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Line 135: Line 135:
Baskets (e.g. raisins)
Baskets (e.g. raisins)
Boards (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
Boards (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
Bundles (e.g. hemp; "68 bundles of hemp")
Line 154: Line 155:
- "he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/29)
- "he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/29)
Matt ("12 ?mattes of flaxe")

Revision as of 04:56, May 9, 2012


Editorial history

26/04/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links


To do


Common Latin phrases in High Court of the Admiralty


  • Ad Interria
  • Ad Interrogatoria
  • Ad predeporta
  • Ad ult dicit
  • Arlum
  • At interr con:ny di:ny at de gXXX


  • Dicit


  • Et alr nescit
  • Et alr referendo
  • Et fiat ut supra
  • Et interr ut supra
  • Et interrogotur con:m div:m et du quolet
  • Examinat ("this Examinat")


  • Imp:rm interroget:r
  • the lre interrte
  • INTERROGATORIA ministrata et ministrand ex parte et p partem William Browne testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte Edward Webb pductis sen pducendis sequuntur
  • Item Inter quilibi
  • Item Interroget:r quilet


  • P:rdeposita
  • Productus


  • Rendet
  • this Rendent


  • Super allagaconne


  • Testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte et p partem

Legal & commercial language (non-latin)

  • Accounted ("commonly accounted reputed and taken")

  • Actuary ("one of the Actuaries of the Admiralty Court of Bridges")

  • Answereth

- "he answereth & acknowledgeth" (HCA 13/19)

  • Account ("transported to Dunkirke for the accompt and adventure of this deponents"

  • Allon (abbreviation for "allegation")

  • Arle (abbreviation for "article", see arles for "articles")

  • Arlate

- Example: " onely one of the fowre English ships arlate" (HCA 13/19)

  • Deponent

  • Interrogatory (ies) ("Crosse Interries")

  • Knoweth ("knoweth beleiveth or hath heard")

  • Persuaded ("verily psuaded in his conscience")

  • Possession ("quiet and peaceful possession [of property, such as a ship]"

  • Posic(c)ons

- "he doth not beleeve y:e sd posicons to be true" (HCA 13/19)

  • Precedent

- "his p:rcedent answeres" (HCA 13/19)

  • Precontest ("his precontest")

  • Predeposedp

  • Producent

  • Reall and true ("the sayd bill of sale is reall and the Contents thereof true")

  • Rendents

  • Referreth

- "he referreth himselfe to the Acts & Registry of this Court" (HCA 13/19)

  • Rendent

  • Schedulate

  • Schedule (" hee was not prsent att y:e forming and figuring the said two schedules arlate")

  • Sign seale and deliver [a legal document, such as a will or contract] (" this deponent saw the sayd Samuel Travis sign seale and deliver the same as and for his Act and deed")

  • True owner ("true and lawfull owner and proprieto:r of y:e sayd goods")

Weights & Measures


Bags (pepper)
Barrells (e.g. raisins; "17 barrells of starch")
Baskets (e.g. raisins)
Boards (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
Bundles (e.g. hemp; "68 bundles of hemp")


Cask ("28 Caske of Allom")
Chests (sugar)


Hogsheads (hhds; e.g. wines)


- "at the time arlate the Boatswaine of the Little Lewis did being did (sic), being demanded what hydes were recd aboard the said ship reply and say three hundred and thirty or thereaboutes but that since hee haveing prsed his booke doth find that there were laden aboard the sd shipp in all but three hundred twenty one some where of were whole Dryed hydes in hayre, and some were sydes of Leather tann'd w:ch hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes" (HCA 13/19)



- "he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/29)


Matt ("12 ?mattes of flaxe")


Piggs ("piggs of silver") (HCA 23/19: the Mayfflower) ("Piggs of lead")
Pipes (of wine, e.g. Canary) ("10 pipes of sugar")
"some few ?Polacoes of Tobacco" (HCA 13/68)
Pounds (e.g. Cocheneal)


Quarters ("quarters of wheat")
Quintalls (aka Kintalls)


Roll (e.g. tobacco)