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[?Split], touching the}
[?Split], touching the}
shipp the ''Angell'', Nicholas}
shipp the ''Angell'', Nicholas}
[GUTTER ?Arents[on]] Master}
'''Rp. 1'''
'''Rp. 1'''

Revision as of 08:22, November 26, 2013

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To the interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee beleeveth that wooll-cards and trusses of goods are
usually carried by masters of shipps in their vessells the voyage interrogated
but upon what account hee knoweth not.

To the second hee saith that William Page was formerly
imployed as master of the said shipp the Prosperous, but
whether or noe hee be a partie in this sute or not hee knoweth not. And
further hee cannot answer.

To the third hee cannot answer.

To the fourth hee saith that hee this deponent at the very time of
such his sale of his said part to the said John Page, or very shortly
after did five notice thereof and signifie the same to the interrogated
Edmund C[?ala], And this deponent beleeveth and remembreth that
there was but one yeeres profitt for his said part due to this deponent
when hee soe made sale of his said part to the said John Page.
And otherwise hee cannot answer not knowing when this [XX]sute begann.

To the last and bill therein mentioned hee saith the summe in
the bill made by this deponent for the said part as hee remembreth,
verily beleeving the subscription to be his owne hand.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

John morris [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fourteenth of June 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]

On behalfe of Peter}
[?Split], touching the}
shipp the Angell, Nicholas}
[GUTTER ?Arents[on]] Master}

Rp. 1

Roger Phillips of horsey downe in the parish of
Saint Olaves in Southwarke Waterman, aged
33 yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the
right worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes,
one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie saith and deposeth.

That on Thursday last in the afternoone about three a clock
this deponent as a waterman plying at Saint Saviours Mill in
Southwarke side there came one by the name of mr Tailor to take
water and being readie to goe into this deponents boate spake to
this deponent saying I would have you get mee foure or five
hands more to fetch my shipp from the other side to this side
of the water, whereupon this deponent spake to and procured him
foure other water men, whereof his contest William Eves was
one, and soe going by water with him, hee brought them to
a shipp called the Angell lying a little below the
Armitage (sic) and told them that that was shee and willed them
to goe aboard her, and at the same time one Currall that
was in another boate said to the said Tailer, Captaine that
black shipp is shee, and if you will beare mee
harmeles I will come aboard alsoe, and the said Captaine
said hee would beare him harmeles, and soe hee afterwards came alsoe aboard.