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Line 129: Line 129:
advise of my Overseers hereafter named shall withall Convenient speed after my
advise of my Overseers hereafter named shall withall Convenient speed after my
said Wives decease sell the same Lands Tenements and hereditaments or such
said Wives decease sell the same Lands Tenements and hereditaments or such
part thereof as they shall thinke good or the revertion and revertions thereof
before her decease if they shall thinke fitting for the best price they can shall or
may reasonably gett for the same. And that the money thereupon to be raysed shall
be paid and disposed to such person and persons and to such uses intents provisions
and purposes as are herein after by me limited appointed and declared
Item I give
and bequeath
'''[X2th. March''' One thousand six hundred fifty one My Will is if God
take me away before my Wife that she shall have her dwelling in my now
dwelling house in the Parish of Martyn Outwich during her Widdow hood
without paying any Rent Witnesse my hande Rowland Wilson
'''Whereas I Rowland Wilson''' have
in my last Will and Testament bearing date the fifth day of ffebruary
One thousand six hundred fifty one whereunto this writing or Codicill is
annexed named and appointed Samuel Wilson and Thomas Boylston Executors

Revision as of 22:29, January 15, 2014

PROB 11/233/203 Will of Rowland Wilson, Vintner of London 01 June 1654

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15/01/14, CSG: Transcribed item and posted to wiki


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The Will of Rowland
Wilson [RH MARGIN]

In the name of God Amen
the fifth day of ffebruary One Thousand six hundred fiftie
and one I Rowland Wilson of London Esquire and Cittizen and
Vintner of London being in sounde and perfect heath minde and
memory thanks be therefore given to Almightie God yet calling to minde
the certainty of death and the uncertaintie hower thereof and being desirous in
time of my health to settle and dispose of such things as God of his goodnes
hath bestowed uppon me doe hereby revoake disanull and make voide all former Wills
by me heretofore made and make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament
as followeth

ffirst and principally I Commend and yeilde my Soule into the hands
of Almightie God my Creatour stedfastly beleeving that by and through the death
passion merritts and intersession of mine only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ
and by no other meanes to have full remission of all my sinnes and to see the Lord in
the Land of the ever liveing to the Comfort and salvation of my Soule.

And my Body
I Committ to the Earth from whence it came desireing that the same may be buried
in the Parish Church of Saint Martyn Outwich where I now dwell

And for and concening
all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments I will and dispose of the same to such
person and persons and to such uses intents and purposes as in and by this my Will is
hereafter expressed limited and declared That is to say I will that my loveing Wife
Mary Wilson shall as may according to her ioynture during her life hold and enioy
all that my house and [?Scite] of the late Priory of Merton alias Marten and other my
Landes Tenements and hereditaments in the Countie of Surrey which I purchased
of Sir ffrancis Clarke knight by Indentures dated on or aboute the nineteenth day of
June One thousand six hundred twentie foweer and the grounds within the Walls
of the Abbey there and the Watermills and Tenements thereto belonging: and the
wood grounds and Land called the Cannon downe hill Wood Containing three
score Acres or thereabouts

Item I give will and bequeath unto my said Wife all
those my Lands and Tenements which I purchased of William Carpenter
by two severall Indentures One of them dated on or aboute the sixteenth day
of August one thousand six hundred and thirty five, and the other of them dated on
or aboute the third day of January One thousand six hundred twenty eigth: to
have and to hould the same unto my said Wife for and during the tearme of her
naturall life she Committing no wast nor selling any Manner of wood but takeing so
much thereof as shall be necessarie for Billetts Bavens and faggotts for fyre wood to be
spente upon the Premisses only and not else where nor otherwise and I will and appoint
that after the decease of my said Wife all my said Messuages Lands Tenements and
hereditaments so settled upon her for her ioynture and also the said Messuages Lands
Tenements and hereditaments with theire Appurtenances purchased of the said
William Carpenter shall be sold and disposed as hereafter is appointed, and for better
execution and due performance thereof I give Will and bequeath all the same
Scite Messuage Lands Tenements and hereditaments and Premisses with theire
appurtenances and all the Messuages Landes Tenements and hereditaments
in the said recited indenture and Conveyances or any of them mentioned unto
my loveing ffreinds Samuell Wilson marchan[?t] and Thomas Boulston Cooper
and theire heires Nevertheles upon trust and confidence in them had and reposed
and to this intent and purpose that they the said Samuell and Thomas and
the Survivour of them or the heire sof the Survivour of them. by and with the
advise of my Overseers hereafter named shall withall Convenient speed after my
said Wives decease sell the same Lands Tenements and hereditaments or such
part thereof as they shall thinke good or the revertion and revertions thereof
before her decease if they shall thinke fitting for the best price they can shall or
may reasonably gett for the same. And that the money thereupon to be raysed shall
be paid and disposed to such person and persons and to such uses intents provisions
and purposes as are herein after by me limited appointed and declared

Item I give
and bequeath















[X2th. March One thousand six hundred fifty one My Will is if God
take me away before my Wife that she shall have her dwelling in my now
dwelling house in the Parish of Martyn Outwich during her Widdow hood
without paying any Rent Witnesse my hande Rowland Wilson

Whereas I Rowland Wilson have
in my last Will and Testament bearing date the fifth day of ffebruary
One thousand six hundred fifty one whereunto this writing or Codicill is
annexed named and appointed Samuel Wilson and Thomas Boylston Executors



People mentioned by testator:


Places mentioned by testator:

Possible primary sources




E 214/940 Parties: Roland Wilson, citizen and vintner of London, deputy receiver general of Crown revenues in cos. Norfolk and Hunts. and the city of Norwich. James I. Place or Subject: Assignment of bond dated 30 June 1622 whereby Thomas Adams of London, clothier is indebted to Wilson for 60 l; in satisfaction of debts arising from his office. Attached: Bond dated 30 June 1622 for 60 l to secure the payment of 30 l.
27 Nov 1622


PROB 11/233/203 Will of Rowland Wilson, Vintner of London 01 June 1654

PROB 11/262/642 Will of Thomas Wilson, Vintner of London 24 March 1657

PROB 11/388/269 Will of John Wilson, Vintner of London 09 September 1687

Possible secondary sources