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==C10/12/128 f. 2==
==C10/12/128 f. 2==

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C10/12/128 f. 2





//The joynt and severall Answeares of Tobell Aylmer and Thomas Sparkes two of the defd:ts to the Bill//
//of Comp:lt of Anne Valentine Comp:lt//

//The said Deff:ts saving and referring unto themeselves both now and att all tymes hereafter all advantages and//

//benefitt of excepcon to the incertainty and insufficiency of the said Comp:lts Bill for a full & pfect Answeare thereunto//

//or unto soe much as anyway concerneth these def:ts to make Answeare unto they say And first the said Tobell//

//Aylmer for himselfe saieth That he did for sometyme in the mynority of Thomas Vallentine the Comp:lts husband//

//receave the Rentt of the howses in the Bill menconned for the use of him the said Vallentine and his mother//

//being then of theire yearely vallue of ffifteene pounds and tenn shillings or neerethereabouts and the ?w:ch def:ts did//

//from tyme to tyme pay unto him the sayd Vallentine and his said Mother by the direccon all the Rents soe by him//

//this def:t receaved And this Def:t saieth that within short tyme after his the said Thomas Vallentine//

//coming to age he this Def:t and the said Valentine accompted togeather and upon that accompt the said Valentine//

//was indebted to him this Def:t in the some of 350:li or neerethereabouts and that he the said Valentine pmmised to//

//make over unto this Def:t the howses in this Bill menconned but he faileing to doe it this Def:t caused him to be//

//arrested for the money due to this Def:t as aforesaid and upon Tryall had before the Lord Cheif Justice Rolle//

//haveing Judgment thereupon this Def:t caused the said Valentine to be comitted in Execucon to the to the Custody//

//of S:r John Lenthall mshall of the Prison then called the Kings Bench with whome the said Valentine//

//remayned a prisoner for some tyme till the mshall suffered him to make an escape And this Def:t denyeth//

//that he received any Rents or proffitts of the said howses or any of them during the tyme of his the//

//said Valentines imprisonment nor att any other tyme since he the said Valentine came to full age XXX XXX//

//did he the said Valentine in this life nor any other pson convey and assure unto and in the name of him this Def:t//

//any estate in the said howses or any of them And this Def:t denyeth all combinacon and confederacy with the other//

//Def:ts in the Bill named to share and divide the Rents & Proffitts of the p:rmisses And this Defd:t denyeth that he hath//

//in his Custody any of the Deedes Evidences or writings concerning the p:rmisses or the p:lts title thereunto And this//

//Def:t Thomas Sparkes for himselfe saieth That he is ?Tennte to one of the Tenem:ts in Black Raven Alley &//

//payeth yearely 3:li 10:s and hath Eleaven yeares to come in his Lease made by Tymothy Hollingshead & his//

//wife and that this Def:t hath paid all his Rent unto the said Thomas Valentine in his life tyme untill Mchmas//

//last soe that this Def:t now oweth one quarters Rent due at X:pmas last w:ch this Def:t is ready to pay to//

//such as have right thereunto deducting taxes out of the same And this Def:t denyeth that he hath any of the//

//deedes Evidences or writings concerning the p:rmisses or the p:lts title thereunto And this Defd:t denyeth all//

//combinacon and confederacon with the other Defd:ts in y:e bill named to share and divide y:e Rents & proffitts of y:e p:rmisses//

//amongst themselves And these Defd:ts severall deny that they have done or comitted any wast or spoilye upon the//

//P:rmisses nor have pulled downe or sould any of the Tymber belonging to the p:rmisses  ?W:thout that any other//

//matter or thing in the said Bill of Comp:lt conteyned materiall or effectuall in the Lawe for these defs:ts to make answeare//

//unto & not herein or hereby well & sufficiently answeared unto confessed or avoided ?traversed or denyed are true All//

//w:ch matters & things theis Defd:ts & either of them is ready to averre & prove as this hono:ble Court shall award XXX//

//and humbly prayeth to be from hence dismissed w:th their reasonable Costs and Charges in this behalfe XXX//

//most wrongfully susteyned//

//Hen Proctor[1]//


See C10/12/128 f. 1 (Bill of Complaint of Anne Valentine widow of deceased Thomas Vallentine)
See C10/12/128 f. 3

Background notes

See: "Tobell Aylmore.//26 March 1650.E.W. 28 42. Information that when in London, he furnished Hollingshead Valentine with money to go to the King's quarters, corresponded with him, and supplied him with 200l.; and after his death, sent his brother Thomas to the army, and supplied him, and harboured and concealed him. Also that he went to the enemy's quarters at Brentford, and sent moneys to Oxford when a King's garrison. Vol. A. 22; No. or p. 30//17 June 1651. Information to like effect Vol. A. 22 139; No. or p. 223 156"[2]

  1. Anne Valentine's lawyer Henry Proctor was possibly Henry Procter of the Middle Temple. See London Metropolitan Archive: ACC/0132/146: Stanwell, Bedfont: Deed of covenant, 1654. In this deed of covenant the second party is "Henry Procter of the Middle Temple, esq." A Henry Procter together with a Gilbert Yard argued a dinner case in the Christmas vacaction, 1640, in Middle Temple. See The publications of the Selden Society, vol. 105 (?London, 1990), p. xciv, fn. 127. See also PROB 11/373 Drax 52-101 Will of Henry Procter, Gentleman of New Inn, Middlesex 07 May 1683
  2. Mary Anne Everett Green (ed.), 'Cases brought before the committee: March 1650', Calendar, Committee for the Advance of Money: Part 3: 1650-55 (London, 1888), pp. 1203-1221. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=59424 Date accessed: 09 October 2011