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Edward Gibbon, a gentleman of London, brought a suit against Martha Hendra, widow of Thomas Hendra deceased, the former captain of the ''Eagle'', and a number of co-defendants.  The co-defendants named were Thomas Heatley, John Sandys,  John Buckworth, Sir William Ryder, Sir Richard fford, Nathaniel Herne, Thomas ffoxe and Sir William Ryder's son-in-law, Richard Middleton.  A number of the co-defendants were co-owners and/or freighters of the ship.  Gibbon alleges that he has failed to receive his due returns from an investment of £150 in cargoe purchased by Thomas Hendra for sale in Guinea, and also from a further £35 supplied to Thomas Hendra for the purchase of a tun of brandy wine for sale or barter in Guinea.
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===Possible secondary sources
===Possible secondary sources===

Revision as of 18:44, November 8, 2011

C10/89/61 f. 1


Edward Gibbon, a gentleman of London, brought a suit against Martha Hendra, widow of Thomas Hendra deceased, the former captain of the Eagle, and a number of co-defendants. The co-defendants named were Thomas Heatley, John Sandys, John Buckworth, Sir William Ryder, Sir Richard fford, Nathaniel Herne, Thomas ffoxe and Sir William Ryder's son-in-law, Richard Middleton. A number of the co-defendants were co-owners and/or freighters of the ship. Gibbon alleges that he has failed to receive his due returns from an investment of £150 in cargoe purchased by Thomas Hendra for sale in Guinea, and also from a further £35 supplied to Thomas Hendra for the purchase of a tun of brandy wine for sale or barter in Guinea.


//Humbly complaineing sheweth unto yo:r good Lordshipp yo:r Lo:rpps dayly Orator Edward Gibbon of the Citty of London Gent That whereas yo:r Orato:r did in or aboute Hillary Terme which was in the Twentyeth yeare of his Maj:ties Raigne that now is//

//Exhibitt his bill into this hon:ble Co:rt against Martha Hendra widdow & Thomas Heatley John Sandys John Buckworth S:r William Ryder S:r Richard fford Nathaniel Herne Thomas ffoxe Richard Middleton and others thereby amongst other things//

//in the said Bill conteyned setting forth that one Thomas Hendra husband of the said Martha Hendra was Captaine of the shipp called the Eagle bound for Ginney And p:rtended to yo:r Orato:r as the truth was that hee had on board the said Shipp//

//a certaine cargoe of Goods to the value of Nine hundred and Ninety pounds the particulars of which cargoe are in the said bill expressed And that yo:r Orato:r did pay to the said Thomas Hendra one hundred and ffifty pounds and by agreem:t with//

//the said Thomas Hendra upon returne of the said ship yo:r Orato:r was to have an account of the said cargoe of Goods according to the proportonn by him paid and was to receive his share of the profitts of the said Adventure And that yo:r Orato:r did//

//alsoe pay to the said Thomas Hendra the summe of Thirty and ffive pounds for one Tunne of Brandy Wynes which the said Thomas Hendra bought for yo:r Orato:r and was to sell on the proper account of yo:r Orato:r which said Goods were bartered//

//sould and disposed of at Ginney for greate advantage for which yo:r Orato:r ought to have an account and satisfaccon But the said Thomas Hendra dying beyond the seas the said Martha Hendra Administratrix of the said Thomas Hendra together//

//with the rest of the said defts in the said bill named had gott into their or some of their hands custody or possession all the Notes and papers of account of the sale and disposicon of the said cargoe of Goods and Brandy Wynes and of such //

//part thereof as remained unsold and not bartered And alsoe a great quantyty of Gould Elephants Teeth & other Goods & Commodityes which were the proceeds of the said cargoe of Goods and Brandy Wynes and had made severall//

//Attachm:ts of the goods in their owne hands on purpose to defeate yo:r Orato:r of his share and interest in the said Goods and every of them And particularly that the said S.r William Ryder S.r Richard fford John Buckworth John Sandys Thomas//

//ffoxe and Thomas Heatley had affirmed an accon of debt upon demand of Two Thousand pounds against the said Martha Hendra Administratrix of the said Thomas Hendra in one of the sheriffs courts of the Citty of London And according to the custome//

//of the said Citty had Attached the summe of One Thousand pounds in moneyes numbred and other goods and chattells in the hands of the said Heatley being one of the plts in the said accon Whereas the said Martha Hendra was not indebted to//

//the parties aforesaid or any of them in any summe or summes of money for which any accon of debt will lye and if at all indebted yet not soe much as is demanded and that the said Martha Hendra had gotten into her possession Twoe Thousand//

//pounds part of the proceeds of the said Adventurers & permitts the other defts to proceede in the said Attachm:ts & will not put in bayle whereby the said money and Goods will bee condemned And yo:r Orato:r thereby shewes that the said defts being//

//some of them owners and ffraighters of the said ship did onely put on board the said ship Twenty Barrells of Gunpowder to bee sould And the said Thomas Hendra had on board the said ship Tenne barrells of Gunpowder on his owne account being//



Possible primary sources

Possible secondary sources