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|Status=First transcribed by Philippa Hellawell; edited by J Wilcox 23/8/2014
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 06/08/2014
|First transcriber=Phillipa Hellawell
|First transcriber=P Hellawell
|First transcribed=2014/08/06
|Editorial history=Created 05/06/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 05/06/14, by CSG
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0067_copy.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0067_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.431r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0067_copy.JPG}}
|Transcription=and Company being then and there takeing into her ladeing aboard
|Transcription=and Company being then and there takeing into her ladeing aboard
her for Accompt of English Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth
her for Accompt of English Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth
Line 65: Line 64:
in shallow water about three fathom at a quarter ebb and soe that upon the ebb shee sat upon
in shallow water about three fathom at a quarter ebb and soe that upon the ebb shee sat upon

Revision as of 17:30, May 16, 2015

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HCA 13/73 f.431r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Company being then and there takeing into her ladeing aboard
her for Accompt of English Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth
a ladeing of salt, And being there soe lyeing the arlate Wygart Wygarts
and John drewes in the sayd moneth of May and while the arlate Edmond
Lemmon and sixe others of the Company of the Redd Rose were on
shoare at Embden buying provisions for the sayd shipp came with
a Smack and about thirty souldiers and seamen and in a hostile
manner seized & surprised the sayd shipp Redd Rose and her company
which were then left aboard her (whereof this deponent was one) and
her ladeing of salt then aboard her, and demanded the keyes of all the
truncks chests boxes and Cupbords and the Master and severall of the
Company being then on shoare soe that they could not have all the keys
delivered them they violently brake open such boxes chests truncks and
cupboards as the keys could not bee had of and opened the rest with
the keys aboard and tooke out many letters sent from England to
be carried to the English ffleete in the Sound and a packett that was
in the masters chests and was to be delivered to the Genirall of the sayd English ffleete in the sound
and tooke away all the masters bills of ladeing and bills of Exchange
which he had for takeing up of the money to supply his necessary occasions
and all other shipp papers and letters and writings which were in
the sayd shipp and put them aboard their Smack in baggs and boxes
and tooke away the cloathes of the Master and others of the sayd
shipps company and put them aboard the sayd Smack and dranke up a
Case of strong waters and a Runlett of Stronge Waters which
belonged to some of the sayd shipps Company and washed
and spoiled much of the provisions of the sayd shipp and
brake up three chests of Lemmons that were aboard her and tooke
most part of them away and parted them amongst them And having thus done the
sayd Wigarts and Drewes and their confederates commanded the sayd shipp
Anchors to be weighed and the Company of the shipp that were on board
her refused to doe the same and asked them the sayd Wigarts and
Drewes by what authority or Commission they comitted those outrages
and acte of hostility or to that effect, and whether there were any
warr betwixt England and holland and the said Wigarts and drewes
answered noe and yett notwithstanding that continued such their violence and hostility and
threatened the shipps company that were on board her that if they would
not assist in weighing the Anchors and carrying away the sayd
shipp and ladeing they would hang them or otherwise punish them
And they tooke one Peter Wilkinson the masters mate of the sayd shipp and
put him into their Smack and carried him prisoner to delfes Isle
and there kept him a prisoner and caused the sayd shipps Anchor to be
weighed and carried her thither alsoe and there cast Anchor, with her
neere the [?sconce] here this hee deposeth of sight and certayne knowledge
being aboard the sayd shipp and seeing the premisses soe acted and done and
being carried in the sayd shipp to delfes Isle arlate And further to these
actes hee cannot depose./

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd Wigarts and
drewes either by their wilfullness or negligence in bringing the sayd
shipp Redd Rose to an Anchor at delfes Isle did bring her to an anchor
in shallow water about three fathom at a quarter ebb and soe that upon the ebb shee sat upon