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|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0251_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.518r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0251_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.518r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription=[ADD TEXT]
|Transcription=The 18th of July. 1660 [CENTRE HEADING]
On behalfe of Peter de [?Tosse]}
and Company
Examined upon Interrogatories given in by Mr ffrancklin
on behalfe of the said [XXX] and Company Owners of the ship}
[GUTTER ?the ''Saint Lewis''] Collaert Budaert Master.}
and her Lading}
'''Rp. 1'''
'''Collaert Budaert'''
of Calice in ffrance mariner late
Master of the ship the ''Saint Lewis''' aged 50 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined./.
To the first Interrogatorie hee hath knowne the said ship ''Saint
Lewis'' whereof hee was Master ever since January last, and saith that
shee belongs to Calice in ffrance, And saith that Monsieur Peter de
[?Tosse] of Calice, and this Deponent (who alsoe lives there)
and Company were and are her owners./.
To the second hee saith that about a month or five weekes since the
said ship was at [XXXense] in ffrance freighted by George Rosey
merchant of Nants. by Charter party, and the said ship was there fully
Leaden, and the said Lading was to be carried to Calice in ffrance
upon the account as hee beleeveth of the said De [?Tosse] or the said
George Rosey, or by one of them, referring him selfe therein to the Charter party seized by Captaine [XXXX] the Premisses hee deposeth being
the Master of the said ship the said time./:
To the 3d and 4th hee saith that the said Lading soe taken in at Berneu[XX]
the said time  for the account of the said [XXX and Company] consisted in about 98 ch[XXX] of salt referring himself to the said charterpartie and there were three tunns of wine
or thereabouts alsoe there ladeb on board her upon the private Account of this Deponent
and Company And the said ship having received the said Lading
onboard her departed from the Bay of Bernen[?se] on the 22th
of June last (new stile) intending to saile to Callice aforesai. And
saith the said ship was and is of the burthen of about two hundred
Tonnes which hee knoweth for that hee was Master of the said ship
from january last untill the said ship  was seized as hereafter
is mentioned./.
To the 5th. 6th. 7th and 9th Interrogatories hee saith that as the said ship ''Saint Lewis''
was in her Course for Callice with the said Lading on board her
on the 28th. of June last (new stile) met with by certaine rude persons
in a ffrigot, whereof the said Captaine Bellicourt was Comander and many of
the said Rude Persons did in a Piraticall manner
and by force and violence enter. upon, and seize and surprize the
said ship ''Saint Lewis'' and her said lading, and out this deponent and
all his Company downe in hold, and set a Guard over them
and stripped them and tooke away their Cloathes money and necessaryes that were in their chests, and put matches betixt the ffingers
two of this deponents Company (as they told him) to make them Confess,
and the said seizor[?s] tooke the foresaid Tonns of wine out of the said
ship onboard their ffrigot, and turned this Deponent and all his Company saving one and a passenger
on shore upon the Coast of ffrance at la Havre and carried away the said ship
and lading, and so despossessed this Deponent and Company thereof
and saith that the Company of the said ffrigot, were of severall nations
namely some Officers some English, some Dutch, some Portugalls and some Irish, and saith
that they were Pyratts and Sea Rovers as this Deponent verily
beleeveth and is perswaded in his Conscience they shewing noe Commission at all soe

Revision as of 19:19, June 4, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.518r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 18th of July. 1660 [CENTRE HEADING]

On behalfe of Peter de [?Tosse]}
and Company

Examined upon Interrogatories given in by Mr ffrancklin
on behalfe of the said [XXX] and Company Owners of the ship}
[GUTTER ?the Saint Lewis] Collaert Budaert Master.}
and her Lading}

Rp. 1

Collaert Budaert
of Calice in ffrance mariner late
Master of the ship the Saint Lewis' aged 50 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined./.

To the first Interrogatorie hee hath knowne the said ship Saint
Lewis whereof hee was Master ever since January last, and saith that
shee belongs to Calice in ffrance, And saith that Monsieur Peter de
[?Tosse] of Calice, and this Deponent (who alsoe lives there)
and Company were and are her owners./.

To the second hee saith that about a month or five weekes since the
said ship was at [XXXense] in ffrance freighted by George Rosey
merchant of Nants. by Charter party, and the said ship was there fully
Leaden, and the said Lading was to be carried to Calice in ffrance
upon the account as hee beleeveth of the said De [?Tosse] or the said
George Rosey, or by one of them, referring him selfe therein to the Charter party seized by Captaine [XXXX] the Premisses hee deposeth being
the Master of the said ship the said time./:

To the 3d and 4th hee saith that the said Lading soe taken in at Berneu[XX]
the said time for the account of the said [XXX and Company] consisted in about 98 ch[XXX] of salt referring himself to the said charterpartie and there were three tunns of wine
or thereabouts alsoe there ladeb on board her upon the private Account of this Deponent
and Company And the said ship having received the said Lading
onboard her departed from the Bay of Bernen[?se] on the 22th
of June last (new stile) intending to saile to Callice aforesai. And
saith the said ship was and is of the burthen of about two hundred
Tonnes which hee knoweth for that hee was Master of the said ship
from january last untill the said ship was seized as hereafter
is mentioned./.

To the 5th. 6th. 7th and 9th Interrogatories hee saith that as the said ship Saint Lewis
was in her Course for Callice with the said Lading on board her
on the 28th. of June last (new stile) met with by certaine rude persons
in a ffrigot, whereof the said Captaine Bellicourt was Comander and many of
the said Rude Persons did in a Piraticall manner
and by force and violence enter. upon, and seize and surprize the
said ship Saint Lewis and her said lading, and out this deponent and
all his Company downe in hold, and set a Guard over them
and stripped them and tooke away their Cloathes money and necessaryes that were in their chests, and put matches betixt the ffingers
two of this deponents Company (as they told him) to make them Confess,
and the said seizor[?s] tooke the foresaid Tonns of wine out of the said
ship onboard their ffrigot, and turned this Deponent and all his Company saving one and a passenger
on shore upon the Coast of ffrance at la Havre and carried away the said ship
and lading, and so despossessed this Deponent and Company thereof
and saith that the Company of the said ffrigot, were of severall nations
namely some Officers some English, some Dutch, some Portugalls and some Irish, and saith
that they were Pyratts and Sea Rovers as this Deponent verily
beleeveth and is perswaded in his Conscience they shewing noe Commission at all soe