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==Sir William Batten will==
'''Sir William Batten will'''
PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176  Will of Sir William Batten of London 22 November 1667
PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176  Will of Sir William Batten of London 22 November 1667
'''Editorial history'''
'''Editorial history'''
29/11/11, CSG: Posted partial transcription to wiki
29/11/11, CSG: Posted partial transcription to wiki
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'''This transcription needs to be completed'''
'''This transcription needs to be completed'''
===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
==Suggested links==
==To do==
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, Sir William Batten of London knight being in  good health of body and of sound and perfect mynd and memorie, and understanding (praised be Almighty God) doe make ordaine publish and declare this my last will andTestament
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, Sir William Batten of London knight being in  good health of body and of sound and perfect mynd and memorie, and understanding (praised be Almighty God) doe make ordaine publish and declare this my last will andTestament
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My loving freinds Sir Richard Ford of London knight William Wood of wapping in the county of Middx Maltmaker and John Young of London Upholster to be overseers of this my last will and Testament
My loving freinds Sir Richard Ford of London knight William Wood of wapping in the county of Middx Maltmaker and John Young of London Upholster to be overseers of this my last will and Testament
==Possible primary sources==

Revision as of 06:47, January 10, 2012

Sir William Batten will

PROB 11/325 Carr 117-176 Will of Sir William Batten of London 22 November 1667

Editorial history

29/11/11, CSG: Posted partial transcription to wiki

This transcription needs to be completed

Abstract & context

Suggested links

To do


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, Sir William Batten of London knight being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mynd and memorie, and understanding (praised be Almighty God) doe make ordaine publish and declare this my last will andTestament


In manner and forme following (That is to say)

First and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the merrits death and passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sinnes My body I committ to the earth from whence it came To be decently buried at the parish Church of Walthamstow in the County of Essex in the Isle there called Mxxxx Isle in the grave with my former wife And as touching the disposition of all such worldly goods as it hath pleased Almighty god to bestow upon mee I devise will give and bequeath the same in manner following (viz:t)

ITEM Igive and bequeath to my grandchild William Batten the sonne of my eldest sonne William Batten a bond of two hundred pounds payable to ?wit or my executors Three monthes next after the decease of M:r Stephen ?Meark of Rochester in the County of Kent Provided my said eldest sonne William Batten doe acquitt and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmless and indemnified my executrix hereadter named of and from Engagements wherein stand bound or engaged for him for which I have a bond of one Thousand pounds to save and ?liabilities

ITEM I give and bequeath to my said sonne William Batten Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give & devise unto my sonne Beniamyn all my lands lying and being in the parish of Easton in Gordan als Saint George in Somersetshire in the severall tenencies or occupacons of Thoams Davies William Moore M:r Higgins or any other clayming under them or any of them which said lands were heretofore the inheritance of my father and was by him mortgaged and the said mortgages by me redeemed TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to him my said sonne Beniamyn his heires and assignes forever But in case my said sonne Beniamyn shall happen to dye before hee shalbee marryed Then my will and pleasure is and I doe give and devise the said lands To my said Grandchild William Batten and his heires forever

ITEM I give and bequeath to my said sonne beniamyn The somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid by my said Executrix within twelve moneths


Att Harwich and the somme of twenty pounds a yeare of lawfull money of England during the Terme of her naturall life for her paines therein

ITEM I give and bequeath to my two maidservants Rachell Underhill and Martha Peake the somme of Tenne pounds a peece of like lawfull money to be paid within the said space of Twelve moneths next after my decease


And one yeares unto and amongstall my said sonnes and daughters That shall be then living equally to be devided amongst them But if any of them shall happen to bee then dead leaving issue behinde them Then my further

My loving freinds Sir Richard Ford of London knight William Wood of wapping in the county of Middx Maltmaker and John Young of London Upholster to be overseers of this my last will and Testament


Possible primary sources