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==PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27==
'''PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27'''
'''Editorial history'''
'''Editorial history'''
Line 5: Line 5:
12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
===Suggested links===
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Sir Samuel Mico will|Sir Samuel Mico will]]
See [[MRP: Sir Samuel Mico will|Sir Samuel Mico will]]
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===To do===
==To do==
f. 1
f. 1
Line 233: Line 236:
Little Cabinett
Little Cabinett
==Probate accounts, 1666==
===Probate accounts, 1666===
===Summary analysis===
===Analysis of probate accounts===
'''Goods sold at “a generall Sale the 24:th day of July 1666”'''
'''Goods sold at “a generall Sale the 24:th day of July 1666”'''
Line 282: Line 285:
'''Places Samuel Mico’s inventory and accounts mention or can be deduced'''
'''Places Samuel Mico’s inventory and accounts mention or can be deduced'''
Barbados (“Barbadoes sugar”)
[[MRP: Barbados|Barbados]] ("Barbadoes sugar")
Hamburg (Bill owing by XXX Tyndall of Hamburgh)
[[MRP: Hamburg|Hamburg]] (Bill owing by XXX Tyndall of Hamburgh)
Livorno (Leghorn) (Bills of exchange from Tho: Dethicke and Comp)
[[MRP: Livorno| Livorno (Leghorn)]] (Bills of exchange from Tho: Dethicke and Comp)
Naples (Naples Tammins”)
[[MRP: Naples|Naples]] ("Naples Tammins")
Malaga (“170 Butts of Malaga wine”)
[[MRP: Malaga|Malaga]] ("170 Butts of Malaga wine")
'''Alphabetical list of names from transaction data'''
'''Alphabetical list of names from transaction data'''
Line 355: Line 358:
Robert Smyth
Robert Smyth
XXXX Tyndall of Hamburgh
XXXX Tyndall of [[MRP: Hamburg| Hamburgh]]

Revision as of 13:48, December 28, 2011

PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27

Editorial history

12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Sir Samuel Mico will
See Lady Jane Mico will

To do



f. 1

Inventory of all and Singular
the Goods Chattles Creditts and
Personal Estate whatsoever
late of the parish of S:t Andrews
Undershaft London deceased taken
valued Apprised by us whose
names are here unto subscribed
ffolloweth vis:t

In the long Garrett

IMPRIMIS foure old
Tables three Bedsteads two
Stooles Three ffxxxxx and
XXXXX and Matts & other
Old Lumber two old trunks
And one Glass Lantherne

In the Garrett on the
right hand goeing thence
downe the staires

Item One bedstead Matt
Cord and fflockbedd and
Boulster One ffeather
Bedd and Boulster ywo
Old Coverletts one Old
Rugge three old Blanketts
One ould Table One old
Chayre One old carpett
One old payre of fireirons
Shoverl and Tonges One
Box and other Lumber

f. 2

In the Garrett on the
left hand goeing Downes

Item two Tables &
A paire of playing Tables
Two Bedsteads two xxxx
And one Copper Kettle
Two paires of Andirons w:th
Beases one still three Iron potts
One Spitt
One pothanger One
Frying panne and Ahor

In the Chamber over the
withdrawing Roome

Item one Bedstead Matt
And Cords and Curtaine
Rodd White Callicoe
Curtaines Testor and a
Bayes Case One ffeather
Bedd boulster and pillow
One Rugg and foure
Blankettsj ffeather
Bedd two pillowes One
Rugg and a Blankett
Three window Curtaines
And Rodds one Couch
Six Stooles one Chest
Of Draw:es three Scruttors

f. 3

One looking glass One
Paire of Andirons fire
Shovell and tongs xxxxx
Cloth and one little table

In the Chamber Over the
Dyning Roome

Item one bedstead Matt
One Cord with Curtaine
Rodds Curtaines double
Vallance Testor Coverlidd
Headcloath two window
Curtaines two Carpetts
Cass for one great &
Foure small Chayres
And tenn stooles Cases
Of wrought Dymothy one
Ffeatherbedd & Boulster
Two pillowes and Rugg
Two Blanketts One Cloth
Capott three Tables
Eighteene Chayres and
Stooles One Striped window
Curtaine and Rodd
Ffive peices of eight
Ffoxx Tapestry hang=
ings two Andirons w:th
great beases a paire
of doggs with beass fire
Shovell & tongs and one
Looking glass

f. 4

In the wardrobe with
the said Chamber

Item one suite of ffine
Tapestry hangings with
Silke and Lyndd with Canvas

Item one paire of
Petnana Curtaines & val=
Lance headcloath and
Testor one bedstedd Matt
Cord and Curtaines Rodd
Two ffeather bedds One
Boulster one pillow one
Rugge two blanketts
Seaven Chayres and a
Stoole one Cupboard
A Table and a carpett
One Trunke one looking
Glasse One stand and
Other Lumber One
Window Curtaine &
Odd One Crimson dam=
Maske furniture for
A Bedd a Counterpoint
And cases for tenn Chaires
Stooles & a Couch two car
Pitts 2 Turkey Pallet Quilts
Of silke & j long Cushion

f. 5

In the wardrope att the
staires stead

Item One Cxxx
A Suite of Bays
And guilt leather hang=
Ings one Suite of Striped
Hangings two Rugges
Two old XXXXX seaven
Peices of old striped
Stuffes eight old Cushions
One Chest three stooles
A press and old Lumber

In the maides Chamber

Item one bedstead Matt
Cord and Curtaine roddds
Stript Curtaines and
vallance a buckram
Testor two ffeather bedds
and two boulsters one
Rugge and two blanketts
One bedstead Matt Cord
and Curtaine Rodds
Striped Curtaines and
vallance one ffeather
bedd boulster and A
fflock boulster One
Rugg one Blankett
and eight pillowes
one Chest of draws

f. 6

Two Chests two broad
Boxes two stooles one
paire of brass Andxxxx
Shovell and tongs and
One looking glasse

In the long Entry with:in
the maides Chamber

Item foure Spanish
Tables three Trunks
two Chests twelve blan=
ketts One Coverlidd one
Rugg one paysel of
Ourtaines two paire of
vallance teastor and
headcloath one paire
of Curtaines & vallance
Teastor and headcloath
of perpetuancee seaven
window cushions and
purple suite
of Curtaines two
paire of vallance head=
cloath and Teastor of
paragon one paire of
Striped Curtaines vallance
And headcloath and prd
Of greene Curtaines val=
Lance three striped window
Curtaines j greene Carpett
& Cupboard Cloath and one
Little Cabinett

Probate accounts, 1666

Analysis of probate accounts

Goods sold at “a generall Sale the 24:th day of July 1666”

thirty six Chests of xxxxx
Nyne Chests of M:xx Bxxxx Sugar
twenty two Butts of Bxx xxxxx Browne Sugar
72 baggs of Cotton Wool
tenn Chests of XXXX
15:o barrells of Marma
one glass of Sivitt
one bale of White Calama silke
one bale of vitte Yellow
one bale one ffan Gett Orgay
one bale of ditto (i.e. one ffan Gett Orgay)
one bale of Shound Silke
one bale of Naples Tammins
one bale of Ditto Silke the second sort (Naples Tammins)
one bale of ditto Silke the third sort (Naples Tammins)
ffourty six peeces of Loves
two peices of taffitye
four peices of ?Cawle
nyne peices of Geograme
ffifty foure peices Of blacke sayes
fforty xxxxx Peices of long Stocking Sayes
two Butts Sherry Wyne
Item thirty ffive Butts of Groge Wyne
a coach fower horses and harnesses
170 Butts of Malaga wine

Goods for which money was received after death of Samuel Mico

one hundred of Sugar
for Impost of Barbadoes Sugar shipped of the 11:th of July
for 3600 Basketts of XXXX Raisins
XXXX and XXXXX Pinke of which nine hundred eighty And XXX Basketts were burnt in the greate Ffire
20 ButtsTwelve ?Cazalells and 2 Quarters of Currants

Places Samuel Mico’s inventory and accounts mention or can be deduced

Barbados ("Barbadoes sugar")
Hamburg (Bill owing by XXX Tyndall of Hamburgh)
Livorno (Leghorn) (Bills of exchange from Tho: Dethicke and Comp)
Naples ("Naples Tammins")
Malaga ("170 Butts of Malaga wine")

Alphabetical list of names from transaction data

53 merchant names
16 (30%) of which are described as “and company”, and a 17th may also be a partnership

George Archer
L:d Arlington

William Benson
William Bernard
Sir Theophilus Biddulph
John Blundell
Bonnell & Comp:
Peter Boultell
Ffrancis Boynton
John Buckworth and Company

Thomas Canham
Edward Clarke
John Cooke
John Davies

Lawrence Debusty
Thomas Dethicke and Company
Lawrence Doughty

J:ne ffarrington and Company

Thomas Gadfley (sic)

Tymothy Hatton & Comp:a
George Hawking
Jn:e Hawkins
Nathaniell Herne
Jacob Hoab
S:r William Hooker

John Jeoffries
Robert Jefferies

James Lane & Comp:a
John Langham and Company
Frances Large
XXX ffrancisco Lxxxx
George Legatt and Company
Legatt and Company
George Legitt and Company
M:r Lovatt & Company

John Mathewe and Company of Cadiz
Gilbert Metcalfe

Benjamine Newland and Company
Humphrey Nicholson

Andrew Parker
John Parker
Richard Pendarvis and Company

Charles Raworth
Andrew Riccard and Company
Ffrancis Romaigne

Henry Sherbrooke and Company
Robert Smyth

XXXX Tyndall of Hamburgh

William Webb
Mr George Widdowes and Francis Hill
Humphry Wilkins

Ships mentioned

Ann and Judith. A thirty second.
St. George