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Dr Elena Pierazzo
Lecturer in Digital Humanities
Department in Digital Humanities
King’s College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL
Phone: 0207-848-1949
Fax: 0207-848-2980

Revision as of 02:21, July 31, 2013

Digital history notes

Editorial history

31/07/13: CSG, created new page

Purpose of this page

This page is a scratchpad for preparatory work on the proposed MarineLives/Bath Spa/TNA tagging, annotation and linkage project

Useful links to explore


University of Mannheim: Informatics

University of Ancona: Informatics


TEI Annual Conference: 2013

TEI Conference 2013: online registration opened

Dear TEI-L members,

we are pleased to announce that online registration for the TEI Conference and Members meeting 2013 has now opened. This year’s TEI Conference is hosted at the University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy, with the support of AIUCD (Italian Association for Humanities Computing and Digital Cultures) and will take place from from 2 to 5 October. As usual the Conference is preceded by three days of workshops and tutorials from September 29 to October 2.

This year’s theme is: The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web. The programme includes keynote lectures by Allen Renear (professor and interim Dean at GSLIS) and Marie-Luce Demonet (professor of French Renaissance literature and director of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Val de Loire), parallel sessions of papers, the annual TEI business meeting, a poster session/tools demonstration and slam, and special interest group (SIG) meetings. Details about the programme, as well as infos about accommodation and local attractions are available in the Conference website at http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/teiconf2013/.

The rates and the online registration facilities are available at http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/teiconf2013/registration/

We hope to meet you all in Rome! Cordially, Fabio Ciotti & Gianfranco Crupi. Local organizers TEI Conference 2013

TEI Manuscripts Special Interest Group


This SIG explores a range of issues common to editing manuscripts, including:

  • how to handle time based encoding
  • how to record place based encoding
  • how to encode fragments
  • how to record codicology (the substance of the medium, ink stints, etc); Robinson noted that the TEI already has mechanisms to record this, but it needs to be better documented
  • issues of substitutions
  • issues of variation
  • to clarify the role of the critical apparatus tag set in manuscript transcription

Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT)

Dear TEI Community,

I am delighted to announce that the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) has been awarded a multi-million Euro European grant for investigating the creation and publication of digital scholarly editions. The TEI Consortium was involved in and supported this application and I am proud for the TEI to have been included in such an outstanding group of partners.DiXiT is an international network of high-profile institutions from the public and the private sector offering a coordinated training and research programme for early stage researchers and experienced researchers in the multi-disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of digital scholarly editing.

The programme includes twelve fellowships for early stage researchers (PhD students) for a period of three years, and five fellowships for experienced researchers (Post-Docs) for a period of 12 to 20 months. The positions will be widely advertised starting from the month of October.

DiXiT will also organise six training events at various levels (camps & conventions), open to all DiXiT fellows as well as to other people that may be interested in the topics covered.

The DiXiT network includes the following academic partners:
• University of Cologne (coordinator) – Germany
• University of Borås – Sweden
• Huygens Institute (Huygens ING) – The Netherlands
• King’s College London – UK
• University of Antwerp – Belgium
• University of Graz – Austria
• Trinity College Dublin – Ireland
• École des Haute Études en Sciences Sociales – France
• Università di Roma “La Sapienza” – Italy
• University of Oxford – UK

Private sector partners include software development companies, publishing houses and service providers. Moreover, beside the TEI, DiXiT will also closely collaborate with DARIAH, ESTS, Wikimedia, IDE, national libraries etc.

The first official meeting of the DiXiT network will take place in Rome, a a pre-TEI Memebers’ Meeting event. Shortly after that news about the scholarships will be disseminated widely. In the mean time, spread the voice: we have _12_ fully funded PhD scholarship and _6_ postdocs bursaries to give away, all of them involving various level of digital and philological expertise.

DiXiT is funded under Marie Curie Actions within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme. It runs from September 2013 until August 2017.

Further details: http://dixit.uni-koeln.de


Dr Elena Pierazzo
Lecturer in Digital Humanities
Department in Digital Humanities
King’s College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

Phone: 0207-848-1949
Fax: 0207-848-2980

TEI editing



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