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Line 103: Line 103:
the tyme of my cecease To the poore of the parish of Saint Hellen in Bishopsgatestreete London
the tyme of my cecease To the poore of the parish of Saint Hellen in Bishopsgatestreete London
Three pounds And to the Minister of the same parish fforty shillings And to the Clerke of that
Three pounds And to the Minister of the same parish fforty shillings And to the Clerke of that
Parish Tenn shillings And to the Sexton ffive shillings
Parish Tenn shillings And to the Sexton ffive shillings And my desire is That doctor George Hall
doe preach my funerall Sermon And that my Body be buryed in Saint Hellens parish Church in
London And I give the said doctor Hall for his paynes in preaching that Sermon and to weare
mourninge at my ffuneralls Tenn pounds
Item whereas upon the

Revision as of 20:01, January 15, 2014

PROB 11/306/348 Will of Gowen Paynter, Merchant of London 26 November 1661

Editorial history

15/01/14, CSG: Transcribed item and posted to wiki


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Abstract & context

Gowen Paynter was a merchant resident in the Canary islands, who served as correspondent and agent for John Page, and for other English merchants.

He was John Page's former master, and John Page married Paynter's daughter, Katherine. Towards the end of his life, Gowan Paynter lived at his son-in'-law's house at XXXX.

Digital Image

SEE Ancestry Digital Image

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MarineLives-Tools Probate Records Index
Probate Record template

Annotate HCA 13/71
Annotate HCA 13/72
Annotate HCA 13/73

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Gowen Paynter. [RH MARGIN]

In the Name of God Amen
This three and twentyeth day of October one thousand six hundred sixty One
Anno[XX] [XXX] Caroli secundi Anglias etcetera decemia tertio. I Gowen Paynter of London
Merchant being at present somewhat sicke and weake in body but of sound and
perfect mynde and memorye praysed bee God yet callinge to mynde the uncertaintye of
this mortall life and the certainety of death And that the tyme thereof is mots uncertaine
doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament wherein and whereby I commend
my soule to Almighty God And my Body to the Earth to bee decently buried hopeing and
assuredly beleiveing through the merritts death and passion of my onely saviour Jesus
Christ to have full and free pardon and remission of all my sinnes and to see the Lord
in the land of the Ever liveing And as touchinge such wordly estate as God hath blessed
mee withall in this life I give and bequeath the same as followeth That is to say

ffirstly I
give to the Poore of the parish of dawlish in the Countye of devon to bee distributed amongst


them according to the good discretion of mye Executors hereafter named Tenn pounds And to Mr
Henry Wislake vicar of the said parish to preach a Sermon in the Church more within three moneths
after my ffunderalls in remembrance of me fforty shillings

Item I give to the poore of the parish of
Kenton in the same County ffive pounds to bee alsoe distributed amongst them by the Order of myne

Item I give three pounds To [XXXX] Philips of Kenton aforesaid if hee shalbe liveing at
the tyme of my cecease To the poore of the parish of Saint Hellen in Bishopsgatestreete London
Three pounds And to the Minister of the same parish fforty shillings And to the Clerke of that
Parish Tenn shillings And to the Sexton ffive shillings And my desire is That doctor George Hall
doe preach my funerall Sermon And that my Body be buryed in Saint Hellens parish Church in
London And I give the said doctor Hall for his paynes in preaching that Sermon and to weare
mourninge at my ffuneralls Tenn pounds

Item whereas upon the



People mentioned by testator:

John Page

Parish registers of Saint Helens Bishopsgate:

1652 April 22 Gowin s. of John Paige, Marchant, and Katherine his wife"[1]

Katherine Page

Daughter of Gowan Paynter, merchant Wife of John Page, merchant.


Places mentioned by testator:

Possible primary sources




PROB 11/306/348 Will of Gowen Paynter, Merchant of London 26 November 1661

Possible secondary sources

  1. W. Bruce Bannerman (ed.), The registers of St. Helen's Bishopgate (London, 1904), p.32, viewed 30/11/13