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==Hesther Burnell will==
'''Hesther Burnell will'''
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hester Burnell, Widow of Spitalfields, Middlesex 15 October 1664
'''Editorial history'''
26/10/11, CSG: Created page
==Abstract & context==
'''This abstract needs to be written'''
Hester Burnell was the widow of XXX Burnell.  In her will she described herself as "of the Spittle in the Countie of Midds widdow."
Writing in 1664, Hester Burnell XXXX
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: John Burnell senior will|John Burnell senior will]]
See [[MRP: John Burnell senior will|John Burnell senior will]]
See [[MRP: John Burnell junior will|John Burnell junior will]]
See [[MRP: John Burnell junior will|John Burnell junior will]]
See [[MRP: Thomas Burnell will|Thomas Burnell will]]
==To do==
'''This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked'''
'''This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked'''
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==Possible primary sources==
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hester Burnell, Widow of Spitalfields, Middlesex 15 October 1664

Revision as of 10:57, January 13, 2012

Hesther Burnell will

PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hester Burnell, Widow of Spitalfields, Middlesex 15 October 1664

Editorial history

26/10/11, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Hester Burnell was the widow of XXX Burnell. In her will she described herself as "of the Spittle in the Countie of Midds widdow."

Writing in 1664, Hester Burnell XXXX

Suggested links

See John Burnell senior will
See John Burnell junior will
See Thomas Burnell will

To do


This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Hester Burnell of the Spittle in the Countie of Midds widdow being at present weake and infirme in body and in perfect minde and memory praysed be God for the same, but considering the certainty of death and the uncertainety when it may please the Lord to take me and out of this transitory life doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followeing (that is to say)

FFIRST and principally I doe comend my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing to obtaine full & free remission of all my Sins, and to enioy eternall rest and happiness in his heavenly kingdoms through the only merritts, death, and passion of my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, my Body I committ to the Earthe from whence it came to be decently buryed (if I dye in or neere London) in the parish Church of Allhallowes Barking as neere unto my late deare husband there interred as convenienttly may be but if I dye elsewhere then to be buryed at the discretion of my Executors herein afternamed

And I give to those my ffreinds herein afternamed the severall Summes of money followinge; to buy them mourning that is to say

TO my Cozen John Burnell Esq:r ffoure pounds TO my Cozen Thomas Burnell and his wyfe ffoure pounds apeece TO my cozen Henry Burnell and his wife ffoure pounds apeece TO my loveing brother Henry Wollaston Esquire and his wyfe TO my cozen Henry Wollaston Sonne of my said brother Henry Wollaston and his wyfe ffoure pounds apeice To my brother Thomas Wollaston ffoure pounds To my Cozen Sarah Edlin widow ffoure pounds To my brother Robert Smith and his wife foure pounds apeice


To Barewicke ffishmonger in Ipswich ffive poundes and I forgive him the debt he owes me And I also forgive to M:r Robert Browne the Tenn pounds he owes me by bond.

Ffor the remainder of that Estate wherewith God hath bin pleased to bless me, though I humbly acknowledge this and the rest also to be iustly due to him yett I humbly pray and hope that of his infinite mercy he will accept of this for the whole in manner follwings viz:t

ITEM whereas I have lately purchased of S:r Thomas Dacres of the Rectory or parsonage impropriat of Lasonby in the Countie of Cumberland in the name of my brother D:r Peter Barwicke And whereas the village or hamlett of Wetherslacke (the place of my Nativitie) is foure or five miles distant from the Parishe Church and is cutt off from it by an interposition of an Acre of the Sea twice every day and is both troublesome and dangerous for passage espetially for burgall of the leads from the said village My will and minde is that the whole proffits of the said Rectory be in the first place employed in and upon the purchasing inclosing and consecrating of a pcell of groun to be made a Church ground and annexed to the Chappell of Wetherslacke aforesaid (wherein the right reverend ffather in God George now Lord Bishopp of Chester hath bin pleased to promise me his paternall care and favour) And after thesaid Churchyard shall be purchased enclosed and consecrated as aforesaid, Or of my Executo:rs shall finde too great difficultie in the doeing thereof Or if the Inhabitants of Wetherslacke Shall be indifferentor as well contented to bury their dead at the new Churchyard or Parish Church Then all the Issues and profitts of the said Rectory to be imployed for ever, in manner followinge, and my said brother to convey the same accordingly to some Inhabitants of Wetherslacke aforesaid or other fitt Trustees, viz:t Sixe and Twenty pounds yearely thereof to the Curate of Wetherslacke for the time being for xx mentioned to his Sallary PROVIDED that he be in the holy order of Preisthood that he be dilligent and conformable to pforme the Office of the Church at all such times as by law or laudable Custome is required that he be of a pious sober and peaceable life and consideration that he keepe a Schoole within the said Hamlett and teach the Children of the Inhabitants gratis, that he be diligent in chaterchiseing the Children and Servants of the said Inhabitants publiquely in the Chappell, that he instruct the said Inhabitants out of the homlies of the Church sett forth or to be sett forth by publique authoritie: but that he doe not presume to preach unless he be found sufficient enabled and be thereunto licensed by the Bishopp of the diocess fforty shillings more thereof to the Vicar of Lazonby for the time being for a small augmentacon to his vicardige ffoure pounds more thereof yearly to be deposited in the hands of the Churchwardens of the said Chappelry to be imployed and layd out as occasion shall require upon necessary expenses of the said Chappell and to provide utensills and ornaments for the same with the advice and consent of the Curat And every Churchwarden to be accomptable for the said ffoure pounds in the usuall manner as he doth or ought to accompt for other publique moneys coming to his hands Tenn pounds more thereof yearely to be employed by the Trustees to place forth Apprentices xxxx high wages or to give as portions in marryage with Mayds borne within the said Chappelry by such proportions and accordinge to such orders and rules as my Executor shall cause to be sett downe and expressed in the Settlement the residue of the rents and profitts of the said Rectory (incident charges in gathering or otherwise manageing the same being first defrayed) to be imployed & disposed with and as the Tenn pounds yearely last menconed

ITEM I give and bequeath the Summe of Three hundred pounds to the Master ffellowes and Schollars of S:t Johns College in Cambridge, to be imployed for buying bookes to their library or some other publique use there at the dilineation of my Executor this being


only a small earnest of what both my obligacons and intentions called upon me for if God had pleased better to enable me

ITEM I give one hundred pounds towards the repair of S:t Pauls Church asmy own peculier mite besides what hath beene allready devoted and sett apart for that use by the Deane and Chapter of that noble Cathedral

ITEM my Will is that my Executor bestow ffortie pounds in good usefull Schoole bookes to be sent downe to Sodbergh (sic) Schoole and added to the library there, The remainder of my Estate whatsoever it be (after my debts Legacies and ffuneralls discharged) I will to be distributed to the poore and employed in other pious and charitable uses by my Executo:r at his own discretion, And I doo here againe nominate constitute and appoynt my trusty and dearely beloved brother D:r Peter Barwicke to be my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament;

IN TESTIMONY of all while (revoakeing all former Wills by me made) I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this One and Twentieth day of October Anno dom 1664. And in the Sixteenthe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second in the presence of us: Thxxxxxx: John Tillison Marke Weyland Jo: Houghton Not:y Pub:e

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentie Suprascriptum apud London coram ven:le et egegio viro Due Willimo Mericke Milite legum dxx Curia Prerogative Cant magno Custodo suia Comissario thxx constitute viresimo qu:elo die mensis Octobris Anno dom Millesimo Sexcentesimo Septagestimo quarto Juramente Petui Barwicke Cuis dei defuncti et Execut:ris in humxxx Testamento nominat Cui Commisso fuit administrato omm et singular honor jxxx et creditor dicti Sefe de bene et fidelite administrando eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia jurat xxxx

MEMORANDUM that those words to Henry Burnell’s eldest daughter I give one silver bowle) were interlined betweene the seaven and ffifieth and Eight and ffiftieth lines of the Will within written before the subscribing and declamation thereof And Afterwards the same Will and Testament was signed sealed published and declared the day and yeare within written by the within named Hester Burnell for and as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are hereunto written viz:t

Jonathan Gramman Tho: Nash liveing in Spittleyard Hen: Clarke ?Scr.

THIS present Codicil witnesseth That I Hester Burnell of the Spittle in the Countie of Midds widdow being in good and sound minde & memory praysed be Allmighty God for the same doe make and declare this to be part of my last Will and Testament (and annexed unto the same)

WHEREAS I have in my last Will and Testament hereunto annexed given to my Cossen M:rs ffrances ?Hanell Twenty pounds Now I doe hereby revoke that legacie And I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my Cozen S:r Roger XXXX the Summe of Twenty pounds to be by him payd and disposed in such manner and to such uses as to my said Cozen ffrances Hanell shall by any writeing under her hand direct and appoynt

ITEM whereas I have in and by my said last Will and Testament given and bequeathed severall Summes of money for the placeing severall Children and Apprentices in my said Will mentioned my minde and will is That in case and of the said Children to whom I have given and such legacies or for whom I have made any such provision shall be ?placed and Apprentizes by me before my decease That then the Legacies and Summes of money by me in and by my said Will given for that purpose shall be voyd And I doe hereby revoke the same to all intents and purposes

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the severall persons mentioned and expressed in a paper under my hand dated the 12:th of April 1664 and remayneing in the Custody of my Cozen M:rs Susanna XXXXX the severall Goods and things mentioned and expressed in the same paper to them respectively lymitted and appoynted And my Will is And I doe hereby will and appoynt my Cozen M.rs Susanna XXXX to dispose and distribute the said Goods and things to them respectively accordinge to the intent and direction sett downe in the same paper and thing in my said Will conteyned to the contrary notwithstandinge And I doe hereby ratifie and confirme all other Legacies and things in my said Will specified and conteyned

IN WITNESS whereof I have to this my Codicill annexed and made as part of my Will sett my hand and Seale This Seaventeenth day of May Anno Dom 1664 And in the Sixteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second over England xr


Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of us Tho: Nash Hen: Clarke Scr.



Possible primary sources

PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hester Burnell, Widow of Spitalfields, Middlesex 15 October 1664