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|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Status=XXX; pasted into wikispot on 08/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Alex Jackson
|First transcribed=13/03/11
|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140496
|Transcription=1. The 12th day of March 1656
2. Examined on the sayd allogation
3. <margin value="left">dt saith. 4</margin>
4. John Lockier of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney and
5. County of Midd Mariner Master of shipp the Negro aged
6. thirty five yeares or thereabouts a wittness sworne and
7. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vigt
8. To the first article of the say allogation hee saith that hee this deponent being
9. Captaine of shipp Negro the whole voyage in question thereby well and
10. experimentally knoweth that the arlate Samuell Edwards and Roger Whitfeild
11. did in the voyage in question deXXam them selves like drunken debarched
12. and continous followes and were often or shoare in seuerall places drinking
13. and tippling and came aboard voyage tymes very much
14. overtaken with drinke and did carrie them selves soe such hourly and
15. continously towards this deponent and his were ffarie Commands that
16. many tymes was this deponent was constrayned to forbeare to company
17. them to doe things were farie for feare of their takeing distaste there at
18. and running away and deserting the sayd shipp which they seuerall
19. tymes attempted to doe and this their drunken and disobedient carriages
20. was a thing publique and notorious not only to this deponent but to
21. the whole shipps company who sawe and tooke notice of the same
22. And further saving his subferent deposition hee cannot depose.
23. To the second hee saith that hee this deponent was take by in the moneth
24. of June one thousand sixe hundred fifty five at St Christophers
25. tolde by seuerall freighters who had taken tonnage in the sayd shipp
26. there, as alsoe by seuerall others inhabitants in St Christophers that the
27. arlate Edwards and Whitfeild and ˹some˺ others of the the sayd shipps Company
28. did behinde this deponents back give this deponent oppracrious XXXXX
29. and disparrage ˹this deponent and˺ the sayd shipp alsoe, and reporte that shee was very
30. leakie and insufficient and unfitt to performe her voyage, And saith
31. that in the tyme that the sayd shipp lay at St Christophers this deponent
32. being on shoare called to the Company of his shipp to bring the boate
33. on shoare to fetch him on board whereupon the sayd Edwards brought
34. the give a last past of the shipps company on shoare in the boate and
35. this deponent asking the sayd Edwards what be reason was that soe
36. many of the Company came on shoare hee answered in the behalfe
37. of himselfe and the rest of them ˹and sayd˺ that they would not proceede in the
38. sayd shipp on the voyage the for that far Sas hee sayd) shee was soe insuffi
39. cient and by reason of the sayd Edwards sayd words and actions seuerall
40. of the sayd shipps company came away, and hee the sayd Edwards sayd
41. Whitfeild ˹the Carpenter˺ and Margan the Boatswaine ˹at an other tyme during the say shipps stay at Stepney/SterlingXXX˺ carried away their cloathes on board
42. of another shipp lying at St Christophers and deserted their dutie on
43. board the Negro contrary to the will and Command of him this deponent
44. in soe much that this deponent was forced to threaten them to have them
45. the sayd Edwards and Whitfeild and Margan before the XXXXnenr of St
46. Christophers to be parished in case they would not returne aboard
47. and obey this deponents commands according to their dutie, whereupon
48. the sayd Edwards Whitfeild and Morgan (for feare of punishment) did
49. returne on board the Negro, but still continued their idle and
50. debauched behaviour and were still refractorie and disobedient
51. to this deponents Commands and caused and banned the shipp and this
52. deponent And by such the ill Carriage of the sayd Edwards Whitfeild
53. and Morgan and by XXX reason others ˹of the shipps Company˺ through their perswations wholy
54. <margin value="bottom right">deserted</margin>
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 20:50, May 8, 2014

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1. The 12th day of March 1656
2. Examined on the sayd allogation
3. <margin value="left">dt saith. 4</margin>
4. John Lockier of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney and
5. County of Midd Mariner Master of shipp the Negro aged
6. thirty five yeares or thereabouts a wittness sworne and
7. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vigt
8. To the first article of the say allogation hee saith that hee this deponent being
9. Captaine of shipp Negro the whole voyage in question thereby well and
10. experimentally knoweth that the arlate Samuell Edwards and Roger Whitfeild
11. did in the voyage in question deXXam them selves like drunken debarched
12. and continous followes and were often or shoare in seuerall places drinking
13. and tippling and came aboard voyage tymes very much
14. overtaken with drinke and did carrie them selves soe such hourly and
15. continously towards this deponent and his were ffarie Commands that
16. many tymes was this deponent was constrayned to forbeare to company
17. them to doe things were farie for feare of their takeing distaste there at
18. and running away and deserting the sayd shipp which they seuerall
19. tymes attempted to doe and this their drunken and disobedient carriages
20. was a thing publique and notorious not only to this deponent but to
21. the whole shipps company who sawe and tooke notice of the same
22. And further saving his subferent deposition hee cannot depose.
23. To the second hee saith that hee this deponent was take by in the moneth
24. of June one thousand sixe hundred fifty five at St Christophers
25. tolde by seuerall freighters who had taken tonnage in the sayd shipp
26. there, as alsoe by seuerall others inhabitants in St Christophers that the
27. arlate Edwards and Whitfeild and ˹some˺ others of the the sayd shipps Company
28. did behinde this deponents back give this deponent oppracrious XXXXX
29. and disparrage ˹this deponent and˺ the sayd shipp alsoe, and reporte that shee was very
30. leakie and insufficient and unfitt to performe her voyage, And saith
31. that in the tyme that the sayd shipp lay at St Christophers this deponent
32. being on shoare called to the Company of his shipp to bring the boate
33. on shoare to fetch him on board whereupon the sayd Edwards brought
34. the give a last past of the shipps company on shoare in the boate and
35. this deponent asking the sayd Edwards what be reason was that soe
36. many of the Company came on shoare hee answered in the behalfe
37. of himselfe and the rest of them ˹and sayd˺ that they would not proceede in the
38. sayd shipp on the voyage the for that far Sas hee sayd) shee was soe insuffi
39. cient and by reason of the sayd Edwards sayd words and actions seuerall
40. of the sayd shipps company came away, and hee the sayd Edwards sayd
41. Whitfeild ˹the Carpenter˺ and Margan the Boatswaine ˹at an other tyme during the say shipps stay at Stepney/SterlingXXX˺ carried away their cloathes on board
42. of another shipp lying at St Christophers and deserted their dutie on
43. board the Negro contrary to the will and Command of him this deponent
44. in soe much that this deponent was forced to threaten them to have them
45. the sayd Edwards and Whitfeild and Margan before the XXXXnenr of St
46. Christophers to be parished in case they would not returne aboard
47. and obey this deponents commands according to their dutie, whereupon
48. the sayd Edwards Whitfeild and Morgan (for feare of punishment) did
49. returne on board the Negro, but still continued their idle and
50. debauched behaviour and were still refractorie and disobedient
51. to this deponents Commands and caused and banned the shipp and this
52. deponent And by such the ill Carriage of the sayd Edwards Whitfeild
53. and Morgan and by XXX reason others ˹of the shipps Company˺ through their perswations wholy
54. <margin value="bottom right">deserted</margin>

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner