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See [[MRP: C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 1|C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 1]]
See [[MRP: C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 2|C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 2]]

Revision as of 22:38, November 24, 2011

C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 3

Editorial history

15/11/11, CSG: Images made of manuscript
20/11/11, CSG: Transcription started



[Manuscript pages is divided into two columns]

LH column

//London: March 5:th: 1652//

//Pindar [Signature]//

//Goods receaved out of the Hopewell Master Alexander//
//ffarley being as followeth//

//92 Butts: 31 Hogsheads: 1 Punch: 3 Chests: 1 Bar of Bar: Sugar and more for//
//Accompt of the Interessed in the said Shipp and are D:r to Custome and other//
//Charges the perticulars viz:t//

//To Custome and charges of 750:C wight of Sugar//
//To Charges of 6 Butts Sugar & expences sold unto//
//M:r Kemball and Comp:a//
//To Charges of 20 Butts of Sugar Shipped for Roan//
//To Charges of Sugar sente in M:r Nicholas Ibazzen//
//To wharfage and warehowse Roome of Sugars//

//More 151 Elephants Teeth XXX XXX of Ditto//
//Shipped for Accompt of the aforesaid and//
//are D:r to Custome & Charges Viz:t//

//More a Parcell of Malagetta in Ditto shipped//
//for Ditto acc:ounts oweth y:e Charge vizt//


RH column

//London: March 5:th: 1652//


See C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 1
See C6/125/Pt1/53 f. 2