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|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0132.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.261v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0132.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.261v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription=[INSERT DATA]
|Transcription=disturbed ad understood that the unner having order to make
the after most gunn readie had made one readie by the maine mast,
and that the same was shott off without any word or order
given by the master, and that a yonge-man that was in a bote
or wherry was killed therewith. And saith the saud
master forthwith called out for the Gunner, and hee not answering
search was made for him in the shipp, but hee was gonne,
and flead ashore without the masters notice, and was soe gonne
before this deponent and the others that were in hold could
get up; and the master was bvery angry that hee was escaped
and gonne ashore./
Repeated witgh his precontest before doctor Clerke.
Th emarke of
[MARKE] Jacob Johnson [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The 9th day of May <u>.1655::</u>/ &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;
The Lord Protector against the Vessell the ''Charles''
and against John Swann and Companie intervening&#125;
for their interest. Budd. Suckley.&#125;
Examined upon an Allegation in the
Acts of Court in the behalfe of the said
Swan and Companie, and upon the schedule annexed.
'''William Yeames''' of the parish of Saint Mary
Magdalens Bermondsey Shipwright aged 48:
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith
as followeth videlicet:-/
That hee this deponent very well knoweth the Vessell arlate called the
''Charles'', but formerly called the ''Raphe and John'', and hath so
knowne her from her originall building, which was about 14. yeares
since by one Robert Tranckmore a ship-wright at Shoram in Sussex
which was then and there built by the order and direction of the
arlate John SWann for the accompt of himselfe and Consorts - Subjects
of this Commonwealth, The premisses hee deposeth for that hee this deponent
saw the said shipp immediately after such her building conducted to
Billingsgate docke by the said John Swann, who then was and ever
since till the seizure in question hath continued Master of her, And
for that this deponent about a yeare before the seizure
allate did by the order and direction of the said John SWan repaire the
said shipp, and made her a new deck and severall other reparations
according as in the schedule annexed and now shewne unto and perused
by this deponent is expressed, which schedule this deponent doeth hereby
declare, as to his owbe particular to be reall and true, and sub
scribed with the proper hand writeing of this deponent and of one
Robert Ware a Mariner who were by the said John SWann
expressely brought to Plimouth for the inspection of the said
shipp, And there upon each declared and testified before the

Revision as of 13:22, January 8, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.261v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The Lord Protector against the Vessell the Charles
and against John Swann and Companie intervening}
for their interest. Budd. Suckley.}

Examined upon an Allegation in the
Acts of Court in the behalfe of the said
Swan and Companie, and upon the schedule annexed.


William Yeames of the parish of Saint Mary
Magdalens Bermondsey Shipwright aged 48:
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith
as followeth videlicet:-/

That hee this deponent very well knoweth the Vessell arlate called the
Charles, but formerly called the Raphe and John, and hath so
knowne her from her originall building, which was about 14. yeares
since by one Robert Tranckmore a ship-wright at Shoram in Sussex
which was then and there built by the order and direction of the
arlate John SWann for the accompt of himselfe and Consorts - Subjects
of this Commonwealth, The premisses hee deposeth for that hee this deponent
saw the said shipp immediately after such her building conducted to
Billingsgate docke by the said John Swann, who then was and ever
since till the seizure in question hath continued Master of her, And
for that this deponent about a yeare before the seizure
allate did by the order and direction of the said John SWan repaire the
said shipp, and made her a new deck and severall other reparations
according as in the schedule annexed and now shewne unto and perused
by this deponent is expressed, which schedule this deponent doeth hereby
declare, as to his owbe particular to be reall and true, and sub
scribed with the proper hand writeing of this deponent and of one
Robert Ware a Mariner who were by the said John SWann
expressely brought to Plimouth for the inspection of the said
shipp, And there upon each declared and testified before the
(Major"</u>/ &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;

The Lord Protector against the Vessell the Charles<br /> and against John Swann and Companie intervening&#125;<br /> for their interest. Budd. Suckley.&#125;

Examined upon an Allegation in the<br /> Acts of Court in the behalfe of the said<br /> Swan and Companie, and upon the schedule annexed.


William Yeames of the parish of Saint Mary<br /> Magdalens Bermondsey Shipwright aged 48:<br /> yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith<br /> as followeth videlicet:-/

That hee this deponent very well knoweth the Vessell arlate called the<br /> Charles, but formerly called the Raphe and John, and hath so<br /> knowne her from her originall building, which was about 14. yeares<br /> since by one Robert Tranckmore a ship-wright at Shoram in Sussex<br /> which was then and there built by the order and direction of the<br /> arlate John SWann for the accompt of himselfe and Consorts - Subjects<br /> of this Commonwealth, The premisses hee deposeth for that hee this deponent<br /> saw the said shipp immediately after such her building conducted to<br /> Billingsgate docke by the said John Swann, who then was and ever<br /> since till the seizure in question hath continued Master of her, And<br /> for that this deponent about a yeare before the seizure<br /> allate did by the order and direction of the said John SWan repaire the<br /> said shipp, and made her a new deck and severall other reparations<br /> according as in the schedule annexed and now shewne unto and perused<br /> by this deponent is expressed, which schedule this deponent doeth hereby<br /> declare, as to his owbe particular to be reall and true, and sub<br /> scribed with the proper hand writeing of this deponent and of one<br /> Robert Ware a Mariner who were by the said John SWann<br /> expressely brought to Plimouth for the inspection of the said<br /> shipp, And there upon each declared and testified before the<br /> (Major" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.