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|Status=Page created 01/05/2015; transcribed on 01/05/2015 by Colin Greenstreet
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|First transcribed=2015/05/01
|First transcribed=2015/05/01

Latest revision as of 11:26, May 30, 2015

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 3/46 f.539r.

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Annotating Marine Lives, May 1st 2013
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Witnesses in Court, 1657-1658 (May 9th, 2013)

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 3/46 f.539r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Amsterdam merchant saving the meliorations by him the said
Ellis bestowed upon her Whereupon the Judges at the
petition of the said Colequite did decree the said shippe
Tackle and ffurniture to be Inventoried and appraized by
Comissioners to be named on both sides in case Mr Smith shall
name Comissiones by Satterday next and ordered the said Comission
and appraisement to bee returned within a fortnight./

Thomas dickson and Company against}
John B[?etson] Clements Suckley}

Tuesday the 18th day of March
1655 before the right worshipfull John
Godolphin doctor of lawes and one of
the Judges et cetera in the presence of Edmund
Arnold Notary publicke Appeared the said Clements
and alleadged that the said Betson hath bin sought by
the Marshall of this Court to bee personally present but
cannott be found and that Thomas Browning of the
precinct of Saint Katherines neare the Tower of London
Shipwright and Jeremy Lee of the parish of Saint Clements
danes merchant Taylor the sureties of the said Betson
are bound to bring forth the said Betson in judgement
whensoever his person should bee required The said Judges
thereupon hath decreed the said Browning and Lee
to be monished to appeare on Thursday being the twentith
of March instant betweene the houres of nine and twelve
In the Comon hall et cetera there to bring forth the said John
Betson to answeare unto such things as shalbee given against
him on the behalfe of the said Dickson and Company./.

Bancocke against Harris and Chambers}
Smith Suckley}

Wednesday the nineteenth day of
March 1655 before doctor Godolphin
in his chamber et cetera in the presence of
Samuell Howe Notary publicke Appeared the said
Smith and upon this allegation by him in this cause
given and admitted produced for a witnes James Sadler
whom the Judge receaved and administred an oath unto
him to speake the truth at the time of his examination in
the presence of the said Suckely dissenting and having
the usuall time for Interrogatories./.

A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of William Becke}
touching the seizure and detention of}
the shipp called the Hopefull William}
and her Tackle ffurniture and}
provisions lately seized at Saint}
Sebastians by some of the subjects}
of the King of Spaine Clements}

Which day the said Clements
appeared for the said Becke
and made himselfe partie for him
and alleadged that the said shipp
Tackle apparell and provisions
were seized upon at Saint Sebastians
by some of the subjects of the
King of Spaine and by them
detained from the said William Becke
being the owner thereof. Whereupon the
Judge of the petition of the said Clements did
decree all and singular that will take upon them the
defence and justification of the said seizure to bee cited to
appeare in the Hall et cetera upon thursday the 27th day of this
morning (sic) and witnesses thereupon produced sworne and
examined on the behalfe of the said Becke touching the said
seizure with intimation./.
