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[John Carter] of Saint Mary hill in London Cheesemonger saged 27. yeares [IMG_1729]
[John Leemkuel] of the parish of Saint Michael Crooked lane London merchant aged 37 yeares [IMG_1733]

Revision as of 08:51, July 2, 2014

HCA 13/69 Deponents - by folio

Editorial history

Created, 25/06/14 by CSG


To list all deponents mentioned in HCA 13/69 in order of appearance

References to IMG_XXXX refer to digital images taken on a Canon camera, which will imn due course be posted to this wiki to enable collaborative transcription

Suggested links

Annotate HCA 13/71
Annotate HCA 13/72
Annotate HCA 13/73

HCA 13/71 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/72 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/73 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Occupation



IMG_1010 - IMG_1027

Joachim Starbus of Hambourgh Mariner, master of the said shipp aged 49 yeares

John Cole of London Merchant aged thirtie two yeares

Abraham Peterson of fflushing Mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis, aged 26 yeares

Josias Harrison of dunwich in Suffolk apprentice to Samuel driver of the same, aged 12 yeares

[John Simmons] of Walserwich in Suffolke Sailer one of the company of the said vessell or boate the Susan aged 33 yeares

[Patience Ward] of London merchant aged 25 yeeres

[Henry Mervin] of debtford Mariner aged 38 yeares

[Samuel Wright of West chester Mariner, late master of the said vessell the Samuel, aged 22 yeeres

[John Wilkinson] of Ipswich in the County of Suffolke Mariner, late master of the said shipp the John and William of kingsale

[John Johnson] of West fflie in ffliesland Mariner, master of the said shipp the Peter, aged 22 yeares

[Derrick Johnson] of ffenhousen in North holland Mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the Peter aged 41 yeares

[Roger Dammerson] of Skedam in holland Mariner, master of the said shipp the hope, aged 44 yeares [f.9r; IMG_1025]


IMG_1028 - IMG_1947

[Arent Claeson] of Skedam in holland Mariner late Stiersman of the shipp the hope aged 40 yeares [f.10r; IMG_1028]

[Roger Dommeson] of Skedam in holland Mariner, master of the said shipp the hope aged 44 yeares [f.11r; IMG_1030]

[Edmund Trump] of dover in the County of kent mariner aged 30 yeares [f.11v; IMG_1031]

[Claus Dowerson] of derschelling in North holland Sailer, aged 18 yeeres [f.12r; IMG_1032]

[Diego de la Cruz] of Hamburgh a native of Cadiz in Spaine Mariner Steersman of the sayd ship the Kindt aged 30 yeares [f.12v; IMG_1033]

[John Kindt] of Hamburgh Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Kindt aged 41. yeares [f.14r; IMG_1036]

[Alexander Covell] of Portsmouth Barber, aged 25 yeares [f.15v; IMG_1039]

[Juan Thomas Miluti] of Cadiz in Spayne merchant aged 23 yeares [f.15v; IMG_1039]

[William Tuiller] of deepe master of the shipp the hope of deepe, aged 36 yeares [f.17r; IMG_1042]

[Luke Goslin] of deepe in the Realme of ffrance Pilote of the said shipp the hope, aged 27 yeares [f.17r; IMG_1042]

[Noel Lureux] of deepe in the Realme of ffrance MMariner, boatswaine of the said shipp the hope of the burthen of betweene 80 and 900 tonnes [f.17v; IMG_1043]

[Hendrick Dykehouse] of hamburgh Mariner aged 26 yeares [f.17v; IMG_1043]

[John vander marsh] of the citie of London Merchant aged 43 yeares [f.18v; IMG_1045]

[John Bommelaer] of dunquirke mariner aged 50 yeares [f.19r; IMG_1046]


UMG_1048 - IMG_1067

[Albert Laurenson] of Tunsborough in Norway Mariner master of the said shipp, aged 24 yeares [f.20r; IMG_1048]

[Laurence Antholm] of (?Utolstrand) in Norway Mariner Boatswaine of the said shipp the Saint John aged 26 yeares [f.20v; IMG_1049]

[Edward Goodwin] of dover in the County of Kent merchant aged 45 yeares [f.21v; IMG_1051]

[Dirrick Hendricks] borne att Embden in East freisland now dwelling att Dover in Kent, mariner Captaine or Commander of the Hound of dover a private man of warr aged 38 yeares [f.22r; IMG_1052]

[William Packwood] of the parish of Stepney Mariner one of the Company of the Adventure ketch whereof Wm Harrison was Captaine, aged 27 yeares [IMG_1054]

[George Jacobs] of Dantzyck mariner Boatswain of the sayd Adventure Ketch, a privat man of warr aged 36 yeares [IMG_1057]

The foresayd [William Packwood] upon the Crosse Interrogatories [IMG_1060]

[John Johnson] of fflieland Mariner Master of the said shipp the Peter aged 22 yeeres [IMG_1061]

[John Ashurst the younger] of the parish of Saint Andrrew Undershaft London Merchant aged 25 yeares [IMG_XXXX]

[Albertus Skinner] of the parish of Saint George Bottolph Lane London Merchant aged 28 yeares [IMG_1066][IMG_1065]


IMG_1068 - IMG_1087]

[Robert kerby] of debtford Mariner aged 30 yeares [IMG_1070]

[Nicholas Mitchell] of deepe in the Realme of ffrance Mariner late on eof the company of the said shipp the Saint Lewis, aged 25 yeares [IMG_1071]

[Thomas Allen] of Marke lane London marener aged 28 yeares [IMG_1072]

[William Murford] of Lyme Regis in the County of Norfolke Marchant, aged 43 yeares [IMG_1074]

[Evert Everson] of hamburgh Mariner, master of the Charitie, aged 38 yeares [IMG_1075]

[Jurgen Peterson] of dantzike mariner master of the said shipp aged 28 yeeres [IMG_1076]

[Corten Boisen] of [?Rum] in holsteinland mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the Salvador, aged 24 yeares [IMG_1078]

[Cornelius Johnson] of Rotterdam Sailer one of the common men of the said vessel the Golden Butt, aged 21 yeares [IMG_1079]
-"To the fourth hee saith that hee was interpreted (at the time of his said examination) by derrick Swines purser, but when that examination came to be read over, it was read in English which this deponent understandeth not, and not in dutch, howbeit the said Interpreter telling himit was set downe according to what hee had said, hee signed the same" [IMG_1080]

[John Tivell] of London merchant aged 43 yeeres [IMG_1081]
- sold Sevill oiles at 236 gallons per tonne; buyers were oilesmen
- "hee hath sold whale-oile after the rate or measure of 252 gallons to a tonne, but never sweete oiles at or after any other measure or rate than 236 gallons to a tonne"

[Nicholas de Carret] of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke Marchant and mariner aged 43 yeeres [IMG_1081]
- "a native of Jersey, and hath lived in London theise ten yeares last"
[Stephen Templeman] of the parish of Saint Margarets Westminster Victualler, aged 46 yeeres [IMG_1082]

[Peter Parravacin] servant and apprentice to George Toriano of London Merchant aged 18 yeeres [IMG_1083]

[Robert Garred] servant and apprentice to Thomas R[?e]d beard of the parish of Saint Buttolphs B[XXXX]sgate London [IMG_1084]
- "[bought by] Mr Arnold Beake, mr Lucas Lucie and Mr George Toriano"

[John Nicholl] of the parish of Greate Allhallows London servant and apprentice of Thomas howlett Sope Boyler aged 21 yeares [IMG_1085]

[Captaine Richard Yardley] of Jersey aged 40 yeeres [IMG_1085]

[Robert Mitchell] of deepe mariner late commander of the said vessel the [?lewes] of deepe aged 28 yeares [IMG_1086]

[Garret Johnson] of Euchusen in Holland Sailor, one of the company of the said ship the Abrahams Offereing aged 39 yeeres [IMG_1087]
- "the signe of the Two lasts in the broadstreete in Euchusen the house of Nielaken hugens" [IMG_1088]


IMG_1088 - IMG_1107]

[John Arenson Crabbendam] of Amsterdam Merchant aged 47 yeeres [IMG_1088]
- "the said ship had made one voyage (and that was to Greenland) before this deponent soe bought her" [IMG_1089]

[Charles Mariscoe] of London Merchant, aged twenty two yeares [IMG_1090]
- "in or about the monethes of May and April last [1654] William Momma arlate wrote to this deponent (and partner John Buck) his correspondents in this citie, advising them of the sending the ship arlate a Boyer the Abrahams Offering (Garbrand Cornelison master) for hamborough with goods" [IMG_1090]

[John Wilkinson] of Ipswich in the County of Suffolke Mariner late master of the said ship the [deborah] [IMG_1090]

[Giles Vandeput] of London marchant aged 31 yeares [IMG_1092]

[Captaine Thomas Marriot] of Limehouse Mariner late Commander of the ship the discoverie in the service of this Commonwealth, aged 57 yeares [IMG_1093]
- met a Dutch ship bound from Brazil to Middleborough with sugar
- "shee [Elizabeth Nicolson] had three little beasts called Segwinckes aboard the said ship at the time of the said seizure, one whereof she gave unto this deponent and sent this deponents wife another of them, and the third shee or another woman a passenger gave to this deponents sonne, which shee sold for twenty shillings, the two other namely those soe given to this deponent and his said wife hee said died." [IMG_1093]

The said [Captaine Marriot] further examined [IMG_1094]

[John Day] of London Merchant aged 60 yeares [IMG_1094]
- A merchant and a broker for 30 years
- well knoweth the gage used in the city of London by those trading in olive oyle
- "for theise 20 yeares and more, hee hath and doth cause to be printed the weekly bills of prices currant both in ffranch and English, which are generally sent to all considerable places of trade in Christendome and other parts and that in the sameEnglish bills hee hath from time to time and doth plainly expresse that there are 236 gallons and noe more of sweet oiles allowed to the tonne, whereby the buyer and seller may fully be informed in that particular". States he had a patent to send out the bills of prices. [IMG_1095]

[John Prusenaer] of Ostend Mariner, master of the said ship the hope, aged 41 yeares [IMG_1096]
- "hee tooke in a tonne of wheate for his owne account and twelve bags for his [?folks] or companies account"
- Moved from Dunquik to Ostend when the French took the former town

[John Thomas] of Dunquirke Mariner master of the ship the John aged thirtie yeares [IMG_1098]
- Colourable papers, actually bound for Leith in Scotland, and a Scottish, not Dutch ship, with wines belonging to Colonell Samuel Atkins
- "for the better colouring the same hee had by meanes of a merchant in dunquirke amd one that was formerly master of the said ship procured the Holland papers" [IMG_1098]

[Garret Johnson] of Euchusen in North Holland Mariner aged 39 yeeres [IMG_1099]
- "hee can neither speake nor understand but a very little English albeit that hee hath bin sixe or seaven times in England before in severall ports within theise twenty yeares last" [IMG_1100]

[Gerbrand Cornelison] of Nieucopen in Swedland Mariner master of the Abrahams Offering a vessel of Neiwcopen aforesaid aged 35 yeares [IMG_1101]
- "he cannot speake or understand English unlesse some few ordinary words, howbeit he was once and noe oftner in England before this tyme when he was a boy but remembreth not how long he stayd there." [IMG_1102]
- "upon his comeing to Yarmouth in the vinter the dopp being then likewise there severall English Skippers belonging to Coale shipps, and other boatesmen did acquaint this deponent in the presence of the vintners Company in broken dutch speaking concerning the peace, in this or the like words being dutch. da vreda is ghomacht, alla is vreda. and this deponent speaking dutch sayd to Captaine Trosor concerning the dopp thus [?vost] Captain aks dat alla vrada is wie wit a da mensch op bringen, wie wil a hem niel varen laten. his Company being then present" [IMG_1102]

[Henry Tiddeman] of dover in the County of Kent winecooper aged fifty five yeares [IMG_1103]
- Deposed concerning the ship the Lime Twigg, which was set out by Thomas De La Val of Dover as a private man of war, and which captured a vessel in April 1654 "having rich Cloathes thereon belonging to the sayd Duke of Oldenburgh, and certaine horses designed as a present to his Highnes the Lord Protector of this Commonwealth with a warrant or passport from his Highness for the safe passage of the sayd vessel for England" [IMG_1103]
- "the Princes head Taverne neere the Peere head att dover" [IMG_1104]
- "ffrancis Sympson Marshall of the Admiralty att dover" had Banjamin Hollman prisoner in Dover

[Edward Goodwin] of dover in the County of Kent merchant aged 48 yeares [IMG_1104] [IMG_1104]"

[CHECK IMG_1105]

[Jacob Wigandi] of hamburgh Merchant aged 25. yeares [IMG_1106]
- Nicholas del Peina "lodged in the house of one William Shrawley at the signe of the white hart in Leaden hall street London" [IMG_1106]
- He "is a Native of hamburgh where hee had his education and saith That for 5 yeares last past hee hath been employed for and by the widow and heires of hance [?Lemmerman] as their factor and Agent to severall parts in the East Countrey and elsewhere and formerly for 7. yeares lived at Amsterdam with one Lodowick Burmans a hamburgh Marchant...hee hath bin in England about a yeare and a half and Lodged for about a yeare at Mr Brunings a Merchant here in London, and of late lodgeth in the house of Mr John Edwards a Merchant in dukes place London where hee now inhabiteth and was borne at hamburgh, and saith hee went from hence to Amsterdam about the said Lemmermans affaires in or about the moneth of May in the yeare 1653 last past, from whence hee immediately returned to Londo" [IMG_1107]


IMG_1108 - IMG_1128

[Diego Flipe Kerchoven] of dukes place London Marchant aged 21. yeares [IMG_1109]
- "hee this deponent hath bin for about 10. moneths last in England, and hath during his aboade in London lodged in dukes place and Bevise marks London, and lodgeth at present in dukes place aforesaid" [IMG_1109]
- "the interrate del Peino lodging at the white hart in Leaden hall street London till about November last, and saith that this deponent hath bin credibly informed that afterwards and till about five weekes last the said del Peino lodged in or about Covent garden" [IMG_1109]

[Francisco Lorenzo de Lara] Native of Mallega in Spaine, Merchant resideing at present in London, aged 24. yeares [IMG_1110]
- "hee this rendent hath bin in England for about 18. or 19. moneths last past, and hath lodged for 14 moneths of the said time at the white bulls head in Lumbardstreet, and since at the Vlackamoores head in Leaden hall street, where hee now lodgeth, and is a native of mallega in Spaine" [IMG_1111]

[Juan Thomas Milute] of Cadiz in Spaine marchant aged 23. yeares [IMG_1112]
- "hee hath lived about 8. moneths last past in England, and hath lodged in that time in 4. or 5. severall places in London according to his best convenience, and was borne at Cadiz in Spaine and inhabiteth at present by London wall neare the Spanish Ambassador" [IMG_1113]

[Don Antonio de Punte Carilla y gueman] of [?60] [?Place] of Tenerife in the Ilands of the Canaryes merchant aged 29 yeares" [IMG_1113]
- "hee this deponent hath resided in London for almost two yeares last past, and hath constantly lodged at Mr davies his house in dukes place London where hee lodgeth at present, and is a Native of the place of Guarachicho in the Canarie Islands" [IMG_1114; IMG_1115]

[William Hulot] of the parishof Saint Olave in Southwarke Mariner Gunner of the Wheele of ffortune aged 33 yeares [IMG_1115]

[John Tresare] of Redriff Commander of the Adventure, aged 34 yeeres [IMG_1118]

[Tobias Barnes] of London gentleman, late a souldier of the Adventure frigot, aged 33 yeares [IMG_1119]
- "hee now liveth in [?Bards] alley in ffleetstreete with his sister, and before that hee lived at Yarmouth whence hee sailed the space of a yeare lieutenant of the Adventure frigot, before that in Ireland at Dublin for ten yeares, and for his estate hee saith hee is a souldier of ffortune, and not indebted to any man." [IMG_1120]
- "hee saith hee can understand and indifferently well speake lowe dutch, but not high dutch, and learned his lowe dutch in Holland and fflanders and was in Holland 20 yeares since and againe severall times since that and that hee can reade lowe dutch, but not high dutch and that hee cannot write wither of them, and that hee can speake and write latin." [IMG_1120]
- "the said confessions and acknowledgements of the said Skipper and company were at severall times and upon severall occasions in discourse and those made by the Skipper were principally in answer to questions and upon discourse betwixt him and this deponent and the Captaine and master of the Adventure and were made in a broken speech of English and dutch together, and the discourse touching the shipps lying at Elsanore happened betwixt the said master and this deponent on the eighth of May about no one at which time the Adventure was in[?chase] of two Galliots" [IMG_1120]
- the papers passed to the Court included a Swedish passe and "a let passe from Elsenore" [IMG_1120]

[Richard White] late one of the company, namely Steward of the ship the Adventure (John Tresore Captaine) aged 27 yeares
- "hee is a singleman and hath noe settled abode, being accustomed to saile from place to place as hee can get best imployment, and that hee now lodgeth at Newcastle armes at Saint Catherins staires" [IMG_1121]
- "hee can neither speake write nor understands any language but English" [IMG_1121]

The foresaid [John Treser] to the crosse Interrogatories [IMG_1122]
- "hee can understand lowe dutch but neither speake nor write it, nor can speake or understand high dutch, and that English is his mother tongue, which hee can write and reade" [IMG_1122]
- "such confessions aforesaid that this deponent heard of the master and company were in dutch and English together in a broken speech, amongst which the said Skipper speaking of his lying at Elsenore said Ick heb five of sis weken in de Sond ta Elsenore gelegen, and durst niet outgaen, vorr vreese vanda Engelsch, or to the same effect, not being otherwise able soe longe after to remember the very words." [IMG_1122]

[Joachim ffrederick Barner] one of the Gentlemen of the Court of Oldenburgh, aged 30 yeeres [IMG_1122]
- ten horses sent in the ship the Goulden [?harshore] from Count of Oldenburgh as a present to the Lord Protector, which Joachim Barner was to present to the Protector. In addition to the horses there was a trunk of rich clothes belonging to the young count, son of the Count of Oldenburg, who came overland to Dunkirk and then to England [IMG_1123]
- the ship was stopped by an private English man of war, and boarded by four men. Barner took the principal of the four men into his cabin "and showed him the said Counts passe for the said voyage, and read the same unto him, and asked him if hee well understood it, and hee answered yes, and said the passe was goode" [IMG_1123]
- "and tooke their sea cards from them" [IMG_1123]

[Hendrick Helers] of hockseil in the Countie of Aldenburgh Mariner aged 36 yeares [IMG_1126]

[John Cock] one of the Groomes of his excellencie the Count of Oldenburgh, aged 47 yeeres [IMG_1127]
- "they made such a confusion and noise in the said shipp that they set the horses a maddeing (which till their comming aboard were very quiet) in soemuch that one of them strucke another that hee died thereof, and was still soe madd that hee was faine to be killed to prevent killing the rest and sinking the shipp" [IMG_1128]

[John Hillings] one of the ffootemen of the Count of Oldenburgh aged 25 yeeres [IMG_1128]
- by the confused noise and tumult of the said [?capers] folkes and their running amongest the horses with candles to search their manes and tailes for money and otherwise disturbing them, the said horses (which to that time were very quiet and orderly) fell a madding and one of them was soe extremely madded that hee kicked one of his fellowes soe that hee killed him, and continued still soe furious that hee endangered the killimg of more of the said horses and the sinking of the said shipp, which to prevent the said mr Bermer was faine to kill him by thrusting him in the breast with a sword" [IMG_1129]


IMG_1129 - IMG_1148

[Gerrard Popkins] of Embden Mariner, Stiersman of the said vessell the Golden horshoe, aged 55 yeeres [IMG_1130]

[Hendrick kreitzmar] cheife Groome of the young Count of Oldenburgh, aged 28 yeeres [IMG_1131]
- "the two horses that perished were the best of eight that were aboard and were for the [XXXX], and that hee verlily beleeveth that two such could not here be bought under an hundred pounds sterling a peece" [IMG_1131]

[Frederick Coolman] of Oldenburgh Coachman to the old Count of Oldenburgh aged thirty yeares [IMG_1132]
- "by the noise and disturbance which they made and bringing Candles and Lanternes into the hold where this deponent was with the sayd horses, and by their rude handling of them and searching in their maines which they did as this deponent conceyveth in hope to have found some gold or other precious things there hid, the sayd horses which before were queit and gentle were disturbed, and one of them being enraged killed his fellow and was of necessity for feare offurther mischeife himselfe slayne and those two horses were two of the best that were so sent but the values he knoweth not" [IMG_1132]

[Gerardt Bruyn] of Oldenburgh one of the Groomes in the service of the old Count of Oldenburgh aged 20 yeares [IMG_1133]

[Frederick Collmeir] of Oldenburgh servant to his precontest Monsieur Berner aged 18 yeares [IMG_1134]

[Nicholas Lange] of Oldenburgh Page to the old Count of Oldenburgh aged 24 yeares [IMG_1135]

[John Fovell] of Oldenburgh ffootman to the young Count of Oldenburgh aged 22 yeares [IMG_1136]

[Eylert Eylers] of Oldenburgh a Groome belonging to the old Count of Oldenburgh aged 40 yeares [IMG_1137]
- "there being 8 dapple gray horses in all" [IMG_1137]

[Henry Schro[?w]der] of Oldenburgh the sonn of John Schrowder burgher of Gevers. aged 18 yeares [IMG_1138]
- "he came as a passenger in the arlate vessell that brought the allegat horses from the Count of Oldenburgh for England comeing in her for his pleasure and to see this citty in Company of the sayd Counts servants" [IMG_1138]

[Herman Sheffar] of Oldenburgh servant ti the Steward of the Count of Oldenburgh aged 18 yeares [IMG_1139]

[Gerdt Ho[?mm]es] of Hacksell mariner Boatswaine of the sayd shipp the golden Horshoe aged 32. yeares [IMG_1139]

[Peter Pillon] Groome of the Chamber of his [?Excellencie] the Count of Oldenburgh, aged 23 yeares [IMG_1140]

[Jacob Gosling] of London Marchant , aged 27 yeeres [IMG_1141]

[James de Seane] of Diep in the Realme of ffrance mariner Master of the said shipp the Bonadventure, aged fiftie foure yeares [IMG_1141]

[Patience Ward] of London Merchant aged 26 yeares [IMG_1142]
- [DEPOSITION OF PATIENCE WARD] "Patience Ward of London Merchant aged 26 yeares...this deponent and the said Lancelot To[?u]lson have designed the said shipp to make a voyage and carry ffrench passengers and merchandizes to the ffrench plantations in the American Ilands, and in that regard they have thought good to appoint and have appointed a ffrench master and company to saile her out and home, howbeit hee saith shee goeth upon the sole adventure of the said mr Toulson and this deponent, and is to retourne upon their sole adventure."[IMG_1142]

[John Jacobs] of Rotterdam Mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the king david, aged 35 yeares [IMG_1143]
- "hee was borne at Rotterdam and that all the hoe hee hath is there, but being a batchelour and seafaring hee for the most is imployed in navigations abroad" [IMG_1143]

[Gerbrand Claeson] of Stockholme Mariner, master of the said shipp the King david, aged 24 yeares [IMG_1144]
- states that Laurance da [?Gaer] is a "noble man of Sweden" and has resided in Amsterdam for several years as Commissary for the Queen of Sweden and "is lateley gonne to reside at Stockholme" and that he is a subject of the Queen of Sweden and "a publique Minister employed in her service" [IMG_1144]
- the ship the king david is allegedly owned by Laurance and Lewes de Gaer, and was trading between France and Sweden when captured by a private English man of war [IMG_1145]
- Witness ordered by Mr Minslierer the Swedish Secretary to testify [IMG_1145]
- "hee was borne at Cromersdike in holland, but hath lived foure yeares last and ever since his being master of the said shipp at Stockholme, and before that from his youth hee sailed with his father, without having any habitation being a youth" [IMG_1145]

[Robert Mordant] of the parish of Saint Michaell Cornhill London citizen and Skinner of London, aged 43 yeares [IMG_1146]

[Richard Rice] of Stoke Nayland in Suffolke Brewer aged 50 yeares [IMG_1147]

[James Castol] of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex mariner Master of the shipp the John and Mary aforesayd aged 38 yeares [IMG_1147]
-XXXX [IMG_1147]

[Thomas Mallot] of Lymehouse in the County of Middlesex and parish of Stepney Mariner Boatswaine of the shipp the John and mary aforesayd aged 31 yeares [IMG_1148]
- "in the moneth of January last [1654] shee was in the Port of London and there tooke in as by this deponents booke of Accompts appeareth (hee being boatswaine and supplying the place of a purser (as is usuall in vessells where noe purser is) the sayd John and Mary having noe purser" [IMG_1148]


IMG_1149 - IMG_1168

[Edmund Lemmon] of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke one of the Surveyors of the Commissioners for prize goods aged 40 yeares and [Howard Phipps] of the precinct of Saint Catherins neare the Tower of London Mariner, aged 51 yeares [IMG_1149]
- testified to the poor state of the Morning Starr, "lying ashore belowe Blackwalls" [IMG_1149]

[Gerbrand Cornelison] of [?Neiuropen] in Sweden Mariner master of the said shipp aged 35 yeeres [IMG_1150]
- "the said Tresares master dealing with this deponent and tempting him to say his shipp and goods were hollands, spake to him in Swedish a Northerne language, which the said master being a Norwegian spake well, and one mr [?Banes] one of the company of the man of warr severall times in lowe dutch spake to this deponent to say his shipp and goods were hollands, promising him much reward therefore but to expresse the very words being in severall languages, at severall times and by said all persons, hee saith hee is not able" [IMG_1151]
- "hee can write and reade written hand, and can speake and understand Swedish and lowe dutch...hee himselfe delivered the said passe and writings to the said Tresare and well understandeth the cntents thereof, being in Swedish and dutch" [IMG_1152]
- "his said bill of sale was made in Euchosen about a moneth before Christmas last, and was passed in the towne hall there and written in lowe dutch" [IMG_1152]
- "the papers delivered by him to the said Tresare were his passe from [?Nieucopen], his burghers brief, two freight briefs, and a danish passe given him in the Sond" [IMG_1152]

[Garret Johnson] of Euchosen in holland mariner one of the company of the said shipp the Abrahams offereing aged 39 yeares [IMG_1152]
- "the said master and Chirurgeon spake to this deponent in lowe dutch, but the very words hee cannot remember, but many and many times spoken and in severall places" [IMG_1153]
- "hee understandeth and speaketh lowe dutch being his native tongue, and noe other language, and can write a little and read his owne writings" [IMG_1153]

[Cornelius Johnson] of fflieland Sayler aged 20 yeares [IMG_1153]
- "hee cannot speake or understand other languages than lowe dutch, nor can write nor reade" [IMG_1154]

[Thomas Ratcliff] of East Smithfeild Mariner, aged 45 yeares [IMG_1155]

[Thomas Sinnet] of East Smithfeild London Mariner aged 40 yeares [IMG_1156]

[Philip Browne] of Ratcliff Mariner aged 32 yeares [IMG_1157]

[Alexander Reynolds] of East Smithfeild neare London Mariner, aged 20 yeares [IMG_1158]

[Valentine Tatnell] of Dover in the County of Kent Mariner at present Captaine or Commander of the Rose bush in the service of this Commonwealth, formery Leiftenant of the sayd frigot the Advise [IMG_1159]

[John Wise] of Deptford in the County of Kent mariner Commander of the shipp Alice and ffrancis, and late of the Richard and William aged 37. yeares [IMG_1160]
- "the passage of a shipp from Cyprus to London is sometymes 3. sometymes, 4. 5. or 6 monethes as wind and weather happens, and conceyves the middle space of tymes most usuall" [IMG_1162]
- "the passage from fforrava may be despatched as he conceyves in three monethes or thereabouts, and beleives a shipp of two hundred tonns may be worth 5 li or betwixt 4. and 5. l per tonne as trade and plenty of shipps may be more or esse to come from thence to this port" [IMG_1162]

[Robert Boddington] of the parish of Barkeing in the citty of London marryner late Masters mate of the ship the Sipply aged 28 yeares [IMG_1165]

[Peter Richards] of the parish of Stepney in the county of Middlesex marryner. Late Boatswaine of the ship the Supply of London aged 31 yeares [IMG_1166]
- "shee was laden very deeply with goods part of the English East India Companyes, and part of the Persians Armenians and others Passengers to the number of 55 on board her when shee was soe taken" [IMG_1167]


IMG_1169 - IMG_1188

[John Acton] of Saint Thomas Apostles London Chirurgeon Late Chirurgeon to the shipp the Supply of London lost to the dutch in the Gulfe of Persia. aged 29 yeares [IMG_1169]

[Walter [?ffurlor] of Gravesend in the County of Kent marryner, being late one of the Company of the shipp Supply lately lost in the Persian Gulfe to the dutch. aged 25. yeares [IMG_1171]

[Stephen Englehurst] of hamborough Mariner master of the said shipp aged 37 yeeres [IMG_1173]

[William Pearce] of dover in the County of Kent Mariner one of the Companie of the Greyhound aforesayd aged 25 yeares [IMG_1175]

[Thomas Morley] of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Shipwright aged 41 yeares
- Case of the Constant Ruth [IMG_1178]

[Thomas Romins] of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner Gunner of the shipp the Constant Ruth aged 31 yeares [IMG_1181]

[Roger Mihill] of dover in the County of Kent aged 30 yeares [IMG_1183]

XXXX [IMG_1186]


IMG_1189 - IMG_1208

[Henry ?Geere] of Saddlescombe in Sussex husbandman aged 21 yeares [IMG_1189]
- "this deponent heard one or two of them (who could speak a little broken English) say that the sayd shipp bel;onged to dutchmen syubjects of the States of the Unbited provinces and that her Company were dutch men and that shee came from Mallega and was bound for holland" [IMG_1190, IMG_1191]

[Roger Tillman] of Sadlescombe in the parish of [?Newtimber] and County of Sussex husbandman aged 21 yeares [IMG_1191]

[John Bland] of London Merchant, aged 38 yeares [IMG_1193]
- concerning sweet oils and gallons per ton
- "in or about the yyeare 1646 this deponent sold two hundred and odd tonnes of sweete oiles to John Brewer (partie in this sute) and companie and made deliverie thereof unto them after the rate of 236 gallons to a tonne" [IMG_1193]

[George Prince] of London Mariner aged 27 yeares [IMG_1194]

[Thomas Stayne] of the parish of the holy Roode in Tower Streete London Mariner Steward of the Shipp the Constant Ruth [IMG_1195]

[Tobias Solicoffe] of Tholon in Provence in the kingdome of ffrance, Consul there for the hancsa-townes, native of Saint Gall in Switzerland aged 27 yeares [IMG_1198]

[Wilhelme vanden Hoven] of [?Antwerp] in Brabant late of Cadiz in Spaine [XXX] aged 24 yeares [IMG_1200]

[George Chappell] of Rederith in the County of Surry Mariner where he hath lived about 7 yeares past, aged 54 yeares [IMG_1204]

[William Morris] of London Mariner, late master of the said shipp the Hope aged 26 yeeres [IMG_1205]
- 500 barrells of herring and 20 tons of lead to be transported from London to Rochell in France [IMG_1205]

[Samuell Beane] of deale in the County of Kent mariner aged 24 yeares [IMG_1206]


IMG_1209 - IMG_1228

[John Johnson] of fflyeland in holland Mariner late Master of the said shipp the Saint Peter, aged 22 yeares [IMG_1207]
- laded at Lisbon in 1654 a cargo which included "eighty two pipes of pickled lemmons" to be transported to dantzick [IMG_1211]
- the Saint Peter was surprized off the coast of Norway at the latitude of about 59 degrees [IMG_1214]
- "the said fight was not at all committed in the British or English seas" [IMG_1214]
- "hee beleeveth the arlate Peter de haze one of the ffactors aforesaid was and is an hamburgher borne, the said de haze having severall times acknowledged and affirmed so much to this deponent at Lisbone and the said William de Bollein another of the said ffactors is as hee beleeveth a Subject to the king of Portugall, but as hee hath heard is descended out of Brabant or fflanders the language of which Countreys hee speaketh very exactly" [IMG_1215]

[Thomas Woodcot] of Ratcliff Sailor, aged 22 yeares [IMG_1220]

[John Maskall] of Wapping Mariner, aged 34 yeares [IMG_1220]

[Walwin Gascoyne] late servant unto humfrey hill late of [XXX] London Merchant deceased, where he now liveth with the said Anne hill the said deceased Relict ine of the partyes agent, aged about 19 yeares [IMG_1221]
- last will of humfrey hill deceased, together with Rowland Hill and Company Owners of the shipp the Swann [IMG_1221]

[Laurentio de Terra Rossa] of Genoa Merchant aged twenty yeares [IMG_1223]

[William Cokayne] of London merchant aged 75 yeares [IMG_1225]

[Henry Dodson] of the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Masters Mate of the Shipp George aforesayd aged 50 yeares [IMG_1227]


IMG_1229 - IMG_1248

[John Court] of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Marriner Boatswaine of the shipp George aged 30 yeares [IMG_1229]

[John Bradley] of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Shipp Carpenter aged 46 yeares [IMG_1231]

[Job Throckmorton] of London Marchant aged 54 yeares [IMG_1233]
- "hath knowne the shipp the London arlate for theise twenty yeares last and upwards, and saith shee is an old vessell, ans as he hath bin credibly informed shee is much shattered by the service of the Commonwealth as a man of warr, and unfitt to goe any more to sea upon a voyage" [IMG_1233]

[John Gillonne] of Poplar in the parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Shipwright, aged near 40 yeares [IMG_1235]

[Richard Campion] of Saint Margaret fishstreete London Cooper aged 25 yeares [IMG_1236]
- Cooper on the Genoa Merchant; ship seized by the Portuguese near the Islands of the maderas [IMG_1237]

[Abraham Rowse] of London Merchant aged 25 yeares [IMG_1239]

[Isaac de la Houliere] of deepe in ffrance Marchant, aged 31 yeares [IMG_1245]

[George Whately] of the parish of Allhallows Barking London Accomptant, aged 36 yeares [IMG_1245]
- speaking of Captain John Stephens, a part owner of the ship the London "hee this deponent having made up his accompts for foure or five yeares last past" [IMG_1246]


IMG_1249 - IMG_1268

[Thomas Humphreys] of the parish of great Allhallowes London Mariner Gunner of the shipp Saint George aforesayd aged 29 yeares [IMG_1249]
- "Thomas Garway an English Merchant resident at Messina" [IMG_1249]
- "Thrace Currants" [IMG_1250]
- "adventure of the sayd Thomas Garway, and one daniell Williams and Edward Beale English Merchants" [IMG_1250]

[William Williams] of London Merchant and parish of Saint Peter Cornehill aged 39
- "well knoweth the Interrogate Thomas Garway and hath soe knowne him the sayd Thomas Garway since his Childhood" [IMG_1250]
- Currants in the Saint George were consigned to William Williams in London [IMG_1251]

[Daniel Williams] of London Merchant living now in the parish of Saint Peter Cornehill aged 29 years [IMG_1251]

[John Cole] of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Quarter Master of the shipp the Saint George aforesayd aged 50 yeares [IMG_1252]

[Christian Bor] of London merchant, aged 21 yeares [IMG_1253]

[Hugh Morphy] of Rennes in Brettainie in ffrance Servant of Monsieur Guillaume ffarier Advocate in the Parliament of Rennes in ffrance aged twenty yeares [IMG_1255]
- mentions tobacco

[Peter Ouyn] of deepe in ffrance Marchant aged three and thirtie yeares [IMG_1258]

[Jaspar Moliano] of Venice Marchant aged 24 yeares [IMG_1259]
- "this deponent was living at Allicant in Spaine with Joseph and John Baptista Pallavicino, as their servant in the way of a marchant and had much conversation with John Baptista Masisellis a merchant there dwelling a correspondent of the producent Antonio Tagliacarne, and frequented his house, hee and this deponents masters being countreymen (Milaneses) and very intimate together" [IMG_1259, IMG_1260]
- "the said Tagliacamo ...was and is commonly reputed an Inhabitant of Granada and a subiect of the king of Spaine" [IMG_1260]
- "the said Tagliacame is commonly reputed a Genovese by birth, but hath lived at Granada" [IMG_1260]
- "hee hath knowne the said fran Baptista MXXX for theise five or six yeares last, and saith hee is a Milanese by birth and a batchelour, and hath lived at Allicant all the said time of ths deponents knowledge of him" [IMG_1260]

[John Moore] of dublin in Ireland Gentleman aged 24 yeares [IMG_1261]
- "in or about the moneth of August in the yeare 1649. last past this deponent being in the Island of Montserrat in the West Indies became there acquainted with the allate Mathew Quins and John Madin Irish Merchants then being in the said Island...and sawa nd observed that the said Quins and Madin did then and there cause severall goods [?wards] and merchandizes, videlicet sugars Tobaccoes and others to be laden and putt on board of a certaine french sghip whereof one Le Britton a ffrenchman of Saint Mallo was Master or Commander to be transported in the said ship from thence to Ireland for the accompt of the said Quins, Madin and Companie". The ship went first to Galloway in Ireland, and then to Saint Mallo (where the goods were sold by Le Bretton, depriving the Irish merchants of their use) [IMG_1261]
- Quin and Madin got a order from the King of France to arrest Le Bretton. However, Prince Rupert got involved and "by meanes of his great interest and acquaintance with the Cardinall Mazarin, Monsieur Tellier Secretary of State and others procured an order from the King of ffrance, by meanes whereof, teh said Le Bretton was discharged from his imprisonment at Angiers". Mathew Quin got a sentence "in the Court of Admiraltie at Paris by which the said Le Bretton was Condemned to pay the valew of about fower or five thousand pounds sterling to the said Quins and Companie togeather with Costs and dammages sustained by the meanes aforesaid" [IMG_1262]

[Edward Maplesden] of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey Mariner aged 32 yeares [IMG_1263]

[Tobias Solicoffre] of the Citie of Saint Gallen in Switzerland Consull for the hansa Townes in the Maritime parts of Provence in ffrance aged 27. yeares [IMG_1266]
- the ship the Sampson (Otto George, master) was adjudged prize by the French Admiralty Court, with Judgement made in Tholon. "thereupon the said Otto George desired this deponent as Consull for the said hansa Townes to one of which the said shipp belonged, to be assistant to him in and about the redemption thereof for the use and account of Vincent van Campen John de Windt daniel de Loon, ffrancisco Pennick and others the then and now Owners of the said ship the Sampson [IMG_1267]
- "accordingly this deponent treated at Tholkon with the seizors of the said shipp and ose to whom shee was adjudged as Prize about the redemption of the same And finally concluded and agreed with them for the summe or valew of twelve thousand patacoones or pieces of eight, which the said Otto George, after the said accord made, going by land from Tholon to Genoa, remitted thence to Tholon by bills of exchange, and some of the said bills being adressed to this deponent hee received at Marseilles and caused the moneys therein mentioned to be really payd at Tholon to the said seizors and interressees being ffrenchmen residing at Tholon..." [IMG_1267]
- the redeemed ship went from Tholon to Genoa, and then to Cadiz in Spain, for a voyage on which she was seized by a ship of the Commonwealth [IMG_1268]
- "he is a Native of Saint Gall in Switzerlan, and saith his residence hath bin for about five yeares last past sometimes at marseilles and sometimes at Tholon in the quality of Consull as aforesaid and formerly for all the time interrate did travell sometimes in Italie and sometimes in ffrance and other parts" [IMG_1268]


IMG_1269 - IMG_1288

[Edward Maplesden] of Redrith in the County of Surrey Mariner aged 32. yeares [IMG_1269]
- some small losse may happen in the ladeing and unlading of Cotton wools and galls, though the same be not wilfully embeazeled...hee knoweth not the manner of lading of Cottons or galls in the straights, but hath observed at the arrivall of Cotton wools here at London, that the same are usually hand steeved, insomuch that some times some of the baggs doe breake in the unlading of them, and that in such a Case the Merchants concerned therein doe usually send Canvas to repaire them" [IMG_1271]

[John Hoxton] of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney in the Countie of Middlesex Esquire aged 58 yeares [IMG_1271]
- Busines of Ensurance on the behalf of Mr Edward Bushell Mr Nathaniel Temes and Mr Christopher Willoughbie assurers to Captaine Edward Seaman in the shipp the Sampson [IMG_1271]

[Joas Everson] of Coleman street London merchant aged 35 yeares [IMG_1273]
- wine shipped from Bourdeaux to Hamburg

[Jacob Jacobson] of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the said ship the Leifdey aged 32 yeares [IMG_1275]
- "he ws borne in Holy Land an Island under the Jurisdiction of the Duke of Holstein" [IMG_1278]
- "the river of the Elve by Hamburgh" [IMG_1278]
- "he saith he hath knowne the interrate Crapenny Schall and Calendrine since November last past, and not longer, and saith that the sayd persons are all Bachelors and so accounted and the said Crapenny liveth and lodgeth att Rochell and the sayd other two lodge and live in Burdeaux in a Common howse, where severall other merchants lodge, and saith that by their maner of speech this Rendent doth conceyve that the said persons are Hamburghers, but how long they have lived in ffrance or whether they pay any taxes there he knoweth not and so farr as he could observe or heare they did and doe live as merchants strangers mannaging a factory in Company for Hamburghers and other merchants, and trade not for themselves" [IMG_1278]

[Rowland Stibben] of Amsterdam Chyrurgeon aged 22 yeares [IMG_1279]
- "he was borne att Amsterdam and is an Hollander, and for theise 3 yeares last past hath lived to and [?soe] att sea as voyages happened having his fixed abode with his father and mother in Amsterdam for all the sayd tyme" [IMG_1280]
- "the howse of Henry Stibben this Rendents father, which howse stands in Elands Graft in Amsterdam, and saith it hath noe signe but is generally knowne by the name of the Blew Axe which was the former signe of it, and this Rendents so father is the onely Inhabitant of the said howse, and in that howse this deponent lived with his father to his age of ten yeares, and after hee
came from his apprenticeshipp which he served in Amsterdam, had his [XXX] abode constantly in the said howse of his father scituat as aforesaid, and came last to live att his fathers howse before M[?ay] predeposed, about the moneth of January next preceeding and there continued to live till he came for England, which his Journey for England he saith he began about January last past from Amsterdam to Zealand, from thence to Ostend and so to Dunkerke, and from thence to Dover" [IMG_1280]
- "now lodgeth in Wapping att one Mr bakers howse neere to the new Crane and there hath lodged and dyeted for theis 16 dayes last past att his owne Costs and Charges" [IMG_1281]

[Peter [?Le Rea] of [?Sarle] neere to Paris in ffrance a Souldier of ffortune aged 35 yeares [IMG_1282]
- "about eight monethes before that being att Amsterdam in holland as a Souldier of ffortune and being out of ymployment and finding one Monsieur Peron a ffrench man there he desired of hhim if he could helpe him to any ymployment, and the sayd Peron then shewed this deponent a shipp lyeing in the haven att Amsterdam being the shipp Saint John allegate now lying att dover, and told him that the said ship was laden with corne and bound for Spaine and that he might possibly be entertained there" [IMG_1282]
- "he was att Amsterdam in for about the month of July 1653 last past and lodged att the signe of the mayd neere to the newbridge, and there lodged his nights and noe more" [IMG_1283]
- "hee hath lodged and dyeted for 12 dayes past at a little alehouse neere the Tower att the charge of the said Mole and Company" [IMG_1283]
- "he hath noe contant abode, but is in hope to be employed as a Souldier in the Tower of London, and lives neere the Tower att an alehouse without a signe" [IMG_1283]

[Anthony Noble] of Samer in Boloignia in ffrance a soldier of ffortune aged 23 yeares [IMG_1283]
- "he was borne att Same about 2 leagues and an halfe from Bulloigne in ffrance and lived att Same from his childhood till July last past. and then came to Amsterdam and thenre missing other imployment lived as a Soldier in the Hollands fleet till August last past, and then came to Zeland and lived to and fro a shore and att Sea in the service of the States of Holland till about 3 weekes next before he came for England for which three weekes he was at the Sluce and from thence went to Dunkerke and there embarqued himselfe in the packet boat for dover where he arrived about 14 or 15 dayes agoe, and there and there att London hath remayned ever since" [IMG_1284]

[George Baldero] of the parish of Saint Olaves hartstreet merchant aged 54 yeares [IMG_1285]
- states he is brother of Henry Baldero in Rotterdam and that he procured Henry the Master by whom he first went to Rotterdam [IMG_1285]
- "the sayd English Company of merchant Adventurers whereof the said Baldero is a member and Treasurer are free and exemptedfrom such taxes and dutyes, as the subjects of Holland doe pay and are lyable to and are there allowed the priviledges of Strangers and are not subiect to the Lawes of Holland" [IMG_1285]
- "he hath knowne the said henry Baldero from Child and saith he lives in Roterdam and there hath lived apprentice and freeman 27 yeeres or thereabouts, severall spaces of tyme within the sayd yeeres excepted in which he hath lived in England, with his wife and had one Child borne in the Citty of Norwich" [IMG_1285]

[George Chandler] of Trinity parish in London merchant aged 45 yeares [IMG_1286]
- also a member, like Henry Baldero, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers

[Nicholas du Sell] of havre de Grace mariner master of the shipp the Saint Lowisa aged 29 yeares [IMG_1287]
- witnesse in the case of "John and Edward Bushell Imployers of the shipp the Successe whereof ?Abraham Langhford is Captaine against the shipp the Louisa [IMG_1287]

[Thomas Tierey] of Havre da Grace in ffrance mariner Masters mate of the said shipp the Louisse aged 30 yeares [IMG_1287]

[Christian Rix] of Ostend in ffrance Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Starr aged 33 yeares [IMG_1288]


IMG_1289 - IMG_1308

[Timothy Crusoe] of Saint Ellens parish London merchant aged 60 yeares [IMG_1290]
- "the arlate John Schrotering of hamburgh is a Senator of that Citty and a great trader into most places in Europe where any tradeing is having his factors and Correspondents in severall places to which he sends goods and receives returnes from them, which this deponent being one of his Correspondents in this Citty and hath receyved many and [XXX] goods for him here and sent them to forreigne parts to his factors for his accompt" [IMG_1290]
- "the said John Scrothering amongest others with whom he dealeth doth Correspond with Tobias Zollicoffre Consull for the Hans Townes att marsellis and others of the Zollicoffre [XXX] being of the kinne and of the howse and family of the sayd Tobias having oftentymes great summes of moneyes arising upon [?purchase] of merchandizes in their hands for which they are accompted [XXX] [IMG_1290]
- Zolliocoffer loaded currants at Toloone (sic) for account of Scothering
- "the foresaid Zollicoffers are all of one family of Gall in Switzerland and are merchants that mannage a factory in Common in ffrance Spaine and Italy for the Hansa Townes and other places and merchants there living and that being many of them they remove successively from place to place so that some of them are allwayes att Gall in Switzerland, some att Marseilles some at Allecant some in Italy, but successively and by turnes, and for and as such merchants and factors so dealing and removing to and fro for the mannage of their factory the sayd Zollicoffers are att Marseillis and elsewhere accountable" [IMG_1291]
- "in case the Elve should be frozen the said Mathias Cornelison had order to discharge att dunkirke and to deliver his lading there to the producents order" [IMG_1291]
- according to a letter from Scottering, which is quoted in detail in the witness statement, teh Saint Peter was a Swedish ship and that Mathias Cornelison, its master "hath faithfully served the King Gustavus against Denmark", and asks that the ship shoudl not be molested by the English, but that licence be given in London to sell the cargo, if the ship cannot get into the Elbe due to ice [IMG_1291]

[George Whiller] of Lisboa in Portugall merchant late Captaine of the shipp Nostra Senora da Rosario aged 24 yeares [IMG_1292]
- "he was borne att Lisboa and for a yeere and an halfe last past hath lived in England with the Portugall Ambassador, and before att this tyme att Lisboa" [IMG_1293]

[John Wilky] of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Captaine of the shipp the Three Brothers aged 44 yeares [IMG_1293]

[Josiah Child] of the parish of Saint Botolph Billingsgate London merchant aged 23. yeares [IMG_1294]
- "the arlate Thomas Mills severall monethes before the seizure in question did acquaint this deponent that he gave order to the sayd Beniamin da val that he should take speciall care so to colour the interest of the said shipp and goods to be laden in her as that they might not be knowne by the Enemies of this Commonwealth to belong to Englishmen and that he should for that purpose putt a ffrench master and ffrench mariners into the said shipp and cause the bills of lading for the goods to be drawne for accompt of ffrenchmen" [IMG_1295]

[Pasque Albrechts] of Stockhollom in Sweden mariner Master of the shipp the Usadome aged 32 yeares
- "his goods a lading att Burdeaux there came five |Mariners to him for ymployment that were in great destresse as having as they sayd bene newly released out of prison in ffrance whither they had bene brought; being taken as should seeme in the service of the King of Spaine, of which five the arlate Richard Clarke was one, and this deponent demanded of them what Countreymen they were, whereto they replyed respectively videlicet one of them that he was an hollander, the 2d an Hamburger, th 3d a dane the 4th of Pomerland, and the said Clarke then sayd he was an Englishman and so by his manner of speech he did appeare to be, and this deponent did there upon take pitty on them and did hire and take them all five into Imployment and agreed with them to goe to dunkirke onely with his lading and to noe other port."[IMG_1299]
- Suggestion in one of the Interrogatories that some of his "shipps folke did accord with the said Clarke to learne the English tongue of him", which Albrechts denied [IMG_1299]
- "he was on bord the Usedome when she was seized being Master of her and so hath bene four yeares and upwards. and was borne att Stockholme and there hath lived for 7 yeeres last past with his wife, and three yeares before att Lubeck a bachelor" [IMG_1299]

[Clement East] of the parish of Saint Olaves in Southwarke Barber Chirurgeon, late mate on board the said shipp Mayflower aged 30 yeares [IMG_1301]
- The Mayflower was owned in 1647 by Samuel Vassel and others [IMG_1301]
- A Spaniard claimed to have a commission from the King of Spaine tship negroes from Guinea Coast in any foreign bottom [IMG_1301]

[Dirrick Derrickson Deygenaer] of Stockholme in Swethland Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Golden ffalcon aged 34 yeares [IMG_1307]


IMG_1309 - IMG_1328

[Arient Peterson] of Horne in Holland mariner Steersman of the sayd shipp the Saint Peter aged 39 yeares [IMG_1311]
- the ship the Saint Peter (Master: Mathias Cornelison], seized by the ship the Richard and Mathew inm the service of the Commonwealth
- the Saint Peter began its outward voyage at Amsterdam (the deponent hath heard) [IMG_1311]
- "some of sayd shipps Company were as he conceyveth Hamburghers some Lubeckers and some Norwegians and some Hollanders but how many knoweth not, but this deponent who was Steeresman of her is a native and Inhabitant of Horne in Holland and a subiect of the States if the united Provinces" [IMG_1312]
- "he hath knowne the said shipp onely 12 monethes and never saw her att Amsterdam, and hath Credibly heard that she belongs to Stockholme, and thither she doth belong as this deponent conceyveth and not to Amsterdam" [IMG_1312]
- "he first saw the sayd shipp att Marseilles about 12 monthes agoe, and from thence the sayd Mathias Cornelison sayled her to Allecant and returned to Marsellis and there receyved freight, and from Marsellis he sayled her to Tolone, and from thence sayling for Hamburgh and was seized and brought to Plymouth, then to Portsmouth and then to London" [IMG_1312]
- "the goods now seized were all laden att Tolone in ffrance by one Tobias Zollicoffers who is said to be a Switzer, but whose subiect he is knoweth not, and saith that the Currants in wuestion were brought to Tolon in an Hollands hipp videlicet the great Tacke of Horne, and were att Tolon unladen into warehouse[?s] and afterwards putt on board the Saint Peter
- "the sayd goods now seized from Marsellis or Tolone, but hath often heard Amsterdam called great Hamburgh, amongst sea men and others that have dealings in Holland" [IMG_1312]
- deponent "came first on board att Marsellis, and saith he was borne att Horne in Holland and there hath lived with his wife and family for 12 yeares now last past, and there his wife and family now are, And is a subiect of the States of the united Provinces" [IMG_1312]

[Claes Wissendorpe] of Lubeck Mariner Boatswayne of the sayd shipp Saint Peter aged 28 yeares [IMG_1312]
- "the Company of the Saint Peter are some Hollanders some Lubeckers some Danes some Hamburghers, and 3 or 4. and not more are Hollanders and subiects of the States there, and this deponent is a native of Tremand under the Jurisdiction of Lubeck" [IMG_1313]

[Hendrick Riesselman] of Bremen in Germany Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the King David aged 25 yeares [IMG_1314]
- "he hath knowne the allate shipp the King david for theis 11 yeares now last past for and during all which tyme she hath belonged and att present doth belong to the Citty and Port of Bremen aforesayd, and during and within that tyme hath made severall voyages to sea from and to Bremen, and knoweth that the allegate Hendrick van Nasson and Company all Burghers ad Inhabitants of Bremen the now Owners of the sayd shipp have for all the sayd tyme fitted the sayd shipp to sea tt their owne Charge and have bene and still are rightfull Owners of her tacke and furniture, And saith that for theis 3 yeares now last past and upwards this deponent hath bene and is master and partowner of the sayd shipp, and that themaster of her
next befofe him was dirrick Bockhoorne who is since videlicet about 3 yeares deceased and was the father of this deponents now wife, and for eight teares bext before his death had bene and att the tyme of his death was the master of the sayd shipp and was a Bremer by birth habitation and privilege being a Burgher there and a subiect of the free State thereof and that he the sayd Bockhoorne 11 yeares agoe brought the sayd shipp being then from [?Sardam] to Bremen..." [IMG_1314]
- "she was build at Sardam, and was there built by the charges and for the use of the sayd Nasson and Company all of Bremen aforesayd which her building happened upwards of 11 yeares and cost 5584 Rix dollers, as the sayd Backhoornes Bookes who was expendtor for his Common owners did appeare to this deponent but he saw not the disbursing of the sayd moneyes" [IMG_1315]
- "her present lading is 60 lasts of wheat in sackes and 600 Cheeses, 6 last of beanes, one last of butter, nyne last of tarr and 12 small barralls of [?latt] in all for accompt of the sayd merchant of Hamburgh, and are consigned to Jepp Pett, Maurice Schulta, Jan Williamson abd Martin Abramson Brackineere.." [IMG_1315]

[Joas Everson] of Coleman street merchant aged 35 yeares [IMG_1315]
- "the allegate Albert Meyer, daniel dorville and John dorville severally mentioned in the bills of lading remayning in the Registry of this Court as parties intressed in the oresent lading of the allegat shipp the King david were and are hamburghers and merchants of quality that inhabite there and are Burghers, and Subiects of the ffree state thereof"[IMG_1316]

[Humphrey Perry] of East Greenwich in the County of Kent Waterman late one of the Company of the shipp Martha whereof the sayd John PIbus was master aged 30 yeares [IMG_1316]

[William Symons] of East Greenwich in the County of Kent Waterman aged 28 yeares [IMG_1318]

[Jacob Wigandy] of hamburgh merchant aged 25 yeares [IMG_1319]

[Phillip Allen] of Saint Magnus parish London merchant aged 55 yeares [IMG_1321]
- Allen was a member of the Company of merchant Adventurers

[Jacob Helke] of Hamburgh Mariner master of the sayd shipp Saint John aged 38 yeares [IMG_1323]
- the ship Saint John was allegedly of Hamburgh and set sail directly from Hamburgh to Malaga with a lading of Barley, arriving there in November 1653
- Deponent claims that he ws offered £200 by seizors of the Saint John to say that she was to goe to Holland or Amsterdam, or that she was owned by Hollanders [IMG_1323]
- the deponent, who was master of the ship, stated that he was perosnally "the owner of four pipes and one small vessell of wine, and six thousand lemmons and five thousand oranges laden on board the sayd shipp" [presumably laden at Malaga in Spain] [IMG_1324]
- deponent was master of the Saint John since the middle of September 1653 "and first saw her in the Bohme of Hamburgh" [IMG_1324]
- deponent saw the barley "being brought to the shipps side in severall smacks out of the ware howses whereout it were taken" and denies that the barley had shortly before come to the warehouses from Amsterdam [IMG_1324]
- the lemmons cost the deponent "4 pieces of eight per thousand, and the oranges one peice of eight per thousand: most of which lemmons and oranges are spoyled and lost" [IMG_1324]
- the Saint John was seized by an English man of war on 19th or 20th of February 1653 (old stile) "off of Callis in the English Channell" [IMG_1324]
- "the foresayd Carter or Cater endeavoured to corrupt this deponent by offering him money as aforesayd, att the signe of the Starr in dover a little before the tyme of this examination [?there] and spake to this deponent in the English tongue in these words or the very like in effect videlicet Come Skipper, you are to be examined you must speake truth, and say that your shipp and goods are for Amsterdam, and you shall have your freight, and one hundred pounds sterling and your cloathes, this deponent and the sayd Carter or Cater standing together alone by the [XXXXX] and noe body els being present.." [IMG_1324]

[Hendrick vander Meyden] of Ostend Mariner master of the shipp the [?Tonyn] of Ostend aged 33. yeares [IMG_1325]
- the ship the Tonyn of Ostend in December 1653 was bound for Saint Sebastians in Bilbao and had laden onto her "12. quarteeles of trayne oyle by the arlate Giles Wolfe.." [IMG_1325]

[Hendrick vander Mede] of Ostend mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Tonyn aged 33 yeares [IMG_1327]


IMG_1329 - IMG_1348

[Hans Cr[XX]yher] of Hamburgh Mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged 25 yeares [IMG_1329]
- "there were one pipe and severall small vessells of wyne, 32 thousand lemmons and 20. thousand Oranges laden on board the sayd shipp for accompt of this deponent and his mates but saith the sayd small vessells of wyne are all emptyed by the Capers, and many of the lemmons and oranges by them taken away as hee hath seene, and hath noe Interest in this cause but his share in the sayd wines lemmons and oranges. And further cannot depose saving his onwe share in the sayd goods cost him 19 peeces off [?eight] the foresayd pipe of wine being a free gift given to himselfe and Comerades by the merchants" [IMG_1330]
- deponent ws approached with others of the crew of the Saint John shortly before his deposition "att their lodgings att a Coblers house in dover" [IMG_1331]. The deponent witnessed speech between Carter and a woman named Elizabeth "in the English tongue" but "the very words he cannot well expresse" and "thereupon the sayd Elizabeth in the presence and hearing of the sayd Christofer abd Derrick sayd to the deponent and them in the dutch tongue as followeth: we[?l] mates u schip is prys, ende een van u Volck heege geteyt dat daer Val[?s]he pampiren gevonden syn ende dat ul van Amsterdam syt ofte daer naetomoet, ende will een van vl. datock jeggen ne sa[?tt] htien [X]onden sterlinex hebben endeal dat vanhemmgenomen is endesyn salaries or to that effect, which words or the like effect the sayd Elizabeth [?sayd] to this deponent [?and] the saud Hendrick and his contest att the saigne of the starr [?att] dover aforesayd cater [?being] present, about the tyme aforesayd", and at least five tymes proffered this deponent the saud some of tenn pounds to sweare that the shipp was to goe to Amsterdam."

[Jurian Barents] of Lunenburgh Mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged 28 yeares [IMG_1331]
- "he had Lemmons and oranges on board the sayd shipp when she was seized that Cost him 14. peices of eight" [IMG_1331]
- "the sayd Stibben spake to this deponent and offered this deponent moneyes as aforesayd in his this Rendents lodging att dover in he presence of Robert de Cater, and spake to him in the dutch language theis words or the like in effect. videlicet ghy fall de warr hept seygen ende salt verclava dat het schip met naer hamburgh maer baer Holland oft Amsterdam moost varen. ende Ick sabul. twentich ponds sterling geven. and after sayd. maer om dl sch een eerlickman bin wil Ick ul. vyf end twentich pond gown" [IMG_1333]

[Hendrick Bringman] of Hamburgh mariner one of the Mariners of the shipp Saint John aged 22 yeares [IMG_1333]
- "he had on board the sayd shipp att the tyme of her seizure as much wines Lemmons and Oranges as cost him att [XXX] 18. peices of eight"
- Bringman appears to have spoken both Dutch and English, since his witness statement including detailed reproduction in Dutch and English of alleged attempts to bribe him [IMG_1335]

[John van Lynen] of Hamburgh mariner aged 30 yeares [IMG_1336]
- no mention of a share in oranges and lemmons on the ship

[Peter Go[X]tions of Lubeck mariner master of the shipp Hope of Lubeck aged 45 years [IMG_1337]
- saw the ship the Saint John at Hamburgh

[Martin Noel] of the parish of Saint Olaves Jewry Lane London merchant aged 40. yeares [IMG_1338]
- Noel has corresponded for the last two yeares with John de la valet of dunkerke [IMG_1338]
- Noel states that de la valet, observing that "the Hollanders trade" was much impeded by the warrs could turne to good advantage, and amongesr other shipps did in his sayd letters make particular mention that he had [?cCommissioned] a Swedish shipp named the UsedomePasque [XXX] master then lyeing att Burdeaux to be freighted for [?the] sayd designe of bringing wyne and brandy for [?dunkerke] and in a letter from the sayd de la valet dated from [XXX] 29. december. 1653...which shipp he wished might escape the private men of warr (of which dealings he complayned) for that he ran a very great riske in her" [IMG_1338; IMG_1339]
- "the wynes of the last vintage did not prove good" [IMG_1339]
- "he is an Englishman borne and hath lived in London ten yeares and upwards" [IMG_1339]

[Hendrick van der Meyd] of Ostend in fflanders Mariner master of the sayd vessell the Tonyn. aged 33 yeares [IMG_1341]

[Hendrick van der Meyd] of Ostend in fflanders Mariner master of the sayd vessell the Tonyn. aged 33 yeares [IMG_1342]

[Thomas Platt] borne att Blakely in Lancashire one of the Company of the William ffrigot Captaine William Peirse Commander aged 23 yeares [IMG_1344]

[Samuel Morrell] or Redriff Mariner one of the Company of the William Captaine Perse Commander aged 21 yeares [IMG_1346]

[John Brooker] of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Carpenter one of the Company of the shipp the William Captaine Perse Commander aged xxi yeares or thereabouts [IMG_1347]


IMG_1349 - IMG_1368

[Job Hughes] of the parish of Saint Brides London late Purser of the William frigot Captaine William Perse Commander aged 26 yeares [IMG_1349]

[John Greene] of the parish of Saint Brides in London Soldier of fortune aged 23 yeares [IMG_1350]

[Jan Hendricks] of Emden Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Sheapardesse aged 35 yeares [IMG_1352]

[Jan Hendrickes] of Emden mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Sheppard[?r]esse aged 35 yeares [IMG_1354]

[Nicholas Barret] of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex Chirurgeon late Chirurgeon on board the shipp Thomas and Lucy in Portugall and Brazeele aged 45. yeares [IMG_1356]

[Andrew Rand] of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner late master of the shipp the Thomas and Lucy aged 44 yeares [IMG_1357]

[Thomas Kendall] of London merchant aged. 48 yeares [IMG_1359]

[Rowland Cornelison] of Masham in Norway Mariner Quartermaster of the sayd shipp the Redd Rose aged 28 yeares [IMG_1361]

[Lodowicj Eliars] of Lisle in Holland mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Redd Rose aged xxx yeares {IMG_1362]

[Tunis Isaack] of Roterdam in Holland Mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Reed Rose aged 22 yeares [IMG_1363]

[Henry Rosse] of Boston in the County of Lincoln Mariner master of the sayd vessell the Tryall aged 45 yeares [IMG_1365]

[Henry Sayer] of the parish of Allhallowes Breadstreet London Salter aged 39 yeares [IMG_1367]


IMG_1369 - IMG_1388

[Robert Rosse] of Boston in the County of Lincolne Mariner masters mate of the sayd shipp the Tryall of Boston aged 38 yeares [IMG_1369]

[John de la Barre] of London merchant aged 57 yeares [IMG_1372]

[Herman Claeson] of Enchusen in holland Leiutenant of the shipp the Green Huntsman of Enchuysen. aged 30 yeares [IMG_1373]

[Claes Albertson] of Enchusen in Holland mariner Gunner of the Greene Huntsman of Enchusen a private man of warr, aged 35 yeares [IMG_1373]

[Joachim Groening] of Lubeck Barber Chirurgeon of the Caper the Greene Huntsman of Enchusen aged 48. yeares [IMG_1374]

[Andreas jansen] of Gottenbergh in Swethland Mariner master of the sauyd shipp the White Lambe aged 38 yeares [IMG_1374]

[Cornelius Rowleson Crostem] of Stockhollom merchant aged fifty one yeares [IMG_1376]

[Phillip Shipton] of Eastsmithfeild Skinner aged 3[?8] yeares [IMG_1379]

[Mathew Thurwood] of dover in the County of Kent Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Rider ahed 34 yeares [IMG_1381]

[Arient Peterson] of Hoorn in Holland mariner Steersman of the shipp the Peteraged 39 yeares [IMG_1384]

[John Bruining] of the parish of Saint Andrews Undershaft London merchant aged 29. yeares [IMG_1386]

[Conrade Cordes] of Lubeck Mariner master of the said shipp the Black Eagle, aged 37 yeares [IMG_1387]


IMG_1389 - IMG_1408


[Jacob Berbom] of dantzick under the Jurisdiction of the King of Poland Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Saint Jacob aged 34 yeares [IMG_1395]

[Tyert Wiegerts] of Woorgau in East ffreizland Mariner an Inhabitant of Hoorne in Holland steersman of the sayd shipp the Saint Jacob aged 34 yeares [IMG_1397]
- "this deponent for his owne part was borne att Woorgau in East ffreizland under the Grae[?ve] of East freisland, and for theis six yeares last last hath lived with his wife and family at Hoorne in Holland where he hopeth they are now in safety, and before that tyme he lived from a child at Woorgau as a Bachiler." [IMG_1397]
- "the Saint Jacob began her voyage about two monethes agoe from Callice boundin her ballast to Auslost or Christian in Norway, to which place she sayled directly and having there disbursed herselfe of her ballast she did there take in her oresent lading being deales, [?fathom] wood and some anchor stockes, which goods the sayd Skipper Berbom there bought with moneyes" [IMG_1397]
-"the sayd skipper whom this deponent hath knowne three monethes; who passes for and is a dantzycker as this deponent beleiveth" [IMG_1398]

[Dirick Williamson] of Amsterdam Mariner one of the Company of the shipp Saint Jacob aged 24 yeares [IMG_1398]
- "the Company of the shipp are all Hollanders the Steersman excepted who is of ffreize but lives in Holland with his wife. And this deponent, who is a [?bachelor] borne in, and hath allwayes lived in Amsterdam" [IMG_1398]

[Cornelius Herkys] of Dirricks hoorne in North holland Marriner one of the Company of the Saint Jacob aged 24. yeares [IMG_1399]
- "he was a Common mariner on board the Saint Jacob [IMG_1399]
- "this deponent is a native and Inhabitant of Dirrick hoorne aforesaid and is a Bachelor and there hath lived all his tyme" [IMG_1399]

[Jacob Peterson Norman] of [?Christiann] in Norway mariner master of the shipp the [?Sylverbergh] of [?Horne] aged 28 yeares [IMG_1400]
- "he was borne at Christiann on Norway under the Jurisdiction of the King of danmarke and there hath his fixed habitation [XXX] [IMG_1400]

[William Hendrickson] of Texall in Holland mariner Gunner of the Sylverbergh a privat man of warr of Hollande aged 28 yeares [IMG_1401]
- "he was borne in the Texall and is an Hollander and late was Gunner of the Sylverbergh an Hollands Caper that made seizure of the Saint John interrogat" [IMG_1401]
- "after the sayd seizure he heard the Company of the Saint John say that their shipps and goods did belong to Norwar and that they were bound with their lading to Ostend, and saith he never heard the master of the Saint John or any of his Company say or Confesse that their shipp or goods did belong to Holland or Hollanders" [IMG_1401]

[Albert Jaacobs] of Groening in West freizland Mariner late one of the Company of the Sylverhill or Sylverbergh of Hoorne aged 19 yeares [IMG_1401]
- "he was borne att Groening aforesayd and is a Westfreizelander and late was one of the Company of the Sylbverbergh of Hoorne [IMG_1401; IMG_1402]

[John Golde] of London Marchant aged 28 yeares [IMG_1402]
- refers to the ship the Halfe Moone, which arrived on London "from Riga in the East countrey" [IMG_1402]
- Stated the master of the ship the Halfe Moone said he had orders from his owners at Stettin to go to Frnace to lade salt and to take this cargo to Stettin [IMG_1402]
- "hee is a Barkesheire man borne, and hath lived in London three yeares last and before that in the East countrey and that his wife and familie dwell in London, but are for this summer time retired into the countrey for the aire sake" [IMG_1403]

[Alderman John ffredrick] of London Merchant aged 50 yeares [IMG_1403]
- refers to letters of advice he had received from John Bancks "English merchant resident at hamburg", in which Bancks reported freighting a ship with a Dutch master to go from Hamburg to Roanne "laden with oates for accompt of him the said Bancks and company", asking John Frederick to give intimation of this to the English Court of Admiralty [IMG_1403]

[Thomas Ewens] of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex maryner aged forty five yeares [IMG_1404]

[Robert Daynes] of dover in the County of kent Mariner late Gunners Mate of the said shipp the James aged 34 yeares [IMG_1405]
- ship the James to go from Dover to Bordeaux and back. Owned by Mr Arnold and Elias Beake Peter Mathewes and Company [IMG_1405]
- The James collided with a Lubeck vessel called the Piper near Dover. The deponent Daynes stated "being the last man of the Jameses Company that remained in her when he first came on board the Lubeck vessell aforesaid he saw and observed that the Steeresman of the sayd vessell was without his shoes, so as it appeared to this deponent that he was but newly arisen from sleepe and afterwards saw and observed in the passage of the shipp Piper to the Isle of Wight the Company on board were very negligent and none of them looked to the helme, and that the Steersman of her after calling to them and rayling att them and finding that none would come to the helme, did att length goe himselfe thereto and steered the sayd vessell to the Isle of Wight" [IMG_1407]

[Thomas Penny] of Saint Saviours dock in the parish of Saint Mary Maudlin in Southwarke Mariner late one of the Company of the James, aged 42 yeares [IMG_1408]

[Alderman John ffredrick] of London Merchant aged 50 yeares [IMG_1403]
- refers to letters of advice he had received from John Bancks "English merchant resident at hamburg", in which Bancks reported freighting a ship with a Dutch master to go from Hamburg to Roanne "laden with oates for accompt of him the said Bancks and company", asking John Frederick to give intimation of this to the English Court of Admiralty [IMG_1403]

[Thomas Ewens] of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex maryner aged forty five yeares [IMG_1404]

[Robert Daynes] of dover in the County of kent Mariner late Gunners Mate of the said shipp the James aged 34 yeares [IMG_1405]
- ship the James to go from Dover to Bordeaux and back. Owned by Mr Arnold and Elias Beake Peter Mathewes and Company [IMG_1405]
- The James collided with a Lubeck vessel called the Piper near Dover. The deponent Daynes stated "being the last man of the Jameses Company that remained in her when he first came on board the Lubeck vessell aforesaid he saw and observed that the Steeresman of the sayd vessell was without his shoes, so as it appeared to this deponent that he was but newly arisen from sleepe and afterwards saw and observed in the passage of the shipp Piper to the Isle of Wight the Company on board were very negligent and none of them looked to the helme, and that the Steersman of her after calling to them and rayling att them and finding that none would come to the helme, did att length goe himselfe thereto and steered the sayd vessell to the Isle of Wight" [IMG_1407]

[Thomas Penny] of Saint Saviours dock in the parish of Saint Mary Maudlin in Southwarke Mariner late one of the Company of the James, aged 42 yeares [IMG_1408]


IMG_1409 - IMG_1428

The foresayd [Robert Daynes] upon the Crosse-Interrogatoryes [IMG_1412]

The foresayd [Thomas Penny] to the Crosse Interrogatoryes [IMG_1414]

[Richard Beard] of Seething lane London Mariner late Masters mate of the saud shipp the James aged 33 yeares [IMG_1416]

[Phillip White] of Saint Katharines in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Gunner of the sayd shipp the James aged 26 yeares [IMG_1421]

[John Nicholas] of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke in the County of Surrey Mariner late Cheife mates mate of the sayd shipp the James aged thirty [?foure] yeares [IMG_1426]


IMG_1429 - IMG_1448

[James Hedgethorne] of Saint Katharines neere the Tower London Mariner late Master of the James aforesayd aged 48 yeares [IMG_1432]

[Elizens Spillevout] of London Booke keeper to the foresaid Arnold Beake aged 34 yeares [IMG_1437]

[James Hedgethorne] of Botolps Lane London merchant aged eighteene yeares [IMG_1440]
- "for theise three yeares last past he hath bene and still is a servant and apprentice to and with the arlate [?Mr] Armold Beake" [IMG_1440]
- "the arlate Mr Lucy and Mr Toriano merchants of this Citty had severall hundreds of firkins of butter on board the sayd shipp att the tyme of her perishing" [IMG_1442]
- "the arlate Mr Samuell Beake who went as a passenger on the sayd shipp tooke on board with him two larhe truncks fitted with Cloathes linnen and woollen and bookes which this deponent saw upon their packing upp, which were worth upwards of sixty pounds in this deponents judgement" [IMG_1442]

[James Hedgethorne] of London merchant servant and Apprentice of the producent Arnold Beake aged 18. yeares [IMG_1443]
- "he hath lately made search in his masters booke or Registry of letters, and saith by vertue of his Oath that he found the entry or Coppy of a letter entred and made in the sayd booke (which is fairly kept and without fraud) wherein the sayd Arnold Beake gives advise in the moneth of January 1650 old stile to his Correspondent Gellis Tyson of fflushing that he would have and accept of a twelfth part of the shipp dolphin of which John Sydrackes was master (being the shipp now in question) and that Peter Mathewes and another William Moone as this deponent guesseth being two other of the Claymers in this Cause would likewise have eyther of them a part therein; And further that by his said Masters booke of Accompts (which hee saith is a booke fairly writt and kept after the manner of merchants) he findeth that about the moneth of Aprill 1651. his sayd master did pay by the sayd Gellis Tyson the summe of three hundred twelfth part of the sayd shipp" eleven pounds two shillings and three pence flemish for his sayd shipp" [IMG_1443; IMG_1444]
- "he was borne in London and here hath lived for theis five yeares last, and next before three quarters of a yeare in Middlesburgh and before that all his tyme in London" [IMG_1444]

[Peter Morelais] of Saint Michaels Crooked Lane London [XXX] aged 44 yeares [IMG_1444]
- "the foresayd William Moore did by his Correspondents John and Daniel Scho[?ner] of Middleburgh in or about the yeare 1651. pay the summe of betwixt three and four hundred pounds flemmish for one twlfth part of the sayd Sydrackes shipp by him then lately bought and wherein he the sayd Sydrackes went master, called and knowne by the name of the dolphin [IMG_1445]
- "Arnold Beake Peter and Baldwin Mathewes and William Moore are Commonly accounted Englishmen borne and they are subiects of this Commonwealth and so accounted" [IMG_1445]
- "he was borne att the Hague in Holland under the States of the united Netherlands and from anno 1623. hath lived in England" [IMG_1445]
- "he hath knowne the sayd John Sydracks about six yeares, and taketh him to be an Hollander or Zelander" [IMG_1445]

[Peter Soen] of Saint Martins Lane neere Canning street London merchant aged 21. yeares [IMG_1447]
- "in or about the moneth of March 1650. he being then servant to the arlate Peter Matthewes did Coppy out a letter of advise set by his sayd master to John Santinelle his correspondent at Amsterdam wherein he did write to the sayd Santinelle that whereas John Sydrackes (meaning and writing of the arlate John Sydracke late Master of the dolphin now in question) had bought a new shipp wherein he was desired to be a partner, he the sayd Peter Mathewes was willing and did accept of and hold a twelfth part of the sayd shipp or to that effect for which cause and for that, by the sayd Mr Mathewes bookes of accounts it doth appeare that he did contribut to the setting out of one twelfth part of the ship dolphin John Sydrackes Master, he is as he saith well assured ..." [IMG_1447]
- "he was borne in London, hath lived for seven yeares last past in this City and 3 yeares next before in Essex" [IMG_1447]

[Adrian Beyer] of Saint Martins Lane aforesayd London merchant aged 2[?8] yeares [IMG_1448]
- "he being Bookekeeper to and for the foresayd Peter Mathewes as hee hath bene for theis three yeares last past and upwards" [IMG_1448]
- "he was borne at [?Morekerken] in [XXXX] and for three yeares and better last past hath lived in London and before about [?3] monethes in Holland, 3 yeares next before at [XXX] in ffrance, and before that all his tyme in Holland" [IMG_1448]


IMG_1449 - IMG_1468

[Richard Putham] of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner late Gunner of the sayd shipp the freetrade of London aged 34. yeares [IMG_1449]
- "a long boat and a wherry with eighteene Oares" [IMG_1451]
- "there did belong unto the sayd shipp twenty five Mariners besides the master who had goods on board the sayd shipp for their respective accompts. And saith that the sayd Mariners goods Cloathes bookes and Instruments (not accounting the masters losses) did amount unto and were really worth the summe of three hundred pounds sterling" [IMG_1451]
- Master borrowed £200 in Lisbon from merchants to sustain himself and his 25 mariners whilst he and they were prisoners and then on bail [IMG_1451]

[Jacob Peterson] of Euchuysen in Holland mariner one of the Company [XXX] Carpenter of the sayd shipp the Abraham aged twenty [?two] yeares [IMG_1452]
- "the master of the Abraham is a native of Vlielandt and is an hollander, but he was this last winter made a Burgher of Newcopen and hath his howse there howbeit his wife and Children live in fflielandt, and the sayd master before this last winter lived constantly as this deponent beleiveth in fflelandt. And the Company of the sayd shipp Abraham are all Hollanders or other subiects of the States of the united Provinces, and one of them videlicet Garret hath his wife living in Holland. And this deponent for his owne part was borne at Enchusen and there hath lived all his tyme, and is a Bachiler" [IMG_1453]
- "he doth not know nor hath heard of any merchants that in this tyme of warr have gone out of the united Provinces to live in any free places to save their goods from the English, nor any living in such free places but in their owne names doe Colour any goods of hollanders or zealanders. And verily beleeveth that the goods now in question doe really belong to the foresayd Owners of the Abraham whom he really taketh to be Swedes" [IMG_1454]

[Cornelius Janson] of Vlylandt mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Abraham ahed xxi yeares [IMG_1454]
- Deponent was a common mariner
- "the sayd Garmon Cornelison the sayd skipper of the Abraham is an hollander borne in vlylandt where he hath his wife and Children and so hath had for a good space but how long hknoweth not, howbeit he saith that this last winter the sayd skipper was solemnly made and admitted a free Burger of Neiwcopen aforesayd; And the Company of the Abraham are all Hollanders or subiects of the States of the Netherlands both by birth and dwelling this deponent excepted And this deponent was borne at Belsael in East ffrezland under the Grave there, and for theis six yeares last past hath lived in Vlyelandt and before that all his tyme in Belsiel" [IMG_1455]
- The Abraham sailed from Euchusen to Newcopen in Sweden "before Christmas last" and "there lay all the winter and part of the last spring and then there tooke and receyved into and on board her her present lading consisting of Iron, Copper wire and kettles all for accompt of the sayd Wellmont and Mumma to be transported to Hamburgh, which goods were as he saith laden by the sayd owners together with some deales and fathom wood for dunnage" [IMG_1455]

[Stephen Clampett] of the parish of Stepney in the Countie of Middlesex Mariner late master of the shipp the Mary a private man of warr whereof John Welch was and is Captaine and Commander aged 2[?9] yeares [IMG_1456]
- the Mary captured the ffortune from Texall, off Jutland, "laden with Corne to say barley and pease, and malt and some butter" and was brought to this port of London [IMG_1456]

[Ola Lawson] of Tunsborough in Norway under the Jurisdiction of the King of denmarke aged 46 yeares [IMG_1456]
- Lawson and others are the owners of the Swann of Tunsborough, with lawson also its master [IMG_1456; IMG_1457]
- "she began this outward voyage from Tunsburgh in Norway with a lading of deales and beames and peices of timber and was to have sayled therewith directly to Lyth in Scotland whither she was bound had she not bene seized in her course thither" [IMG_1457]
- Supposedly the cargo of timber was the property of Mr Henry Blake of London, merchant, "att a price certaine and former;y agreed upon by a Charter party (which Charter party is now remaining at Tunsburgh aforesayd) made betwixt this deponent and his brohers one one part and the sayd Mr Blake on the other, and saith he was to deliver the saud goods either att Leith in Scotland to teh Assignes of the sayd Blaake (sic), or here att London to the sayd Blake himselfe, but saith he was first to sayle to Leith and there to discharge unlesse he receyved order to come for London: And the sayd Mr Blake was by Charterparty to runn the riske of the sayd goods so farr as concerned the shipps of warr of this Commonwealth" [IMG_1457]
- Lawson not to receive freight for the goods, but a certain preagreed price for them, although lawson retained ownership of the goods in transit [IMG_1457]
- the Swan was captured by a Dutch caper, but lawson argued that the goods were the property of subiects of the king of denmarke, which was in peace and amity with Holland [IMG_1457]

[Hans Meyer] of Hamburgh mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp the fflying unicorne aged 42 yeares [IMG_1458]
- the fflying unicorne was allegedly under a skipper "Henry Bront an Hamburgher", who also owned the ship, and "the same was built at Lubeck" [IMG_1459]
- [MARGINAL NOTE] "the sayd [XXX] Company are [?most] of them Hamburghers [XXX] to Hamburgh but 3 of them are [?Norwegians], and one a frenchman, and this deponent was borne at Hamburgh and he hath lived [XXXX] man with [?his] wife 14 yeares [?att] least" [IMG_1459]
- Supposedly the ship was travelling from Hamburg to Haver de Grace in France [IMG_1459]

[Hendrick hamon] of Hamburgh Mariner Steersman of the sayd shipp the White Unicorne aged 42 yeares [IMG_1459]
- "the Company of the sayd shipp are some of Hamburgh some of [?Ostell] some of Norway and all of them one frenchman excepted of the parts of Germany and other places to the Eastward, and this deponent for his owne part was borne att Hamburgh and there hath lived all his life tyme, and h is a marryed man and his wife and family are now there and so have bene for neere upon three yeares videlicet from the tyme of his first marriage to this present" [IMG_1460]

[Jerome Havemaster] of Hamburgh mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the fflying unicorne aged 19 yeares [IMG_1460]
- "the sayd shipps Company are most of them of Hamburgh, and two of them are of Norway, and one a ffrenchman who is a marryed man and hath his wife living in Hamburgh. And this deponent is a Bachiller and was borne att Hamburgh and there hath lived all his tyme" [IMG_1461]

[William Avery] of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner late masters mate of the shipp the Blessing whereof THomas Carryer was master, aged fifty five yeares [IMG_1461]

[ffrancis Hardidge] of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Captaine or Commander of the shipp the Mary and John aged fifty yeares [IMG_1467]


IMG_1469 - IMG_1488

[Gerbarardt Cornelison] borne in Vlylandt Burgher of Newcopen in Sweden Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Abraham or Abrahams offering aged 35 yeares [IMG_1467]
- MY CONCLUSION: Very suspicious circumstances of the seizure of the Abraham strongly suggest that it was in fact Dutch owned, or if not Dutch owned, manned by a full Dutch crew, with the Master really Dutch resident, and really bound for Holland or France, but with Hamburg as a default destination [IMG_1472]
- no bills of lading signed by the master; no charter party!!
- "he doth not beleive nor hath heard that there were any bills of lading or other papers or writings whatsoever that cincern the sayd shipp aand lading hid eyther within or without the sayd ship, [IMG_1473]or any burnt torne throwne overboard or made away before the chasing of the sayd shipp but saith he had severall letters on board hhim which concerned the sayd shipps lading as he supposeth that had noe bills of lading in them so farr as he knoweth or beleiveth all which he delivered to the Captaine that made the seizure" [IMG_1473]
- claimed he had known the laders and owners of the ship for the last eight years "during which tyme they have lived in Newcopen and there doe live att oresent, and are subiects of the Queene of Sweden and so accounted" [IMG_1473]

[Albert Barens] of Sneake in Holland mariner aged 18 yeares [IMG_1474]

The sayd [Albert Barens] to the Interrogatories in the same place, ministred the 27th of May 1654 [IMG_1475]
- Knew the ship had "the hollands Colours and Jack aboard her but the same were not then out or abroad her, but she then had out and wore the Swedish Colours" [IMG_1475]

The foresayd [Gerbrand Cornelison] to the Interrogatories in the second place ministred 27th May. 1654 [IMG_1475]
- he was never taken att sea but once which happened neere twenty yeares agoe that he was brought in to Ostend and then he cleared himselfe as an hollander" [IMG_1475]

[William Willmore] of Great Bowden in the County of Northampron Mariner Commander of the sayd shipp the Madona del Stellario aged 30 yeares [IMG_1475]

[Nicholas Viscardy] of Venice Purser of the Shipp the Madona del Stellario aged 20 yeares [IMG_1476]

[ffrancsco de Paulo] of Venice Mariner aged 18 yeares [IMG_1478]
- Bound from Zant to London

[Berbarddo Chappo] of Venice Mariner Calker of the shipp Madona del Stellario aged 38 yeares [IMG_1479]
- Ship came safelly to Dartmouth from Zant, but then in her course to London was taken by a dutch man of warr and carried to Saint Mallos in France [IMG_1479]

[John Child] of the parish of Saint [?Mary] by London Bridge Clothworker where he hath lived about 14 yeares past, [?being] in London and aged about 29 yeares [IMG_1480]

[Edward Court] of Radcliffe in the County of Middlesex marinerlate Boatswayne of the shipp the Thomas Bonadventure aged 38 yeares [IMG_1482]
- laded pigs of lead and barrells of herring in London for Leghorne
- Thomas Bonadventure was in an English convoy which was attacked by eleven Dutch men of war, was damaged, and was then at Legorne "blocked up and kept in by the Dutch men of warr about five or six monethes" [IMG_1483]

[John Gray] of the parish of Saint Lawrence Jewry London merchant aged 24 yeares [IMG_1486]
- "he was borne at Riseden in the County of Norfolke and for these four yeares last hath lived in London and about a yeare [XXX] in Lisboa and before that all his tyme in England" [IMG_1486]

[John Sydracks] of fflushing Mariner master of the sayd ship the dolphin aged 42. yeares [IMG_1487]
- Sydracks bought the ship the dolphin at Amsterdam; "Baldwyn Mathewes then residing at Middleburgh" [IMG_1487]
- "he was borne att fflushing in the dominion of the States of the united Netherlands and there hath lived all his tyme and so doth att this present" [IMG_1487]


IMG_1489 - IMG_1508

[Richard Badiley] of London Rear Admirall of the Navy of this Commonwealth aged 37 yeares [IMG_1490]

[Timothy Crusoe] of the parish of Saint Ellen London merchant aged 60 yeares [IMG_1497]

[Samuel Lever] of this parish of Allhallowes Barking merchant aged 23 yeares [IMG_1498]

[Michael Kruyger] of Stetin in Pomerland Mariner Master of the said shipp the great Christopher aged 40. yeares [IMG_1500]
- Bartholmew harmans and John Price the Claymers in this Cause did in or about the moneth of August 1653. last past lade and cause to be laden aboard this deponents said shipp at the kay of Riga in Liesland under the dominion of the Queen of Sweden..."[IMG_1500], supposedly to be transported from Riga to Dunquirk
- "Bartholomew harmans and John Pruce were and are Inhabitants of Riga and Subjects of the Queene of Sweden, and so much is notorious and publiquely knowne and affirmed by Marchants there inhabitant" [IMG_1501]

[William Becker] of Riga in Liesland Merchant aged 22. yeares [IMG_1502]

[Michael Feurick] native of Conicksbergh in Prussia, inhabitant of Stetin in Pomerland Mariner Boateswaine of the said shipp the great Christopher aged 32. yeares [IMG_1503]
- "the hollanders doe usually trade and traffique to Riga" [IMG_1506]

[Christian Beeme] of Stettin Mariner aged 22. yeeres [IMG_1506]
- "hee this deponent being an ordinary Mariner belonging to the shipp the great Christopher of Stetin on Pomerland" [IMG_1506]

[Michael Vallis] of Saint Mary Magdalins parish in Southwarke Mariner master of the vessell the wheele of ffortune aged forty yeares [IMG_1508]
- in the sayd fight the foresayd Browne Thomas of this deponents sight was dangerously wounded having a part of his buttocks shott away.." [IMG_1509]
- "a small ketch of about thirty tonnes" [IMG_1510]


IMG_1509 - IMG_1528

[John Cape the elder] of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Beer brewer aged 62 yeares [IMG_1511]

[John Gardiner] of Weimouth in the County of dorset Merchant aged 34 yeares [IMG_1512]

[William Hasler] of Rederiff in the County of Surrey mariner one of the Company of the Shipp Wheele of ffortune aged 27 yeares [IMG_1515]

[William Cocket] of Alborough in the County of Suffolke Mariner Masters Mate of the shipp the Wheele of ffortune aged 28 yeares [IMG_1519]

[John Fuller] of Lynne in the County of Norfolke Mariner, aged foure and twenty yeares [IMG_1522]

[Robert Loveland] of Dukesplace London merchant aged 46 yeares [IMG_1523]

[Henry Hughes] of deptford in the County of kent Rope merchant late Purser of the Thomas Bonadventure aged 22. yeares [IMMG_1524]


IMG_1529 - IMG_1548

[William Willmot] of South Shoebury in the County of Essex mariner Captaine of the shipp the Elizabeth ffrigott aged 32 yeares [IMG_1531]

[John Cornelison Dopp] of Vlylandt mariner master of the sayd shipp the dop aged 37 yeares [IMG_1533]

[Henry Bell] of Scotland Mariner, where he was borne, and hath ever dwelt, aged about 48 yeares [IMG_1537]

[William Read] of Leith in Scotland Mariner, where he hath lived about 20ty yeares past, aged about 42 yeares [IMG_1539]

The same [William Read] upon the allegation given in and admitted the first of June 1654 {IMG_1540]

[Alexander martin] of Leith in Scotland Mariner where he hath lived sincehis birth being borne there, aged about 30ty yeares [IMG_1541]

he same [Alexander Martin] in the allegation given in and admitted on the behalfe of the sayd Beatty and Read the first of June 1654 [IMG_1542]

[James Bowmans] of the parish of Stepney lately Commander of the shipp Morning Starr of London aged thirty our yeares [IMG_1544]

[John Hemings] of the parish of Saint Margarets Loathburie London shipwright aged 42 yeares [IMG_1546]

[ffrancis Sympson] of dover in the County of Kent Serjeant of the Admiralty of the Cinque Ports ahed fifty eight yeares [IMG_1548]


IMG_1549 - IMG_1568

[George Ramsey] of deptford in the County of Kent mariner late masters mate of the shipp Thomas Bonadventure aged 35 yeares [IMG_1550]

[Abraham Mauro] of Rederith in the County of Surrey beare brewer aged 41. yeares [IMG_1554]

[Charles Arthur] of the parish Saint Mary Maudlin in the County of Surrey Gardener aged 35 yeares [IMG_1556]
- "he saith he hath lived for theis 7 yeares last past att or neare Rederethvidelicet in Saint mary Maudlins Bermondsey parish for 7 yeares next before att Lambeth and hath his home att the Cherry garden aforesayd" [IMG_1557]
- "his wife being borne of dutch parents, and himselfe having bene bred amongst dutch merchants hee thereby comes to understand and doth understand low dutch, but cannot speake read nor write it, and speakes and reades English" [IMG_1557]

[Peter Hare] of Enmden Mariner Master of the said shipp the half Moone aged 39. yeares [IMG_1559]

[Hendrick Jansen] of Embden Mariner aged 54. yeares [IMG_1561]

[Peter Eppen] pf Embden Mariner aged 46. yeares [IMG_1562]

[Martin Minors] of dantzicke Mariner Master of the said shipp the hope aged 38. yeares [IMG_1564]

[Peter Spliet] Native of Copenhagen in denmarke Mariner aged 30. yeares [IMG_1568]


IMG_1569 - IMG_1588

[Thinis Otte] of hamborough Mariner aged [XX] yeares [IMG_1570]

[Sem Jacobson Proncke] of hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the ffortune aged 32 yeares [IMG_1572]

[Richard Gouldstone] of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney Mariner aged 28. yeares [IMG_1575]

[John Booteman] of Newport in fflanders Merchant aged 32. yeares [IMG_1578]

[Adrian Harnoudad] of Newport in fflanders Mariner Master of the said Vessell or Busse the Saint John aged 48. yeares [IMG_1581]

[Diego Rodrigues Arias] of Marchena in Spaine Merchant aged 40. yeares [IMG_1584]
- Deponent in December 1651 was in Amsterdam in Holland, where he was acquainted with Conrado da Brill a Spaniard then being at Amsterdam. This Conrado da Brill informed the deponent that he had bought the ship the Sancto Spirito of the Crosse for the account of Conrado and partners and that he had fitted it out for an intended voyage from the Texel to the Canarie Islands. "This deponent observed that the said Conrado provided Spanish and Portugueze Mariners to serve aboard the said shipp" [IMG_1585]
- Deponent stated that after the arrival of the ship in the Canaries, it was sent on a voyage to the Island Cuba, but by extremity of weather was forced to the Barbadoes, where the ship was seized [IMG_1585]
- "the arlate Conrado da Brill was and is a Spaniard inhabitant at the Teneriffa, and a subject of the king of Spaine" [IMG_1586]

[Anthonio Rodriguez Roblez] Native of Madrid in Spaine Merchant residenmt here at London [IMG_1586]
- "in or about the moneth of december 1651 last past hee this deponent being at Amsterdam about his Merchandizeing affaires..." [IMG_1586]
- "the said Conrado then and there provided Spanish Mariners for the service of the said shipp, and tooke onely one hollander for a Pilot aboard the same" [IMG_1586]
- Roblez has subsequently seen the ship in teh River of Thames, where it was arrested by Conrado de Brill, and stated that "shee being of a Portugueze built" [IMG_1587]

[John Thomas Melute] of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 23. yeares [IMG_1587]

[Anthonio de Ponte] of the Island of Teneriffa Merchant aged 28. or 30. yeares [IMG_1588]


IMG_1589 - IMG_1608

[Don Diego de Ponte] of Guarachicho of the Island of Teneriffa Merchanta ged 25. yeares [IMG_1590]
- "he is by religion a Roman Catholique and doth hold himselfe bound to depose the truth [XXXX] by oath sincerely betwixt the Spaniards, and English whom he holdeth for Apostolique Catholiques" [IMG_1591]

[Ive D'estre] of Lisle in fflanders Merchant aged 21. yeares [IMG_1592]
- Jacques Coquell and Julian d'estre were and are Merchants of Lisle in fflanders who for severall yeares last past have driven and still doe drive a great trade in Consortshipp to france, for brandewines and french wines" [IMG_1592]

[Francis Thysen] of London Merchant aged 31. yeares [IMG_1596]
- "hee this rendent is a Native of fflushing in Zeeland, and hath his present habitation here in London where hee hath lived for about 15. or 16 yeares last past" [IMG_1597]

[John Norborne] of Bristoll Merchant aged 33. yeares [IMG_1598]
- Deponent was in New England in July or August 1653, where he saw the ship the happy Entrance, which he was told had been adjudged a prize and which formerly belonged to the dutch

[Francis Drayer] of Bremen Merchant aged 38. yeares [IMG_1600]
- In August or September, Francis Drayer was "on his Merchandizung affairs at Amsterdam", wgere he found the ship the fortune "and there give order unto the allate Claes Johnson Clopper his Agent or ffactor at Amsterdam to buy the same for this deponents account", the ship being successfully bought in November 1652 "this deponent then being at Bremen" for the price of 8000 gilders. Presuming the ship had been bought successfully, the deponent "sent the arlate derrick Peterson from Bremen with order and instructions to be Master of the said shippp, but before the said dircik Peterson came to Amsterdam to be in possession of the said shipp for this deponents use, the aforesaid then Owner had freighted her out upon a Voyage, so that the said bargaine could not be consummated intil her returne" [IMG_1601]
- "this deponent and Christian hooghstraat and derrick Peterson did themselves respectively and this deponent in the name of the said William Ostendorpe personally appeare upon or about the 11th or 12th day of July 1653. last past before the Burgomasters and Senators of Bremen, and then and there upon their respective corporall Oathes declared, that the saud shipp the ffortune did in trueth and reality appertaine unto them" [IMG_1602]


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IMG_1699 - IMG_1708

[Ellis Osborne] of Dover in the County of Kent Marriner aged 32 yeares [IMG_1699]
- Abraham Stocke and Company [IMG_1700]
- Herrings delivered to Rochell and salt laden there [IMG_1700]

[Laurence Blancart] of the parishe of Sainr Swithin London [XXXX] London Merchant aged 28 yeares [IMG_1701]
- Case of Michaell de Haze and Abraham Stocke and ship the Successe alias the James [IMG_1701]
- Blancart "was and is his [Stocks] correspondent in the way of Merchandizeing at London"
- Stocks requested Blacart by letter to assure the ship for £100 "on the body tackle and furniture of the said shippe [XXXX] from dover to Rochell or Nantes for him his behelafe which said Summe this deponent did accordingly assure and hath the originall pollicye of Assurance now by him to which he referreth for further proof therein" [IMG_1701]

[Hance Bommelman] of hamborough Mariner, aged 36 yeares [IMG_1703]
- Claime of hendrick Bommelman of Lisbone for sugars and other goods in the foure Cardinalls and other sugards in the Concord. Deponent at that time ws also in Lisbon, being commander at that time of the ship the King david of hamborough [IMG_1703]
- laded chests of white sugar and also chests of muscavadoes, as well as a chest of tobaccoe at Lisbon in January 1651/52 [IMG_1703]
- States that hendrick Bommelman "was and is a hamburgher borne, and liveth at Lisbone and doth trade as a merchant, which hee knoweth being alsoe a hamburgher, and having knowne and bin acquainted with the said hendrick from this deponents infancie"[IMG_1704]
- "the said hendrick hath lived for theise tenn yeares last past and upwards at Lisbone, where hee hath bin maried about two yeares since, and knoweth his wife and familie there". "when this deponent laye ashore (as hee often did) hee lodged a the house there of the said producent, who would not suffer him to live in an Inne" [IMG_1704]
- "this deponent is a hamburger by birth and habitation, and hath dwelt there all his time, and that hee is brother to the said producent" [IMG_1704]

[Juan de Casanueva] of Cadiz in Spaine merchant aged 24 yeares [IMG_1705]
- Goods laded at Saint Mallo for Cadiz
- "[deponent] he is a native of Biskay and liveth at Cadiz and so hath done ten yeares last past and upwards" [IMG_1706]

[Josiah Smyth] of the parish of Allhallowes Barking London Marriner aged 36 yeares [IMG_1708]

[Henry Marten] of London Mariner aged 25 yeares [IMG_1708]


IMG_1709 - IMG_1728

[Siveren Siverinson] the younger of Berghen in Norway Mariner master of the said shipp aged 24 yeares [IMG_1709]
- "this deponent was borne at Berghen in Norway and hath dwelt there all his time, and keepeth his wife and familie there, and is a Burgher of the place and a subiect of the kinge of denmarke". Deponent is master of the ffortune which blongs to the port of Berghen in Norway. The owners of the ffortune were all burghers of Berghen, "all maried men and houskeepers in Berghen"[IMG_1709]
- "the lading ofthe said shipp is tarr, deales, butter, [XXXX], salt [XXXX], fish, herring, [?lubecke [?breza], dried fish, and other commodities which were all laden at Berghen" to be transported to France [IMG_1709]
- "he head schedules and notes of his lading, but had noe formall bills of lading, the cargo being for his owners accompt" [IMG_1710]
- the ship was taken "on the East of Pemmarke on the ffrench coast the first of thelast moneth of Aprill [1654] old sile" by a ship of the Commonwealth [IMG_1710]

[John Williams] of London mariner aged 40 yeares [IMG_1710]
- Was husband of the ship the John and Samuel of Plimouth, when she was last at the Iland of Saint Christofer [IMG_1710]
- "on or abpout the 16th of July last [1653] shee was met with and surprized by a very violent storme and tempest commonly caled a hurricane happening with [XXXX] windes and raine, which put her into exceeding greate distreese and danger of casting away" [IMG_1711]
- put the ship into "Boston in New England", taking nine weeks to get there, having lost her main mast in the storm ; partially reparied in Boston [IMG_1712]

[Phillipp Marshall] of Gosper in hampshire Captaine of the shipp the Prosperous aforesayd aged 40 yeares [IMG_1712]

[John Lowe] of East Cowes in the Isle of Wight Mariner Master of the shipp the Prosperous aged 35 yeares [IMG_1714]

[Captaine Isaac Phillips] of London merchant aged 32 yeares [IMG_1716]
- His ship involved in fight with the ffortune [IMG_1716]

[Jacob Jacobson] of London merchant, aged 35 yeares [IMG_1716]

[derrick Jacobson] of London Merchant aged 20 yeares [IMG_1717]

[Roger Rimus] of Lubeck Mariner, master of the sayd shipp the ffortune, aged 38 yeares [IMG_1717]
- Deponent was coming from Bordeaux with a lading of wines for Lubeck, and was taken by ship of Commonwealth off Callice [IMG_1717]

[Tor Vulson] of Gottenburgh in Norway Sailor aged 48 yeeres [IMG_1718]
-Deponent stated that the King david wa"was built in holland" [IMG_1718]
- "the said shipp the kinge david being arived at Rochell from Riga and having delivered her small clapboards there the Skipper Gerbrand Claeson Bonner said in this deponents presence that hee had received letters from Amterdam whereby hee was ordered to goe to Charenton to deliver the rest of the ladung, and then relade with wines for Amsterdam, And saith there was a merchant or factor at Charenton who provided the said lading of wines named or called Monsieur Gangle, and when the said shipp was laden and readie to saile this deponent heard the said marchant speaking to the said Skipper in the Nether dutch language, bidd him commend him (the said merchant) to his brother in Amsterdam, and heard the said Skipper answer that hee would, and that hee hoped it should not be a moneth before hee reached or arived at Amsterdam his home or dwelling, whence hee said hee had bin two yeares. And the said merchant further told and ordered the Skipper in this deponents hearing, that in case hee met with an English man or man of warr, hee should say hee was bound for Sweden, and the said Skipper Gerbrand Claeson often spake unto and gave this deponent and the rest of the company order to say as much but it was agreed betweene the said merchant and master that in case the said shipp could goe cleare of English men of warr shee should run into Amsterdam, the place of her designed dischardge" [IMG_1719]
- Deponent claims that as soon as the Kinge david met with a ship of the Commonwealth, the master of the kinge david to dispose of "the bundle of letters which hee had made up and laid should be throwne over board in case the said Stiersman after the masters departure should perceive the Capers company comming aboard the kinge david, and accordingly the Stiersman having fastened an iron bullet to the said bundle of letters, delivered the said bundle to this deponents contest Peter Senson [XXXX], to be by him throwne ober board when the Stiersman should call out to him and order him soe to do, and soe the said Skipper went upon the deck and left the boy waiting as a [XXXX] in the cabbin, where this deponent sawe him stand readie with the said bundle in his hand" [IMG_1719]
- "the said Stiersman spake in the Lowe dutch language and the boy likewise, and saith the said casting over board of the said letters happened or was donne about one or two of the clock in the aftternoone" [IMG_1720]

[Peter Swenson] of Amsterdam the boy of the said shipp the kinge david, aged twelve yeares [IMG_1720]
- The deponent claims he heard the master of the ship the King David read out a letter to the stiersman of the same ship "as they were standing together in ths hipp neere the bolt spritt and this deponent by them, and the said letter as this deponent heard the Skipper reade was dated from Amsterdam, and contained directions for the Skipper to goe to Chharenton to lade wines..." [IMG_1720]
- "the Skipper hired his company for Staden, and they desiring to knowe directly whether they should goe, hee told them what is that to you, I hire you for Staden, and while you know noe other, you can make noe other answer to men of warr that meet uus or to that effect" [IMG_1720]
- Deponent described a bundle of letters and papers which the skipper tool "and laid them om the table in his cabbin, which the stiersman bound fast up and fastened a greate shott thereunto". On the approach of the caper "the Stiersman delivered the said bundle of letters and papers being about halfe a foote square) with the said shott fastened thereto to this deponent and commanded him that hee this deponent should watch in his cabbin at the port hole that was towards the Caper and when hee sawe the Capers men come from their shipp towards the david, that then this deponent should throwe the said bundle over board into the sea, and told him that such was the Skippers order, and accordingly this deponent watched, and when hee sawe the Capers men comming away from theri shipp, hee threwe the said bundle over board into the sea out of a port hole on the contrary side, and immediately the Stiersman coming into the cabbin where this deponent was, this deponent told him that hee had throwne the said bundle of letters overboard, which the Stiersman (not as it seemed then knowing that the Capers men were comming aboard) was very angry, and told this deponent that the master would kill him, but when hee sawe the said Capers men (namely Captaine daniells man) come aboard, hee was well pleased that the said letters were gonne." [IMG_1721]
- Deponent states that "hee being demanded on the Capers behalfe what hee knewe or could say touching the premisses, before the magistrate at Rie, and telling them to the effect aforesaid, they said hee must come to London and testifie the same, and soe sent him with his precontest to London and saith there is nothing at all either given or promised to him for his deposition in this cause" [IMG_1721]
- the letter the Skipper received from Amsterdam "was in nether dutch (as the master read it)" [IMG_1721]

[John Benson] of Elsenburgh in denmarke, aged 18 yeres
- "the said Mr van Gangle and the said Skipper were drinking together, and amongest other discourse which passed betweene them in the lowe dutch language this deponent heard the said master speaking to the said Mr van Gangle say, I have not bin with my wife in two yeares, but nowe I hope shortly to be with her, and this was as the said shipp was in lading and was about halfe laden. And saith that a man of warr in the service of this Commonwealth meeting the said shipp as she was in her retourne from Rochell and haling her, the said Skipper commanded this deponent and the cabbin boy and others of the company that they should not acknowledge that hee was maried, but that they were bound with the said shipp for Staden; and soe much hee alsoe gave them afterwards in chardges when Captaine daniel that seized them were comming up with them" [IMG_1722]
- Deponent claimed to have been at the helme, but to have gone below decks, and to have spoken to the cabin boy Peter Swenson, and to have seen him heave the papers overboard, aying "hee heaved the said bundle of letters and papers over board out at a port on the star board side neere the Cookeroome, which this deponent sawe him soe doe" [IMG_1722]

[George Dethick] of Poplar in the County of Middlesex mariner Purser of the shipp the May fflower aged 28 yeares [IMG_1724]


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[John Carter] of Saint Mary hill in London Cheesemonger saged 27. yeares [IMG_1729]

[John Leemkuel] of the parish of Saint Michael Crooked lane London merchant aged 37 yeares [IMG_1733]


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The foresaid [William [?Woaldvers] to the Interrogatoryes [IMG_1829]

[Roger Needler] of the parish of Allhallowes Barking servant to Mr Benjamin Sheapheard scrivener where hee hath lived about 12 monethes last past aged 17 [IMG_1820]

[Richard Cheeke] of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney maryner aged 25 [IMG_1832]

[Thomas Boatman] of low in the county of Cornwall marryner aged 40. yeares [IMG_1833]

[Edward Parham] of the parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex marryner; aged 30 yeares [IMG_1834]

[John Bleine] of Amsterdam Mariner Gunner of the said shipp the Conrad, aged 35 yeares [IMG_1836]

[Peter Colombel] of Roane in ffrance Gentleman aged 22. yeares [IMG_1837]

[John de Hiacinth] of Majorca a sunbiect of the king of Spaine, one of the mariners of the said shipp aged 2[X] yeares [IMG_1837]

[Robert Rutharford] of Amsterdam boat swaine of the said shipp the Conrad, aged 24 yeares [IMG_1838]

[Richard Campion] of the parish of Saint Margarets New ffishstreete Lodnon Wine Cooper aged 25 yeares [IMG_1839]

[John Cornelison] of Antwerpe in Brabant merchant aged thirty yeares [IMG_1840]

[John Harris]of Lambeth in the County of Surrey gentleman Governour of the Island of Newfound Land aged 48 yeares [IMG_1843]


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