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==Abstract & context==
==Abstract & context==
Henry Spurstow was XXXX.  In his will he described himself as " of London Esq."
Writing his will in 1676, "weakly in body", he XXXX.
==Suggested links==
==Suggested links==
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PROB 11/372 Drax 1-51 Will of Henry Spurstowe of London 14 February 1683
PROB 18/8/102 Probate lawsuit Astry and Duncombe v Moys, concerning the deceased Henry Spurstow, esq of City of London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676
PROB 18/9/60 Probate lawsuit Astry and Duncomb v Moyse, concerning the deceased Henry Spurstow, esq of City of London. Allegation 1677

Latest revision as of 04:17, February 15, 2012

Henry Spurstow will

PROB 11/372 Drax 1-51 Will of Henry Spurstowe of London 14 February 1683

Editorial history

20/10/11, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Henry Spurstow was XXXX. In his will he described himself as " of London Esq."

Writing his will in 1676, "weakly in body", he XXXX.

Suggested links

See William Spurstowe will

To do



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN THE SEAVENTH day of December Anno Donini one Thousand seaventy six And in the eight and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith I Henry Spurstowe of London Esq being weakly in body but of sound and perfect mind and memorie praised bee God considering with my selfe the certaintie of Death and incertaintie of the time there of Doe therefore make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say ffirst and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing and assuredlie beleveing that by and through the Death and merritts of my only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my mind and to Inheritt eternall life My body I committ to the Earth to bee decently interred And as touching such worldy goods and estate which God of his goodnesse hath been pleased to lend mee here I give bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth (viz:t) IMPRIMIS my will and minde is thatall Just debts by mee oweing at the time of my decease and funerallcharges shall bee first paid and satisfyed

ITEM whereas my daughter Susannah hath dispose of herselfe in marriage unto George Moyes (or Noyse?) Esq:r and I have already paid her porcon to him as may appeare by his receipt for the same, and by their giveing mee a Release under their hands and Seales Aswell of all Customary part and share of in and to my personall estate as of all other matters claymes and demands whatsoever yet neverthelesse I doo give and bequeath unto her my said daughter Susanna over and above her porcon paid to her as aforesaid the summe of one hundred pounds

ITEM I give M:r John Sheffeild Minister ffivve pounds To M.rs Church Widdow of M:r Joseph Church deceased Twenty Nobles To Doctor Robert Wild tenn pounds To M:r Samuell Brooks Minister tenne pounds To M:r William Beveridge ffive pounds To Andrew Twentyman ffive pounds To Samuell Hardy and Simon Gordan twenty pounds a peece To Robert Simpson my Servant twenty pounds and to all the rest of my householdservants that shall bee Dwellling with mee at the time of my decease ffive pounds a peece The rest and residue of all and to every my personall estate goods chattells householdstuffe debts ready mony plate jewells Leases (?) and other things whatsoever not herein before by mee bequeathed as likewise thexxxx Issues and Profitts of all and singular my lands tenements and hereditaments that shall arise and arrise dureing and untill my sonne Henry Spurstowe shall attaine his full age of one and twenty yeares I will shall bee put into and remaine in the hands and custody of my loveing freinds M:r James Astey M:r Andrew West and M:r Giles Duncombe or any one of them whom they shall choose consent and agree to and the moneys to bee by them put out at Interest to the best xxxxitie they can gett for the same and for the proper use and behoofe of my said sonne Henry for his maintenance and educaton during his minoritie and when my Sonne Henry Spurstowe shall attaine his full Age of one and twenty yeares Then I give unto him my said sonne Henry Spurstowe and his heires All my Lands tenements and hereditaments both ffreehold and Coppiehold together with the remaineing part of my personall estate And all such Rents Issues profitts and summes of money arissing and accrueing thereby and by and out of my reall estate as shall then bee in the hands or custodie of the said James Astey Andrew West and Gyles Duncombe or any of them or by them put out at Interest but if my said sonne Henry shall happen to dye or depart this life unmarried before hee shall attaine his said Age of one and twentie yeares then I give all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments unto my grandchild Spurstowe Henry Moyse for and dureing his naturall life life and after his decease to the heires males of the Body of the said Spurstowe Henry Moyse and for want of such Issue to the right heires male of mee the said Henry Spurstowe forever w:ch shall bee of my Surtenne [CSG: seems to be ‘Surtenne,’ not ‘Surname’] Spurstowe which name by Gods leave I desire to preferr and preserve And I doe make name and appoint my said sonne Henry Spurstowe to bee the full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and appointe and desire my said Loveing freinds James Astey Andrew West and Gyles Duncombe to bee the Overseers of this my Will and to have the tuition and bee guardians of my said sonne Henry untill hee shall attaine his full age of one and twenty yeares and to take care that hee bee honestly and virtuously brought up and educated dureing his minoritie and for their pains and carein and about the due execucon thereof I give unto them the said James Astey Andrew West and Gyles Duncombe one hundred pounds apeece To Onisipherus Roode ffive pounds And unto John Atse (?) tenne pounds and to Nathaniell Enderby twenty pounds to bee paid out of my reall estate if my personall estate hold not out to pay the same And I doe will and order that my Executor shall at his owne charges place and turne over my two Apprentices Samuell Hardy and Simon Gordan for the residue of their severall Apprenticeshipps to such Merchants as they shall bee willing to serve being of the severall Companies whereof I am a Member And I will that my said sonne Henry Spurstowe shall not marry without the consent of his afores:d Trustees And lastly I doe hereby revoke disannull and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee at any time hertofore made and doe make and declare this to bee my last Will and Testament and none other or otherwise In witness whereof I the said Henry Spurstowe the Testator have to a Duplicate of this my last Will and Testament put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written


Sealed Subscribed published and declared by the said Testator Henry Spurstowe the said Seaventh day of December for and as his last Will and Testament after the interlineing of theis words (viz:t) ffive pounds a peece, and of this word (Tenements) in the psence of

Peter James Phillip Southey Raph (?) Codowes (?) Scr.

Xxxx Henrici Spurstowe fily et Testorio in dicto testamento nominat



PROB 11/372 Drax 1-51 Will of Henry Spurstowe of London 14 February 1683

PROB 18/8/102 Probate lawsuit Astry and Duncombe v Moys, concerning the deceased Henry Spurstow, esq of City of London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676
PROB 18/9/60 Probate lawsuit Astry and Duncomb v Moyse, concerning the deceased Henry Spurstow, esq of City of London. Allegation 1677