in Bell Alley in the Parish of Coleman street which I hold of S:r John AXXX for terme of yeares to the said George Tyte Thomas Shephard and John Gore

ITEM I give and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Gore and to my Sister Ann Tew ten pounds a yeare to each of them to bee paid them by my Executors hereafter named dureing theri naturall lives

ITEM I give to my brother Henry Tytes two daughters twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid them three months after my decease And if it shall happen that my Cosen Geo. tyte shall dye in Spaine or unmarryed at his returne and doe departe this life then my Will is that his two sisters Legacyes before mentioned shall bee made two hundred and fifty pounds apeece and my other bequests to him as aforesaid to come and XXXX to Cosen Thomas Shepard and John Gore

ITEM I give to my brother Williams foure daughters twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid three moneths after my decease

ITEM I give to my Cosen Emersons two daughters which hee had by my brother Henry Tytes daughter twenty five pounds apeece to bee paid in six moneths after my decease

ITEM I give to my Cosen Thomas Gores foure Children Twenty pounds apeece to bee paid one yeare after my decease

ITEM I give to my Cosen Nathaniel Woods Children which shall survive mee twenty pounds apeece to bee paid one yeare after my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath unto John Georges two daughters twenty pounds apeece to bee paid three moneths after my decease

ITEM I give to my sister M:rs Mary ??Morice ten pounds To the Lady Margaret Holmes ten pounds and to my Sister M:rs Hannah Lowther ten pounds apeece to bee paid them three moneths after my decease And doe hereby forgive my sister Holmes and my sister Hannah Lowther what they owe mee upon Account

ITEM I give to my brother Anthony and brother John Lowther two hundred and fifty pounds appece to bee paid by my Executors when my brother S.r George Willoughby shall bee soe Just as to pay them the money hee hath kept of minne neare thirty yeares which if hee refuseth to doe I doubt not but Equity will constrayne him And I doe hereby make constitute and appoint my Cosen George Tyte Thomas Shepherd, and John Gore Executors of this my Will by this makeing void all former Wills by mee made Publishing and declareing this to be my last Will and Testament ordering them to pay my Legacyes according to the XXXes lymited And the residue and remainder of my Estate as debts bonds bills money plate householdstuffe and goods with my bookes I doe hereby bequeath and give unto them with all my weareing apparrell and linnen

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this twentieth day of January One Thousand


Six Hundred Ninety One In the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King William and Queene Mary

Tho. Tyte

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us, and Published, and Declared by mee the same time as my last Will and Testament and Witnessed by the following Testators

W:m Robinson, Samuel Clarke, W:m Baron, W:m Twyford

PROBATUM apud London fuit hummor Testamentum coram venerabili vivo George Bramston Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et egregij viri domini Richard Raines Milities Legum etiam Doctoris Curiae Praerogattive Cantua Magistri Custodis sive Commissari legitime constituti decimo die Mensis Junij Anno domini Millesimo Sextesimo Nonagesimo Secundo Juramentis Thomas Shepard, et Johannis Gore duorum Executori in dicto Testamento nominatori quibus Commissa fuit Administratio XXX et singularum bonem jurXX et creditorum dicto defuncti Juris forma Jurat Reservata potXXXX similem Commissionem faciendi Georgio Tyte aXXX Executorum in dXXo Testamento nominatorum Cum venerit XXXem XXXXX

PROBATUM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

More text to be added to transcription
