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===To do===
===To do===
(1) Complete the trasncription of the will
'''This transcription has not yet been complted, adn will require checking'''
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Nathaniel Letten of London Merchant of the parish of S:t Dyonis Backchurch being of sound and perfect memory thankes bee to Almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in writing In manner and forme following that is to say I commend my Soule unto the hands of Almighty
God that gave it, My body after this life ended I committ unto the Earth to bee decently buried in Christian buriall in the parish church of S:t Dyonys Backchurch Lodnon in the vault belonging to my now Dwelling house there in expectacon of a glorious Resurreccon and in confidence that by and through the only meritts and mediacon of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer all my Suinns shall bee pardoned and done away and both body and Soule bee made partaker of eternall Joy and happyness  And to the manner and charge of my funerall I referre to my private Instruccons given to my Beloved wife
And for and concerning that worldly estate whereof it hath pleased God to make mee a steward my debts being first paid and funerall charges defrayed I dispose the same as followeth viz:t
I give and bequeath to the elders of the Dutch Church in London the summe of ffifty pounds to bee a stock towards the maintenance of the Ministers there
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the said Dutch Church the summe of ffifty pounds for y:e releife of the poore of the said church
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the Dutch church of Norwich the simme of ffifty pounds for the Releife of the poore of the said Congregaconn
ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Gregories in Norwich where I was borne 20:li Twenty pounds
ITEM I give into Christs Hospitall fro the Blew Coate Boys and Girls 20L Twnty pounds
ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Dionys Backchurch the summe of ffive pounds
ITEM I give the Thirty pounds by mee subscribed and lent towards a stock for the poore french Protestants at Ipswich to sett them a work I give to the Deacons of the ffrench Church in London to bee disposed on by them for the Releife of the said poore Protestants that come over for their Religion and if the said Thirty pounds should  nott bee allpaid Then my will and mind is that my Executors doe pay the Residue of the said summe unpaid to the aforesaid Deacons of the ffrench church
ITEM I givea nd Bequeath to my Beloved wife Sarah All my householdgoods All my plate and all herJewells And in consideracon that I could not lett the house that ??M:r Thomas Death now liveth in by reason of passage through his hround for Two Coach houses and one Stable I was constrained to lett them to this house they being before settled with the now Dwelling house with a small slip of ground as part of my wifes Joynture and haveing since taken one of the houses in Philpot Lane which was also part of my wifes Joynture and added to this house to make a Stable although it can bee turned into a Tenement at pleasure In consideracon of the above mencconed
ITEM I give to my said beloved Wife Sara for her life my foure Messuages with the appertennces which I purchased of the Assignes of the Commissiomners of Bankrupt which was taken out against Edward ffrench which are now lett at Ninety eight pounds a yeare where of Two are in Salisbury Court one the White Swan in the possession of Augustin Leake the other in the posso of John Morley and on the back part of those Two houses In the  Alley over against S:t Bridges Church yard One in possession of William ``Pease the other in the possession of the Widdow ffull which fowre houses are scituated in the parish of S:t Bridgett als Brides in London and after her decease I give the ffowre houses with the appertenances to my eldest sonne Nathaniell Letten and the heires of his Body And for want of such Issue then to my sonne  XXXXXXXXX John Letten and the heires of his Body and for want of such Issue then to my Three Daughters Sara and XXX Elizabeth their herires forever equally to bee divided amongst share and
ahare alike or the Survivor of them and for want of such Issue Then to my brother  John Kettrern and his heires for ever A Court at Cliffirds Inn on the twenty sixth day of Janruary One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one where is was Decreed by the Judges that the ground whereon stood the house of Rachell Hungerford and the house of Anne Tissard which were demolished by the ffire with that peece of ground where one was A Cole wharfe where is Decreed by the Judges to Nathaniel Letten from S:t Michaell Tharchangell One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one for XXXty years paying to the Landlord Thirty fowre pounds a yeare for the whole and shall not bee chargeable for more dureing the said terme I have since Bought the house of Rachell Hungerford and  such his hround Rent and now Reecive all the Rent for my selfe for the REmander of the Lease from Michaelmas One Thousand six hundred seaventy and one  And as for the Rent of Anne Tizzard I receive  ffifteene poundes a yeare for Thirty nine Three quarters of a yeare from Michaelmas One thousand six hundred Seaventy and one Which houses and wharfe I give aunto my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten The remainder of the Three Leases in Durham Yard the Cole wharfe In possession of James Gatton The house where the Venetian Resident liveth in on the Right hand of the gate way goeing downe to M:r Huttons wharfe also the house on the left hand leading downe to the said Colewharfe As by the Deceree of the Judges more at large doth appeare  A Lease of the parsonage of Braborne in Kent granted to Nathaniel Letten for one and Twenty  yeares from the Sixth of October One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and eight by the Lord William Archbishop of Canterbury at Sixteene pounds Tenne shillimgs and to the XXX

Revision as of 19:46, December 12, 2011

Nathaniel Letten will

Editorial history

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See John Letten will

To do

(1) Complete the trasncription of the will


This transcription has not yet been complted, adn will require checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Nathaniel Letten of London Merchant of the parish of S:t Dyonis Backchurch being of sound and perfect memory thankes bee to Almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in writing In manner and forme following that is to say I commend my Soule unto the hands of Almighty


God that gave it, My body after this life ended I committ unto the Earth to bee decently buried in Christian buriall in the parish church of S:t Dyonys Backchurch Lodnon in the vault belonging to my now Dwelling house there in expectacon of a glorious Resurreccon and in confidence that by and through the only meritts and mediacon of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer all my Suinns shall bee pardoned and done away and both body and Soule bee made partaker of eternall Joy and happyness And to the manner and charge of my funerall I referre to my private Instruccons given to my Beloved wife

And for and concerning that worldly estate whereof it hath pleased God to make mee a steward my debts being first paid and funerall charges defrayed I dispose the same as followeth viz:t

I give and bequeath to the elders of the Dutch Church in London the summe of ffifty pounds to bee a stock towards the maintenance of the Ministers there

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the said Dutch Church the summe of ffifty pounds for y:e releife of the poore of the said church

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the Dutch church of Norwich the simme of ffifty pounds for the Releife of the poore of the said Congregaconn

ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Gregories in Norwich where I was borne 20:li Twenty pounds

ITEM I give into Christs Hospitall fro the Blew Coate Boys and Girls 20L Twnty pounds

ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Dionys Backchurch the summe of ffive pounds

ITEM I give the Thirty pounds by mee subscribed and lent towards a stock for the poore french Protestants at Ipswich to sett them a work I give to the Deacons of the ffrench Church in London to bee disposed on by them for the Releife of the said poore Protestants that come over for their Religion and if the said Thirty pounds should nott bee allpaid Then my will and mind is that my Executors doe pay the Residue of the said summe unpaid to the aforesaid Deacons of the ffrench church

ITEM I givea nd Bequeath to my Beloved wife Sarah All my householdgoods All my plate and all herJewells And in consideracon that I could not lett the house that ??M:r Thomas Death now liveth in by reason of passage through his hround for Two Coach houses and one Stable I was constrained to lett them to this house they being before settled with the now Dwelling house with a small slip of ground as part of my wifes Joynture and haveing since taken one of the houses in Philpot Lane which was also part of my wifes Joynture and added to this house to make a Stable although it can bee turned into a Tenement at pleasure In consideracon of the above mencconed

ITEM I give to my said beloved Wife Sara for her life my foure Messuages with the appertennces which I purchased of the Assignes of the Commissiomners of Bankrupt which was taken out against Edward ffrench which are now lett at Ninety eight pounds a yeare where of Two are in Salisbury Court one the White Swan in the possession of Augustin Leake the other in the posso of John Morley and on the back part of those Two houses In the Alley over against S:t Bridges Church yard One in possession of William ``Pease the other in the possession of the Widdow ffull which fowre houses are scituated in the parish of S:t Bridgett als Brides in London and after her decease I give the ffowre houses with the appertenances to my eldest sonne Nathaniell Letten and the heires of his Body And for want of such Issue then to my sonne XXXXXXXXX John Letten and the heires of his Body and for want of such Issue then to my Three Daughters Sara and XXX Elizabeth their herires forever equally to bee divided amongst share and


ahare alike or the Survivor of them and for want of such Issue Then to my brother John Kettrern and his heires for ever A Court at Cliffirds Inn on the twenty sixth day of Janruary One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one where is was Decreed by the Judges that the ground whereon stood the house of Rachell Hungerford and the house of Anne Tissard which were demolished by the ffire with that peece of ground where one was A Cole wharfe where is Decreed by the Judges to Nathaniel Letten from S:t Michaell Tharchangell One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one for XXXty years paying to the Landlord Thirty fowre pounds a yeare for the whole and shall not bee chargeable for more dureing the said terme I have since Bought the house of Rachell Hungerford and such his hround Rent and now Reecive all the Rent for my selfe for the REmander of the Lease from Michaelmas One Thousand six hundred seaventy and one And as for the Rent of Anne Tizzard I receive ffifteene poundes a yeare for Thirty nine Three quarters of a yeare from Michaelmas One thousand six hundred Seaventy and one Which houses and wharfe I give aunto my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten The remainder of the Three Leases in Durham Yard the Cole wharfe In possession of James Gatton The house where the Venetian Resident liveth in on the Right hand of the gate way goeing downe to M:r Huttons wharfe also the house on the left hand leading downe to the said Colewharfe As by the Deceree of the Judges more at large doth appeare A Lease of the parsonage of Braborne in Kent granted to Nathaniel Letten for one and Twenty yeares from the Sixth of October One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and eight by the Lord William Archbishop of Canterbury at Sixteene pounds Tenne shillimgs and to the XXX



Possible primary sources