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credibly heard and beleeveth, That some small and inconsiderable
credibly heard and beleeveth, That some small and inconsiderable
part by number of the said Chests of sugar did belong unto
part by number of the said Chests of sugar did belong unto
some English menand Subjects of this Commonwealth, who
some English men and Subjects of this Commonwealth, who
this deponent hath heard have made their Claymes for the same
this deponent hath heard have made their Claymes for the same
in this Court, to the Acts whereof this deponent doeth therein
in this Court, to the Acts whereof this deponent doeth therein

Revision as of 19:29, December 6, 2013

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accompt of others the Subjects of the king of Portugall, and
were to have beene unladen in the port of Lisbone, and were
consigned by the said Laders to have beene there delivered to
the Subjects of the king of POrtugall, who upon the receipy
thereof were, (as this deponent conceiveth it consonenat to [?contracrt GUTTER]
and common practize) to have payd to the Master of the said
shipp fraight for the same, And this deponent saieth, That he hath
credibly heard and beleeveth, That some small and inconsiderable
part by number of the said Chests of sugar did belong unto
some English men and Subjects of this Commonwealth, who
this deponent hath heard have made their Claymes for the same
in this Court, to the Acts whereof this deponent doeth therein
referre himselfe, And more to this Article deposeth not)

To the seaventh article hee saieth, That the subjects of the Lords
the States of the United provinces arlate in the said yeare
1657. and at the time of the lading of the said sugars and [?growth GUTTER]
on board the said shipp the fortune at the Bahaia aforesaid
and for some yeares before and since had not nor have any
trade nor were or are suffered or permitted to have any trade
in any parts of the Brazeele which were and are in the
Dominions of the king of Portugall or to lade or transport any
sugars from thence, but for all the said time there was and [XXXX GUTTER]
warre and hostility at the Brazeele and other parts thereabouts
betweene the said king of Portugall and the Lords the States
of the United Provinces and betweene the respective subjects
of the said king and of the Lords the States aforesaid, And
that this deponent is fully convinced and assured by reason of the
premisses, That of at trueth. the said Lords the States or their
Subjects or any of them had not nor have any part in any of
the said shipps Lading aforesaid, nor that any of the same were
originally laden or designed for the accompt of them or any
of them, nor doe they, (as this deponent is informed and verily
beleeveth) pretend any title to the same in point of proprietie and
the originall Laders or Proprietors thereof. The reasos whereof
this deponent rendrth for and of his deposition and firme beleefe[?s GUTTER]
as aforesaid are, for that hee this deponent being a Native of
the said United provinces hath, as aforesaid, by the space of
five yeares and upwards had his settled aboad in Lisbone aforesaid
and hath from thence in the quality aforesaid constantly