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Describe Challenge 5 here.
'''TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659'''
'''Editorial history'''
08/08/12: WT. created page
==Challenge 5 images==
==High definition download==
Download a high definition digital copy of the page from which the above extract is taken
[http://independent.academia.edu/ColinGreenstreet/Teaching/37540/MarineLives_Challenge_5_TNA_HCA_13_73_Two_consecutive_extracts_from_examination_of_Grace_Hogsflesh_of_Stepney_widowe_aged_39_yeares_or_thereabouts_12th_April_1659 DOWNLOAD]
==Model transcription==
'''Challenge # 5 Part 1: TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659'''
"...The 12:th of Aprill 1659:/: Examined on y:e sd Allon./. Rp. 2.Xnd Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined./. To the first hee saith shee well knowe the arlate Thomas Midleton in his life time, and saith hee hath told this Depo:t that hee was for all y:e time arlate M:r and Comand:r of the arlate ship the Elizabeth and Mary. and further shee saith shee cannot depose:/: To the second and third arles of the said Allon shee saith that about two yeeres since (the time otherwise shee doth not now remember) the producent Anne Craford desired this depo:t to goe along with her to the signe of the Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete there to Meete with the said Thomas Middleton, & to aske of him the wages w:ch was due to the arlate Andrew Hill, And this depo:t at her request did goe with her to the said place, where this depo:t..."
'''Challenge # 5 Part 2: TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659'''
"...depo:t at her request did goe with her to the said place, where this depo:t and y:e said M:rs Craford found y:e said Thomas Middleton, And this depo:t then and there asked y:e said Middleton whether hee had not one Andrew Hill Cooke of his ship, to w:ch the said Middleton Answered yes; and this depo:t asking him howe long y:e sd Hill served in his ship; and at what wages hee was shipped. at. The said Middleton replyed that hee served in his ship about foure yeere, and two Monethes: and was shipped at Thirty shillings p month, And then this depot asked him if hee had paid him any of , his wages: To w:ch hee replyed Noe, I Doe not use to pay men abroad, And the said M:rs Craford being then p:rsent in the same roome; this depo:t told the said Thomas Middleton that this woman (pointing to and meaning y:e said M:rs Craford) was Come to Demand his wages And y:e said Middleton replyed in an angry manner. that hee would not now give her any account of it, because shee had arrested him, and disXXared him: for hee had a house to Comand and a ship..."
See [[Challenge 1|Challenge 1]]
See [[Challenge 2|Challenge 2]]
See [[Challenge 3|Challenge 3]]
See [[Challenge 4|Challenge 4]]
See [[Challenge 6|Challenge 6]]
See [[Challenge 7|Challenge 7]]
See [[Challenge 8|Challenge 8]]

Latest revision as of 06:39, August 13, 2012

TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659

Editorial history

08/08/12: WT. created page

Challenge 5 images



High definition download

Download a high definition digital copy of the page from which the above extract is taken


Model transcription

Challenge # 5 Part 1: TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659

"...The 12:th of Aprill 1659:/: Examined on y:e sd Allon./. Rp. 2.Xnd Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined./. To the first hee saith shee well knowe the arlate Thomas Midleton in his life time, and saith hee hath told this Depo:t that hee was for all y:e time arlate M:r and Comand:r of the arlate ship the Elizabeth and Mary. and further shee saith shee cannot depose:/: To the second and third arles of the said Allon shee saith that about two yeeres since (the time otherwise shee doth not now remember) the producent Anne Craford desired this depo:t to goe along with her to the signe of the Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete there to Meete with the said Thomas Middleton, & to aske of him the wages w:ch was due to the arlate Andrew Hill, And this depo:t at her request did goe with her to the said place, where this depo:t..."

Challenge # 5 Part 2: TNA, HCA 13/73:Two consecutive extracts, from examination of Grace Hogsflesh of Stepney, widowe, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts, 12th Aprill 1659

"...depo:t at her request did goe with her to the said place, where this depo:t and y:e said M:rs Craford found y:e said Thomas Middleton, And this depo:t then and there asked y:e said Middleton whether hee had not one Andrew Hill Cooke of his ship, to w:ch the said Middleton Answered yes; and this depo:t asking him howe long y:e sd Hill served in his ship; and at what wages hee was shipped. at. The said Middleton replyed that hee served in his ship about foure yeere, and two Monethes: and was shipped at Thirty shillings p month, And then this depot asked him if hee had paid him any of , his wages: To w:ch hee replyed Noe, I Doe not use to pay men abroad, And the said M:rs Craford being then p:rsent in the same roome; this depo:t told the said Thomas Middleton that this woman (pointing to and meaning y:e said M:rs Craford) was Come to Demand his wages And y:e said Middleton replyed in an angry manner. that hee would not now give her any account of it, because shee had arrested him, and disXXared him: for hee had a house to Comand and a ship..."


See Challenge 1
See Challenge 2
See Challenge 3
See Challenge 4
See Challenge 6
See Challenge 7
See Challenge 8
