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==Case: The Lord Protector against the Fortune; Deponent: 4. Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance, Mariner and Gunner of the Mary Royall, aged 40; Date: 25/02/1655==
'''HCA 13/71: f.100r P1130402''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune:</case-summary>
<deposition>4. Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance Mariner and Gunner of the said shipp the Mary Royall, aged <quantity value="years">40</quantity>: yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1655"></document-date>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet</first-transcriber>
1. by lowring their sayles in honer and XbXXXXXXXXXXX and to the English
2. Colours and that they could with ease have taken the said shipp
3. without any ayd or assistance of or from the said English, The
4. premisses hee knoweth and declareth upon the grounds aforesayd
5. And further, saving his subsequent deposition, cannot depose:
6. To the 7th and 8th arles of the said Allegations hee saith, That presently
7. upon the said seizure, the Captaines of the said frenchmen of warr
8. went aboard the said English frigat, with their respective Commons WHAT IS THIS A CONTRACTION FOR?
9. to demand and reclaime the said shipp fortune and lading as their
10. Prize, and being by the Officers of that friggatt referred to the
11. English Commander in Chief then being in the Downes, they went
12. also aboard him to the same effect, and were answered by the said
13. Commanders that hee could not deliver them the said shipp fortune
14. and Lading, till hee had writt about them, and received advice from
15. London, whereupon they should have the said shipp and Lading, in
16. case they should be found Lawfull prizes to them, the said french
17. Captaines and Companies, The premisses hee saith hee partly saw,
18. and partly understood from the said Captaine John Coveruserat his
19. returne from the said English Officers aboard his said shipp the
20. Mary Royall, And further cannot depose./
21. To the 9th hee saith, the said shipp the Goulden Eagle was and is
22. as shipp of <quantity value="tun">200</quantity>: tunns or thereabouts, and had about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men, and
23. <quantity value="guns">12</quantity>. gunns aboard her at the time of the poursuite and Capture
24. aforesaid, and that the said shipp Mary Royall was and is a
25. Vessell of about <quantity value="tun">700</quantity> tunns, having aboard her at the time
26. aforesaid about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men, and <quantity value="piece">9</quantity>. peeces of Ordnance; and were
27. either of them able enough to have overpowred and taken the said
28. shipp fortune, shee having onely about <quantity value="men">9</quantity>. ˹or˺ <quantity value="men">10</quantity>. men, and <quantity value="gun">five</quantity> gunns
29. aboard her. and in regard of her lading being not in a capacity to
30. have entertained a fight with them or either of them, This hee well
31. knoweth being a person who hath for many yeares ˹been˺ used to the sea in
32. warlike imploying.[XX] And further saving his foregoing deposition hee
33. cannot depose./
34. To the 10th hee saith, That the said shipp the fortune her lading in
35. Controversy consisted principally in wynes and brandewine of
36. Nantes, but by whom or what Committiemen the same were there
37. Laden, or for whose particular accompt they went, hee knoweth not
38. otherwise, than that by reason of her said flight, And according to
39. common report, such the said Vessell hath been brought to this
40. Port to unlade, the same belonged to fflandrians Subjects of the
41. king of Spaine. And further cannot depose./
42. To the last hee saith, his foregoing deposition is true:/
43. To the Crosse Interries:-TEXT IS CENTRED
44. To the first hee saith, hee never knew the shipp fortune untill the
45. time of the Chase predeposed:-/
46. To the second hee saith hee did not see nor was at the lading of the
47. Lading of the goods controverted; nor knoweth any of the persons
48. interrate nor whose Subjects they are./
'''HCA 13/71: f.100v P1130403''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance Mariner and Gunner of the said shipp the Mary Royall, aged <quantity value="year">40</quantity>: yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1655"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the ships hee saith the said shipp the fortune her Lading
2. consisted of wynes and brandewines, as hath since appeared to this
3. deponent and contests upon her dischargeing here in this port of London
4. And knoweth nothing nothing of any such papers or writeings as
5. is interrate:-
6. To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof.
7. To the 5th hee saith the said shipp fortune was taken by the said English
8. friggat about <quantity value="league">a</quantity> league of the English Coast, shee not being then
9. under the Command of any English fort or Castle, nor within shott"within shot" inserted above line of any English
10. man of warr"Of warr" is inserted above line thereabouts, that Lay at anchor thereabouts./
11. To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen of warr never left pursuite of the
12. said shipp fortune, till shee was seized and taken from them as aforesaid
13. which was as aforesaid about <quantity value="league">a</quantity> league from the English shoare, and not more
14. any such Command or shott as is interrate
15. Charles fff anquestilHIS SIGNATURE
==Case: The Lord Protector against the Fortune; Deponent: 5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the Goulden Eagle, aged 29; Date: XXXX==
16. <header>
17. <folio>HCA 13/71 f.100v</folio>
18. <picture>P1130403</picture>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle, aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts </deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking. First cut transcription used in MarineLives.org web posting ("The Quartermaster's story")</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
19. The same say examined upon the said Allegation,/
20. 5.us/ John Mercier of callice in france Mariner Quartermaster
21. of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts a Wittnesse
22. sworne and examined saith as followeth./
24. To the first Arle of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent
25. hath well knowne the shipp the Goulden Eagle allate, whereof the arlate
26. John Bernard was and is Captaine and Commander ever since shee hath
27. beene a man of warr belonging to the Port of Callice in ffrance, which had
28. bin for about <quantity value="year">2</quantity>. yeares and a half last past, for all which time the arlate
29. Count of Charrot Governour of Callice hath bin and is generally reputed
30. Proprietor thereof. as also of the shipp the Mary Royall arlate whereof
31. the arlate John Coverne was and is Commander which shipp hath belonged
32. to the said Port of Callice for about 28 yeares last past, And saith hee hath
33. knowne the said shipps proceed in Companie upon sevrall voiages from the Port
34. upon warlike imployments against the Spaniards and other enemies of the
35. Commonwealth Crowne of france, more particularly the 26th day of January
36. Last new style the said shipps the said shipps proceeded togeather to Sea
37. being hereunto Commissionated by the Duke of Vandome Grand Admirall
38. of ffrance, which <alternative value="SIC: A contraction, but unclear what word is a contraction for">Commons</alternative> this deponent hath often seene aboard the said shipp
39. respectively, and particularly that of the Goulden Eagle in her said last
40. Voiage having made Copies thereof, and serving aboard the said shipp in the
41. quality of Quarter Master as aforesaid. And further deposeth not
42. To the second arle hee saith, That the said shipps being at Sea in Course
43. as aforesaid duels and legally Commissionated did upon the 30th day of
44. January last past new style XXXX discover and came in view of the shipp
45. the fortune arlate shee being under sayle within about a league and a halfe
46. from the Cape of Grimay XXXe coast of ffrance, shapeing her direct Course
47. for Dunquirke or some other Port of fflanders in obedience to the King
48. of Spaine, whereupon they immediately gave her chase, they bearing the
49. french Colours and pursueing her by the space of about 6. howers. in and
50. during which pursuite shee made all possible sayle to escape from them
51. the said frenchmen of warr, which discharged 7. peeces of Ordnance
52. with bulletts at and against her, to make her strike sayle and submitt to
53. them. Of the premisses hee saith hee hath assured knowledge for that hee
'''HCA 13/71: f.101r P1130404''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle, aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1665"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
1. Served and was aboard the said Shipp the Goulden Eagle
2. during the discovery flight and pursuite predesposed
3. To the third Arle hee saith, That there being noe visible probabilitie
4. that the said shipp fortune should escape from the said <quantity value="ship">two </quantity>frenchmen of
5. warr, nor recover Dunquirke or any other Port of fflanders, ˹(being so closely pursued)˺ the said
6. Master and Companie of the said shipp fortune steered their Course towards
7. the Coast of England, intending, as this deponent in Conscience is most firmely
8. assured, to gett under the protection of some English shipp or shipps of
9. warr, the said frenchmen of warr still pursueing, and comeing neare to
10. the said shipp fortune in a readinesse to have layd her aboarde and taken
11. her and her lading, The premisses hee declareth upon the grounds of
12. knowledge and conviction in Conscience aforesaid. And further
13. cannot depose./
14. To the 4th hee saith, That during the said pursuite and upon discharge of
15. severall gunns as predeposed, an English frigatt rideing at anchor neere
16. or in Dover roade weighed anchor and made up towards them; and the Officers thereof"Officers thereof" inserted above line haveing
17. spoken both to the Captaines of the said frenchmen of warr, and to the
18. Master of the said shipp fortune, and being informed that the said shipp
19. fortune was poursued by"by" inserted above line them in order to take her and her lading, as belonging
20. to the enemies of the Crowne of ffrance and bound for fflanders the said
21. frigat without any opposition departed and returned for the roade of
22. Dover, and another English frigat in the immediate service of this
23. Commonwealth comeing from the Westward of England and dischargeing two
24. gunns, the said frenchmen of warr in obeisance and respect to her
25. lowered their sailes just as they were within muskett shott or thereabouts
26. from the said shipp fortune, and readie to have boarded and taken her,
27. of which lowring their sayles the said English frigat takeing the oportunity
28. sent men aboard the said shipp fortune, who possessed themselves of her
29. and her lading, and carryed brought them for England depriving the said
30. frenchmen of warr thereof. The premisses hee well knoweth being
31. being present at the same in the condition predeposed./
32. To the 5th hee saith, That the said shipp fortune according to the Course shee
33. shaped when first discovered as aforesaid, was undoubtedly bound for
34. Dunquirke or some other Port of Spanish fflanders shee then being neere
35. unto the Coast of ffrance which which is the usuall Course of shipps bound
36. from france for fflanders doe take during hostility betweene England and
37. Spaine, thereby the better to escape the being discovered and seized by
38. the English, so that in all probability the said shipp fortune, if shee had
39. not bin pursued as aforesaid, had passed undiscovered by the English, and
40. had attained her desired port in fflanders The premisses hee declareth
41. upon the grounds before expressed, and for that being a seafareing person
42. and accustomed, to the coast aforesaid hee is XXXX"to the coast aforesaid hee is" inserted above the line well versed in the fflandrian practizes in order to their
43. security in such cases. And further cannot depose./
44. To the 6th hee saith, That in case the said shipp fortune and lading
45. had not bin boarded and taken as they were by the said English
46. friggatts Companie, the said <quantity value="ship">two</quantity> frenchmen of warr were in a
47. readinesse immediately to have boarded and taken them, they the
48. being at about a muskett shott distance from her, and, without any
49. ayd or assistance, were then sufficient to have overpowred and taken
'''HCA 13/71: f.101v P1130405''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>Largely completed first cut transcription; blurry image unreadable for last nine lines. Check original image</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. her, had they not in obeissance as aforesaid Lowred sailes, and attendXXX
2. the said English frigatt, And this hee saith and affirmeth. to be true and
3. notorious of this deponents sight and certaine knowledge
4. To the 7th and 8th arles of the said Allegation hee saith, That presently
5. upon the said Capture amde by the said English friggatt, the Captaines of
6. the said frenchman of warr went aboard the said friggatt and demanded the
7. said shipp and Ladeing as a Prize of right to them belonging, but
8. being denyed the same went shortly after, aboard"aboard" inserted above the line the English then Commander
9. in chief rideing in the downes about <quantity value="league">two</quantity> leagues distant from the said
10. seizure, where having also demanded the said shipp fortune and Lading
11. as their just and lawfull Prize, the said Commander: (as this deponent understXXX
12. from the said Captaine Bonnard upon his returne) told them hee must
13. write to London about it, and if hee received order from his Superiors
14. to restore the same to the said french Captaines hee would doe it, otherwise
15. hee could not discharge her being shee was boarded and taken by the
16. English, or to that or the Like effect, And further cannot depose
17. To the 9th hee saith, the said shipp Goulden Eagle was and is a shipp of
18. about <quantity value="ton">70</quantity>. tonnes, and had aboard her at the time aforesaid about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men
19. and <quantity value="piece">nine</quantity> peeces of Ordnance, and that either of the sayd shipps alone was
20. sufficiently able to have taken the shipp fortune, if they had not
21. bin hindred and retarded by the English as aforesaid, The reasons of
22. his knowledge hee hath predeposed/
23. To the 10th hee saith, That as this deponent and contests have observed justlie
24. their late coming to London, the said shipp fortune being unladen in the
25. Port, had in her a lading of wynes and brandewine of Nantes, and
26. were certainely bound for fflanders as aforesaid. but to whom consigned
27. or for whose particular accompt or accompts hee saith hee knoweth not
28. And further cannot depose./
29. To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true
31. To the Crosse Interries/:-Centre heading
32. To the first hee saith, hee never knew the shipp fortune interrate
33. till the time of the chase and seizure predeposed
34. To the second, hee saw not the lading nor knoweth any of the XXXX XXXXX
35. To the third hee referreth To his foregoeing deposition, And further knoweth not
36. To the 4th hee saith hee was not aboard the shipp fortune interrate,
37. And therefore cannot depose./
38. To the 5th hee saith, the said seizure was made about a league from
39. the English coast, but not under the Command of any English fort nor
40. Castle; nor under shott of any English shipp or shipps of warr lyeing
41. at anchor for the defence of this Commonwealth./
42. To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen ˹of˺ warr never deserted the pXXXX
43. aforesaid, till the Capture predeposed, and that their further purXXXX
44. of the fortune was about a league distance from the English Coast
45. but not under any such Command or shott as is interrate:-/
46. <margin value="bottom left">Repeated in Court with his precontests/</margin>
47. Feban Alerchier SIGNATURE, bottom RH side
'''HCA 13/71: f.118r P1130406''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet</first-transcriber>
1. To the 18th and 19th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith That att such tyme as
2. the sayd shipp came upon the sayd sands, all the foresayd goods laden in her att Quinsburg
3. as aforesayd, (the sayd <quantity value="bundle">bundle</quantity> of hemp sold att Christian Sands excepted) were on board
4. her. And were all (except as before excepted, and except some Clapboard and
5. some of the oares˹some of the oares˺ inserted above line which beleiveth the Fishermen aforesayd tooke out of her) delivered in this
6. Port to the parties to whom they were consigned, this deponent being present att
7. and assisting in the delivery of them. And he lastly saith that all the dammage
8. which happened to the sayd goods did ćome and happen to the same by reason of
9. the sayd severall stormes aforesayd, and by reason of the disaster of the
10. sayd shipps comeing upon the sayd sands, And the master and Company of
11. the sayd shipp did during the whole voyage doe their best endeavor
12. XX in their respective dutyes, and that noe dammage att all befell the sayd
13. goods or any of them by the fault or neglect of the sayd master and Company
14. which hee knoweth to be true being Steersman of the sayd shipp and an
15. eye=witnesse of all that happened in manner aforesayd.
16. To the last he saith his deposition is true.
18. To the Crosse Interries [TEXT IS CENTRED]
19. XXXX
==Case: John Digby of London, merchant; Deponent: John Whittell, parish of Saint Maudlins Milkstreet London, Secretary to the Commissioners for Prize goods; Date: 16/03/1655==
21. <header>
22. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
23. <folio>f.118r</folio>
24. <picture>P1130406</picture>
<case-summary>On the behalf of John Digby of London merchant</case-summary>
<deposition>John Whittell, of the parish of Saint Maudlins Milkstreet London, Secretary to the worshipfull Commissioners for prize goods</deposition>
<document-date normalized="14/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 29/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
25. On the behalfe of John Digby)
26. of London merchant)
27. The <date value="14/03/1655">fourteenth day of March.1655</date>.
28. John WhittellName in large letters of the parish of Saint Maudlins Milkestreet London
29. Secretary to the worshipfull Commisioners for prize goods sworne
30. before the right worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes, one of the Judges
31. of the high Court of Admiralty saith as followeth vizt
32. That the foresayd Commissioners for prize goods by vertue of an order of his
33. HighnesShould his Highnes be coded as profession (title) the Lord Protector and the Councell being of the tenor following. vizt.
34. <date value="08/05/1655">Tuesday 8th May 1655</date>. At the Councell att Whitehall. Whereas an Arrest
35. and seizure having bene here to fore made within the Territories of the King
36. of Denmark of divers shipps and goods of this Commonwealth, by Order
37. of the sayd King, some of the shipps and goods belonging to the Subiects of
38. that King were (in regard thereof) seized upon within the Ports or by the
39. shipps of this Commonwealth in the yeare .1652. That is to say the shipp the
40. MariaMaria is at bottom RH corner of page
'''HCA 13/71: f.118v P1130407''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.118v</folio>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transription completed, 29/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
1. Maria of Copenhagen, the shipp the Lynworme of Tansborough, the
2. shipp the Saint John of ffrederickstat, the shipp the Saint Olave of
3. Bergen Christian Johnson Master, the shipp the Hector taken by the
4. Adventure, and the shipp Justice of Copenhagen John Mathews
5. Master. Ordered by his Highnes the Lord Protector and the CouncellSecond "c" of Councell has an acute accent
6. that the Commissioners for prize goods, of and hereby are empowered
7. and require forthwith to make sale of the sayd shipps before named, and
8. of the goods provisions and furniture thereunto belonging to the best
9. benefit and advantage of the State. [signed]Square brackets are in original manuscript Hen: Scobell Clerk
10. of the Councell]Closing quare bracket in original manuscript, but no matching opening square bracket Did upon the <date value="07/09/1655">seventh day of September 1655</date>.
11. last past sell one of the says shipps mentioned in the sayd Order by the name
12. of the Lynworme of Tansborough and furniture there unto belonging"and furniture there unto belonging" inserted above line unto the foresayd John Digby of
13. London merchant for the summe of <currency value="pounds">one hundred thirty three</currency> pounds
14. of currant money of England.
15. Whittell Ornate signature, below text at RH side of page
==Case: Blawork against harris and Chambers; Deponent: 1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged 25; Date: 15/03/1655==
17. <header>
18. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
19. <folio> f.118v</folio>
20. <picture>P1130407</picture>
<case-summary>Blawork against harris and Chambers</case-summary>
<deposition>1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged <quantity value="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="15/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>Starting first cut transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>
21. Blawork against harris and Chambers)
22. <date value="15/03/1655">The 15th of March 1655</date>.
23. Examined upon an allegacon given
24. on the behalfe of the said Baurok the
25. <date value="07/03/1655">7th instance</date>
26. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
27. .1. William Peters of Blackwall in the County
28. of Midd Mariner aged <quantity value="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts.
29. Sworne and examined.
30. To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well
31. knoweth the arlate John Harris and saith that hee the said Harris
32. together with Laurence Chambers arlate were the time arlate
33. freighters or Imployers of the shipp the littell George and for such
34. commonly accompted, which hee being then servant to Christofer
35. Mitchell her master, and otherwise hee cannot depose.
36. To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within teh said time
37. namely in or about <date value="01/01/1647">January</date> or <date value="01/02/1647">ffebruary 1647</date> the arlate John harris
38. did hire and agree with the said Christofer Mitchell to goe and serve as
39. master of and in the said shipp the littell George for a voyage with
40. her to be made from this port of London to severall places beyond the seas as Barbadas, Antega, the coast of Barbary and coast of
41. Spaine, and back againe for this port of London
'''HCA 13/71: f.119r P1130408''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>BlaXXXX against harris and Chambers</case-summary>
<deposition>1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged <quantity value="25" measure="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="15/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>Started first cut transcription, 30/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 04/09/12t</first-transcriber>
1. Mark, and saith that they well and served in the said shipp the said voyage
2. the said Mark at <currency value="shilling">30</currency>s per moneth and this deponent at <currency value="shilling">20</currency>s per moneth
3. and that much they well deserved for their said service, and soe much they
4. earned and was paid their said master for their like service in former voyages.
5. And saith that both the said Christofer Mitchell and alsoe this deponent
6. and the said Mark entred into pay in the said shipp on or about the <date value="01/03/1647">first day
7. of March 1647</date>, and sailed in the said shipp to severall parts and places
8. beyond the seas in the said imployment of the said harris and Chambers
9. and continued in the said service and imployment the said Mitchell
10. the master to the <date value="10/11/1647">tenth of November</date> next following or therabouts at
11. which time hee died, and then the said Mark who to that time had
12. sailed as boatswaine of the said shipp was by the thXXX following master
13. Arthur CoysgaXXne appointed masters mate, and this deponent who
14. to that XXX time had sailed as a common man was appointed boatswaine
15. in that said Marks place, and ˹they both˺ served in the said qualities about <quantity value="10" measure="month">tenn</quantity>
16. monethes after the said Mitchells death, XX that the whole time
17. of thr service of the said Mark and this deponent in the said shipp the
18. said voyage, was <quantity value="18" measure="month">eighteene</quantity> monethes or thereabouts, and saith the
19. said Mark for the time hee served boatswaine masters mate in the said
20. shipp deserved <currency value="pound">three</currency> pounds per moneth for this service and this
21. deponent <currency value="shilling">30</currency>s per moneth for the said time hee served boatswaine
22. and such were common rates for the like service. And otherwise hee
23. cannot depose.
24. To the fifth hee cannot depose, saving hee hath heard Mr
25. harris say that Mr had a booke wherein the mens wages
26. and names were entred or to that effect.
27. To the 6th hee referreth himselfe to this XXXXs deposition and cannot
28. otherwise depose.
29. To the 7th hee cannot depose, saving hee hath heard the producent
30. X Sara Bannock make demand of the said wages of the said harris.
31. <margin value="left">Deposed before Dr Godolphin</margin>. see the 2d in Az./.
==Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged 20; Date: 18/03/1655==
33. <header>
34. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
35. <folio>f.119r</folio>
36. <picture></picture>
<case-summary>Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt </case-summary>
<deposition>1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="18/03/1655"></document-date>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 04/09/12</first-transcriber>
37. The 18th of March 1655/
38. Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt)
39. Suckley Budd)
40. Examined on an allegation given in and admitted on the
41. behalfe of ffrancis Lenthall the yonger and George Nutt/
42. <margin value="left">Rp A dXX XXXX</margin>
43. Samuell Whitby of the Cittie of London Marchant
44. aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
45. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
46. To first arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent being then at
47. Mallaga and imployed by the arlate Robert Whitby their as an Agent for him
48. in his Merchandizing affayres thereby well knoweth that the sayd Robert Whitby
49. did on the behalfe of the arlate ffrancis Lenthall and George Nutt (upon the arrivall of
50. the arlate Shipp ffreindship neere Mallaga or within a very short tyme after) procure
51. <margin value="bottom right">likewise</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.119v P1130409''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt; 1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</summary>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. licence for the sayd shipp to reach within command and into the place where shipps
2. ususally ride ˹trade˺ there, in tymes of peace, when noe warr or difference was betwixt Spaine
3. and England, And hee this deponent did come aboard the sayd shipp ffrenidship
4. and acquainted the arlate Barnabe houldeing the Master of her that the sayd
5. Robert Whitby had procured suche a license, and told him that hee might safely
6. bring his sayd shipp as neere shoare there as hee pleased for the more
7. convenient receiving of such wines as were to bee laden aboard him ˹or to that effect˺ The premisses
8. hee deposeth for the reasons aforesayd And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
9. To the second arle hee saith that of his this deponents sight and knowledge severall English
10. shipps did come within command and laye neerer the shoare at Mallaga by about
11. the space of a <quantity value="1.5" measure="mile">myle amd a halfe</quantity> than the ffreindshipp did, and traded there freely having
12. (as hee this deponent hath heard) procured pratique or licence soe to doe, amongst
13. which there was a shipp laden with fish which (˹as˺ hee hath heard) was consigned to the arlate
14. Mr Edward Bennett And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
15. To the 6th arle hee saith, hee knoweth that about <quantity value="2" measure="year">two</quantity> yeares since the foresayd Robert
16. Whitby having delivered <quantity value="1" measure="parcell">a</quantity> parcell of wines ˹at the place arlate˺ unto one Thomas Raven Master of
17. as shipp called the Thomas and John of Yarmouth, to be shipped on board his sayd shipp
18. and the sayd Master and Company taking theX same and rafting or causeing it to their
19. XXfted X with intente to bring the same aboard his sayd shipp, <quantity value="1" measure="butt">one</quantity> butt of wine
20. of the sayd parcell broke off from the rafte and was lost in the sea for <quantity value="13" measure="day">thirteene</quantity> or
21. <quantity value="14" measure="day">14</quantity> dayes space, and then found againe by certayne ffishermen, who had by order of the
22. then Gouvernour at Mallaga <currency value="Ryalls">two hundred and odd</currency> Ryalls allowed them for their
23. paines in findeing the same, and this deponent well knoweth that the sayd Thomas
24. Raven did by a writing under his hand, oblige him syelfe to the sayd Robert Whitby
25. to pay the sayd <currency value="Ryall">two hundred and odd</currency> Ryalls for (soe paid, to the sayd ffishermen
26. by the sayd Robert Whitby for finding the same) in London to the Merchant for whose
27. Accompt the sayd <quantity value="1" measure="butt">butt</quantity> of wine was laden, which hee this deponent beleeveth
28. the sayd Master would not have done, had hee not knowne it to bee the Custome
29. that after wines are delivered at the plaX into possession of the Master of a
30. shipp or his Company hee and they stand chargeable with them till they bee
31. delivered at the port of their discharge And further to this arle he cannot
32. depose./
33. To the 9th arle hee saith that hee this deponent having heard by some Mariners
34. of other English shipps lyeing neere Mallaga that certaine wines which were
35. rafted by the ffreindshipps company were lost did goe on board the <alternative value="sic: freindshipp">freinshipp</alternative>
36. to knowe the truth thereof and was by divers of the sayd shipps company
37. informed that they had rafted the rafte of wines which they had rafted for
38. received of the sayd Robert Whitby for Accompt of the arlate ffrancis Lenthall
39. and George Nutt, was brought safe to their sayd shipps side (though they had
40. broke loose (as they sayd) once or twice by the way) and that after they had taken
41. up one butt of the sayd wine and had the same within the Xacke of the sayd
42. shipp the remaynder of the sayd raft of wine (being twenty nyne butts) were
43. sunck in the sea by the ˹sayd˺ shipps side And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
44. To the rest of the articles hee is not examined by direction of the producentX/
45. <margin value="bottom left">Repeated before dror Godolphin</margin>
46. Samuell Whitby
==Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 2. Edward Ward, of London, Merchant, aged  39; Date: 18/03/1655==
'''HCA 13/71: f.120r P1130410''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.120r</folio>
<deposition>2. Edward Ward, of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="year">39</quantity> yeares, or therabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription started, 30/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 30/08/12</first-transcriber>
1. The same day
2. Examined upon the sayd allegacon/
3. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
4. 2us Edward Ward of London Marchant aged <quantity value="39" measure="year">39</quantity> yeares or thereabouts
5. a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
6. To the first second third 4th and 5th arles hee cannot depose./
7. To the 6th arle hee saith that hee this deponent hath used the trade of Merchandizeing
8. for these <quantity value="20" measure="year">twenty</quantity> yeares last past, and for fifift fifteene yeares of the sayd tyme lived
9. in Mallaga, and thereby well observed that it is the usuall custome there betwixt
10. Marchants and faor their factors and Masters of shipps that when a parcell
11. of wines is ready and brought to the XXX by order of the ffactors, the Master
12. or Purser of the shipp who is to carrie the sayd wines doth there see the sayd wines
13. makers, and doth take charge of them and XXX the Master of the shipp who is to
14. receive them aboard doe and cause his Company to rafte them and then
15. make them fast to his shipps boate, & the same being once soe rafted, and an
16. ffloate, this deponent saith that by the sayd Custome the Master of the shipp
17. who is to lade them & his company ˹and Owners of the shipp˺ stand chargeable with them untill they
18. come to the port of their discharge and if any miscarrie and are lost in the
19. Sea betwixt the PlXX and the shipp and come not safe on board, the Master
20. Mariners and Owners of the sayd shipp are lyable to make good whatever
21. dammage happens by reason of rafteing the sayd wines, And this hee
22. this deponent hath observed to bee the Custome at Mallaga betwixt Masters
23. Marchants and Masters of shipps toucheing rafting of wynes during all the
24. tyme aforesayd which hee this deponent lives in Mallaga. And further to
25. this arle hee cannot depose/
26. To the 7th 8th and 9th arles hee cannot depose/
27. To the 10th hee saith as before that wines are rafted and on floats from
28. the Ploy at Mallaga, the Master and Company and Owners of the shipp that is
29. to lade them runne the Riske and hazard of them untill such tyme as they are
30. safely laden aboard the sayd shipp And this hee this deponent hath observed
31. to bee the custome there dXXX at Mallaga during the <quantity value="15" measure="year">fifteen</quantity> yeares hee soe liveth
32. there, And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
33. To the 11th and 12th arles hee cannot depose
34. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposicon is true./
35. <margin value="left">Repeated before dror Godolphin./</margin>
==Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 3. Thomas Smith, of London, Merchant, aged 22; Date: 18/03/1655==
37. <header>
38. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
39. <folio>f.120r </folio>
40. <picture>P1130410</picture>
<deposition>3. Thomas Smith, of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="year">twenty two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts </deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
41. The same day/
42. Examined on the said allegaccon/
43. <margin value="left">Rp </margin><margin value="left">EA</margin>
44. <quantity value="3" measure="numerical order">3</quantity> Thomas Smith"Thomas Smith" is in larger letters, but not capitals of London aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">twenty
45. two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
46. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt/
47. To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
48. <margin value="bottom, right hand side">hee</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.120v P1130411''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription has been started</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. hee well knoweth that a shipp laden with an English shipp laden with newfound
2. land fish and consigned to the arlate Mr Bennett (the shipps name hee knoweth
3. not) and alsoe the XXXX Shipp the XXXth and alsoe an other English shipp called
4. the Pilgrim laden alsoe with ffish and consigned to one Mr Thomas Bande an English
5. Merchant and other English shipps did at the tyme the arlate Shipp the ffreindshipp
6. lay in the Road of Mallaga the voyage in question come under Command
7. there, and laye there as neere as usually English shipps used to ride in tymes
8. of peace betwixt England & Spaine, and did of this deponents sight and knowledge
9. X enioye freedome of trade there, their ffactors or ffreighters having procured
10. of the Governour and other officers of the King of Spaine at Mallega pratique or
11. licence for their soe doeing, And hee this deponent well remembreth the sayd
12. shipp XXXXXds ˹Pilgrim˺ while shee soe laye in the Roade of Mallega under Command
13. and after shee had discharged a great part of her ladeing of fish there and
14. had taken in some wines, was there seized by a Spanish man of warr which
15. came into the sayd Roade, and the Englishmen on board her turned out of her, And
16. hee saith hee well remembreth that complainte being thereof made to the
17. Governour of Mallega and her pratique or licence being shewed and it
18. being made appeare to the Gouvernour that shee had pratique or licence to
19. trade here, the Gouvernour came downe theXXX in person the next day after her
20. being soe taken and seized and discharged all the English men ˹of such restraintes as they were under˺ and put them into
21. ˹quiett˺ possession of their said shipp the Pilgrim againe, and turned the Spaniards
22. out of the same, and permitted her to continue there quietly and take
23. in the rest of her ladeing of wines which shee was there to receave on board
24. This hee deposeth being then an English ffactor at Mallega and being
25. an eye wittnes there of And further hee cannot of his knowledge depose
26. but hath heard that the arlate Whitby did procure pratique in the like
27. kinde for the shipp ffreindshipp./
28. To the 3 hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee knoweth the shipp ffreindshipp
29. arlate and the arlate Barnaby holding her Master, and saith the voyage in question
30. shee lay in the Roade of Mallega two or three myles from shoare to take
31. in her lading there./
32. To the 4th and 5th hee cannot depose/
33. To the 6th hee saith that at Mallega aforesayd it is commonly accompted
34. to be the use and Custome that when and parcell of wines is delivered at
35. the Ploy there into the possession of the Master of any shipp or any of his
36. company; the sayd Master and his Company and owners of his shipp are
37. chargeable with the sayd wines till the delivery of them at their port of
38. discharge, and if they the sayd master and company rafte the sayd wines off
39. from shoare XXX towards their shipp hee and his Company or Owners are to
40. make good whatever Costs XXXX to to the parties for whose Accompt the sayd
41. wines are delivered to them, all damage which happens by rafting the sayd
42. wines and to make them good if any of them bee thereby lost in the sea and XXXXX
43. <margin value="bottom right">safe</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.121r P1130412''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.121r</folio>
<picture> P1130412</picture>
<status>First cut transcription started 05/09/12 and completed 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. safe aboard the sayd shipp And farther to this arle hee The premisses hee
2. deposeth having lived at Mallega as a factor for these <quantity value="4" measure="year">fower</quantity> or <quantity value="5" measure="year">five</quantity> yeares
3. last past And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
4. To the 7th and 9th arles hee cannot depose/
5. To the 10th hee saith that saving his foregoeing deposiccon to the 6th arle to
6. which hee referreth hee cannot more fully depose./
7. To the 11th hee saith hee cannot depose saving hee saith that the usuall price
8. of good Mallega wines was and is <currency value="pound">twenty five</currency> pounds a butt or thereabouts/
9. To the 12th hee cannot depose/
10. To the 13th hee saith his foregoeing deposiccon is true(
11. Thomas SmithSIGNATURE, RH SIDE
==Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 4 John Wiggott of London Marchant aged 22; Date: 18/03/1655==
13. <header>
14. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
15. <folio> f.121r</folio>
16. <picture> P1130412</picture>
17. <summary></summary>
18. <document-date></document-date>
19. <status>First cut transcription started 05/09/12 and completed 09/09/12</status>
20. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
21. </header>
23. <document-start>
24. The same day
25. Examined on the sayd allegation/
26. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
27. 4 John Wiggott of London Marchant aged <quantity value="22" measure="year">twenty
28. two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
29. saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
30. To the first and second arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
31. this deponent being at Mallega in the yeare <date value="01/01/1655">1655</date> at such tyme as the arlate
32. shipp the ffreindshipp was in the Roade here, knoweth that divers some other
33. English ships did ride in the sayd ˹Roade˺ under Command & amongst fflemish
34. shipps and as neere as usually English shippsused to ride in other yeares
35. when peace was betwixt England and Spaine, and knoweth that they did lade
36. wines there by virtue of pratique or licence obteyned of the Governor of
37. Mallega by their Merchants or freighters, And further to these arles hee
38. cannot depose saving hee beleeveth the arlate Robert Whitby did procure
39. pratique or licence for the shipp ffreindshipp for that hee knoweth shee
40. would not else have bin permitted to take in any ladeing there./
41. To the 3 arle of the sayd allegaccon gee saith hee knoweth the arlate shipp the
42. ffreindshipp (the arlate Barnabie holding Master) and was aboard her thX in the
43. Roade of Mallega the voyage in question, and thereby knoweth that shee
44. lay about three or fower niyles from shoare to take in her ladeing And
45. further he cannot depose/
46. To the 4th and 5th arles hee cannot depose/
47. To the 6th hee saith hee cannot of his knowledge depose, haveing bin resident
48. at Mallega but few yeares, but saith in the tyme of his residence there hee
49. hath heard anntient ffactors who had resided there longe, saye that it
50. hath bin and is the Custome their that a parcell of wines being delivered at the
51. ploy here to a master of a shipp or his Company the sayd Master and Company
52. and Owners of the sayd shipp are charged with the sayd wines from the tyme
53. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">of</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.122r P1130414''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
2. upon her voyage for this port of London: All which he well knoweth
3. be true for that he was Masters mate in and of the sayd shipp the sayd
4. voyage. And otherwise cannot depose, saving that the sayd shpp as
5. he saith lost her foremast allso in the sayd storme by the fury thereof.
6. To the second arle of the sayd allon This deponent saith that the sayd shipp
7. being so fitted att the Bermadaos sett sayle from Genoa for England
8. and had a Pilot on board her to conduct her safe from the sayd Island
9. howbeit he saith that about the <date value="02/11/1655">second day of November 1655</date> the sayd
10. shipp by reason of the wind which proved more scanty than was expected
11. not withstanding the diligence and Industry of the sayd Pilot then on board
12. her) did strike upon some rockes, which occasioned so great a leake in
13. the sayd shipp (for the space of two dayes and nights especially) that the sayd
14. Master and Mariners could scárce keepe her from sinking although
15. they did use their utmost diligence by pumping to keepe her dry
16. which he knoweth to be true being Masters mate on board her as aforesaid
17. And otherwise he cannot depose.
18. To the third arle of the says allon hee saith that about <date value="01/12/1655">the beginning of the
19. moneth of december 1655</date>, the sayd shipp being come with her lading
20. neere the Coaste of England in her Course for this port of London
21. mett with another violent storme and stresse of weather by the
22. violence whereof her mainsayle and mizzen were torne and rent
23. in peices, and the better part of them lost so as the sayd shipp and
24. her lading were in danger of being lost. the premisses he knoweth
25. to be true for the reasons aforesaid. And otherwise cannot depose
26. To the fourth arle of the sayd allon This deponent saith that teh said shipp
27. Susan and Anne when she began the sayd voyage from the Barbadaos
28. for the sayd port and before the sayd Hurricano and disasters befell
29. her as aforesayd, was a sXXXX and able shipp and sufficiently provided
30. for such a voyage. And the goods he saith were all well stowed and
31. DXXXXged; but the water came in in so extraordinary a manner when the
32. mayne mast was cutt downe that it rann downe into the hold and wasted
33. much of the sugars, and the topps heads of many of the Casks; being as should soe much
34. not so well fasXXXd as they might have beene, became loose and fell out,
35. which losse and dammage he saith he could not be avoyded. And hee
36. saith that the lossening and falling out of the topps ˹or heads˺ of the sayd Caske
37. and the dammage and losse that before the sayd sugars was caused by the
38. violence of the sayd stormes, and disasters aforesayd. and not by any fault
39. or neglect of the sayd master and Company of Mariners or any of
40. them, which he knoweth being masterds mate of the sayd shipp the sayd
41. voyage, and saving the premisses so fall out as hee hath declared
42. And otherwise hee cánnot depose, saving that hee likewise farther
43. saith that neither the sayd Master or Mariners nor any of them dif strike
44. out the heads of the sayd CapXXXX; or embezall any of the sayd sugars
45. So farr as he knwoweth beleiveth or hath hearde
46. To thee last hee saith his deposition is true
47. STEPHEN ALLEN His signature
==Case: XXXX; Deponent: 2. Robert Lunn of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner late Gunner of the sayd shipp Susan and Ann, aged 43; Date: XXXX==
'''HCA 13/71: f.122v P1130415''' Current Transcription
<series> HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.122v</folio>
<picture> P1130415</picture>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09712</first-transcriber>
1. The same day Examined upon the sayd Allon
2. <margin value="left">2.</margin> Robert Lunn of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner
3. late Gunner of the sayd shipp Susan and Ann, aged
4. <quantity value="43" measure="year">forty three</quantity> yeares or thereabouts sayth and deposeth as
5. followeth. vizt.
6. To the .1. 2. and 3. arles of the sayd Allon This deponent saith, That the sayd
7. shipp Susan and Anne whereof the arlate George Boys was Master
8. having taken in her lading being Sugars att the Barbadoes departed
9. from thence upon her homewards voyage for London about the tyme
10. allegat, and after her being att sea abeit twelve dayes mett
11. with a furious Hurricano, which continued in very great extremity
12. for about five or six and thirty howres, so as the sayd Master and
13. Company of the sayd shipp were enforced and did for the preservation of
14. the sayd shipp and lading and their owne lives, cutt downe their
15. mainmast. and the foremast hee saith was carryed away by the violence of
16. the Storme. and so much water came in betwixt deckes that EXPANDED "yt" to "that the weight
17. thereof did endanger the oversetting of the sayd shipp for preservation
18. whereof a thXXX was of necessity to be cutt to lett the sayd water into
19. the hold that the pumps might worke; And the sayd shipp being so
20. disabled was carryed to the Bermudaes and there fitted with such things
21. as were necessary, and being provided of a Pilot departed from there
22. and about the tyme arlate (having her Pilot on board) the winds
23. proving scanty struck upon a Rock whereby she tooke a leake, and the
24. pumbe was afterwards very carefully plyed to prevent dammage as much as
25. might be; And he further saith that afterwards the sayd shipp
26. having her sayd lading still on board and being not farr from the
27. Coast of England about <date value="22/12/16XX">three dayes before Christmas</date> last mett with
28. a very violent storme, which for the tyme it continued was of such
29. force as that it rent and carryed away the greater part of the sayles
30. that were then out vizt the mainsaile foresayle and mizzen, and ˹the sayd shipp˺
31. was for the tyme in great danger of perishing. Of the premisses
32. this deponent was an eyewitnesse being Gunner in and aboard the
33. sayd shipp the foresayd voyage. And otherwise he cannot depose
34. To the third and fourth and fifth arles of the sayd allon he saith, the sayd shipp
35. before the sayd Hurricano so fell on her was an able and staunch shipp
36. and well provided and fitted to per the sayd voyage. And hee saith
37. that the goods and lading of the sayd shipp were well and sufficiently
38. stowed and dennaged, and that the losse and dammage which befell
39. the sugars and casks was occasioned by the sayd Hurricano, and working
40. of the sea which through the XXXXXXney of the winds and storme XXXXX
41. in great quantityes of water into the sayd shipp. And there was not (as
42. he by bertue of his Oath saith) any fault or neglect of the sayd
43. Master and Mariners in reference in the sayd shipp in the quality aforesayd
44. And for his part he doth not know beleive or hath heard that the Master
45. or Mariners did breake upp the heads of any Caske, or did embezell any
46. of the goods and lading, but saith that EXPANDED "y:t" to "that the sayd caskes did loose some of the
47. heads by the working of the sea, and stresse of weather, by meanes
48. whereof the sugars became endammaged and in part washt away as aforesayd
49. And otherwise he cannot depose.
50. <margin value="bottom right, below text">Robert R "R" IS THE MARK, BETWEEN "Robert" AND "Lunn" Lunn.
51. his marke</margin>
==Case: XXXX; Deponent: Stephen Sillon, examined upon the Crosse Interries insisted on the behalfe of Mr Smith's Clients; Date: 29/03/1655==
'''HCA 13/71: f.123v P1130417''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>DEPOSITION: Stephen Sillon, examined upon the Crosse Interries insisted on the behalfe of Mr Smith's Clients</summary>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. <margin value="top left">Smyth XX/</margin>
2. The 29th day of March. The foresayd Stephen Sillon examined
3. upon the Crosse Interries administred on the behalfe of Mr
4. Smith's Clyents saith as followeth. vizt.
5. To the first Interrie he saith that George Boys aforesayd did speake to him
6. to be a witnesse in this cause, but he cometh to testify the truth by the
7. order of this Court as he conceyveth And that he was masters mate
8. of the sayd shipp, and hath not receyved all his wages for the voyage
9. in question, saying that the sayd Boys hath attached forty pounds of
10. his wages in the Poultry Counter, pretending that he hath so done under
11. coloXr of dammage sustayned by goods, brought home in the sayd shipp
12. Susan and Anne. And otherwise he cannot depose.
13. To the second Interry he saith he is sure that a good quantity of the sugars
14. were damnifyed and washt away in and by the sayd Hurricano. howbeit
15. he saith he doth beleive some of the sugars were dry and well conditioned
16. after the sayd Hurricano, but how much was wett and hurt, or how much did
17. continue dry ˹a˺fter the sayd tempest was over he cannX cannot particularly
18. declare. And he further saith that EXPANDED FROM "y:t" the sayd shipp was leaky after the sayd
19. Hurricano and before she struck upon the rockes as aforesayd, but not so=
20. much as she was after her such striking. And such striking he saith did
21. happen by the Scantines of the wind as aforesayd, and not by the unskill
22. fullnes of the Pilot, beleiving that as the wind then happened
23. to be the same would not have bene prevented by the ablest pilot. And
24. otherwise he cannot depose.
25. To the third Interry he saith he doth not know that whether the sayd sugars
26. and goods were well conditioned or noe att the tyme of their lading
27. being they were brought aboard in caskes which he saw not opened
28. And saith that some of the sugars (but how much he cannot say) was hurt
29. and damnifyed att the tyme of their arrivall here, but to whom the sugars
30. so damnifyed did or doe belong he saith he knoweth not. And
31. further or otherwise cannot answer.
==Case: XXXX; Deponent: Robert Lunn examined upon the said Interries ; Date: 24/03/1655==
34. <header>
35. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
36. <folio>f.123v</folio>
37. <picture>P1130417</picture>
38. <summary>DEPOSITION: Robert Lunn examined upon the said Interries</summary>
39. <document-date>24/03/1655</document-date>
40. <status></status>
41. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
42. </header>
44. <document-start>
45. The same day, the foresayd Robert Lunn examined upon the
46. sayd Interries saith
47. To the .1. Interry he saith he comes to be a witnesse att the Instance of the
48. sayd George Boys. and saith he hath recd one halfe of his wages for the
49. voyage in question, and that one and twenty pounds is still due to him
50. which the sayd Boys doth deteyne under pretence of dammage susteyned
51. by certaine sugars brought hereto in the sayd shipp. And otherwyse
52. he cannot depose.
53. To the second he saith that some of the sugars were wett and damnifyed in the sayd XXXX
54. and some as he beleiveth remained dry. And saith that the sayd shipp by
55. the said hurricano did become leaky: and by striking on the rockes because XXX
56. more leaky. and that she struck upon the rockes not by the unskillfullnes
57. of the Pilot but by a sudden Gust of wind that unexpectedly came against
58. the shipp whereby her former wind that EXPANSION OF "y:t" was fair to have carryed her from
59. the Islands became scanting upon her. And he beleiveth that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd strike
60. could not have beene prevented as the wind then happened. And otherwise
61. he cannot answer./
62. To the third hee saith he knoweth not whether the goods interrte were well conditioned
63. the tyme of their lading nor not. nor can tell what quantity of them was
64. spoyled att their arrivall here, he being not present att their delivery And
65. otherwise cannot answer.
66. <margin value="bottom RH corner of page">Robert R MARK OF ROBERT LUNN(E) Lunne
67. his marke</margin>
==Case: XXXX; Deponent: John Natting examined upon the said Interries; Date: 24/03/1655==
'''HCA 13/71: f.124r P1130418''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>DEPOSITION: John Natting examined upon the said Interries</summary>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The same day, The foresayd John Natting examined upon
2. the sayd Interryes saith.
3. To the first Interry he saith hee comes to be a witnesse by the meanes of the
4. sayde Boys; and that he was Carpenter of the sayd shipp as aforesayd, and
5. hath thirty pounds of his wages deteyned from him by an the attachment
6. procured by the sayd Boyes, but under what pretence knoweth not. And
7. otherwise cannot depose.
8. To the 2d RARE EXAMPLE OF "d" NOT "th" hee saith the sayd sugars were not ˹all˺ dry and well conditioned
9. after the sayd hurrican but were damnifyed (as aforesayd) thereby X howbeit
10. some of them as he conceyveth did remain dry. And saith that the
11. sayd shipp was not tight after the say hurrican, but was leaky, and that
12. after she struk upon the Rockes she became much more leaky
13. And saith she struck upon the Rockes not by or through any want of
14. skill or care in the sayd pilot but by a Gust of wind that "EXPANDED "y:t" fell
15. suddenly athwart her, and brought her former wind scanting upon
16. her. And otherwise he cannot answer
17. To the last hee saith he knoweth not in what condition the sayd goods or
18. sugars were laden. nor how much of them damnifyed or spoyled upon their
19. arrivall att this port. And farther or otherwise cannot answere.
20. <margin value="Starts in LH margin">Repeated with his precontests before Doctor Godlphin./.</margin>
21. John Nuttinge SIGNATURE; POSSIBLY"Nattinge"
==Case: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; Deponent: Emanuel Springfeild, of Billerica in the County of Essex, Draper, aged 21; Date: 25/03/1655==
23. <header>
24. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
25. <folio>f.124r</folio>
26. <picture>P1130418</picture>
27. <summary>CASE: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; DEPOSITION: Emanuel Springfeild, of Billerica in the County of Essex, Draper, aged one and twenty yeares or thereabouts</summary>
28. <document-date>25/03/1655</document-date>
29. <status></status>
30. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
31. </header>
32. <document-start>
33. The xxvth day of March 1656.
34. <margin value="Left margin">Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell)
35. of bever brought from Boston in)
36. New =England to this port of London)
37. in the shipp John Adventure of)
38. New=England whereof John Cutting)
39. was Master)
40. Smith Clements.)</margin>
41. Examined upon an allon on the behalfe of the
42. sayd Hubbert/.
43. Emanuel Springfeild of Billerica in the County
44. of Essex Draper aged one and twenty yeares
45. or thereabouts, a witnesse sworne and examined
46. saith as followeth. vizt.
47. <margin value="Left margin">Rp. .J.</margin>
48. To the sayd allon and severall Articles thereof, and to the Bill of lading
49. thereto annexed, and now shewne him, he saith, That in the month of december
50. last past he came as a passenger together with his Contest in this cause
51. and the arlate Robert Hubbard from Boston in New=England in the
52. shipp John Adventure aforesayd, whereof
53. upon which shipp the sayd hubbart had (as appeared to this deponent by
54. Bills of lading which hee saw signed as hereafter is sett forth, laden
55. a barrall of Bever. And he saith that XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX the
56. sayd shipp ˹having sayled˺ from Boston upon her then intended voyage for this port
57. of London, # INSERTION MARK the sayd Hubbert did offer to the sayd Cutting three bills
58. of lading all of one tenour for the sayd barrell of Bever and other
59. goods laden by him the sayd Hubbard, and the sayd Cutting perused the
60. same in this deponents presence, but refused to signe the same till
61. the words alleged vXXX. [the Bever four pounds p tonn] were interlined,
62. <margin value="Bottom right, under text">And</margin>
64. <margin value="left margin"># arrived safely about
65. five weekes after her
66. departure from Boston
67. upon the English
68. Coast neare to or not
69. far from the Duijnes
70. over against the County
71. of Kent, and then and
72. there</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.124v P1130419''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. And thereupon the sayd words were interlined in the sayd Bills respectively
2. and the sayd Cutting signed the same in the presence of him this deponent
3. and of this Contest in this cause, and the sayd Hubbert was then likewise
4. present, which being so signed the sayd Hubbert payd to the sayd Cutting
5. for the sayd Bever and other goods mencconed in the sayd Bills of lading
6. the summe of two shillings sterl for primage and average in the
7. presence of this deponent, who moreover saith that the Bill of lading
8. now shewed him was and is one of the sayd originall bills of lading
9. and was signed by the sayd Cutting in this deponents presence as aforesayd
10. XXXXX about the day of the date thereof. And further, or
11. otherwise referring himselfe to the sayd Bill of lading, he cannot
12. depose, saving that the sayd Hubbert did come as a passenger in the
13. sayd shipp as is alledged, and saving that he doth verily beleive that the
14. sayd Barrell of Bever was laden by the sayd Hubbert as is alledged, for that
15. he saw the receipts which the purser Boatswayn of the sayd shipp had delivered to the
16. sayd Hubbert for the receipt of his goods on board, which bills of
17. Receipt the sayd Hubbert in this deponents presence delivered to the sayd
18. Cutting and he did peruse them before he signed the sayd Bills of lading
19. causing the interlineation above mencconed to be made as aforesayd.
20. <margin value="left">Smyth dt</margin> To the Crosse Interryes.CENTRAL HEADING
21. To the first he saith he comes to be a witnesse in this cause att the Request of the
22. sayd Hubbert, whom he hath knowne from the beginning of this last voyage
23. from Boston vizt for about four monethes. And otherwise negatively
24. And further he cannot depose.
25. To the second he saith he did not see the sayd Barrell of bever laden nor in the
26. possession of the sayd Hubbert before it was laden, nor knoweth of whom
27. the same was bought. And further cannot answer
28. To the third Interry he saith he can both write and read written hand, and
29. knoweth the Bill of lading now shewne him to be one of those he saw
30. signed as aforesayd as well by the interlineation thereof, as by the XXX characters
31. of the firme of the sayd Cutting of which he tooke particular notice XXX
32. the sayd Bills were signed, which he saith were signed on shipboard ˹XXX˺
33. XXXX XXXX XXXXXX about eleven of the Clock in the forenoone of XXX
34. in the Cuddy of the sayd shipp this deponent and this Contest and the sayd Harbie
35. being present; and other persons were passing to and fro one of whom XXX
36. one Mr Williams. And the sayd Cutting was then upp and not in bed, XXX
37. was indifferent well in health, howbeit this Rendent heard that he had XXX
38. some hurt on his head by a fall not long before, And he signed the
39. sayd three Bills all at one tyme; vizt SXXXX Nively one immediately
40. after XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX afXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX, the tyme otherwise
41. than as hee hath in his former depositions upon the Articles and this Interry
42. declared, or more particularly hee remembreth not. And itherwise
43. he cannot answer, Not having made any marke upon the sayd bills or had XXXX
44. any of them in his power or possession since the signing thereof.
45. To the 4th. Interrie he answereth negatively to every part thereof.
46. To the 5th. he saith the words interrogat were interlined by the sayd harbie
47. before the Bills of lading be were signed, and the sayd Hubbert did
48. <margin value="right bottom, under text">XXXX</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.125r P1130420''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. interline the sayd words in the presence of this Rendent who immediately The contraction "imediately", with horizontal line over "m" has been expanded thereupon
2. reade the sayd interlineation. And this deponent did heare the said Cutting
3. particularly mention the sayd Steven, for the sayd Hubbert being earnest to
4. gett the sayd Bever att a lower freight, Cutting replyed that he would have
5. four pounds p tonn for the barrell of bever, or in words to that effect.
6. and then the sayd interlineation was made, And the Bills of lading being
7. signed. Cutting used those or the like words, Mr Hubbert you must pay me
8. two shillings primage and avarage for your goods. And lastly saith that
9. the sayd Cutting did not reade the sayd bills of lading aloud so as to be heard
10. by this deponent, but did peruse them to himselfe. And further he
11. cannot answer, saving that the sayd Hubbert payd the primage and X average
12. in this Rendents presence as aforesayd.
13. To the 6th negatively for his parte
14. To the 7th he answereth negatively. onely saith that so long as he attendeth
15. here upon this production and examinaccon, his charges of dyet and lodging
16. are borne by the party productente. And otherwise he cannot depose or
17. answer.
18. Emanuel
==Case: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; Deponent: 2. Mary Springfeild of Billerica in the County of Essex the wife of Emanuel Springfeild her preContest in this cause, aged 19; Date: 25/03/1655==
21. <header>
22. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
23. <folio>f.125r</folio>
24. <picture>P1130420</picture>
25. <summary></summary>
26. <document-date></document-date>
27. <status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
28. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
29. </header>
31. <document-start>
32. The same day Examined upon the sayd allon
33. <margin value="left">2.</margin> Mary Springfeild of Billerica in the County of Essex the
34. wife of Emanuel Springfeild her preContest in this cause
35. aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne
36. and examined saith as followeth. vizt.
37. To the first arle of the sayd allon she saith that the arlate shipp John
38. Adventure John Cutting Master departed from Boston in New=England
39. bound for this port of London in the month of december last past
40. And the arlate Hubbert came as a passenger in the sayd shipp the
41. sayd voyage and had a barrell of bever and some other goods on
42. board as she beleiveth for the Reasons hereafter sett forth. And
43. she this deponent together with her sayd precontest, came as a passenger
44. upon the sayd the voyage aforesayd./ And otherwise she cannot
45. depose
46. To the second arle of the sayd allon and billof lading therein mentoned
47. and now shewne her she saith. That after the sayd shipp arrived upon
48. the English Coast here neere to Borchington, the sayd John Cutting
49. did in the presence of this deponent and her sayd husband, and likewise of
50. the sayd Hubbert, signe three bills of lading of one tenour ARE WE EXPANDING "teno:r" to "tenour"? for
51. a barrell of bever and other goods in the sayd bills mencconed being
52. tendred or offered to him by the sayd Hubbart, and the sayd bill of lading
53. now shewne her was and is one of the sayd three bills which shee saw
54. signed as aforesayd. And saith that the sayd Cutting did looke over the
55. sayd bills before he signed them, and refused so to signe them till the
56. words arlate vizt. [the Bever fower pounds p tonne] were inter=
57. lined in all the sayd bills, as the same appeare now interlined in the bill
58. now shewne her. And this deponent saw the sayd Hubbert of upon
59. the demand of the sayd Cutting pay unto him the sayd Cutting two
60. shillings for primage and average, which the sayd Cutting received
61. for the sayd Hubbarts goods, which she beleiveth were really laden
62. according to the sayd bills of lading. And othewise she XXXX cannot
63. depose.
64. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">To</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.125v P1130421''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the tyme arlate she sayth she cannot depose
2. To the last hee saith her deposition is true
4. To the Crosse InterriesCENTRE HEADING
5. To the first Interry she saith she comes to be a witnesse att the desire of
6. the sayd Hubbert, and saith she hath knowne him about four or five
7. yeares. And otherwise negatively.
8. To the second Interry she saith she was in New England from the tyme of her
9. birth till the sayd shipp departed from thence. But she say not the sayd
10. Bever laden. And further otherwise than negatively cannot
11. depose.
12. To the third Interry she saith she can read written hand, and can write a little
13. and saw the sayd bills signed as aforesayd, but never had them in her possession
14. since the tyme of their signing, nor knoweth who hath had them since
15. that tyme; And saith she knoweth the sayd bill now shewne her by the
16. masters hand att the foot thereofXX, and by the sayd interlineation which
17. was done by the sayd Hubbert in this Rendents presence, and by the
18. marks in the margent thereof; but she made not any markeX to
19. knowe the XX ˹same˺ by againe. And saith the same ˹bills˺ were signed on board
20. the sayd shipp neere Berchington betwixt two and three monethes
21. aXXX the month or day thereof she remembreth not; but the same
22. were signed about ten of the Clock in a morning, (the day of the
23. weeke she remembreth not), in the Cuddy of the sayd shipp in
24. the presence of the parties aforesayd who were then sitting in the Cuddy,
25. and, of one Mr Williams who was walking to and fro. Att which
26. tyme the sayd Cutting was not very well by reason of a fall whXXXX
27. he hurt is heade, but hee was then upp and looking after his busines
28. And further she cannot answer.
29. To the fourth Interry she saith she cannot answer otherwise than
30. negatively to any part thereof.
31. To the fifth Interry she saith that the words interrogate were interlined
32. before the signing of the Bills, and were so interlined by Mr Hubbert
33. and this Rendent immediately upon the sayd interlineation of the bills
34. tooke one of them upp and looked ther˹on˺of but did not read the same
35. And she heard the sayd Cutting say he must have after the value of
36. four pounds p tonne for the sayd bever. or to that effect:
37. the sayd Cutting did read the sayd bills to himselfe and not aloud
38. And saith that she heard noe particular mention of the Bever when
39. the primage and average were payd and receyved as aforesayd
40. otherwise than by the generall name of Mr Hubbarts goods
41. for which the sayd Cutting sayd hee must have two shillings for
42. primage and average or to that effect. And otherwise saving
43. her precedent depositions she cannot depose.
44. To the 6th and seventh she saith she cannot answer otherwise XX
45. negatively to eyther of them.
46. <margin value="bottom right">Mary Springfeld</margin> SIGNATURE
47. <margin value="starting in left margin">(Repeated with her precontest before
48. dr Godolphin./.</margin>
==Case: Hans Rouse, of Quinsborough ag:t HaXXrison and others; Deponent: 3. Ian Polo, of Flushing in Zealand, Mariner, aged 51 ; Date: 29/03/1655==
'''HCA 13/71: f.126r P1130422''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>CASE:</strong> Hans Rouse, of Quinsborough ag:t HaXXrison and others; DEPOSITION:</strong> 3. Ian Polo, of Flushing in Zealand, Mariner, aged 51 yeares or thereabouts</summary>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. <margin value="top left">Hance Rauce of Quinsborough
2. Harrison and others.</margin>
3. The 29th day of March 1656
4. Examined upon the sayd allon
5. 3: Jan Polo of Flushing in Zealand Mariner aged 51. yeares
6. or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
7. sayth as followeth. vizt.
8. To the 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5th Arles of the sayd allon he saith he cannot depose.
9. saving that the sayd shipp the Hope came and arrived at Elsinor in the
10. Sound of Denmarke in September 1655 last past, where this deponent
11. att that EXPANSION OF "y:t" tyme was expecting some shipp whereon he might come as a
12. passenger to their seas and saving that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the shipp Hope had hempe clapboard
13. and deales on board her,
14. To the 6th. arle of the sayd allon he saith, That on or about the 29th
15. day of the sayd moneth of September, the foresayd shipp the Hope
16. sett sayle from the Sound aforesayd under the Command of Martin
17. BernhXde as Master of her, And about four dayes after being upon
18. her course for London there happened a very high and violent
19. wind from about the West North west poynt in the afternoone, so
20. as the sayd shipp could not nor did beare any other sayle but her maine
21. sail very much lowerd, And the says wind increasing the night following
22. there happened an extraordinary furious storme, which by two of the
23. clock the next morning drawe the sayd shipp neere to Jutland
24. upon a place called the Holmes. and upon sounding it did appeare
25. that the sayd shipp had then about thirteene fathom water, whereupon
26. being allso neare to the Lea shore the sayd Master and Company
27. for the preservation of the sayd shipp and her lading did cast out
28. two anchors one after the other the first anchor by reason of the
29. violent fury of the sayd storme not taking hold; and after both were
30. cast out they could not yet hold, so strong and raging was the sayd
31. storme, so as the sayd Master and Company for preservaccon of the sayd shipp
32. and her lading were enforced and did cutt GRAVE OVER C downe her mainmast
33. which with the yards sayles and tackle thereto belonging was immediately
34. carryed by the sayd storme of wind into the sea and so perished, and
35. then and not before the sayd Anchors did take hold and fastened
36. themselves. And the shipp lay so att Anchor till the afternoone of
37. that day att which tyme the wind shifted something to the Southward.
38. And the sayd Master and Company were forced and did cutt one of the
39. cables, and endeavoured SHOULD WE ASSUME A "u" IN AN EXPANSION OF endeavo:red"? to weigh the other anchor but it brake in
40. weighing. and one perice of it was recovered; and the rest of it as
41. also the other anchor were lost. And that night the sayd shipp with much
42. adoe andwith great danger came to the Coast of Norway, and was by
43. a ffishermans yall conducted betwixt the Rockes to a small haven called
44. <margin value="bottom right below main text">GuXX</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.126v P1130423''' Current Transcription
'''HCA 13/71: f.127r P1130424''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.127r (incorrectly labelled f.137r when loaded up as an image)</folio>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 07/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the 12th and 13th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith, that the shipp
2. Hope stayd att Newcastle about a weeke as he remembreth, and there the
3. sayd Barnhide hired a pilot by name John Holland to conduct the sayd shipp
4. for London And the sayd pilot comeing on board brought her safe to
5. Harwich after about nine or ten days, whither the sd shipp was putting
6. in to enquire for a Convoy, but stayed not there, for that the Hare pinke
7. being a small Man of warr with two other small vessells were then
8. conveing out bound for London, and the sayd Hares Company understanding
9. that the Hope was also bound thither wished there to sayle with the
10. sayd shipp Hope: And otherwise he cannot depose.
11. To the 14th. 15. and 16th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith that the sayd
12. Hare pinke and two other vessells lead the way and the Hope followed them
13. having her sayd pilot still on board her, And towards the night of
14. the same day whereon they departed from Harwich the sayd vessells
15. came all suddenly and unexpectedly upon the soands called the Middle
16. ground and three of them stuck fast vizt the sayd Convoy. a Dutch hoy
17. and the sayd shipp Hope. and the sayd Convoy or Hare pinke soone after
18. splitt asunder. And the master and Company of the Hope used all the
19. endeavour SHOULD "endeavo:r" BE EXPANDED TO "endeavour"? that might be to gett their shipp loose, but all in vayne. And
20. the Company of the Convoy finding their pinke splitt and being about
21. many men and having but a weake boat would have gotten or
22. borrowed the Hopes boat which was good and strong, but the sayd BarryXXX
23. and Company considering the great danger they were in night being now
24. come upon them refused to part with their boat, howbeit three or four
25. of the pinkes Company sprang into the sayd boat, and more would have
26. come in if they had not bene hindred, where upon they went off towards
27. the sayd hoy in their owne boat, and the master and Company of the Hope having
28. very great feare that they would returne and furnishing themselves
29. with weapons out of their pinke (which was not yet wholly sunke) and
30. taking the Hopes boat by force, and not seeing any probable hopes of getting
31. the hope loose from the sands, did goe to XXXX in their boat to XXXX
32. with such of the pinkes Company as came XXXX ˹into˺ the same as aforesayd,
33. and this deponent who was present and saw the premisses so happen
34. went ashore likewise with her.
35. To the 17th he saith the sayd boat came to shoare about one of the Clock in the
36. night, and there was onely one poore howse there, and noe present helpe could
37. be heard of to gett the sayd shipp loose. And the next day Barnhide and Company
38. mett with advertisement that their shipp was gott off the sand and that a Fisher
39. man was carrying her to London, whither they repayred. after her
40. And otherwise he cannot depose.
'''HCA 13/71: f.127v P1130425''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the 18th arle he saith that so farr as he saw or could observe there was XXX
2. any goods taken out of the Hope from her coming from Elsinore
3. to the tyme of her being lost on the sands as aforesd the sayd bundle
4. of hempe excepted disposed off in Norway as aforesd. And otherwise
5. he cannot depose.
6. To the 19th. arle he saith he knoweth for the Reasons aforesayd that all the
7. dammage which happened to or befall the goods and lading of the sayd
8. shipp from her departure from Elsinor to her grounding in and
9. uppon the sayd sands did happen by reason of the foresayd violent
10. Storme upon the Coast of Jutland and by her such disastrous
11. comeing upn the sayd sands, and not by or through the negligence
12. or default of her Master and Company who did all of them doe their
13. respective dutyes with great diligence of the sight and observance
14. of him this deponent who allso (being a passenger as aforesayd
15. did give them the best assistance he could. And otherwise
16. he cannot depose.
17. To the last he saith his deposition is true.
19. To the Crosse Interries.
20. To the 1st Interry he saith he was onely a passenger in the sayd shipp and kept noe
21. Journall of the severall passages aforesayd and yet can very easily remember
22. them. And further otherwise than negatively cannot depose.
23. To the 2. Interry hee saith that EXPANDED "y:t" the hempe laden in the sayd shipp did as
24. he beleiveth receyve dammage by being wett. And further saving
25. his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose.
26. To the 3d Interrye he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
27. and further or otherwise cannot answer
28. Fan polle SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
29. Repeated before doctor
30. Godolphin: one of the Judges xr.
==Case: BoXXson against Dixon; Deponent: Robert Harrigate of New. Castle Mariner, aged 33; Date: XXXX==
32. <header>
33. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
34. <folio>f.127v</folio>
35. <picture>P1130425</picture>
36. <summary></summary>
37. <document-date></document-date>
38. <status>First cut transcription completed</status>
39. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>
40. </header>
42. <document-start>
43. <margin value="left margin">BoXXson against Dixon:)
44. Suckly. Clements.)</margin>
45. The first of Aprill 1656.
46. Examined upon an allegacon on the behalfe of the sayd
47. BoXXXX, given in 29o Martij ult.
48. <margin value="left margin">Rp. .j.us</margin>
49. Robert Harrigate of New. Castle Mariner, aged 33 yeares
50. or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
51. To the first and, second ˹and third˺ articles of the said allon hee saith and deposeth that
52. hee well knoweth the arlaze Tomas Dixon and saith that for all that
53. time arlate hee the said Tomas was master of the vessell the Mary of
54. New Castle. mentioned in the said article and as master had her charge
55. and gouvernance of her, and for such was commonly accompted and regarded
56. And saith that within the said tiyme and more especially in or about the
57. beginning of March of the yeare ˹1654˺ namely about thirteene monethes since XXX
'''HCA 13/71: f.128r P1130426''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. said Thomas Dixon hired and agreed with the said John Betson to serve on
2. the said shipp for the whole terme of her then intended voyage, which was
3. to be from Newcastle to Dantzicke and thence to London, Hull or Newcastle,
4. and then to which ever of the said ports of London, Hull or New Castle the
5. sad shipp should first come from Dantzicke the said voyage was to end and determine
6. And saith the said Thomas Dixon agreed with and promised the said Batson to
7. pay him six pounds and tenn shillings sterling for his said voyage and service
8. in the said shipp, And further that the said John Natson did accordingly give
9. and enter upon the said shipp and voyage, and was shipped and entred into pay
10. on the tenth day of the said moneth of March, and went and served the said
11. voyage in her to Dantzicke and thence to London, XXX and that ahee arived at
12. London (with her lading taken in at dantzicke) on or about the two and twentieth
13. day of June thXXX mXXth following, and here made deliverie of her said
14. homewards voyaX lading XX taken in at Dantzicke, and for her said voyage
15. being ended, the said ˹XXXX˺ of ix pounds and tenn shillings wXXXX was due to the
16. said John Betson, and according to the said contract, and the said dixon
17. ought tXXXXXXX and is accordingly, which hee knoweth to be true because hee
18. this deponent was hired and maXX masters mate the said voyage in the said
19. shipp and was paid for the same as ending here at London, and because
20. hee this deponent procured the said John Betson to goe the same in the said
21. shipp, and brought him to the said dixon the master to be hired, and was
22. present at his hiring at Newcastle by the said dixon, and heard the said
23. voyage and the said sume for his wages agreed on between them, and ot in
24. such manner as aforesaid; and this deponent being requested by the said master
25. to help him to men, procured him the said Betson as aforesaid
26. To the fourth hee saith that during the XXXX XXXX of the said voyage
27. the said John Betson haXXXd himselfe XXXlly and carefully, and was
28. actually imployed by the said master during the time in and about the
29. service of the said shipp, which service hee very well and ˹and˺ carefully performed
30. and behaved himselfe lik ˹as˺ an able ˹mariner˺ and well XXXXX XXXXX, and well
31. deserved the said wages for the same, which hee knoweth going the said
32. voyage and being the XXXXX said XXXXge of the said Betson, and taking
33. notice of his abilities, this deponent having used sea faring above twenty yeares,
34. and bin master of sevrall shipps.
35. To the fifth hee saith that the said John Betson hath bin ever since
36. the said ending of the said voyage following the businesse of getting his said
37. pay, and being long at about the same, and hath never gXXXXXXXXX ˹made any˺
38. voyage since, so that hee hath lost in very wages since the said ending of the
39. foresaid voyage) above twenty pounds, for hee might have ˹had˺ and this deponent
40. durst undertake to have promised him above 40s per moneth for every collier
41. service betwixt Lon Newcastle and London, and for further voyages hee might
42. have had better pay, and saith that for such his losse of time and wages and
43. expences in running after his said payment, this deponent estimateth him
44. damnified at least 25li over and besides his said wages due as aforesaid.
46. To the Interries CENTRE HEADING
47. To the first it is donne as required, and saith that hee was in the said shipp
48. at Elsinore interr on or about the 16th of May, and interr, and that while
49. shee was lying there to release be released of the XXXXXXs there payable the said master
50. with the said Betson and fXXXX more of the said shipps company went ashore ˹in the ships boate˺ to
51. get provisions in the gXXXXXXXXX, about seaven of the clock XXXX XXXXXXXXX, and afterwards vizt in the night following next
52. <margin value="right, bottom, under text">See in the other side # following</margin>
==Case: Harris, Bowier and others against Pursell, Walters and others; Deponent: Edward Arlicare of Wapping Wall in the county of Midd Mariner, aged 32 ; Date: 02/04/1656==
'''HCA 13/71: f.128v P1130427''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.128v</folio>
<status>First cut transcription started 08/09/12, and finished 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The second of Aprill 1656
2. <margin value="left margin">Harris, Bowier and others against)
3. Pursell, Walters and others)
4. Smith. Suckley)</margin>
5. Examined upon an allon on the behalfe
6. of EryXXX harris and others 7o March last.
7. <margin value="left margin">X. Rp. .J.</margin>
8. Edward Arlicare of Wapping Wall in the county
9. of Midd Mariner, aged 32 yeares or thereabouts
10. sworne and exámined.
12. To the first article hee saith and deposeth that thXX XXX this deponent
13. the master, and his Company of the shipp arlate the Mathew and
14. did not begin to take or receive into her at Newfound Land (the voyage
15. in question) and first upon the arrival of the arlate Walters, Pursell
16. Webb and Massey and company untill all the said fish was well
17. Cured before the nine and twentieth day of July 1650, which hee
18. knoweth being master of the said shipp and receiving the same there
19. aboard.
20. To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that all the
21. fish which was taken in and received aboard the said shipp the said voyage
22. at Newfound land for the use and account of the said Walters, Pursell, Webb Massey and Company, was at the time of the said receipt thereof
23. aboard very well cured, and was good fish, and soe continued unto
24. the time of the delivery thereof, and saith there was noe part thereof
25. throwne overboard or spoiled by the way, but the XXX was all delivered
26. in very good order and condition in Spaine ˹Bilboa˺ but the factorX or agentX
27. of the said Walters and Company, namely to Mr Joseph XXrkmartin,
28. who seeing and receiving the said fish in good order and condition
29. and
30. <margin value="left margin">saith that hee this deponent
31. in the said lading of fish,
32. and taking in the same accordingly
33. and in good order)</margin>
34. ˹(who was passXXXXX XXXX to Newfound land by the said walters, Pursell and company˺, haveing noe cause of exception against the same, drew bills of
35. exchange upon the said Walters, Pursell and company aforesaid for payment
36. of the price of the said fish unto the producents harris, Bowier and
37. company; and since this deponents retourne hee hath bin informed that the
38. said Walters , Pursell and company have accepted the said bills, and paid
39. the moneys accordingly without contradiction, or taking any exceptions
40. against the condition of the said fish or any part thereof. The premisses
41. touching the intere from spedition of the said cargo of fish from
42. Newfound land to Bilboa, and delivery there of the same to the XXX
43. Mr Thorckmorton, factor of and for the said Walters, Pursell and
44. carrying aforesaid ˹in good condition˺ hee knoweth because hee this deponent went master
45. of the said shipp from Newfound land to Bilboa and there XXXXX
46. said delivery thereof.
47. <margin value="left margin">Repeated ut infra</margin>
48. Edward Arlibear SIGNATURE <margin value="to right of signature, at RH side of page">see the Interries in the
49. leafe following</margin>
51. <margin value="left margin">XXXX # </margin>
52. following the said morning, the said master taking his boate and a charge
53. to help him XXXX it aboard, came from shoare in the night time, leaving his said
54. XXXX ˹XXXX˺ XXXX (whereof the said Betson was one) there, which two when two of his
55. XXXX XXXXX the said men that were ashore XXXXX, and knowing that hee well
56. near full of drincke and fearing this miscarriage hired another boate and
57. hasted after him, and found him driving quite out of the way whereXX
58. hee should have gonne to get aboard, hee and the said stranger (whom
59. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">hee</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.129r P1130428''' Current Transcription
<series> HCA 13/71 </series>
<folio> f.129r </folio>
<picture> P1130428 </picture>
<status> First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber> William Kellett, 08/09/12, and Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12 </first-transcriber>
1. He tooke to assist him to come aboard and who was also as druncke being
2. unable to guide ther said boate to rights) and XXX his said two men overtaking
3. him brought him aboard, where this deponent then was, and when hee came
4. aboard this deponent sawe and tooke notion that hee was pte overrunne with
5. drincke that hee could hardly speake nor knowe one man from another, but
6. went to sleepe; and this deponent was informed by william Anderson a yonge
7. man of the ships company that was ashore with the master, that the said master
8. sent him to call the said Betson and others to goe aboard, and that assoone
9. as the said anderson had turned his back to Xte them, the said master getting the
10. said stranger with him, went presently into the boate and went off to goe aboard,
11. and that the said Betson and others assoone as the said Anderson came to them, came
12. away to the waters side but the said Anderson was gonne off, and saith that
13. the next morning the boate was sent ashore and they came aboard in it
14. without delay; and saith that by such neglect of the master in going with
15. his boate and some of his company and staying so long ashore, (whence they
16. might have returned in an houre or two, and have set saile the shipp being
17. within that time cleared as hee saith shee was) shee lost her passage and
18. was delayed above a fortnights space, for the winde which was then good
19. came contrary the next day after their setting saile, and hyndred them as
20. aforesaid, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
21. To the second hee saith there was noe mention of Denmarke in the right
22. hiring and shipping of Betson, but the same was as before XXX
23. hee hath deposed, nor was there any mention of bringing the said
24. shipp to New castle in case there came from dantzike to London, but to
25. whichsoever of the ports of London, Hull or Newcastle shee should
26. runne to from London ˹dantzicke˺ there her voyage should end. And otherwuse hee
27. cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
28. To the third negatively, referring him selfe to his foregoing deposition.
29. To the fourth hee cannot answer.
30. <margin value="left">Repeated before Godolphon</margin>.
31. Robt: Harrigate: SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
33. <margin value="left">CarXXXX XXXX Pursell)</margin>
34. The foresaid Edward Arlibeare to the Interries CENTRE HEADING
35. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
36. To the first hee answereth negatively, referring himselfe to his
37. foregoeing deposition.
38. To the second hee saith that Mr Pursell and Mr Waters and company moved
39. on the Scriveners on the making the charter partie to have the freight for
40. the said fish payable at London after the end of the voyage, but thX nor
41. seaman, Mr Bowier and company went not parte thereuntoo, and otherwise
42. hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid.
43. To the third hee saith that the said vessell running from the Canaries after
44. such hee being at Bilboa was taken with two hundred and odd butts of wine
45. or thereabouts, with between 15 and 20li per pipe or thereabouts, and
46. hee beleeveth they could not have had a bigger vessell for less freight,
47. And otherwise cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
48. To the 4th hee saith the men were by arbitaminipaid 3 monethes of foure
49. for wages, fower monethes XXX allthe time, and nine monethes freight was
50. XXX paid at 5Xt per moneth XX only for weare and teare, and saith that
51. to this remembrance there was 150li paid to the men for wages or thereabouts.
52. And otherwise cannot answer.
53. <margin value="left">Repeated before Godolphin.</margin>
54. Edward Arlibera SIGNATURE
'''HCA 13/71: f.129v P1130429''' Current Transcription
'''HCA 13/71: f.130r P1130430''' Current Transcription (PARTIAL)
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. commanded by Captaine Sanders in the immediate service of this
2. Commonwealth, and brought into the Downes, and then shee was
3. brought into this port; All which hee deposeth, because hee was one of
4. her company both at her said seizure lading, seizure and rescue and was
5. aboard and sawe the premisses soe donne; And further that the said man of
6. warr of Ostend belonged to the subiects of the King of Spaine, and but
7. the Elizabeth and all her said lading belonged to English, subiects of
8. this Commonwealth; and that hee this deponent hath noe interest
9. therein, and lastly that the said lading was consigned to be delivered
10. at this port.
11. The marke of
12. X MARK Wm James.
==Case: XXXX; Deponent: John Dare of Torkey neere Dartmouth in the County of Devon Mariner, aged 54 ; Date: Same day==
14. The same day.
15. <margin value="left margin">2.</margin>
16. John Dare of Torkey neere Dartmouth in the County
17. of Devon Mariner, aged 54 yeares or thereabouts
18. sworne and exámined.
19. To the said Interries hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
20. the Barque the Elizabeth interr, and hath soe donne for theis three
21. yeares last, during which time shee hath belonged and doth belong
22. to Plimouth, where (as it is commonly there said) there was built. And
23. saith that Mr Samuel Mansell, John Downing, and Mr Tremine
24. all English men and Merchants, dwellers in Plimouth and subiects of
25. this Commonwealth,
'''HCA 13/71: f.130v P1130431''' Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)
'''HCA 13/71: f.131r P1130432''' Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)
==Case: A busines of Ensurance promoted by Phillip Dighton Mariner concerning his losse of and in the shipp the Scout of London; Deponent: Richard Postgate of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke Mariner aged 40; Date: Same day==
'''HCA 13/71: f.133r P1130433''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The same day./
2. <margin value="Left">A busines of Ensurance promoted by)
3. Phillip Dighton Mariner concerning)
4. his losse of and in the shipp the Scout)
5. of London)</margin>
6. Examined upon Interrogatories ministered on behalfe of the sayd
7. Dighton./
8. <margin value="Left">Rp. Jus</margin>
9. Richard Postgate of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke
10. Mariner aged 40 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
11. before the Right Worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of
12. the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty saith and deposeth
13. as followeth vizt./
14. To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
15. Shipp the Scout of London the voyage Interrogate wherein hee went Masters
16. Mate of her and saith hee well knoweth the Interrogate Phillip Dighton was
17. commonly reputed a true and lawfull part owner of the sayd shipp and her tackle
18. and furniture the tyme Interrogate ˹but of what part hee knoweth not nor hath heard˺ And saith that there were severall goods
19. and Merchandizes vizt twenty butts, one hundred Caratells and about sixty
20. or seaventy quarter Rolls of Currans marked with the marke in the margent
21. laden by one Symon Copia, a Jew for Accompt of the sayd PhillippDighton
22. and Michaell Wilkins and others owners of the sayd shipp and goods ˹beside cetaine goods laden for the particular Accompt of the sayd Phillip Dighton˺ which
23. Currans were the proceeds of certaine goods carried in the sayd shipp outwards
24. bound by the sayd Dighton Wilkins and Company the owners aforesayd the premisses
25. hee deposeth being Masters mate and an eye wittness thereof And further to these
26. Interr hee cannot depose
27. To the 4th Interr hee saith the sayd shipp with the sayd goods on board her sett
28. sayle from Zant bound for London (there to dicharge,) upon the one and twentith
29. day of December last (old style), and in her course homewards shee and her sayd
30. ladeing were mett with surprizals and taken upon the third of ffebruary last about
31. two or three and forty leagues south west of Cillice by two Brest men of warr
32. and carried to Saint Sebastians in Biscay and shee and her ladeing aforesayd belonging
33. as aforesayd to the sayd Dighton Wilkins and others owners and freighters of the
34. sayd shipp were by the sayd Brest men of warr ˹ther˺ sold and disposed of according
35. to their pleasure without any recompence given to the sayd Dighton Wilkins or
36. any other the Owners of the sayd shipp and ladeing, this hee deposeth being
37. Masters Mate and on board and seeing the sayd shipp and goods disposed of by the
38. sayd Brest men of Warr And further to this Interr he cannot depose/
39. Richard Postgate SIGNATURE, RIGHT
==Case: Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the sayd Michaell Wilkins; Deponent:  Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd Mariner aged 19; Date: Same day==
41. The same day/
42. Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe
43. of the sayd Michaell Wilkins./
44. <margin value="Left">Ex pte Wilkins./</margin> SHOULD "ex pte" BE EXPANDED TO "ex parte"?
45. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2us</margin>
46. Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
47. County of Midd Mariner aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts
48. a wittnes sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor
49. of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
50. saith and deposeth as followeth
51. To the first and second Interrogetories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
52. shipp the Scout of London the tyme Interrogate goeing in her as one of her
53. company the sayd voyage And saith the Interrogate Wilkins the tyme Interrogate
54. was commonly accompted to bee the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of
55. one quarter part of the sayd shipp and her tackle apparrelll and furniture which
56. <margin value="Bottom right under main body of text">quarter</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.133v P1130434''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. quarter part of the sayd shipp and her tackle and furniture was in this deponents
2. Judgment and estimate worth eight score pounds sterling or thereabouts the tyme
3. Interrogate And further to these Interries hee cannot depose/
4. To the third Interr hee saith that there were severall goods put on board the sayd shipp
5. at Zant Interrogate to bee transported for London as Currans and a smale
6. quantitie of wyne and ˹oyle˺ all the whole ladeing being about sixty tonnes, which goods
7. were for the Accompt of the Interrogate Michaell Wilkins and Phillipp Dighton
8. the Master of the sayd shipp and others Owners and freighters of the sayd shipp
9. but what part of the sayd ladeing did in particuler belong to the sayd Wilkins hee
10. knoweth not nor the value thereof ˹the XXX in ffee hee deposeth for the reason aforesayd˺ And further saving his foregoeing deposiccon hee
11. cannot depose./
12. To the 4th Interr hee saith that hee being one of the sayd shipps company the
13. voyage in question thereby knoweth that shee departed from Zant Interrogate with
14. her sayd ladeing on board her XX upon or about the two or three and twentieth day of
15. December last XXX bound for London the port off her discharge and saith that
16. upon the third of ffebruary last the sayd shipp and her sayd ladeing on board her
17. were mett with and taken by two Brest men of warr off of CilleXy about fiftie
18. leagues and carried to Saint Sebastiano in Biscay and there disposed X ˹the sayd ladeing XXXX˺ sold
19. by by the sayd Brest men of warr and teh says shipp disposed of according to their
20. will and pleasure without any recompense given to any of the owners of the sayd
21. shipp and goods that this deponent knoweth of And further to this Interrogatorie
22. hee cannot answere./
==Case: Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the sayd Dighton./; Deponent:  Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd Mariner aged 19; Date: Same day==
25. The same day
26. Examined upon the Interries ministred on the behalfe of
27. the sayd Dighton./
28. <margin value="Left">Ex parte Dighton./.</margin>
29. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2us</margin>
30. Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
31. County of Midd Mariner aged 19 yeares or thereabouts
32. a wittness sworne before the Right Worshippfull John Godolphin
33. doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of
34. Admiralty saith and deposeth as followeth. vizt/
35. To the first and second Interries hee saith hee well know the shipp Scout
36. of London Interrogate the tyme Interr being one of her company the voyage
37. in question And saith the Interrogate Phillip Dighton master of the sayd
38. shipp the tyme Interrogate was commonly accompted lawfull Owner and
39. Proprietor of a sixteenth part of the sayd shipp and of her tackle apparrell
40. and furniture which sixteenth part was the tyme Interrogate worth about
41. fowerscore pounds sterling in this deponents Judgment and estimate And
42. further to the sayd Interr hee cannot depose/
43. To the 3 Interr hee saith that for the reasons foresayd hee knoweth that ther
44. was currans and wine and oyle to about the quantitie of sixty tonnes put aboard
45. the sayd shipp at Zant Interrogate to bee transported for London and saith the
46. sayd currans wine and oyle were there laden aboard the says shipp for accompt
47. of the sayd Dighton and Wilkins and others owners and freighters of the sayd
48. shipp, and saith that the sayd Dightons part of the sayd ladeing was as hee
49. beleeveth the prXXXXXX of her outward bound adventure but the value of this
50. hee knoweth not but beleeveth the same was about two hundred pounds
51. sterling And further hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposicon./
52. <margin value="Bottom Right, under main body of text">To XX</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.134r P1130435''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the 4th Interr hee saith that hee well knoweth that the sayd shipp Scout departed
2. from Zant aforesayd with her sayd ladeing on board her upon or about the two or
3. three and twentieth day of december last bound for London the port of her discharge
4. and in her course homewards was on the third day of ffebruary last about
5. fifty leagues off of Cilley togeather with her sayd ladeing surprized and
6. taken by two Brest men of warr and carried to Saint Sebastiano in Biscay
7. where the sayd men of warr sold the ˹sayd˺ ladeing of the Scout and disposed of
8. her according to their will and pleasure whereby the sayd shipp and her ladeing
9. are wholly lost to the sayd Dighton and Wilkins and the rest of the owners and
10. freighters of the sayd shipp and noe satisfaction given to any of them
11. for the same that this deponent knoweth of And further to this Interrogatorie
12. hee cannot depose./
14. <margin value="Left">Repeated with his contest in both causes before
15. Doctor Godolphin</margin>
==Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent:  George Streete of Exmouth in the County of Devon Mariner, aged 55 ; Date: 05/04/1656==
17. The fifth of Aprill 1656.
18. <margin value="Left">A businesse of exámination of witnesses)
19. in the behalfe of William Berk Master and)
20. owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and)
21. seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine)
22. Clements</margin>
23. Examined upon an allon given in on
24. the behalfe of the said Berk
25. the third of this instant.
26. <margin value="Left">Rp. .J.</margin>
27. George Streete of Exmouth in the County of
28. Devon Mariner, aged 55 yeares
29. or thereabouts sworne and examined.
30. To the first and second Arles of the said Allon hee saith, That hee
31. well knoweth the shipp the Hopefull William w˹hereof W:m˺ Berk ˹allate˺ was Master, and wh
32. generally reputed the sole Owner and Proprietor thereof, And saith, That in or
33. about the the moneth of October 1654. this deponent being heere at London spake
34. with the said William Berk who then declared to this deponent that hee would
35. saile his said shipp then being in the River of Thames to Saint Sebastiano in Spaine
36. and in or about the moneth of July next ensueing this deponent saw the said
37. shipp att or neere Shoreham in Sussex, about which time shee sett sayle and
38. Departed hence under the Command of the said William Berk for Saint Sebastiano
39. Spaine, and that this deponent in the shipp the Buckingham of Shoreham,
40. William ˹Thomas˺ Soldnig Master) sett sayle and departed from Shoreham aforesaid upon
41. the 11th day of July 1655. as Pylott of the said shipp, and comeing into the
42. bay of Biscay, they there mett with the said shipp the Hopefull William
43. under the Conduct of the said W:m Beck, and that both the said shipps upon the
44. 17th day of July aforesaid arrived together at Saint Sebastiano, where after they had
45. remained till the thirtieth day of August next ensueing, the Officers or Ministeres
46. of the King of Spayne did in a hostile manner seize upon stopp and detaine
47. the said shipp the Hopefull William with all her tackle apparell furniture and
48. goods aboard her, whereby the said William Beck became utterly deprived of
49. the same, Which this deponent well knoweth, being present and aboard the said shipp Buckingham, when both shee and the said shipp Hopefull William were
50. seized upon, they then lyeing neere together ashoare at Saint Sebastiano
51. aforesaid, And further cannot depose./
52. To the third and fowerth arles of the said Allon hee saith That the said shipp
53. the Hopefull William her tackle apparrell furniture and provisions belonging
54. to her and aboard her at the time of her said seizure were to the best of this
55. <margin value="Bottom right, under main text">(Deponents</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.134v P1130436''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. Deponents judgement really worth the summe of eight hundred pounds sterling
2. or thereabouts, shee being a new-built flye boate of XXX. The burthen of
3. 80 Tunns or thereabouts. The premisses hee deposeth, and for reason of
4. his judgement saith, hee knoweth that the said W.m Beck had been offered
5. three hundred pounds for his said shipp before hee bestwoed upon her last
6. reparation or new makeing at Shoreham aforesaid, which was there generally
7. estimated at 209:li sterling more; besides her new tackle apparrell and furniture
8. and the provisions of Victualls and goods aboard her at the time of her said
9. seizure, which hee in conscience beleeveth to have been really worth three
10. hundred pounds more or thereabouts, this deponent having been Master and Owner
11. of a shipp himselfe, and having long time used navigation and thereby knowne
12. and observed what belongeth to ˹shipping˺ and whereabout the worth of ˹such˺ as shipp may be
13. And further cannot depose; saving hee beleeveth, the said W:m BeXX by
14. meanes of the said seizure and detention of his said shipp, and of
15. consequently the losses of his time and employment hath beeX XXX undoubtedly been much
16. damnified, but to what value, this deponent this saith hee doeth not know
17. neither can hee estimate the same:/.
==Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent:  Jacob Gerard of the parish of Alhallowes Barking in Tower street London Mariner aged 56.; Date: 05/04/1656==
20. <margin value="Left">2:us</margin>
21. The same day Examined upon the said Allon:-/
22. Jacob Gerard of the parish of Alhallowes Barking
23. in Tower street London Mariner aged 56. yeares or
24. thereabouts, a Wittnes sworne and examined saith
25. as followeth vizt:
26. To the first and second arles of the said Allegation hee saith, That
27. hee this deponent ˹hath˺ knowne the shipp the Hopefull William whereof the arlate
28. William Beck was Master or Commander and reputed and generally
29. estimated the sole Owner and Proprietor of her tackle apparrell and furniture
30. ˹for about 2 yeares before her seizure hereaforesaid expressed˺ and saith, That in or about the moneth of July 1655 last past hee this
31. Deponent being at Saint Sebastiano in Spaine, saw and observed the said shipp then
32. lyeing there, and being under the Command of the said William Beck,
33. And saith , That upom or about the 28. or 29th day of August next
34. ensueing the said shipp with her tackle apparrell and furniture were in the
35. said Port of Saint Sebastiano seized upon stopped and deteyned by the Officers
36. or Ministers of the King of Spaine, and the said William Beck
37. turned out and utterly deprived of the same Which the premisses hee saith hee
38. well knoweth, being at Saint Sebastiano at the time of the seizure aforesaid, and
39. suffereing amongst the English that then were stopped and deteyned both there
40. and in other Ports of Spaine. And further cannot depose:-
41. To the third and fowerth arles hee saith, That this deponent doeth in Conscience
42. beleeve and estimate ˹that˺ the said shipp the Hopefull William, togeather with
43. her tackle apparrell furniture provisions and goods aboard her at the
44. time of her said seizure were really worth eight hundred and eight pounds
45. (his losses and dammage by the reasons aforesaid therein comprized) And the reason
46. of this his judgement is, for that hee this deponent hath for many yeares used
47. navigation, and thereby become well acquainted and versed in the valew of
48. shipps, and saw and observed the shipp aforesaid to be a shipp of the burthen
49. of neere upon one hundred Tunns being newly rebuilt at Shoreham aforesaid
50. and provided with very good and sufficient cable apparrell and furniture.
51. And further cannot depose:-/
52. Repeated with his precontest before
53. Doctor Godolphin:.
==Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent:  Henry Colequiste of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner aged 40; Date: 05/04/1656==
56. The same day Examined upon the said Allon:-
57. <margin value="Left">Rp. .3us.</margin>
58. Henry Colequiste of Redriffe in the County of Surrey
59. Mariner aged 40. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
60. sworne and examined saith as followeth vizt
61. To the first and second Arles of the said Allon hee saith. That hee this
62. <margin value="Bottom right, below main text">/deponent</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.135r P1130437''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/73</series>
<folio> f.135r</folio>
<status>First cut transcription started and finished, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. deponent well know the shipp pr Vessell the Hopefull William allate whereof
2. the allate William Beck was Master and Commander and generally
3. accompted the sole Owner and Proprietor and that in the moneth of
4. May 1655 last past this deponent being then Masters mate and Pylott of the
5. said shipp under the Command of the said William Beck sayled her
6. from this Port of London to Shoreham in Sussex, and from thence sayled
7. her to Saint Sebastiano in Spaine, where they arrives in safety about the 18th
8. day of July 1655. And saith That upon the 30th day of August next
9. ensueing the said shipp with her tackle apparrell and furniture and
10. provisions belonging to her with XXXX 400 pieces of XXX XXXX were by the
11. Ministers and Officers of the King of Spaine seized upon stopped and deteyned
12. and the said William Beck utterly deprived and divested thereof. The
13. premisses hee well knoweth being then present at Saint Sebastian with and belonging
14. to the said shipp in the quality of afõwersaid, And further cannot depose:-/
15. To the third and fõwerth Arles of the said Allon hee saith, That hee
16. this deponent in conscience verily beleeve and estimate, That the said shipp
17. Hopefull William being a Vessell of about 80. tunns more or lesse and then
18. not long before her said Voiage newly fitted to sea. togeather with her tackle
19. apparrell and fürniture, and the provisions aboard her and belonging to her
20. at the time of her said seizure (the losse of the Master and Mariners time and
21. employment , and the freight due considered) did reallz amount unto six
22. hundred pounds ˹sterl˺ besides an adventure of about one hundred pounds fiftie
23. pounds togeather with the cloaths and necessaries which this deponent had aboard
24. the said shipp the time aforesaid, rendring for reason as is predeposed:- And further
25. cannot depose:-
26. <margin value="Left">Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./ </margin>
27. <margin value="Right, below text">Henerey Colquith</margin>
==Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent:  Edward Bigland of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged 67; Date: 11/04/1656==
29. The 11th of Aprill 1656/
30. <margin value="Left">John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William)
31. and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were)
32. Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company)
33. comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr)
34. Clements Sucily
35. </margin>
36. Examined upon a libell given in on behalf of
37. John Mayor./
38. Edward Bigland of the parish of Saint Mary Mag=
39. dalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged sixty seaven years
40. or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
41. as followeth vizt./
42. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2</margin>
43. To the first arle of the sayd allegaccon hee cannot depose not knowing who were the
44. Owners of the Lighter arlate called the William and ffrancis the tyme arlate but saith that
45. the arlate William Knight is now accompted to bee owner and Proprietor of the
46. sayd lighter And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
47. To the second arle of the sayd libell hee saith that the Lighter the William and ffrancis within the tyme arlate was lyeing in the River of Thames and wanted
48. very many repayres and saith that within the sayd tyme the arlate Mathew Coultman
49. who was as this deponent beleeveth imployed by the Owners of the sayd lighter to that
50. purpose came and desyred the arlate John Mayor a shipwright by trade to repayre
51. and amend the sayd Lighter as sufficiently as possibly shee might bee, and to make
52. her stronge and tight which words or others to the like effect the sayd Coultman
53. spake to the sayd John Mayor in presence pf this deponent and his Contests William Robinson
54. and Isaack Mayers and William haynes and Richard Cooke and others, Whereupon
55. <margin value="Right, bottom, below main text">the</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.135v P1130438''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.135v </folio>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. the sazd John Mayer did take upon him the repayres of the sayd lighter, ˹and˺ did
2. imploye this deponent and the rest of the men mentioned in the schedule in the sayd
3. second article mentioned and paid unto this deponent and the rest of the parties schedulate
4. the severall and respective summes in the sayd schedule mentioned for their labour in and
5. about the repayres of the sayd lighter and did use all and singular the plankes tymber
6. and other goods mentioned in the sayd scheduls in and about the repayres thereof which
7. in Materialls were at the tyme of the repayre of the sayd lighter very well worth the
8. severall and respective rates in the sayd schedule mentioned this hee deposeth of
9. his owne knowledge being one of the parties imployed by the sayd John Mayer
10. about repayring the sayd lighter and receiving of the sayd Mayer two pounds nyne shillings for twenty three dayes of labour about the repayre of the sayd Lighter
11. and well knowing that the rest of the parties schedulate receaved ASSUMED THAT THE EXPANSION OF "reced" is "receaved", NOT "received" of the sayd John
12. Mayer the respective summes schedulate for their respective labour in repayre
13. of the sayd Lighter hee this deponent being present and seeing them soe paid And
14. further to these ˹this˺ arles hee cannot depose/
15. To the third hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this Court and further
16. cannot depose./
17. To the 4th hee saith that hee beleeveth the sayd John Mayer by his not having
18. the principall money due to him for the repayres of the sayd Lighter ˹paid unto him˺ is in
19. this deponents Judgment (beside his principall money) damnified for want
20. of the same to imploye in his trade the summe of tenn pounds sterling at the
21. least And further hee cannot depose/
22. To the 5th hee saith that for that the arle is not present
23. hee cannot answer thereto/
24. To the 6th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposiccon and to the lawe
25. and further hee cannot depose/
26. To the last hee saith heis foregoeing deposiccon is true/
28. To the Interrogatories/ CENTRE HEADING
29. To the first hee saith hee cometh to bee a wittness in ther cause at the request of
30. th eproducent John Mayre and saith hee expecteth not nor shall receive neither benefit
31. nor preiudice whichsoever of the parties litigant prevaile in this cause and hath noe
32. interest therein./
33. To the 2 hee saith hee well knoweth the Lighter Interrogate XX and did soe much worke
34. about the reayers of her as hee receaved three pounds nyne shillings for his
35. paines therein of the sayd John Mayor who imployed him thereabouts And
36. further hee cannot answere./.
37. To the 3 . hee saith hee doth well know of all the materialls used about the sayd lighter
38. and mentioned in the schedule Interrogate and sawe them used about the same and knoweth
39. (having used to sell such Commodities as áre therein expressed for divers yeares
40. last past) that they were and are well worth the values in the sayd schedule
41. expressed and better And further hee cannot answere/
42. To the 4th hee saith hee did see every of the men expressed in the sayd schedule
43. Interrogate worke upon the sayd Lighter the sayes in the sayd schedule
44. mentioned and was imployed dayly XXXXX XXXXXXby the sayd wages to take
45. a noate of the names of such as wrought upon her, and did soe, and thereby
46. knoweth the premisses and further hee cannot answere/
47. To the last hee cannot depose not knowing of any money sent by the sayd
48. Mayor for the materialls or worke about the sayd lighter./
49. <margin value="Left">Repeated before doctor Godolphin</margin>
==Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent:  William Robinson of Lon the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged 20; Date: 11/04/1656==
'''HCA 13/71: f.136r P1130439''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started 08/09/12, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The same day
2. Examined upon the sayd libell./
3. <margin value="left">Rp. 3</margin>
4. William Robinson of Lon the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in
5. Southwarke Shipwright aged twenty yeares of therabouts a wittnes
6. sworne and examined saith as followeth vizt./
7. To the first arle hee cannot depose not knowing who were owners of the Lighter
8. arlate the tyme arlate but saith the arlate William Knight is now accompted the
9. true owner and proprietor of the sayd Lighter named the William and ffrancis And
10. further hee cannot depose/
11. To the 2. arle of the sayd libell hee saith that within the tyme arlate the said
12. Lighter arlate named the William and ffrancis lay in the River of Thames and
13. wanted much repayres and saith that within the sayd tyme arlate Mathew
14. Coultman and one Mr Dan who as hee beleeveth imployed by the owners of the
15. sayd lighter to that purpose did in presence of this deponent and his precontest Edward
16. Rigland and Isack Mayne William haynes and Richard Cooke and others workemen
17. who XXXXX wrought upon repayring the sayd lighter desyred the arlate John
18. Mayer a shipwright by trade thoroughly to repayre her and doe all thinges
19. necessarie unto her to make her stronge and tight whereupon the sayd Mayer did
20. take upon him the repayers thereof and imployed this deponent and the rest
21. of the persons mentioned in the schedule arlate to repayre and XXXXd her and
22. XX used thereabout all and singular the plankes and other goods in the sayd schedule
23. mentioned and paid to the respective parties therein mentioned for their labour
24. and service thereabout the severall summes in the sayd schedule expressed XX
25. this hee knoweth being one who was imployed about the sayd repayres and seeing
26. the planckes and other materialls schedulate used about the sayd repayres and
27. receaving three pounds nyne shillings for his labour about the sayd repayers
28. of the sayd mayers, and seeing the sayd Mayers pay the severall summes schedulate
29. to the severall persons schedulate for their labour about the sayd repayres, And
30. hee this deponent being a shipp carpenter and having soe bin for about sixe
31. yeares last past well knoweth that the mterialls schedulate were and are well
32. worth the severall prices in the sayd schedule menconned And further to this
33. arle hee cannot depose/
34. To the 3 hee referreth himselfe to the Registry of this Court and
35. further cannot depose/
36. To the 4th hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd John Mayer over and above
37. his principall money due for materialls and labour as aforesayd is XX in
38. this deponents Judgment damnified by not being paid the same the summe
39. of tenn pounds sterling and more And further to this arle hee cannot depose
40. To the 5th hee cannot depose the arla not being present/
41. To the 6th hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposicon and to the lawe
42. and further cannot depose
43. To the last his foregoeing depositi is true/
45. To the Interries CENTRE HEADING/
46. To the first Interrie hee saith hee cometh to testifie at request of John
47. Maior the producent and hath noe share or interest in this busines other than what
48. hee hath before declared and shall receive neither benefit nor profit whichsoever of
49. the parties litigant prevaile in their suite./
50. <margin value="Left">XX the answeres to the 2: 3: 4th
51. XX Interries in the same case
52. onlz by XXXX haveing XXX 2 leaves
53. in stead of one XXXX the examinaton
54. and in setting XXXXXX</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.136v P1130440''' Current Transcription
HCA 13/71 f.136v & f.137r P1130440
'''HCA 13/71: f.137v P1130441''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, pre-10/09/12, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth the Lighter in question and wrought upon the repayre
2. of her ˹as˺ aforesayd and received 3l - 9s for his paynes therein of the producent Mayer
3. Owho imployed him thereabout, And further hee cannot answere/
4. To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth of all the materialls schedulate used about the sayd
5. lighter for that hee helped to worke them, and sawe them all used thereabouts and well
6. knoweth they were worth the prices schedulate And further hee cannot answere/
7. To the 4th hee saith hee wrought every day upon the sayd Lighter and sawe the rest
8. of the persons schedulate worke the tyme and dayes schedulate upon sayd Lighter And
9. saith hee wrought by order of the sayd Maior And further hee cannot depose/
10. To the 5th hee cannot depose./
11. Repeated before doctor Godolphin./
12. William Rolinson SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
==Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent:  William Haynes of Horsey Downe in the County of Surry Shipp Carpenter aged 19; Date: 16/04/1656==
14. The 16th day of Aprill. 1656.
15. Examined upon the sayd Libell
16. <margin value="left">Rp 4us</margin>
17. William Haynes of Horsey Downe in the County of Surry Shipp=
18. Carpenter aged nineteene yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
19. and examined saith as followeth. vizt.
20. To the first arle of the sayd Libell he saith he cannot depose.
21. To the second arle of the sayd Libell, This deponent saith, he knew well the arlate Lighter
22. the William and ffrancis, And saith that the sayd Lighter within the tyme libellat
23. (and in the monethes of October and November XX 1654. ashe now remembreth
24. did ly in the River of Thames, and was much decayed in her planckes amd
25. stood in great need of reparations, whereupon the arlate Mathew Coultman
26. (who as he sayd had order from her Owners to gett her amended) came GRAVE OVER "c" OR "a"? to the
27. sayd John Mayor (who was and is X a shipps carpenter by his profession)
28. and gave his order and desired him sufficiently to repair and amend the
29. sayd Lighter and to make her tight and strong or to that effect, this deponent
30. being present when he gave said order. And the sayd John Mayor did
31. thereupon hire Edward XX Bigland, William ffurnis. Isaac Meyer, John
32. Priddam, Henry Row, Richard Mallot, Thomas Phillips, and a boy, and did
33. employ him this deponent; and his fellow servants William Robinson, and
34. Richard Cooke, to and for the doeing of the sayd repayres, which were by this
35. deponent and the sayd other persons done accordingly. And the sayd hired
36. persons were by agreement to have, and did recyve of and from the sayd Jn.o
37. Mayor the severall and respective summes for their worke and labour in the arlate
38. Schedule mentioned, which Schedule hee hath now read and perused. And this
39. deponent and his sayd fellow servants doe usually earne the respective summes
40. sett downe for them EXPANSION OF "y:m" in the sayd schedule for the number of dayes workes schedulate
41. And all the sayd persons were imployed for the respective number of dayes in
42. the sayd Schedule expressed, which hee knoweth for that EXPANSION OF "y:t" he wrought upon the sayd
43. worke with them note>EXPANSION OF "y:m" and from the beginning to the end thereof. And he further saith
44. that hee saw all and singular the planckes and other materialls and goods schedulat
45. imployed in and upon the repaire of the sayd Lighter. And that the same were
46. then worth the severall and respective summes sett downe in the sayd schedule
47. which he deposeth for that such like goods were of his knowledge then usually
48. sold att such rates. And hee saw the sayd wages duly payed to the sayd hired
49. persons. And doth veleive that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd worke and repaires could not have
50. <margin value="Right bottom, below main text">beene
51. </margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.138r P1130442''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 09/09/10, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. bene performed under fifty-two pounds four shillings nyne pence being the
2. summe schedulat and demanded for the sayd repaires done in October and
3. November 1654. And Lastly hee saith he saw ˹some further˺ repaires done to the
4. sayd Lighter in or about June 1655. and knoweth that EXPANSION OF "yt" the same did amount to
5. fifteene shillings two pence as in the sayd schedule is expressed. And
6. otherwise he cannot depose, saving that EXPANSION OF "yt" the sayd Boy was imployed five dayes for
7. the spinning of Okam longer than this Rendent or the rest of the shippwrights.
8. To the 3d. arle he saith that the sayd Mayor in order to procure satisfaction for
9. his expenses upon the sayd Lighter hath caused her to be arrested. And further
10. referring to the Acts of this Court hee cannot depose.
11. To the 4th. arle je saith that the said John Mayor over and besides the said summe
12. due to him, hath suffered dammage by the detentiomn thereof from him. And
13. further he cannot depose
'''HCA 13/71: f.138v P1130443''' Current Transcription (PARTIAL)
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>.138v </folio>
<status>First cut transcription started 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. repaires, And the sayd John Mayor being a Shipwright was imployed and did
2. by the helpe of the persons mencconed in the schedule arlate now reade to him
3. ámend and repaire the sayd Lighter of the certayne knowledge of this deponent
4. who was one imployed in that worke, and saw the plankes and materialls
5. schedulat used in the sayd repaires. And the sayd John Mayorhad order so to
6. repair her of and from XXX XXX XXXX and XXXXXX a certaine person whose name
7. he remembreth not whom he beleeveth to have bene imployed by the
8. sayd John Mayor he knoweth that EXPRESSION EXPANDED of "y:t" the materialls schedulat were usually
9. sold att the respective rates in the sayd schedule mentioned. And that all the
10. persons schedulat had for their respective labels
11. in the premisses the severall
12. wages in the sayd schedule mencconed of and from the sayd John Mayor
13. this deponent and his precontests Robinson and Haynes excepted who had not
14. wages being the sayd Mayors servants, but did usally earne wages for
15. their sayd master att the rates schedulat. And Lastly he beleiveth
16. that the sayd repaires could not have bene done under fifty two pounds
17. four shillings nyne pence. And otherwise not having any particu
18. lar remembrance of the worke schedulat mencconed to be done
19. in June 1655. hee cannot depose.
==Case: On the behalfe of Mary Carey touching goods delived out of the shipp Ann John Carey Master into the shipp Peter and James Gilbert Christopher Master and against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter and James belonging to the sayd Gilbert and against William Christopher Executor of the sayd Gilbert;  Deponent:  Walter Elton of the Strand in the County of Midd Mariner late Boatswayn of the sayd shipp the Ann, aged 26; Date: 18/04/1656==
'''HCA 13/71: f.139r P1130444''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The eighteenth day of April 1656.
2. Examined upon a Libell on the behalfe of the sayd Mary Cary.
3. <margin value="Left">On the behalfe of Mary Carey)
4. touching goods delived out of)
5. the shipp Ann John Carey Master)
6. into the shipp Peter and James)
7. Gilbert Christopher Master and)
8. against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter)
9. and James belonging to the sayd)
10. Gilbert and against William Christopher)
11. Executor of the sayd Gilbert.)</margin>
12. Walter Elton of the Strand in the County of Midd Mariner
13. late Boatswayn of the sayd shipp the Ann, aged six and
14. twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
15. examined saith and deposeth as followeth. vizt.
16. <margin value="Left">Rp. jus</margin>
17. To the first arle of the sayd Libell This deponent saith That in the monethes of
18. ffebruary and March 1654. and March, Aprill May and June 1655. the
19. arlate John Carey the plaintiffs late husband was intrusted with and had
20. in his possession a good quantity of copper barrs which he had full and
21. sufficient power to dispose of whiche he did sell as hereafter is expressed
22. And the same att the tyme and place they were sold were well worth
23. the summe of one hundred and fourteene pounds five shillings
24. six pence or thereabouts. which he knoweth for that within the sayd
25. tyme he was Boatswayne of a certayne shipp called the Anne whereof
26. the sayd John Carey was Master wherein the sayd Copper Barrs were,
27. and out of which they were sold and delivered as hereafter is
28. sett forth. And otherwise he cannot depose.
29. To the second and third Arles of the sayd Libell and to the Bill thereunto annexed
30. now shewne to and perused by him hee saith that the sayd John Carey
31. in or about the moneth of ffebruary 1654 did depart from this port of
32. London in his sayd shipp the Anne whereof hee was Master as aforesayd
33. on a voyage to Ginny and carryed with him thither the foresayd Copper
34. barrs, and arrived there with them and ther sold the same unto the
35. arlate Gilbert Christopher for the full summe of one hundred and
36. fourteene pounds five shillings six pence lawfull money of England,
37. And thereupon on or about the fourteenth day of June 1655. last
38. past the sayd Gilbert Christopher did in the Port of Guinney give
39. a Bill under his hand and seale to the sayd John Carey for the payment
40. of the sayd one hundred and fourteene pounds five shillings six
41. pence for the sayd Copper barrs, and the Bill now shewne him was
42. and is the sayd very originall bill and the sayd Gilbert Christopher
43. did signe seale and deliver the same as his Act and deed to the sayd
44. John Carey. All which he knoweth to be true for that he was Boatswayne
45. of and in the sayd shipp Anne the foresayd voyage, and did know of and
46. was made privy to the sayd sale and was present att the signing sealing
47. ánd delivery of the sayd Bill, and did att Ginny upon or about the
48. sayd fourteenth day of June subscribe his name thereto as a witnesse
49. And doth now acknowledge and declare upon his Oath, that the words [Walter
50. Elton] att the foot of the sayd bill were and are this deponents name and
51. handwriting, and that the Contents of the sayd Bill were and are true
52. <margin value="Bottom right, under main text">and</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.139v P1130445''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. ánd second and done as therein is conteyned. And otherwise hee
2. saith hee cannot depose.
3. To the fourth arle of the sayd Libell hee saith that the plaintiff Mary was the
4. lawfull reputed wife, and is the widdow of the sayd John Carey, who is departed
5. this life. And hee beleiveth that she is likewise his Administratrix.
6. And otherwise he cánnot depose.
7. To the 5th. arle hee saith that the sayd Gilbert Christopher is ˹by report˺ likewise departed
8. this life. ánd beleiveth that the sayd shipp Peter and Jane is arrested by
9. authority of this Court in order to the recovery of the sayd summe of
10. 114li. 5s. 6d. And further cannot depose.
11. To the 6th arle he cánnot depose otherwise than as aforesayd.
12. To the 7th. he saith he knoweth not William Christopher.
13. To the 8th. he cánnot depose otherwise than as aforesayd saving that
14. his Contest Richard Daines, and Isaac Jacquiell, and othes did know
15. of the ˹arle˺ sale and allso of the delivery of the sayd Copp barrs to the sayd
16. Gilbert Christopher att Ginney.
17. To the 9th. hee saith his deposition is true.
19. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
20. <margin value="Left">XXXX dt</margin>
21. To the first Interry he saith he did know the sayd John Carey about thirteene
22. monethes before his death, and the sayd Gilbert Christopher he knew
23. onely att Guinny in the month of June 1655 aforesayd. And as to Justice
24. favoured them equally. And he hath noe manner of engagement with
25. or from the sayd Mary Carey, nor was any way indebted to the sayd John
26. Carey, or he to this Rendent. And further otherwise than negatively
27. he cannot depose or answer.
28. To the second Interry he saith he is noe way interested in the sayd goods
29. nor in this suit nor the money that shall be recovered thereby. And
30. saith the sayd ˹Gilbert˺ Christopher did make earnest suit to have the sayd goods
31. or Copper barrs aforesayd, and knoweth and saw that he disposed of some
32. of the sayd Copper barrs in the buying of negroes; and beleiveth he
33. did dispose of the rest for the best advantage of his voyage, which would
34. as this Rendent verily beleiveth have bene overthrowne had not the
35. sayd John Carey furnished him with the sayd Copper barrs as aforesayd.
36. And further saving his foregoeing deposition to which he referreth
37. himselfe hee saith he cannot answere/. Walter Elton SIGNATURE TO RIGHT OF TEXT
39. The same day. Examined upon the sayd allon Libell.
40. <margin value="Left">Rp. (2us</margin>
41. Richard Daynes of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner
42. late Gunner of the sayd shipp the Anne aged twenty six
43. yeares or neare thereabouts, a witnesse sworne and
44. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt.
45. To the first second and third Arle of the sayd Libell and to the bill thereto
46. annexed now shewne him he saith and deposeth That the arlate John
47. Carey departed from this port in the sayd shipp the Anne whereof he was Master
48. in the month of ffebruary 1654. and tooke with him certayne Quantities
49. <margin value="Bottom right">of</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.140r P1130446''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.140r /folio>
<status>&#124;First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/10</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. Copper barrs and arrived safely therewith att Guinney and there about the
2. moneth of June 1655. last past did sell unto the arlate Gilbert Christopher
3. being then att Guinney with his shipp Peter and Jane such a quantity of
4. Copper Barres as did amount to and were then and there worth one hundred
5. and fourteene pounds five shillings six pence, which summe the sayd
6. Gilbert Christopher did agree to pay for the same. And somuch this
7. deponent knoweth to be true of his owne knowledge for that he was then
8. Gunner of the sayd shipp Anne, and knew of the sayd contract and did
9. assist att and to the delivery of the sayd copper barrs unto the sayd Gilbert
10. Christopher. And he is likewise well assured that the sayd Gilbert
11. on or about the day in the sayd Bill now shewne him mencconed being
12. June the 14th. did signe seale and as his Act and deed deliver the sayd
13. Bill now shewne him to the sayd John Carey for the payment of the sayd summe
14. contracted for as aforesayd for the sayd copp barrs, for that he this deponent
15. did about that EXPANSION OF "y:t" tyme and before the sayd shipp Ann departed from Guinny
16. there see the sayd bill in the hands of the sayd John Carey who sayd
17. EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd Gilbert Christopher made and gave him the same for the
18. payment of the sayd money. And he now knoweth the same by XXXX
19. name and handwriting of his precontest Walter Elton att the foot
20. thereof as a witnesse, with whose handwriting this Rendent deponent
21. was and is well acquainted, he the sayd Elton being Boatswayne of
22. the sayd shipp Anne the foresayd voyage. And otherwise he cannot
23. depose.
24. To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 and 9. and Arle of the sayd Libell hee saith. that the sayd John
25. Carey and Gilbert Christopher are departed this life, and the sayd Mary
26. Carey ˹is˺ the Relict and Administratrix of John Carey, aforesayd, and that
27. the arrest in this cause is brought for recovery of the sayd money as
28. And he beleiveth. And that the sayd sale and delivery of the sayd
29. copp barrs are well knowne to his sayd precontest Walter Elton
30. and to his contest Isaac Jacquiot who was one of the sayd shipp Anns
31. Company the voyage aforesayd. And that he hath deposed the truth
32. and otherwise cannot depose.
34. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
35. To the first Interry hee saith, he knew the parties interrte, vizt the sayd John Carey
36. about three yeares before his death. and knew the sayd Gilbert Christopher
37. att Guinney the tyme beforesayd. And saith he is not indebted to the plaintiffe
38. nor shee to him, nor was anyway engaged to the sayd John Carey, nor hee to
39. this Rendent saving for, wages, which this Redent hath receyved. And
40. otherwise he cannot answer, saving that he wisheth and would
41. give the victory in this cause to them EXPANSION OF "y:m" that have right.
42. To the second Interry he saith he is noe way concerned as to proffit or losse in
43. this cause; that he saw the sayd barrs delivered as aforesayd. and beleiveth
44. that the sayd Gilbert Christopher did dispose of the sayd barrs to buy Negroes.
45. And that his voyage had bene overthrowne had it not bene for the sayd
46. barrs. And that he this Rendent did not see the sayd Bills signed
47. sealed or delivered nor was a witnesse thereto. And otherwise hee
48. cannot answer.
==Case: On the behalfe of Mary Carey touching goods delived out of the shipp Ann John Carey Master into the shipp Peter and James Gilbert Christopher Master and against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter and James belonging to the sayd Gilbert and against William Christopher Executor of the sayd Gilbert;  Deponent:  Isaac Jacquett of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner Late one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Anne, aged 34 ; Date: 18/04/1656==
'''HCA 13/71: f.140v P1130447''' Current Transcription
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. The same day Examined upon the sayd Libell
2. <margin value="Left">3.us</margin>
3. Isaac Jacquett of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner
4. Late one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Anne, aged
5. 34 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne ánd examined
6. saith as followeth.
7. To the first second ánd third arles of the sayd Libell This deponent saith that in
8. ffebruary ˹last ˺was twelve month the sayd John Carey sayled in the sayd shipp Anne
9. as master of her from this port on a voyage for Guinny whither hee
10. therewith safely att Guinny and about or not long before Midsummer
11. last did there sell to the sayd Gilbert Christopher master of the
12. Peter and James for a good quantity of the sayd Copper barrs of good value
13. which he this deponent being one of the Company of teh Anne
14. in the delivery thereof. And hee did heare at Guinny the tyme
15. aforesayd that the sayd Gilbert gave the sayd John Carey a Bill for the
16. paying for the sayd Copper barrs, ánd did see then and there a certayne
17. writing in the hands of the sayd Carey which the sayd was the sayd
18. Gilbert Christophers bill for the paying for the sayd barrs. And further
19. not knowing the value of the sayd Copper barrs nor what they were
20. so sold for nor being positively able to sweare that the Bill
21. now sworne him was or is the originall true bill aforesayd, he
22. cannot depose.
23. To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9th arles of the sayd Libell hee saith, that the sayd
24. Mary Carey was the wife and is the widdow ánd he hath heard that the sayd Gilbert
25. Christopher is ded, and that the arrest in this cause is in order to
26. recover the moneyes for which the sayd Copp barrs were sold. And
27. that the sayd sale and delivery of the sayd barrs was and is knowne
28. to his precontest Walter Elton and Richard Daynes who whereof
29. ánd belonging to the sayd shipp Ann the voyage aforesayd, And
30. lastly that he hath deposed the truth And otherwise cánnot depose.
32. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
33. To th efirst Interry hee saith he did know the partyes interrte. vizt the sayd
34. John Carey from the beginning of the sayd voyage. and the sayd Gilbert
35. in June 1655, And that hee favoureth the truth in this cause wishing
36. that those who were true Owners of the sayd Copper barrs so sold
37. may have their moneyes due for the same. And further otherwise
38. than negativelz hee cannot answer.
39. To the second he saith he hath not any interest in this cause nor is concerned
40. otherwise than to speake the truth according to his Oath. And saith he saw
41. five Chests of Copp barrs delivered to the sayd Gilbert Christopher att Guiny
42. but knoweth not their value, nor how they were disposed of, onely saith
43. he is well assured that the sayd Christopher could not have made this voyage
44. had he not bene furnished with the sayd barrs. And lastly saith he saw not the
45. sayd bills signed sealed or delivered, nor was he a witnesse thereto. And
46. further or otherwise he cannot depose or Answer
47. <margin value="Left">Repeated with his two precontests before Doctor Godolphin./</margin>
==Case: On the behalfe of James Long and Companie touching the vessell the Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in a businesse of Assurance;  Deponent:  Walter Craxton of the parish of Saint Mary at Hill London Scrivener, aged 45 ; Date: 22/04/1656==
'''HCA 13/71: f.141r P1130448''' Current Transcription (PARTIAL)
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/11</first-transcriber>
1. <margin value="Left">The 22th of Aprill 1656)
2. On the behalfe of James Long and)
3. Companie touching the vessell the)
4. Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in)
5. a businesse of Assurance.)</margin>
6. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
7. Walter Craxton of the parish of Saint
8. Mary at Hill London Scrivener, aged
9. 45 yeares or thereabouts sworne beX in the
10. High Court of the Admiraltie and examined
11. upon an Interrogatorie as witness on the behalfe
12. of the said James Longe vizt as followeth
13. To the said Intertrogatory hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
14. was present and did see the bill of sale annexed to the said Interroga=
15. terie signed and sealed b William ffreeman therein mentioned, and saith
16. the contents thereof were and are true and XXXXX and donne as
17. therein is mentioned, which hee knowethbecuase hee this deponent
18. was by the said parties made acquainted with the said contract and
19. tooke insurance from them for XXXXis up of the said bill of sale
20. by the said fforeman, and this deponent set his name on the
21. back thereof as a witnes as XXXX appeareth
24. <margin value="Left">Mitchell against the Harry of)
25. London and XXX Mathew)
26. Xeman)</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.141v P1130449''' Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>
1. (Tinn farmers) and against number nyne (whose words (Mr Eoods &) and
2. against number 10 XXX his words Vlasblond, which in bayle Numbered 10
3. and against which is written with the sayd henry Mitchells owne hand the sayd
4. Words (Vlasbloud) is the very bale of silke in this suite controverted as this deponent
5. verily beleeveth and is persuaded in his conscience, and the reason why hee XXX NEED TO CHECK GUTTER
6. belleveth it to be the very bale in Controversie is for that hee this deponent did
7. at Ligorno receive from the sayd Mr Longland and Company two coppys off factories under the
8. hand writing of Mr <alternative value="Gabriel">Grabriel</alternative> Roberts aforesayd who was there present and
9. affirmed the sayd ffactories to bee X true coppys of the originall factories writt by
10. the sayd Mr henry Mitchell in Aleppo the 14th of ffebruary 1647 wherein was
11. expressed that the sayd ffactories were for one bayle of Legee silke and one faugott
12. Suffe silke sent downe to Scanderoone by the sayd henry Mitchell to Scanderoone to
13. be laden aboard the harry of London Mathew haman Master and consigned by bill
14. of ladeing to Signior Vlasblond , and marked as by the sayd factories appeared with
15. the marke in the margent and numbered as by the sayd factories appeared, the bale
16. with number 10, and conteyning Aleppo Rottulos 68 which is agreeable as to the wight
17. and number with the entereie thereof made by the sayd henry Mitchell with his owne
18. hands in the sayd Imbayling or ffactory booke, and the sayd ffaugott of Suff silke
19. numbered A and contezning Aleppo Rottulos 19: 4 oz which is also agreeable with
20. the entrie thereof in the sayd Imbayeing or ffactory booke as to the number and weight
21. thereof, and XXX the alsoe for that hee this deponent hath seene at Ligorno
22. aforesayd an Accompt currant under the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell
23. touching all transactions and Merchandizing affayers betweene him and the sayd
24. Vlasblond untill the 19th of ffebruary 1647 where XXXX a true coppy whereof
25. hee this deponent tooke at Ligorne aforesayd wherein it appeareth that the
26. cost and charges of the sayd bayle of Legee silke and faugott of Suffie silke are
27. charged upon Accompt of the sayd Vlasblond according to the rates whereat they
28. are mentioned in the factories thereof
'''HCA 13/71: f.124r P1130450''' Current Transcription (DETAIL)
'''HCA 13/71: f.142r P1130451''' Current Transcription
'''HCA 13/71: f.142r P1130451''' Current Transcription
Line 48: Line 2,865:
==Case: On the behalfe of James Long and Companie touching the vessell the Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in a businesse of Assurance;  Deponent:  2. Stephen Smith of XXX Worplesdon in the County
of Surrey gent aged 32 ; Date: XXXX==
28. 2us.
28. 2us.
29. Stephen Smith of XXX Worplesdon in the County
29. Stephen Smith of XXX Worplesdon in the County
Line 63: Line 2,884:
41. <margin value="Bottom Right, below main text body">the</margin>
41. <margin value="Bottom Right, below main text body">the</margin>
'''HCA 13/71: f.142v P1130452''' Current Transcription
'''HCA 13/71: f.142v P1130452''' Current Transcription

Latest revision as of 20:12, September 11, 2012

HCA 13/71 f.100-f.149 FULL TEXT

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11/09/12:, CSG, created page

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MarineLives - Transcript
MarineLives - Transcript: f.100-f.149

Case: The Lord Protector against the Fortune; Deponent: 4. Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance, Mariner and Gunner of the Mary Royall, aged 40; Date: 25/02/1655

HCA 13/71: f.100r P1130402 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune:</case-summary>
<deposition>4. Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance Mariner and Gunner of the said shipp the Mary Royall, aged <quantity value="years">40</quantity>: yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1655"></document-date>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet</first-transcriber>

1. by lowring their sayles in honer and XbXXXXXXXXXXX and to the English
2. Colours and that they could with ease have taken the said shipp
3. without any ayd or assistance of or from the said English, The
4. premisses hee knoweth and declareth upon the grounds aforesayd
5. And further, saving his subsequent deposition, cannot depose:
6. To the 7th and 8th arles of the said Allegations hee saith, That presently
7. upon the said seizure, the Captaines of the said frenchmen of warr
8. went aboard the said English frigat, with their respective Commons WHAT IS THIS A CONTRACTION FOR?
9. to demand and reclaime the said shipp fortune and lading as their
10. Prize, and being by the Officers of that friggatt referred to the
11. English Commander in Chief then being in the Downes, they went
12. also aboard him to the same effect, and were answered by the said
13. Commanders that hee could not deliver them the said shipp fortune
14. and Lading, till hee had writt about them, and received advice from
15. London, whereupon they should have the said shipp and Lading, in
16. case they should be found Lawfull prizes to them, the said french
17. Captaines and Companies, The premisses hee saith hee partly saw,
18. and partly understood from the said Captaine John Coveruserat his
19. returne from the said English Officers aboard his said shipp the
20. Mary Royall, And further cannot depose./
21. To the 9th hee saith, the said shipp the Goulden Eagle was and is
22. as shipp of <quantity value="tun">200</quantity>: tunns or thereabouts, and had about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men, and
23. <quantity value="guns">12</quantity>. gunns aboard her at the time of the poursuite and Capture
24. aforesaid, and that the said shipp Mary Royall was and is a
25. Vessell of about <quantity value="tun">700</quantity> tunns, having aboard her at the time
26. aforesaid about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men, and <quantity value="piece">9</quantity>. peeces of Ordnance; and were
27. either of them able enough to have overpowred and taken the said
28. shipp fortune, shee having onely about <quantity value="men">9</quantity>. ˹or˺ <quantity value="men">10</quantity>. men, and <quantity value="gun">five</quantity> gunns
29. aboard her. and in regard of her lading being not in a capacity to
30. have entertained a fight with them or either of them, This hee well
31. knoweth being a person who hath for many yeares ˹been˺ used to the sea in
32. warlike imploying.[XX] And further saving his foregoing deposition hee
33. cannot depose./
34. To the 10th hee saith, That the said shipp the fortune her lading in
35. Controversy consisted principally in wynes and brandewine of
36. Nantes, but by whom or what Committiemen the same were there
37. Laden, or for whose particular accompt they went, hee knoweth not
38. otherwise, than that by reason of her said flight, And according to
39. common report, such the said Vessell hath been brought to this
40. Port to unlade, the same belonged to fflandrians Subjects of the
41. king of Spaine. And further cannot depose./
42. To the last hee saith, his foregoing deposition is true:/
43. To the Crosse Interries:-TEXT IS CENTRED
44. To the first hee saith, hee never knew the shipp fortune untill the
45. time of the Chase predeposed:-/
46. To the second hee saith hee did not see nor was at the lading of the
47. Lading of the goods controverted; nor knoweth any of the persons
48. interrate nor whose Subjects they are./

HCA 13/71: f.100v P1130403 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>Charles Anquestil, of Callice in ffrance Mariner and Gunner of the said shipp the Mary Royall, aged <quantity value="year">40</quantity>: yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1655"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the ships hee saith the said shipp the fortune her Lading
2. consisted of wynes and brandewines, as hath since appeared to this
3. deponent and contests upon her dischargeing here in this port of London
4. And knoweth nothing nothing of any such papers or writeings as
5. is interrate:-
6. To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof.
7. To the 5th hee saith the said shipp fortune was taken by the said English
8. friggat about <quantity value="league">a</quantity> league of the English Coast, shee not being then
9. under the Command of any English fort or Castle, nor within shott"within shot" inserted above line of any English
10. man of warr"Of warr" is inserted above line thereabouts, that Lay at anchor thereabouts./
11. To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen of warr never left pursuite of the
12. said shipp fortune, till shee was seized and taken from them as aforesaid
13. which was as aforesaid about <quantity value="league">a</quantity> league from the English shoare, and not more
14. any such Command or shott as is interrate
15. Charles fff anquestilHIS SIGNATURE

Case: The Lord Protector against the Fortune; Deponent: 5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the Goulden Eagle, aged 29; Date: XXXX

16. <header>
17. <folio>HCA 13/71 f.100v</folio>
18. <picture>P1130403</picture>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle, aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts </deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking. First cut transcription used in MarineLives.org web posting ("The Quartermaster's story")</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

19. The same say examined upon the said Allegation,/
20. 5.us/ John Mercier of callice in france Mariner Quartermaster
21. of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts a Wittnesse
22. sworne and examined saith as followeth./
24. To the first Arle of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent
25. hath well knowne the shipp the Goulden Eagle allate, whereof the arlate
26. John Bernard was and is Captaine and Commander ever since shee hath
27. beene a man of warr belonging to the Port of Callice in ffrance, which had
28. bin for about <quantity value="year">2</quantity>. yeares and a half last past, for all which time the arlate
29. Count of Charrot Governour of Callice hath bin and is generally reputed
30. Proprietor thereof. as also of the shipp the Mary Royall arlate whereof
31. the arlate John Coverne was and is Commander which shipp hath belonged
32. to the said Port of Callice for about 28 yeares last past, And saith hee hath
33. knowne the said shipps proceed in Companie upon sevrall voiages from the Port
34. upon warlike imployments against the Spaniards and other enemies of the
35. Commonwealth Crowne of france, more particularly the 26th day of January
36. Last new style the said shipps the said shipps proceeded togeather to Sea
37. being hereunto Commissionated by the Duke of Vandome Grand Admirall
38. of ffrance, which <alternative value="SIC: A contraction, but unclear what word is a contraction for">Commons</alternative> this deponent hath often seene aboard the said shipp
39. respectively, and particularly that of the Goulden Eagle in her said last
40. Voiage having made Copies thereof, and serving aboard the said shipp in the
41. quality of Quarter Master as aforesaid. And further deposeth not
42. To the second arle hee saith, That the said shipps being at Sea in Course
43. as aforesaid duels and legally Commissionated did upon the 30th day of
44. January last past new style XXXX discover and came in view of the shipp
45. the fortune arlate shee being under sayle within about a league and a halfe
46. from the Cape of Grimay XXXe coast of ffrance, shapeing her direct Course
47. for Dunquirke or some other Port of fflanders in obedience to the King
48. of Spaine, whereupon they immediately gave her chase, they bearing the
49. french Colours and pursueing her by the space of about 6. howers. in and
50. during which pursuite shee made all possible sayle to escape from them
51. the said frenchmen of warr, which discharged 7. peeces of Ordnance
52. with bulletts at and against her, to make her strike sayle and submitt to
53. them. Of the premisses hee saith hee hath assured knowledge for that hee

HCA 13/71: f.101r P1130404 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune</case-summary>
<deposition>5. John Mercier, of Callice in france, Mariner, Quartermaster of the sayd shipp Goulden Eagle, aged <quantity value="year">29</quantity>. or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="25/02/1665"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed; requires checking</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

1. Served and was aboard the said Shipp the Goulden Eagle
2. during the discovery flight and pursuite predesposed
3. To the third Arle hee saith, That there being noe visible probabilitie
4. that the said shipp fortune should escape from the said <quantity value="ship">two </quantity>frenchmen of
5. warr, nor recover Dunquirke or any other Port of fflanders, ˹(being so closely pursued)˺ the said
6. Master and Companie of the said shipp fortune steered their Course towards
7. the Coast of England, intending, as this deponent in Conscience is most firmely
8. assured, to gett under the protection of some English shipp or shipps of
9. warr, the said frenchmen of warr still pursueing, and comeing neare to
10. the said shipp fortune in a readinesse to have layd her aboarde and taken
11. her and her lading, The premisses hee declareth upon the grounds of
12. knowledge and conviction in Conscience aforesaid. And further
13. cannot depose./
14. To the 4th hee saith, That during the said pursuite and upon discharge of
15. severall gunns as predeposed, an English frigatt rideing at anchor neere
16. or in Dover roade weighed anchor and made up towards them; and the Officers thereof"Officers thereof" inserted above line haveing
17. spoken both to the Captaines of the said frenchmen of warr, and to the
18. Master of the said shipp fortune, and being informed that the said shipp
19. fortune was poursued by"by" inserted above line them in order to take her and her lading, as belonging
20. to the enemies of the Crowne of ffrance and bound for fflanders the said
21. frigat without any opposition departed and returned for the roade of
22. Dover, and another English frigat in the immediate service of this
23. Commonwealth comeing from the Westward of England and dischargeing two
24. gunns, the said frenchmen of warr in obeisance and respect to her
25. lowered their sailes just as they were within muskett shott or thereabouts
26. from the said shipp fortune, and readie to have boarded and taken her,
27. of which lowring their sayles the said English frigat takeing the oportunity
28. sent men aboard the said shipp fortune, who possessed themselves of her
29. and her lading, and carryed brought them for England depriving the said
30. frenchmen of warr thereof. The premisses hee well knoweth being
31. being present at the same in the condition predeposed./
32. To the 5th hee saith, That the said shipp fortune according to the Course shee
33. shaped when first discovered as aforesaid, was undoubtedly bound for
34. Dunquirke or some other Port of Spanish fflanders shee then being neere
35. unto the Coast of ffrance which which is the usuall Course of shipps bound
36. from france for fflanders doe take during hostility betweene England and
37. Spaine, thereby the better to escape the being discovered and seized by
38. the English, so that in all probability the said shipp fortune, if shee had
39. not bin pursued as aforesaid, had passed undiscovered by the English, and
40. had attained her desired port in fflanders The premisses hee declareth
41. upon the grounds before expressed, and for that being a seafareing person
42. and accustomed, to the coast aforesaid hee is XXXX"to the coast aforesaid hee is" inserted above the line well versed in the fflandrian practizes in order to their
43. security in such cases. And further cannot depose./
44. To the 6th hee saith, That in case the said shipp fortune and lading
45. had not bin boarded and taken as they were by the said English
46. friggatts Companie, the said <quantity value="ship">two</quantity> frenchmen of warr were in a
47. readinesse immediately to have boarded and taken them, they the
48. being at about a muskett shott distance from her, and, without any
49. ayd or assistance, were then sufficient to have overpowred and taken

HCA 13/71: f.101v P1130405 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>Largely completed first cut transcription; blurry image unreadable for last nine lines. Check original image</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. her, had they not in obeissance as aforesaid Lowred sailes, and attendXXX
2. the said English frigatt, And this hee saith and affirmeth. to be true and
3. notorious of this deponents sight and certaine knowledge
4. To the 7th and 8th arles of the said Allegation hee saith, That presently
5. upon the said Capture amde by the said English friggatt, the Captaines of
6. the said frenchman of warr went aboard the said friggatt and demanded the
7. said shipp and Ladeing as a Prize of right to them belonging, but
8. being denyed the same went shortly after, aboard"aboard" inserted above the line the English then Commander
9. in chief rideing in the downes about <quantity value="league">two</quantity> leagues distant from the said
10. seizure, where having also demanded the said shipp fortune and Lading
11. as their just and lawfull Prize, the said Commander: (as this deponent understXXX
12. from the said Captaine Bonnard upon his returne) told them hee must
13. write to London about it, and if hee received order from his Superiors
14. to restore the same to the said french Captaines hee would doe it, otherwise
15. hee could not discharge her being shee was boarded and taken by the
16. English, or to that or the Like effect, And further cannot depose
17. To the 9th hee saith, the said shipp Goulden Eagle was and is a shipp of
18. about <quantity value="ton">70</quantity>. tonnes, and had aboard her at the time aforesaid about <quantity value="men">100</quantity>. men
19. and <quantity value="piece">nine</quantity> peeces of Ordnance, and that either of the sayd shipps alone was
20. sufficiently able to have taken the shipp fortune, if they had not
21. bin hindred and retarded by the English as aforesaid, The reasons of
22. his knowledge hee hath predeposed/
23. To the 10th hee saith, That as this deponent and contests have observed justlie
24. their late coming to London, the said shipp fortune being unladen in the
25. Port, had in her a lading of wynes and brandewine of Nantes, and
26. were certainely bound for fflanders as aforesaid. but to whom consigned
27. or for whose particular accompt or accompts hee saith hee knoweth not
28. And further cannot depose./
29. To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true
31. To the Crosse Interries/:-Centre heading
32. To the first hee saith, hee never knew the shipp fortune interrate
33. till the time of the chase and seizure predeposed
34. To the second, hee saw not the lading nor knoweth any of the XXXX XXXXX
35. To the third hee referreth To his foregoeing deposition, And further knoweth not
36. To the 4th hee saith hee was not aboard the shipp fortune interrate,
37. And therefore cannot depose./
38. To the 5th hee saith, the said seizure was made about a league from
39. the English coast, but not under the Command of any English fort nor
40. Castle; nor under shott of any English shipp or shipps of warr lyeing
41. at anchor for the defence of this Commonwealth./
42. To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen ˹of˺ warr never deserted the pXXXX
43. aforesaid, till the Capture predeposed, and that their further purXXXX
44. of the fortune was about a league distance from the English Coast
45. but not under any such Command or shott as is interrate:-/
46. <margin value="bottom left">Repeated in Court with his precontests/</margin>
47. Feban Alerchier SIGNATURE, bottom RH side

HCA 13/71: f.118r P1130406 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet</first-transcriber>

1. To the 18th and 19th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith That att such tyme as
2. the sayd shipp came upon the sayd sands, all the foresayd goods laden in her att Quinsburg
3. as aforesayd, (the sayd <quantity value="bundle">bundle</quantity> of hemp sold att Christian Sands excepted) were on board
4. her. And were all (except as before excepted, and except some Clapboard and
5. some of the oares˹some of the oares˺ inserted above line which beleiveth the Fishermen aforesayd tooke out of her) delivered in this
6. Port to the parties to whom they were consigned, this deponent being present att
7. and assisting in the delivery of them. And he lastly saith that all the dammage
8. which happened to the sayd goods did ćome and happen to the same by reason of
9. the sayd severall stormes aforesayd, and by reason of the disaster of the
10. sayd shipps comeing upon the sayd sands, And the master and Company of
11. the sayd shipp did during the whole voyage doe their best endeavor
12. XX in their respective dutyes, and that noe dammage att all befell the sayd
13. goods or any of them by the fault or neglect of the sayd master and Company
14. which hee knoweth to be true being Steersman of the sayd shipp and an
15. eye=witnesse of all that happened in manner aforesayd.
16. To the last he saith his deposition is true.
18. To the Crosse Interries [TEXT IS CENTRED]
19. XXXX

Case: John Digby of London, merchant; Deponent: John Whittell, parish of Saint Maudlins Milkstreet London, Secretary to the Commissioners for Prize goods; Date: 16/03/1655

21. <header>
22. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
23. <folio>f.118r</folio>
24. <picture>P1130406</picture>
<case-summary>On the behalf of John Digby of London merchant</case-summary>
<deposition>John Whittell, of the parish of Saint Maudlins Milkstreet London, Secretary to the worshipfull Commissioners for prize goods</deposition>
<document-date normalized="14/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 29/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

25. On the behalfe of John Digby)
26. of London merchant)
27. The <date value="14/03/1655">fourteenth day of March.1655</date>.
28. John WhittellName in large letters of the parish of Saint Maudlins Milkestreet London
29. Secretary to the worshipfull Commisioners for prize goods sworne
30. before the right worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes, one of the Judges
31. of the high Court of Admiralty saith as followeth vizt
32. That the foresayd Commissioners for prize goods by vertue of an order of his
33. HighnesShould his Highnes be coded as profession (title) the Lord Protector and the Councell being of the tenor following. vizt.
34. <date value="08/05/1655">Tuesday 8th May 1655</date>. At the Councell att Whitehall. Whereas an Arrest
35. and seizure having bene here to fore made within the Territories of the King
36. of Denmark of divers shipps and goods of this Commonwealth, by Order
37. of the sayd King, some of the shipps and goods belonging to the Subiects of
38. that King were (in regard thereof) seized upon within the Ports or by the
39. shipps of this Commonwealth in the yeare .1652. That is to say the shipp the
40. MariaMaria is at bottom RH corner of page

HCA 13/71: f.118v P1130407 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.118v</folio>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transription completed, 29/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

1. Maria of Copenhagen, the shipp the Lynworme of Tansborough, the
2. shipp the Saint John of ffrederickstat, the shipp the Saint Olave of
3. Bergen Christian Johnson Master, the shipp the Hector taken by the
4. Adventure, and the shipp Justice of Copenhagen John Mathews
5. Master. Ordered by his Highnes the Lord Protector and the CouncellSecond "c" of Councell has an acute accent
6. that the Commissioners for prize goods, of and hereby are empowered
7. and require forthwith to make sale of the sayd shipps before named, and
8. of the goods provisions and furniture thereunto belonging to the best
9. benefit and advantage of the State. [signed]Square brackets are in original manuscript Hen: Scobell Clerk
10. of the Councell]Closing quare bracket in original manuscript, but no matching opening square bracket Did upon the <date value="07/09/1655">seventh day of September 1655</date>.
11. last past sell one of the says shipps mentioned in the sayd Order by the name
12. of the Lynworme of Tansborough and furniture there unto belonging"and furniture there unto belonging" inserted above line unto the foresayd John Digby of
13. London merchant for the summe of <currency value="pounds">one hundred thirty three</currency> pounds
14. of currant money of England.
15. Whittell Ornate signature, below text at RH side of page

Case: Blawork against harris and Chambers; Deponent: 1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged 25; Date: 15/03/1655

17. <header>
18. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
19. <folio> f.118v</folio>
20. <picture>P1130407</picture>
<case-summary>Blawork against harris and Chambers</case-summary>
<deposition>1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged <quantity value="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="15/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>Starting first cut transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 29/08/12</first-transcriber>

21. Blawork against harris and Chambers)
22. <date value="15/03/1655">The 15th of March 1655</date>.
23. Examined upon an allegacon given
24. on the behalfe of the said Baurok the
25. <date value="07/03/1655">7th instance</date>
26. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
27. .1. William Peters of Blackwall in the County
28. of Midd Mariner aged <quantity value="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts.
29. Sworne and examined.
30. To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well
31. knoweth the arlate John Harris and saith that hee the said Harris
32. together with Laurence Chambers arlate were the time arlate
33. freighters or Imployers of the shipp the littell George and for such
34. commonly accompted, which hee being then servant to Christofer
35. Mitchell her master, and otherwise hee cannot depose.
36. To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within teh said time
37. namely in or about <date value="01/01/1647">January</date> or <date value="01/02/1647">ffebruary 1647</date> the arlate John harris
38. did hire and agree with the said Christofer Mitchell to goe and serve as
39. master of and in the said shipp the littell George for a voyage with
40. her to be made from this port of London to severall places beyond the seas as Barbadas, Antega, the coast of Barbary and coast of
41. Spaine, and back againe for this port of London

HCA 13/71: f.119r P1130408 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<case-summary>BlaXXXX against harris and Chambers</case-summary>
<deposition>1. William Peters, of Blackwall in the county of Midds, mariner, aged <quantity value="25" measure="year">25</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="15/03/1655"></document-date>
<status>Started first cut transcription, 30/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 04/09/12t</first-transcriber>

1. Mark, and saith that they well and served in the said shipp the said voyage
2. the said Mark at <currency value="shilling">30</currency>s per moneth and this deponent at <currency value="shilling">20</currency>s per moneth
3. and that much they well deserved for their said service, and soe much they
4. earned and was paid their said master for their like service in former voyages.
5. And saith that both the said Christofer Mitchell and alsoe this deponent
6. and the said Mark entred into pay in the said shipp on or about the <date value="01/03/1647">first day
7. of March 1647</date>, and sailed in the said shipp to severall parts and places
8. beyond the seas in the said imployment of the said harris and Chambers
9. and continued in the said service and imployment the said Mitchell
10. the master to the <date value="10/11/1647">tenth of November</date> next following or therabouts at
11. which time hee died, and then the said Mark who to that time had
12. sailed as boatswaine of the said shipp was by the thXXX following master
13. Arthur CoysgaXXne appointed masters mate, and this deponent who
14. to that XXX time had sailed as a common man was appointed boatswaine
15. in that said Marks place, and ˹they both˺ served in the said qualities about <quantity value="10" measure="month">tenn</quantity>
16. monethes after the said Mitchells death, XX that the whole time
17. of thr service of the said Mark and this deponent in the said shipp the
18. said voyage, was <quantity value="18" measure="month">eighteene</quantity> monethes or thereabouts, and saith the
19. said Mark for the time hee served boatswaine masters mate in the said
20. shipp deserved <currency value="pound">three</currency> pounds per moneth for this service and this
21. deponent <currency value="shilling">30</currency>s per moneth for the said time hee served boatswaine
22. and such were common rates for the like service. And otherwise hee
23. cannot depose.
24. To the fifth hee cannot depose, saving hee hath heard Mr
25. harris say that Mr had a booke wherein the mens wages
26. and names were entred or to that effect.
27. To the 6th hee referreth himselfe to this XXXXs deposition and cannot
28. otherwise depose.
29. To the 7th hee cannot depose, saving hee hath heard the producent
30. X Sara Bannock make demand of the said wages of the said harris.
31. <margin value="left">Deposed before Dr Godolphin</margin>. see the 2d in Az./.

Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged 20; Date: 18/03/1655

33. <header>
34. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
35. <folio>f.119r</folio>
36. <picture></picture>
<case-summary>Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt </case-summary>
<deposition>1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized="18/03/1655"></document-date>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 04/09/12</first-transcriber>

37. The 18th of March 1655/
38. Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt)
39. Suckley Budd)
40. Examined on an allegation given in and admitted on the
41. behalfe of ffrancis Lenthall the yonger and George Nutt/
42. <margin value="left">Rp A dXX XXXX</margin>
43. Samuell Whitby of the Cittie of London Marchant
44. aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
45. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
46. To first arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent being then at
47. Mallaga and imployed by the arlate Robert Whitby their as an Agent for him
48. in his Merchandizing affayres thereby well knoweth that the sayd Robert Whitby
49. did on the behalfe of the arlate ffrancis Lenthall and George Nutt (upon the arrivall of
50. the arlate Shipp ffreindship neere Mallaga or within a very short tyme after) procure
51. <margin value="bottom right">likewise</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.119v P1130409 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt; 1. Samuell Whitby, of the Cittie of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">20</quantity> yeares or thereabouts</summary>
<status>Requires transcription</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. licence for the sayd shipp to reach within command and into the place where shipps
2. ususally ride ˹trade˺ there, in tymes of peace, when noe warr or difference was betwixt Spaine
3. and England, And hee this deponent did come aboard the sayd shipp ffrenidship
4. and acquainted the arlate Barnabe houldeing the Master of her that the sayd
5. Robert Whitby had procured suche a license, and told him that hee might safely
6. bring his sayd shipp as neere shoare there as hee pleased for the more
7. convenient receiving of such wines as were to bee laden aboard him ˹or to that effect˺ The premisses
8. hee deposeth for the reasons aforesayd And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
9. To the second arle hee saith that of his this deponents sight and knowledge severall English
10. shipps did come within command and laye neerer the shoare at Mallaga by about
11. the space of a <quantity value="1.5" measure="mile">myle amd a halfe</quantity> than the ffreindshipp did, and traded there freely having
12. (as hee this deponent hath heard) procured pratique or licence soe to doe, amongst
13. which there was a shipp laden with fish which (˹as˺ hee hath heard) was consigned to the arlate
14. Mr Edward Bennett And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
15. To the 6th arle hee saith, hee knoweth that about <quantity value="2" measure="year">two</quantity> yeares since the foresayd Robert
16. Whitby having delivered <quantity value="1" measure="parcell">a</quantity> parcell of wines ˹at the place arlate˺ unto one Thomas Raven Master of
17. as shipp called the Thomas and John of Yarmouth, to be shipped on board his sayd shipp
18. and the sayd Master and Company taking theX same and rafting or causeing it to their
19. XXfted X with intente to bring the same aboard his sayd shipp, <quantity value="1" measure="butt">one</quantity> butt of wine
20. of the sayd parcell broke off from the rafte and was lost in the sea for <quantity value="13" measure="day">thirteene</quantity> or
21. <quantity value="14" measure="day">14</quantity> dayes space, and then found againe by certayne ffishermen, who had by order of the
22. then Gouvernour at Mallaga <currency value="Ryalls">two hundred and odd</currency> Ryalls allowed them for their
23. paines in findeing the same, and this deponent well knoweth that the sayd Thomas
24. Raven did by a writing under his hand, oblige him syelfe to the sayd Robert Whitby
25. to pay the sayd <currency value="Ryall">two hundred and odd</currency> Ryalls for (soe paid, to the sayd ffishermen
26. by the sayd Robert Whitby for finding the same) in London to the Merchant for whose
27. Accompt the sayd <quantity value="1" measure="butt">butt</quantity> of wine was laden, which hee this deponent beleeveth
28. the sayd Master would not have done, had hee not knowne it to bee the Custome
29. that after wines are delivered at the plaX into possession of the Master of a
30. shipp or his Company hee and they stand chargeable with them till they bee
31. delivered at the port of their discharge And further to this arle he cannot
32. depose./
33. To the 9th arle hee saith that hee this deponent having heard by some Mariners
34. of other English shipps lyeing neere Mallaga that certaine wines which were
35. rafted by the ffreindshipps company were lost did goe on board the <alternative value="sic: freindshipp">freinshipp</alternative>
36. to knowe the truth thereof and was by divers of the sayd shipps company
37. informed that they had rafted the rafte of wines which they had rafted for
38. received of the sayd Robert Whitby for Accompt of the arlate ffrancis Lenthall
39. and George Nutt, was brought safe to their sayd shipps side (though they had
40. broke loose (as they sayd) once or twice by the way) and that after they had taken
41. up one butt of the sayd wine and had the same within the Xacke of the sayd
42. shipp the remaynder of the sayd raft of wine (being twenty nyne butts) were
43. sunck in the sea by the ˹sayd˺ shipps side And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
44. To the rest of the articles hee is not examined by direction of the producentX/
45. <margin value="bottom left">Repeated before dror Godolphin</margin>
46. Samuell Whitby

Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 2. Edward Ward, of London, Merchant, aged 39; Date: 18/03/1655

HCA 13/71: f.120r P1130410 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.120r</folio>
<deposition>2. Edward Ward, of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="year">39</quantity> yeares, or therabouts</deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<status>First cut transcription started, 30/08/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 30/08/12</first-transcriber>

1. The same day
2. Examined upon the sayd allegacon/
3. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
4. 2us Edward Ward of London Marchant aged <quantity value="39" measure="year">39</quantity> yeares or thereabouts
5. a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
6. To the first second third 4th and 5th arles hee cannot depose./
7. To the 6th arle hee saith that hee this deponent hath used the trade of Merchandizeing
8. for these <quantity value="20" measure="year">twenty</quantity> yeares last past, and for fifift fifteene yeares of the sayd tyme lived
9. in Mallaga, and thereby well observed that it is the usuall custome there betwixt
10. Marchants and faor their factors and Masters of shipps that when a parcell
11. of wines is ready and brought to the XXX by order of the ffactors, the Master
12. or Purser of the shipp who is to carrie the sayd wines doth there see the sayd wines
13. makers, and doth take charge of them and XXX the Master of the shipp who is to
14. receive them aboard doe and cause his Company to rafte them and then
15. make them fast to his shipps boate, & the same being once soe rafted, and an
16. ffloate, this deponent saith that by the sayd Custome the Master of the shipp
17. who is to lade them & his company ˹and Owners of the shipp˺ stand chargeable with them untill they
18. come to the port of their discharge and if any miscarrie and are lost in the
19. Sea betwixt the PlXX and the shipp and come not safe on board, the Master
20. Mariners and Owners of the sayd shipp are lyable to make good whatever
21. dammage happens by reason of rafteing the sayd wines, And this hee
22. this deponent hath observed to bee the Custome at Mallaga betwixt Masters
23. Marchants and Masters of shipps toucheing rafting of wynes during all the
24. tyme aforesayd which hee this deponent lives in Mallaga. And further to
25. this arle hee cannot depose/
26. To the 7th 8th and 9th arles hee cannot depose/
27. To the 10th hee saith as before that wines are rafted and on floats from
28. the Ploy at Mallaga, the Master and Company and Owners of the shipp that is
29. to lade them runne the Riske and hazard of them untill such tyme as they are
30. safely laden aboard the sayd shipp And this hee this deponent hath observed
31. to bee the custome there dXXX at Mallaga during the <quantity value="15" measure="year">fifteen</quantity> yeares hee soe liveth
32. there, And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
33. To the 11th and 12th arles hee cannot depose
34. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposicon is true./
35. <margin value="left">Repeated before dror Godolphin./</margin>

Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 3. Thomas Smith, of London, Merchant, aged 22; Date: 18/03/1655

37. <header>
38. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
39. <folio>f.120r </folio>
40. <picture>P1130410</picture>
<deposition>3. Thomas Smith, of London, Merchant, aged <quantity value="year">twenty two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts </deposition>
<document-date normalized=""></document-date>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

41. The same day/
42. Examined on the said allegaccon/
43. <margin value="left">Rp </margin><margin value="left">EA</margin>
44. <quantity value="3" measure="numerical order">3</quantity> Thomas Smith"Thomas Smith" is in larger letters, but not capitals of London aged <quantity value="20" measure="year">twenty
45. two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
46. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt/
47. To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
48. <margin value="bottom, right hand side">hee</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.120v P1130411 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription has been started</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. hee well knoweth that a shipp laden with an English shipp laden with newfound
2. land fish and consigned to the arlate Mr Bennett (the shipps name hee knoweth
3. not) and alsoe the XXXX Shipp the XXXth and alsoe an other English shipp called
4. the Pilgrim laden alsoe with ffish and consigned to one Mr Thomas Bande an English
5. Merchant and other English shipps did at the tyme the arlate Shipp the ffreindshipp
6. lay in the Road of Mallaga the voyage in question come under Command
7. there, and laye there as neere as usually English shipps used to ride in tymes
8. of peace betwixt England & Spaine, and did of this deponents sight and knowledge
9. X enioye freedome of trade there, their ffactors or ffreighters having procured
10. of the Governour and other officers of the King of Spaine at Mallega pratique or
11. licence for their soe doeing, And hee this deponent well remembreth the sayd
12. shipp XXXXXds ˹Pilgrim˺ while shee soe laye in the Roade of Mallega under Command
13. and after shee had discharged a great part of her ladeing of fish there and
14. had taken in some wines, was there seized by a Spanish man of warr which
15. came into the sayd Roade, and the Englishmen on board her turned out of her, And
16. hee saith hee well remembreth that complainte being thereof made to the
17. Governour of Mallega and her pratique or licence being shewed and it
18. being made appeare to the Gouvernour that shee had pratique or licence to
19. trade here, the Gouvernour came downe theXXX in person the next day after her
20. being soe taken and seized and discharged all the English men ˹of such restraintes as they were under˺ and put them into
21. ˹quiett˺ possession of their said shipp the Pilgrim againe, and turned the Spaniards
22. out of the same, and permitted her to continue there quietly and take
23. in the rest of her ladeing of wines which shee was there to receave on board
24. This hee deposeth being then an English ffactor at Mallega and being
25. an eye wittnes there of And further hee cannot of his knowledge depose
26. but hath heard that the arlate Whitby did procure pratique in the like
27. kinde for the shipp ffreindshipp./
28. To the 3 hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee knoweth the shipp ffreindshipp
29. arlate and the arlate Barnaby holding her Master, and saith the voyage in question
30. shee lay in the Roade of Mallega two or three myles from shoare to take
31. in her lading there./
32. To the 4th and 5th hee cannot depose/
33. To the 6th hee saith that at Mallega aforesayd it is commonly accompted
34. to be the use and Custome that when and parcell of wines is delivered at
35. the Ploy there into the possession of the Master of any shipp or any of his
36. company; the sayd Master and his Company and owners of his shipp are
37. chargeable with the sayd wines till the delivery of them at their port of
38. discharge, and if they the sayd master and company rafte the sayd wines off
39. from shoare XXX towards their shipp hee and his Company or Owners are to
40. make good whatever Costs XXXX to to the parties for whose Accompt the sayd
41. wines are delivered to them, all damage which happens by rafting the sayd
42. wines and to make them good if any of them bee thereby lost in the sea and XXXXX
43. <margin value="bottom right">safe</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.121r P1130412 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.121r</folio>
<picture> P1130412</picture>
<status>First cut transcription started 05/09/12 and completed 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. safe aboard the sayd shipp And farther to this arle hee The premisses hee
2. deposeth having lived at Mallega as a factor for these <quantity value="4" measure="year">fower</quantity> or <quantity value="5" measure="year">five</quantity> yeares
3. last past And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
4. To the 7th and 9th arles hee cannot depose/
5. To the 10th hee saith that saving his foregoeing deposiccon to the 6th arle to
6. which hee referreth hee cannot more fully depose./
7. To the 11th hee saith hee cannot depose saving hee saith that the usuall price
8. of good Mallega wines was and is <currency value="pound">twenty five</currency> pounds a butt or thereabouts/
9. To the 12th hee cannot depose/
10. To the 13th hee saith his foregoeing deposiccon is true(
11. Thomas SmithSIGNATURE, RH SIDE

Case: Wright and Company against Lenthall and Nutt ; Deponent: 4 John Wiggott of London Marchant aged 22; Date: 18/03/1655

13. <header>
14. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
15. <folio> f.121r</folio>
16. <picture> P1130412</picture>
17. <summary></summary>
18. <document-date></document-date>
19. <status>First cut transcription started 05/09/12 and completed 09/09/12</status>
20. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
21. </header>
23. <document-start>
24. The same day
25. Examined on the sayd allegation/
26. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
27. 4 John Wiggott of London Marchant aged <quantity value="22" measure="year">twenty
28. two</quantity> yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
29. saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
30. To the first and second arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
31. this deponent being at Mallega in the yeare <date value="01/01/1655">1655</date> at such tyme as the arlate
32. shipp the ffreindshipp was in the Roade here, knoweth that divers some other
33. English ships did ride in the sayd ˹Roade˺ under Command & amongst fflemish
34. shipps and as neere as usually English shippsused to ride in other yeares
35. when peace was betwixt England and Spaine, and knoweth that they did lade
36. wines there by virtue of pratique or licence obteyned of the Governor of
37. Mallega by their Merchants or freighters, And further to these arles hee
38. cannot depose saving hee beleeveth the arlate Robert Whitby did procure
39. pratique or licence for the shipp ffreindshipp for that hee knoweth shee
40. would not else have bin permitted to take in any ladeing there./
41. To the 3 arle of the sayd allegaccon gee saith hee knoweth the arlate shipp the
42. ffreindshipp (the arlate Barnabie holding Master) and was aboard her thX in the
43. Roade of Mallega the voyage in question, and thereby knoweth that shee
44. lay about three or fower niyles from shoare to take in her ladeing And
45. further he cannot depose/
46. To the 4th and 5th arles hee cannot depose/
47. To the 6th hee saith hee cannot of his knowledge depose, haveing bin resident
48. at Mallega but few yeares, but saith in the tyme of his residence there hee
49. hath heard anntient ffactors who had resided there longe, saye that it
50. hath bin and is the Custome their that a parcell of wines being delivered at the
51. ploy here to a master of a shipp or his Company the sayd Master and Company
52. and Owners of the sayd shipp are charged with the sayd wines from the tyme
53. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">of</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.122r P1130414 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

2. upon her voyage for this port of London: All which he well knoweth
3. be true for that he was Masters mate in and of the sayd shipp the sayd
4. voyage. And otherwise cannot depose, saving that the sayd shpp as
5. he saith lost her foremast allso in the sayd storme by the fury thereof.
6. To the second arle of the sayd allon This deponent saith that the sayd shipp
7. being so fitted att the Bermadaos sett sayle from Genoa for England
8. and had a Pilot on board her to conduct her safe from the sayd Island
9. howbeit he saith that about the <date value="02/11/1655">second day of November 1655</date> the sayd
10. shipp by reason of the wind which proved more scanty than was expected
11. not withstanding the diligence and Industry of the sayd Pilot then on board
12. her) did strike upon some rockes, which occasioned so great a leake in
13. the sayd shipp (for the space of two dayes and nights especially) that the sayd
14. Master and Mariners could scárce keepe her from sinking although
15. they did use their utmost diligence by pumping to keepe her dry
16. which he knoweth to be true being Masters mate on board her as aforesaid
17. And otherwise he cannot depose.
18. To the third arle of the says allon hee saith that about <date value="01/12/1655">the beginning of the
19. moneth of december 1655</date>, the sayd shipp being come with her lading
20. neere the Coaste of England in her Course for this port of London
21. mett with another violent storme and stresse of weather by the
22. violence whereof her mainsayle and mizzen were torne and rent
23. in peices, and the better part of them lost so as the sayd shipp and
24. her lading were in danger of being lost. the premisses he knoweth
25. to be true for the reasons aforesaid. And otherwise cannot depose
26. To the fourth arle of the sayd allon This deponent saith that teh said shipp
27. Susan and Anne when she began the sayd voyage from the Barbadaos
28. for the sayd port and before the sayd Hurricano and disasters befell
29. her as aforesayd, was a sXXXX and able shipp and sufficiently provided
30. for such a voyage. And the goods he saith were all well stowed and
31. DXXXXged; but the water came in in so extraordinary a manner when the
32. mayne mast was cutt downe that it rann downe into the hold and wasted
33. much of the sugars, and the topps heads of many of the Casks; being as should soe much
34. not so well fasXXXd as they might have beene, became loose and fell out,
35. which losse and dammage he saith he could not be avoyded. And hee
36. saith that the lossening and falling out of the topps ˹or heads˺ of the sayd Caske
37. and the dammage and losse that before the sayd sugars was caused by the
38. violence of the sayd stormes, and disasters aforesayd. and not by any fault
39. or neglect of the sayd master and Company of Mariners or any of
40. them, which he knoweth being masterds mate of the sayd shipp the sayd
41. voyage, and saving the premisses so fall out as hee hath declared
42. And otherwise hee cánnot depose, saving that hee likewise farther
43. saith that neither the sayd Master or Mariners nor any of them dif strike
44. out the heads of the sayd CapXXXX; or embezall any of the sayd sugars
45. So farr as he knwoweth beleiveth or hath hearde
46. To thee last hee saith his deposition is true
47. STEPHEN ALLEN His signature

Case: XXXX; Deponent: 2. Robert Lunn of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner late Gunner of the sayd shipp Susan and Ann, aged 43; Date: XXXX

HCA 13/71: f.122v P1130415 Current Transcription

<series> HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.122v</folio>
<picture> P1130415</picture>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09712</first-transcriber>

1. The same day Examined upon the sayd Allon
2. <margin value="left">2.</margin> Robert Lunn of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner
3. late Gunner of the sayd shipp Susan and Ann, aged
4. <quantity value="43" measure="year">forty three</quantity> yeares or thereabouts sayth and deposeth as
5. followeth. vizt.
6. To the .1. 2. and 3. arles of the sayd Allon This deponent saith, That the sayd
7. shipp Susan and Anne whereof the arlate George Boys was Master
8. having taken in her lading being Sugars att the Barbadoes departed
9. from thence upon her homewards voyage for London about the tyme
10. allegat, and after her being att sea abeit twelve dayes mett
11. with a furious Hurricano, which continued in very great extremity
12. for about five or six and thirty howres, so as the sayd Master and
13. Company of the sayd shipp were enforced and did for the preservation of
14. the sayd shipp and lading and their owne lives, cutt downe their
15. mainmast. and the foremast hee saith was carryed away by the violence of
16. the Storme. and so much water came in betwixt deckes that EXPANDED "yt" to "that the weight
17. thereof did endanger the oversetting of the sayd shipp for preservation
18. whereof a thXXX was of necessity to be cutt to lett the sayd water into
19. the hold that the pumps might worke; And the sayd shipp being so
20. disabled was carryed to the Bermudaes and there fitted with such things
21. as were necessary, and being provided of a Pilot departed from there
22. and about the tyme arlate (having her Pilot on board) the winds
23. proving scanty struck upon a Rock whereby she tooke a leake, and the
24. pumbe was afterwards very carefully plyed to prevent dammage as much as
25. might be; And he further saith that afterwards the sayd shipp
26. having her sayd lading still on board and being not farr from the
27. Coast of England about <date value="22/12/16XX">three dayes before Christmas</date> last mett with
28. a very violent storme, which for the tyme it continued was of such
29. force as that it rent and carryed away the greater part of the sayles
30. that were then out vizt the mainsaile foresayle and mizzen, and ˹the sayd shipp˺
31. was for the tyme in great danger of perishing. Of the premisses
32. this deponent was an eyewitnesse being Gunner in and aboard the
33. sayd shipp the foresayd voyage. And otherwise he cannot depose
34. To the third and fourth and fifth arles of the sayd allon he saith, the sayd shipp
35. before the sayd Hurricano so fell on her was an able and staunch shipp
36. and well provided and fitted to per the sayd voyage. And hee saith
37. that the goods and lading of the sayd shipp were well and sufficiently
38. stowed and dennaged, and that the losse and dammage which befell
39. the sugars and casks was occasioned by the sayd Hurricano, and working
40. of the sea which through the XXXXXXney of the winds and storme XXXXX
41. in great quantityes of water into the sayd shipp. And there was not (as
42. he by bertue of his Oath saith) any fault or neglect of the sayd
43. Master and Mariners in reference in the sayd shipp in the quality aforesayd
44. And for his part he doth not know beleive or hath heard that the Master
45. or Mariners did breake upp the heads of any Caske, or did embezell any
46. of the goods and lading, but saith that EXPANDED "y:t" to "that the sayd caskes did loose some of the
47. heads by the working of the sea, and stresse of weather, by meanes
48. whereof the sugars became endammaged and in part washt away as aforesayd
49. And otherwise he cannot depose.
50. <margin value="bottom right, below text">Robert R "R" IS THE MARK, BETWEEN "Robert" AND "Lunn" Lunn.
51. his marke</margin>

Case: XXXX; Deponent: Stephen Sillon, examined upon the Crosse Interries insisted on the behalfe of Mr Smith's Clients; Date: 29/03/1655

HCA 13/71: f.123v P1130417 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>DEPOSITION: Stephen Sillon, examined upon the Crosse Interries insisted on the behalfe of Mr Smith's Clients</summary>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. <margin value="top left">Smyth XX/</margin>
2. The 29th day of March. The foresayd Stephen Sillon examined
3. upon the Crosse Interries administred on the behalfe of Mr
4. Smith's Clyents saith as followeth. vizt.
5. To the first Interrie he saith that George Boys aforesayd did speake to him
6. to be a witnesse in this cause, but he cometh to testify the truth by the
7. order of this Court as he conceyveth And that he was masters mate
8. of the sayd shipp, and hath not receyved all his wages for the voyage
9. in question, saying that the sayd Boys hath attached forty pounds of
10. his wages in the Poultry Counter, pretending that he hath so done under
11. coloXr of dammage sustayned by goods, brought home in the sayd shipp
12. Susan and Anne. And otherwise he cannot depose.
13. To the second Interry he saith he is sure that a good quantity of the sugars
14. were damnifyed and washt away in and by the sayd Hurricano. howbeit
15. he saith he doth beleive some of the sugars were dry and well conditioned
16. after the sayd Hurricano, but how much was wett and hurt, or how much did
17. continue dry ˹a˺fter the sayd tempest was over he cannX cannot particularly
18. declare. And he further saith that EXPANDED FROM "y:t" the sayd shipp was leaky after the sayd
19. Hurricano and before she struck upon the rockes as aforesayd, but not so=
20. much as she was after her such striking. And such striking he saith did
21. happen by the Scantines of the wind as aforesayd, and not by the unskill
22. fullnes of the Pilot, beleiving that as the wind then happened
23. to be the same would not have bene prevented by the ablest pilot. And
24. otherwise he cannot depose.
25. To the third Interry he saith he doth not know that whether the sayd sugars
26. and goods were well conditioned or noe att the tyme of their lading
27. being they were brought aboard in caskes which he saw not opened
28. And saith that some of the sugars (but how much he cannot say) was hurt
29. and damnifyed att the tyme of their arrivall here, but to whom the sugars
30. so damnifyed did or doe belong he saith he knoweth not. And
31. further or otherwise cannot answer.

Case: XXXX; Deponent: Robert Lunn examined upon the said Interries ; Date: 24/03/1655

34. <header>
35. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
36. <folio>f.123v</folio>
37. <picture>P1130417</picture>
38. <summary>DEPOSITION: Robert Lunn examined upon the said Interries</summary>
39. <document-date>24/03/1655</document-date>
40. <status></status>
41. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 05/09/12</first-transcriber>
42. </header>
44. <document-start>
45. The same day, the foresayd Robert Lunn examined upon the
46. sayd Interries saith
47. To the .1. Interry he saith he comes to be a witnesse att the Instance of the
48. sayd George Boys. and saith he hath recd one halfe of his wages for the
49. voyage in question, and that one and twenty pounds is still due to him
50. which the sayd Boys doth deteyne under pretence of dammage susteyned
51. by certaine sugars brought hereto in the sayd shipp. And otherwyse
52. he cannot depose.
53. To the second he saith that some of the sugars were wett and damnifyed in the sayd XXXX
54. and some as he beleiveth remained dry. And saith that the sayd shipp by
55. the said hurricano did become leaky: and by striking on the rockes because XXX
56. more leaky. and that she struck upon the rockes not by the unskillfullnes
57. of the Pilot but by a sudden Gust of wind that unexpectedly came against
58. the shipp whereby her former wind that EXPANSION OF "y:t" was fair to have carryed her from
59. the Islands became scanting upon her. And he beleiveth that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd strike
60. could not have beene prevented as the wind then happened. And otherwise
61. he cannot answer./
62. To the third hee saith he knoweth not whether the goods interrte were well conditioned
63. the tyme of their lading nor not. nor can tell what quantity of them was
64. spoyled att their arrivall here, he being not present att their delivery And
65. otherwise cannot answer.
66. <margin value="bottom RH corner of page">Robert R MARK OF ROBERT LUNN(E) Lunne
67. his marke</margin>

Case: XXXX; Deponent: John Natting examined upon the said Interries; Date: 24/03/1655

HCA 13/71: f.124r P1130418 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>DEPOSITION: John Natting examined upon the said Interries</summary>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The same day, The foresayd John Natting examined upon
2. the sayd Interryes saith.
3. To the first Interry he saith hee comes to be a witnesse by the meanes of the
4. sayde Boys; and that he was Carpenter of the sayd shipp as aforesayd, and
5. hath thirty pounds of his wages deteyned from him by an the attachment
6. procured by the sayd Boyes, but under what pretence knoweth not. And
7. otherwise cannot depose.
8. To the 2d RARE EXAMPLE OF "d" NOT "th" hee saith the sayd sugars were not ˹all˺ dry and well conditioned
9. after the sayd hurrican but were damnifyed (as aforesayd) thereby X howbeit
10. some of them as he conceyveth did remain dry. And saith that the
11. sayd shipp was not tight after the say hurrican, but was leaky, and that
12. after she struk upon the Rockes she became much more leaky
13. And saith she struck upon the Rockes not by or through any want of
14. skill or care in the sayd pilot but by a Gust of wind that "EXPANDED "y:t" fell
15. suddenly athwart her, and brought her former wind scanting upon
16. her. And otherwise he cannot answer
17. To the last hee saith he knoweth not in what condition the sayd goods or
18. sugars were laden. nor how much of them damnifyed or spoyled upon their
19. arrivall att this port. And farther or otherwise cannot answere.
20. <margin value="Starts in LH margin">Repeated with his precontests before Doctor Godlphin./.</margin>
21. John Nuttinge SIGNATURE; POSSIBLY"Nattinge"

Case: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; Deponent: Emanuel Springfeild, of Billerica in the County of Essex, Draper, aged 21; Date: 25/03/1655

23. <header>
24. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
25. <folio>f.124r</folio>
26. <picture>P1130418</picture>
27. <summary>CASE: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; DEPOSITION: Emanuel Springfeild, of Billerica in the County of Essex, Draper, aged one and twenty yeares or thereabouts</summary>
28. <document-date>25/03/1655</document-date>
29. <status></status>
30. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>
31. </header>

32. <document-start>
33. The xxvth day of March 1656.
34. <margin value="Left margin">Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell)
35. of bever brought from Boston in)
36. New =England to this port of London)
37. in the shipp John Adventure of)
38. New=England whereof John Cutting)
39. was Master)
40. Smith Clements.)</margin>
41. Examined upon an allon on the behalfe of the
42. sayd Hubbert/.
43. Emanuel Springfeild of Billerica in the County
44. of Essex Draper aged one and twenty yeares
45. or thereabouts, a witnesse sworne and examined
46. saith as followeth. vizt.
47. <margin value="Left margin">Rp. .J.</margin>
48. To the sayd allon and severall Articles thereof, and to the Bill of lading
49. thereto annexed, and now shewne him, he saith, That in the month of december
50. last past he came as a passenger together with his Contest in this cause
51. and the arlate Robert Hubbard from Boston in New=England in the
52. shipp John Adventure aforesayd, whereof
53. upon which shipp the sayd hubbart had (as appeared to this deponent by
54. Bills of lading which hee saw signed as hereafter is sett forth, laden
55. a barrall of Bever. And he saith that XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX the
56. sayd shipp ˹having sayled˺ from Boston upon her then intended voyage for this port
57. of London, # INSERTION MARK the sayd Hubbert did offer to the sayd Cutting three bills
58. of lading all of one tenour for the sayd barrell of Bever and other
59. goods laden by him the sayd Hubbard, and the sayd Cutting perused the
60. same in this deponents presence, but refused to signe the same till
61. the words alleged vXXX. [the Bever four pounds p tonn] were interlined,
62. <margin value="Bottom right, under text">And</margin>
64. <margin value="left margin"># arrived safely about
65. five weekes after her
66. departure from Boston
67. upon the English
68. Coast neare to or not
69. far from the Duijnes
70. over against the County
71. of Kent, and then and
72. there</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.124v P1130419 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. And thereupon the sayd words were interlined in the sayd Bills respectively
2. and the sayd Cutting signed the same in the presence of him this deponent
3. and of this Contest in this cause, and the sayd Hubbert was then likewise
4. present, which being so signed the sayd Hubbert payd to the sayd Cutting
5. for the sayd Bever and other goods mencconed in the sayd Bills of lading
6. the summe of two shillings sterl for primage and average in the
7. presence of this deponent, who moreover saith that the Bill of lading
8. now shewed him was and is one of the sayd originall bills of lading
9. and was signed by the sayd Cutting in this deponents presence as aforesayd
10. XXXXX about the day of the date thereof. And further, or
11. otherwise referring himselfe to the sayd Bill of lading, he cannot
12. depose, saving that the sayd Hubbert did come as a passenger in the
13. sayd shipp as is alledged, and saving that he doth verily beleive that the
14. sayd Barrell of Bever was laden by the sayd Hubbert as is alledged, for that
15. he saw the receipts which the purser Boatswayn of the sayd shipp had delivered to the
16. sayd Hubbert for the receipt of his goods on board, which bills of
17. Receipt the sayd Hubbert in this deponents presence delivered to the sayd
18. Cutting and he did peruse them before he signed the sayd Bills of lading
19. causing the interlineation above mencconed to be made as aforesayd.
20. <margin value="left">Smyth dt</margin> To the Crosse Interryes.CENTRAL HEADING
21. To the first he saith he comes to be a witnesse in this cause att the Request of the
22. sayd Hubbert, whom he hath knowne from the beginning of this last voyage
23. from Boston vizt for about four monethes. And otherwise negatively
24. And further he cannot depose.
25. To the second he saith he did not see the sayd Barrell of bever laden nor in the
26. possession of the sayd Hubbert before it was laden, nor knoweth of whom
27. the same was bought. And further cannot answer
28. To the third Interry he saith he can both write and read written hand, and
29. knoweth the Bill of lading now shewne him to be one of those he saw
30. signed as aforesayd as well by the interlineation thereof, as by the XXX characters
31. of the firme of the sayd Cutting of which he tooke particular notice XXX
32. the sayd Bills were signed, which he saith were signed on shipboard ˹XXX˺
33. XXXX XXXX XXXXXX about eleven of the Clock in the forenoone of XXX
34. in the Cuddy of the sayd shipp this deponent and this Contest and the sayd Harbie
35. being present; and other persons were passing to and fro one of whom XXX
36. one Mr Williams. And the sayd Cutting was then upp and not in bed, XXX
37. was indifferent well in health, howbeit this Rendent heard that he had XXX
38. some hurt on his head by a fall not long before, And he signed the
39. sayd three Bills all at one tyme; vizt SXXXX Nively one immediately
40. after XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX afXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX, the tyme otherwise
41. than as hee hath in his former depositions upon the Articles and this Interry
42. declared, or more particularly hee remembreth not. And itherwise
43. he cannot answer, Not having made any marke upon the sayd bills or had XXXX
44. any of them in his power or possession since the signing thereof.
45. To the 4th. Interrie he answereth negatively to every part thereof.
46. To the 5th. he saith the words interrogat were interlined by the sayd harbie
47. before the Bills of lading be were signed, and the sayd Hubbert did
48. <margin value="right bottom, under text">XXXX</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.125r P1130420 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. interline the sayd words in the presence of this Rendent who immediately The contraction "imediately", with horizontal line over "m" has been expanded thereupon
2. reade the sayd interlineation. And this deponent did heare the said Cutting
3. particularly mention the sayd Steven, for the sayd Hubbert being earnest to
4. gett the sayd Bever att a lower freight, Cutting replyed that he would have
5. four pounds p tonn for the barrell of bever, or in words to that effect.
6. and then the sayd interlineation was made, And the Bills of lading being
7. signed. Cutting used those or the like words, Mr Hubbert you must pay me
8. two shillings primage and avarage for your goods. And lastly saith that
9. the sayd Cutting did not reade the sayd bills of lading aloud so as to be heard
10. by this deponent, but did peruse them to himselfe. And further he
11. cannot answer, saving that the sayd Hubbert payd the primage and X average
12. in this Rendents presence as aforesayd.
13. To the 6th negatively for his parte
14. To the 7th he answereth negatively. onely saith that so long as he attendeth
15. here upon this production and examinaccon, his charges of dyet and lodging
16. are borne by the party productente. And otherwise he cannot depose or
17. answer.
18. Emanuel

Case: Ashurst against Hubbart and one Barrell of beaver brought from Boston in New England to this Port of London in the shipp John Adventure of New England whereof John Cutting was Master; Deponent: 2. Mary Springfeild of Billerica in the County of Essex the wife of Emanuel Springfeild her preContest in this cause, aged 19; Date: 25/03/1655

21. <header>
22. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
23. <folio>f.125r</folio>
24. <picture>P1130420</picture>
25. <summary></summary>
26. <document-date></document-date>
27. <status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
28. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>
29. </header>
31. <document-start>
32. The same day Examined upon the sayd allon
33. <margin value="left">2.</margin> Mary Springfeild of Billerica in the County of Essex the
34. wife of Emanuel Springfeild her preContest in this cause
35. aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne
36. and examined saith as followeth. vizt.
37. To the first arle of the sayd allon she saith that the arlate shipp John
38. Adventure John Cutting Master departed from Boston in New=England
39. bound for this port of London in the month of december last past
40. And the arlate Hubbert came as a passenger in the sayd shipp the
41. sayd voyage and had a barrell of bever and some other goods on
42. board as she beleiveth for the Reasons hereafter sett forth. And
43. she this deponent together with her sayd precontest, came as a passenger
44. upon the sayd the voyage aforesayd./ And otherwise she cannot
45. depose
46. To the second arle of the sayd allon and billof lading therein mentoned
47. and now shewne her she saith. That after the sayd shipp arrived upon
48. the English Coast here neere to Borchington, the sayd John Cutting
49. did in the presence of this deponent and her sayd husband, and likewise of
50. the sayd Hubbert, signe three bills of lading of one tenour ARE WE EXPANDING "teno:r" to "tenour"? for
51. a barrell of bever and other goods in the sayd bills mencconed being
52. tendred or offered to him by the sayd Hubbart, and the sayd bill of lading
53. now shewne her was and is one of the sayd three bills which shee saw
54. signed as aforesayd. And saith that the sayd Cutting did looke over the
55. sayd bills before he signed them, and refused so to signe them till the
56. words arlate vizt. [the Bever fower pounds p tonne] were inter=
57. lined in all the sayd bills, as the same appeare now interlined in the bill
58. now shewne her. And this deponent saw the sayd Hubbert of upon
59. the demand of the sayd Cutting pay unto him the sayd Cutting two
60. shillings for primage and average, which the sayd Cutting received
61. for the sayd Hubbarts goods, which she beleiveth were really laden
62. according to the sayd bills of lading. And othewise she XXXX cannot
63. depose.
64. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">To</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.125v P1130421 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the tyme arlate she sayth she cannot depose
2. To the last hee saith her deposition is true
4. To the Crosse InterriesCENTRE HEADING
5. To the first Interry she saith she comes to be a witnesse att the desire of
6. the sayd Hubbert, and saith she hath knowne him about four or five
7. yeares. And otherwise negatively.
8. To the second Interry she saith she was in New England from the tyme of her
9. birth till the sayd shipp departed from thence. But she say not the sayd
10. Bever laden. And further otherwise than negatively cannot
11. depose.
12. To the third Interry she saith she can read written hand, and can write a little
13. and saw the sayd bills signed as aforesayd, but never had them in her possession
14. since the tyme of their signing, nor knoweth who hath had them since
15. that tyme; And saith she knoweth the sayd bill now shewne her by the
16. masters hand att the foot thereofXX, and by the sayd interlineation which
17. was done by the sayd Hubbert in this Rendents presence, and by the
18. marks in the margent thereof; but she made not any markeX to
19. knowe the XX ˹same˺ by againe. And saith the same ˹bills˺ were signed on board
20. the sayd shipp neere Berchington betwixt two and three monethes
21. aXXX the month or day thereof she remembreth not; but the same
22. were signed about ten of the Clock in a morning, (the day of the
23. weeke she remembreth not), in the Cuddy of the sayd shipp in
24. the presence of the parties aforesayd who were then sitting in the Cuddy,
25. and, of one Mr Williams who was walking to and fro. Att which
26. tyme the sayd Cutting was not very well by reason of a fall whXXXX
27. he hurt is heade, but hee was then upp and looking after his busines
28. And further she cannot answer.
29. To the fourth Interry she saith she cannot answer otherwise than
30. negatively to any part thereof.
31. To the fifth Interry she saith that the words interrogate were interlined
32. before the signing of the Bills, and were so interlined by Mr Hubbert
33. and this Rendent immediately upon the sayd interlineation of the bills
34. tooke one of them upp and looked ther˹on˺of but did not read the same
35. And she heard the sayd Cutting say he must have after the value of
36. four pounds p tonne for the sayd bever. or to that effect:
37. the sayd Cutting did read the sayd bills to himselfe and not aloud
38. And saith that she heard noe particular mention of the Bever when
39. the primage and average were payd and receyved as aforesayd
40. otherwise than by the generall name of Mr Hubbarts goods
41. for which the sayd Cutting sayd hee must have two shillings for
42. primage and average or to that effect. And otherwise saving
43. her precedent depositions she cannot depose.
44. To the 6th and seventh she saith she cannot answer otherwise XX
45. negatively to eyther of them.
46. <margin value="bottom right">Mary Springfeld</margin> SIGNATURE
47. <margin value="starting in left margin">(Repeated with her precontest before
48. dr Godolphin./.</margin>

Case: Hans Rouse, of Quinsborough ag:t HaXXrison and others; Deponent: 3. Ian Polo, of Flushing in Zealand, Mariner, aged 51 ; Date: 29/03/1655

HCA 13/71: f.126r P1130422 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<summary>CASE:</strong> Hans Rouse, of Quinsborough ag:t HaXXrison and others; DEPOSITION:</strong> 3. Ian Polo, of Flushing in Zealand, Mariner, aged 51 yeares or thereabouts</summary>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. <margin value="top left">Hance Rauce of Quinsborough
2. Harrison and others.</margin>
3. The 29th day of March 1656
4. Examined upon the sayd allon
5. 3: Jan Polo of Flushing in Zealand Mariner aged 51. yeares
6. or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
7. sayth as followeth. vizt.
8. To the 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5th Arles of the sayd allon he saith he cannot depose.
9. saving that the sayd shipp the Hope came and arrived at Elsinor in the
10. Sound of Denmarke in September 1655 last past, where this deponent
11. att that EXPANSION OF "y:t" tyme was expecting some shipp whereon he might come as a
12. passenger to their seas and saving that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the shipp Hope had hempe clapboard
13. and deales on board her,
14. To the 6th. arle of the sayd allon he saith, That on or about the 29th
15. day of the sayd moneth of September, the foresayd shipp the Hope
16. sett sayle from the Sound aforesayd under the Command of Martin
17. BernhXde as Master of her, And about four dayes after being upon
18. her course for London there happened a very high and violent
19. wind from about the West North west poynt in the afternoone, so
20. as the sayd shipp could not nor did beare any other sayle but her maine
21. sail very much lowerd, And the says wind increasing the night following
22. there happened an extraordinary furious storme, which by two of the
23. clock the next morning drawe the sayd shipp neere to Jutland
24. upon a place called the Holmes. and upon sounding it did appeare
25. that the sayd shipp had then about thirteene fathom water, whereupon
26. being allso neare to the Lea shore the sayd Master and Company
27. for the preservation of the sayd shipp and her lading did cast out
28. two anchors one after the other the first anchor by reason of the
29. violent fury of the sayd storme not taking hold; and after both were
30. cast out they could not yet hold, so strong and raging was the sayd
31. storme, so as the sayd Master and Company for preservaccon of the sayd shipp
32. and her lading were enforced and did cutt GRAVE OVER C downe her mainmast
33. which with the yards sayles and tackle thereto belonging was immediately
34. carryed by the sayd storme of wind into the sea and so perished, and
35. then and not before the sayd Anchors did take hold and fastened
36. themselves. And the shipp lay so att Anchor till the afternoone of
37. that day att which tyme the wind shifted something to the Southward.
38. And the sayd Master and Company were forced and did cutt one of the
39. cables, and endeavoured SHOULD WE ASSUME A "u" IN AN EXPANSION OF endeavo:red"? to weigh the other anchor but it brake in
40. weighing. and one perice of it was recovered; and the rest of it as
41. also the other anchor were lost. And that night the sayd shipp with much
42. adoe andwith great danger came to the Coast of Norway, and was by
43. a ffishermans yall conducted betwixt the Rockes to a small haven called
44. <margin value="bottom right below main text">GuXX</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.126v P1130423 Current Transcription


HCA 13/71: f.127r P1130424 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.127r (incorrectly labelled f.137r when loaded up as an image)</folio>
<status>First cut transcription completed, 07/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the 12th and 13th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith, that the shipp
2. Hope stayd att Newcastle about a weeke as he remembreth, and there the
3. sayd Barnhide hired a pilot by name John Holland to conduct the sayd shipp
4. for London And the sayd pilot comeing on board brought her safe to
5. Harwich after about nine or ten days, whither the sd shipp was putting
6. in to enquire for a Convoy, but stayed not there, for that the Hare pinke
7. being a small Man of warr with two other small vessells were then
8. conveing out bound for London, and the sayd Hares Company understanding
9. that the Hope was also bound thither wished there to sayle with the
10. sayd shipp Hope: And otherwise he cannot depose.
11. To the 14th. 15. and 16th arles of the sayd allon This deponent saith that the sayd
12. Hare pinke and two other vessells lead the way and the Hope followed them
13. having her sayd pilot still on board her, And towards the night of
14. the same day whereon they departed from Harwich the sayd vessells
15. came all suddenly and unexpectedly upon the soands called the Middle
16. ground and three of them stuck fast vizt the sayd Convoy. a Dutch hoy
17. and the sayd shipp Hope. and the sayd Convoy or Hare pinke soone after
18. splitt asunder. And the master and Company of the Hope used all the
19. endeavour SHOULD "endeavo:r" BE EXPANDED TO "endeavour"? that might be to gett their shipp loose, but all in vayne. And
20. the Company of the Convoy finding their pinke splitt and being about
21. many men and having but a weake boat would have gotten or
22. borrowed the Hopes boat which was good and strong, but the sayd BarryXXX
23. and Company considering the great danger they were in night being now
24. come upon them refused to part with their boat, howbeit three or four
25. of the pinkes Company sprang into the sayd boat, and more would have
26. come in if they had not bene hindred, where upon they went off towards
27. the sayd hoy in their owne boat, and the master and Company of the Hope having
28. very great feare that they would returne and furnishing themselves
29. with weapons out of their pinke (which was not yet wholly sunke) and
30. taking the Hopes boat by force, and not seeing any probable hopes of getting
31. the hope loose from the sands, did goe to XXXX in their boat to XXXX
32. with such of the pinkes Company as came XXXX ˹into˺ the same as aforesayd,
33. and this deponent who was present and saw the premisses so happen
34. went ashore likewise with her.
35. To the 17th he saith the sayd boat came to shoare about one of the Clock in the
36. night, and there was onely one poore howse there, and noe present helpe could
37. be heard of to gett the sayd shipp loose. And the next day Barnhide and Company
38. mett with advertisement that their shipp was gott off the sand and that a Fisher
39. man was carrying her to London, whither they repayred. after her
40. And otherwise he cannot depose.

HCA 13/71: f.127v P1130425 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the 18th arle he saith that so farr as he saw or could observe there was XXX
2. any goods taken out of the Hope from her coming from Elsinore
3. to the tyme of her being lost on the sands as aforesd the sayd bundle
4. of hempe excepted disposed off in Norway as aforesd. And otherwise
5. he cannot depose.
6. To the 19th. arle he saith he knoweth for the Reasons aforesayd that all the
7. dammage which happened to or befall the goods and lading of the sayd
8. shipp from her departure from Elsinor to her grounding in and
9. uppon the sayd sands did happen by reason of the foresayd violent
10. Storme upon the Coast of Jutland and by her such disastrous
11. comeing upn the sayd sands, and not by or through the negligence
12. or default of her Master and Company who did all of them doe their
13. respective dutyes with great diligence of the sight and observance
14. of him this deponent who allso (being a passenger as aforesayd
15. did give them the best assistance he could. And otherwise
16. he cannot depose.
17. To the last he saith his deposition is true.
19. To the Crosse Interries.
20. To the 1st Interry he saith he was onely a passenger in the sayd shipp and kept noe
21. Journall of the severall passages aforesayd and yet can very easily remember
22. them. And further otherwise than negatively cannot depose.
23. To the 2. Interry hee saith that EXPANDED "y:t" the hempe laden in the sayd shipp did as
24. he beleiveth receyve dammage by being wett. And further saving
25. his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose.
26. To the 3d Interrye he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
27. and further or otherwise cannot answer
28. Fan polle SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
29. Repeated before doctor
30. Godolphin: one of the Judges xr.

Case: BoXXson against Dixon; Deponent: Robert Harrigate of New. Castle Mariner, aged 33; Date: XXXX

32. <header>
33. <series>HCA 13/71</series>
34. <folio>f.127v</folio>
35. <picture>P1130425</picture>
36. <summary></summary>
37. <document-date></document-date>
38. <status>First cut transcription completed</status>
39. <first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 07/09/12</first-transcriber>
40. </header>
42. <document-start>
43. <margin value="left margin">BoXXson against Dixon:)
44. Suckly. Clements.)</margin>
45. The first of Aprill 1656.
46. Examined upon an allegacon on the behalfe of the sayd
47. BoXXXX, given in 29o Martij ult.
48. <margin value="left margin">Rp. .j.us</margin>
49. Robert Harrigate of New. Castle Mariner, aged 33 yeares
50. or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
51. To the first and, second ˹and third˺ articles of the said allon hee saith and deposeth that
52. hee well knoweth the arlaze Tomas Dixon and saith that for all that
53. time arlate hee the said Tomas was master of the vessell the Mary of
54. New Castle. mentioned in the said article and as master had her charge
55. and gouvernance of her, and for such was commonly accompted and regarded
56. And saith that within the said tiyme and more especially in or about the
57. beginning of March of the yeare ˹1654˺ namely about thirteene monethes since XXX

HCA 13/71: f.128r P1130426 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. said Thomas Dixon hired and agreed with the said John Betson to serve on
2. the said shipp for the whole terme of her then intended voyage, which was
3. to be from Newcastle to Dantzicke and thence to London, Hull or Newcastle,
4. and then to which ever of the said ports of London, Hull or New Castle the
5. sad shipp should first come from Dantzicke the said voyage was to end and determine
6. And saith the said Thomas Dixon agreed with and promised the said Batson to
7. pay him six pounds and tenn shillings sterling for his said voyage and service
8. in the said shipp, And further that the said John Natson did accordingly give
9. and enter upon the said shipp and voyage, and was shipped and entred into pay
10. on the tenth day of the said moneth of March, and went and served the said
11. voyage in her to Dantzicke and thence to London, XXX and that ahee arived at
12. London (with her lading taken in at dantzicke) on or about the two and twentieth
13. day of June thXXX mXXth following, and here made deliverie of her said
14. homewards voyaX lading XX taken in at Dantzicke, and for her said voyage
15. being ended, the said ˹XXXX˺ of ix pounds and tenn shillings wXXXX was due to the
16. said John Betson, and according to the said contract, and the said dixon
17. ought tXXXXXXX and is accordingly, which hee knoweth to be true because hee
18. this deponent was hired and maXX masters mate the said voyage in the said
19. shipp and was paid for the same as ending here at London, and because
20. hee this deponent procured the said John Betson to goe the same in the said
21. shipp, and brought him to the said dixon the master to be hired, and was
22. present at his hiring at Newcastle by the said dixon, and heard the said
23. voyage and the said sume for his wages agreed on between them, and ot in
24. such manner as aforesaid; and this deponent being requested by the said master
25. to help him to men, procured him the said Betson as aforesaid
26. To the fourth hee saith that during the XXXX XXXX of the said voyage
27. the said John Betson haXXXd himselfe XXXlly and carefully, and was
28. actually imployed by the said master during the time in and about the
29. service of the said shipp, which service hee very well and ˹and˺ carefully performed
30. and behaved himselfe lik ˹as˺ an able ˹mariner˺ and well XXXXX XXXXX, and well
31. deserved the said wages for the same, which hee knoweth going the said
32. voyage and being the XXXXX said XXXXge of the said Betson, and taking
33. notice of his abilities, this deponent having used sea faring above twenty yeares,
34. and bin master of sevrall shipps.
35. To the fifth hee saith that the said John Betson hath bin ever since
36. the said ending of the said voyage following the businesse of getting his said
37. pay, and being long at about the same, and hath never gXXXXXXXXX ˹made any˺
38. voyage since, so that hee hath lost in very wages since the said ending of the
39. foresaid voyage) above twenty pounds, for hee might have ˹had˺ and this deponent
40. durst undertake to have promised him above 40s per moneth for every collier
41. service betwixt Lon Newcastle and London, and for further voyages hee might
42. have had better pay, and saith that for such his losse of time and wages and
43. expences in running after his said payment, this deponent estimateth him
44. damnified at least 25li over and besides his said wages due as aforesaid.
46. To the Interries CENTRE HEADING
47. To the first it is donne as required, and saith that hee was in the said shipp
48. at Elsinore interr on or about the 16th of May, and interr, and that while
49. shee was lying there to release be released of the XXXXXXs there payable the said master
50. with the said Betson and fXXXX more of the said shipps company went ashore ˹in the ships boate˺ to
51. get provisions in the gXXXXXXXXX, about seaven of the clock XXXX XXXXXXXXX, and afterwards vizt in the night following next
52. <margin value="right, bottom, under text">See in the other side # following</margin>

Case: Harris, Bowier and others against Pursell, Walters and others; Deponent: Edward Arlicare of Wapping Wall in the county of Midd Mariner, aged 32 ; Date: 02/04/1656

HCA 13/71: f.128v P1130427 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio> f.128v</folio>
<status>First cut transcription started 08/09/12, and finished 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The second of Aprill 1656
2. <margin value="left margin">Harris, Bowier and others against)
3. Pursell, Walters and others)
4. Smith. Suckley)</margin>
5. Examined upon an allon on the behalfe
6. of EryXXX harris and others 7o March last.
7. <margin value="left margin">X. Rp. .J.</margin>
8. Edward Arlicare of Wapping Wall in the county
9. of Midd Mariner, aged 32 yeares or thereabouts
10. sworne and exámined.
12. To the first article hee saith and deposeth that thXX XXX this deponent
13. the master, and his Company of the shipp arlate the Mathew and
14. did not begin to take or receive into her at Newfound Land (the voyage
15. in question) and first upon the arrival of the arlate Walters, Pursell
16. Webb and Massey and company untill all the said fish was well
17. Cured before the nine and twentieth day of July 1650, which hee
18. knoweth being master of the said shipp and receiving the same there
19. aboard.
20. To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that all the
21. fish which was taken in and received aboard the said shipp the said voyage
22. at Newfound land for the use and account of the said Walters, Pursell, Webb Massey and Company, was at the time of the said receipt thereof
23. aboard very well cured, and was good fish, and soe continued unto
24. the time of the delivery thereof, and saith there was noe part thereof
25. throwne overboard or spoiled by the way, but the XXX was all delivered
26. in very good order and condition in Spaine ˹Bilboa˺ but the factorX or agentX
27. of the said Walters and Company, namely to Mr Joseph XXrkmartin,
28. who seeing and receiving the said fish in good order and condition
29. and
30. <margin value="left margin">saith that hee this deponent
31. in the said lading of fish,
32. and taking in the same accordingly
33. and in good order)</margin>
34. ˹(who was passXXXXX XXXX to Newfound land by the said walters, Pursell and company˺, haveing noe cause of exception against the same, drew bills of
35. exchange upon the said Walters, Pursell and company aforesaid for payment
36. of the price of the said fish unto the producents harris, Bowier and
37. company; and since this deponents retourne hee hath bin informed that the
38. said Walters , Pursell and company have accepted the said bills, and paid
39. the moneys accordingly without contradiction, or taking any exceptions
40. against the condition of the said fish or any part thereof. The premisses
41. touching the intere from spedition of the said cargo of fish from
42. Newfound land to Bilboa, and delivery there of the same to the XXX
43. Mr Thorckmorton, factor of and for the said Walters, Pursell and
44. carrying aforesaid ˹in good condition˺ hee knoweth because hee this deponent went master
45. of the said shipp from Newfound land to Bilboa and there XXXXX
46. said delivery thereof.
47. <margin value="left margin">Repeated ut infra</margin>
48. Edward Arlibear SIGNATURE <margin value="to right of signature, at RH side of page">see the Interries in the
49. leafe following</margin>
51. <margin value="left margin">XXXX # </margin>
52. following the said morning, the said master taking his boate and a charge
53. to help him XXXX it aboard, came from shoare in the night time, leaving his said
54. XXXX ˹XXXX˺ XXXX (whereof the said Betson was one) there, which two when two of his
55. XXXX XXXXX the said men that were ashore XXXXX, and knowing that hee well
56. near full of drincke and fearing this miscarriage hired another boate and
57. hasted after him, and found him driving quite out of the way whereXX
58. hee should have gonne to get aboard, hee and the said stranger (whom
59. <margin value="bottom right, below main text">hee</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.129r P1130428 Current Transcription

<series> HCA 13/71 </series>
<folio> f.129r </folio>
<picture> P1130428 </picture>
<status> First cut transcription completed, 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber> William Kellett, 08/09/12, and Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12 </first-transcriber>

1. He tooke to assist him to come aboard and who was also as druncke being
2. unable to guide ther said boate to rights) and XXX his said two men overtaking
3. him brought him aboard, where this deponent then was, and when hee came
4. aboard this deponent sawe and tooke notion that hee was pte overrunne with
5. drincke that hee could hardly speake nor knowe one man from another, but
6. went to sleepe; and this deponent was informed by william Anderson a yonge
7. man of the ships company that was ashore with the master, that the said master
8. sent him to call the said Betson and others to goe aboard, and that assoone
9. as the said anderson had turned his back to Xte them, the said master getting the
10. said stranger with him, went presently into the boate and went off to goe aboard,
11. and that the said Betson and others assoone as the said Anderson came to them, came
12. away to the waters side but the said Anderson was gonne off, and saith that
13. the next morning the boate was sent ashore and they came aboard in it
14. without delay; and saith that by such neglect of the master in going with
15. his boate and some of his company and staying so long ashore, (whence they
16. might have returned in an houre or two, and have set saile the shipp being
17. within that time cleared as hee saith shee was) shee lost her passage and
18. was delayed above a fortnights space, for the winde which was then good
19. came contrary the next day after their setting saile, and hyndred them as
20. aforesaid, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
21. To the second hee saith there was noe mention of Denmarke in the right
22. hiring and shipping of Betson, but the same was as before XXX
23. hee hath deposed, nor was there any mention of bringing the said
24. shipp to New castle in case there came from dantzike to London, but to
25. whichsoever of the ports of London, Hull or Newcastle shee should
26. runne to from London ˹dantzicke˺ there her voyage should end. And otherwuse hee
27. cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
28. To the third negatively, referring him selfe to his foregoing deposition.
29. To the fourth hee cannot answer.
30. <margin value="left">Repeated before Godolphon</margin>.
31. Robt: Harrigate: SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
33. <margin value="left">CarXXXX XXXX Pursell)</margin>
34. The foresaid Edward Arlibeare to the Interries CENTRE HEADING
35. <margin value="left">Rp.</margin>
36. To the first hee answereth negatively, referring himselfe to his
37. foregoeing deposition.
38. To the second hee saith that Mr Pursell and Mr Waters and company moved
39. on the Scriveners on the making the charter partie to have the freight for
40. the said fish payable at London after the end of the voyage, but thX nor
41. seaman, Mr Bowier and company went not parte thereuntoo, and otherwise
42. hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid.
43. To the third hee saith that the said vessell running from the Canaries after
44. such hee being at Bilboa was taken with two hundred and odd butts of wine
45. or thereabouts, with between 15 and 20li per pipe or thereabouts, and
46. hee beleeveth they could not have had a bigger vessell for less freight,
47. And otherwise cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
48. To the 4th hee saith the men were by arbitaminipaid 3 monethes of foure
49. for wages, fower monethes XXX allthe time, and nine monethes freight was
50. XXX paid at 5Xt per moneth XX only for weare and teare, and saith that
51. to this remembrance there was 150li paid to the men for wages or thereabouts.
52. And otherwise cannot answer.
53. <margin value="left">Repeated before Godolphin.</margin>
54. Edward Arlibera SIGNATURE

HCA 13/71: f.129v P1130429 Current Transcription


HCA 13/71: f.130r P1130430 Current Transcription (PARTIAL)

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 08/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. commanded by Captaine Sanders in the immediate service of this
2. Commonwealth, and brought into the Downes, and then shee was
3. brought into this port; All which hee deposeth, because hee was one of
4. her company both at her said seizure lading, seizure and rescue and was
5. aboard and sawe the premisses soe donne; And further that the said man of
6. warr of Ostend belonged to the subiects of the King of Spaine, and but
7. the Elizabeth and all her said lading belonged to English, subiects of
8. this Commonwealth; and that hee this deponent hath noe interest
9. therein, and lastly that the said lading was consigned to be delivered
10. at this port.
11. The marke of
12. X MARK Wm James.

Case: XXXX; Deponent: John Dare of Torkey neere Dartmouth in the County of Devon Mariner, aged 54 ; Date: Same day

14. The same day.
15. <margin value="left margin">2.</margin>
16. John Dare of Torkey neere Dartmouth in the County
17. of Devon Mariner, aged 54 yeares or thereabouts
18. sworne and exámined.
19. To the said Interries hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
20. the Barque the Elizabeth interr, and hath soe donne for theis three
21. yeares last, during which time shee hath belonged and doth belong
22. to Plimouth, where (as it is commonly there said) there was built. And
23. saith that Mr Samuel Mansell, John Downing, and Mr Tremine
24. all English men and Merchants, dwellers in Plimouth and subiects of
25. this Commonwealth,

HCA 13/71: f.130v P1130431 Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)


HCA 13/71: f.131r P1130432 Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)


Case: A busines of Ensurance promoted by Phillip Dighton Mariner concerning his losse of and in the shipp the Scout of London; Deponent: Richard Postgate of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke Mariner aged 40; Date: Same day

HCA 13/71: f.133r P1130433 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription completed on 09/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The same day./
2. <margin value="Left">A busines of Ensurance promoted by)
3. Phillip Dighton Mariner concerning)
4. his losse of and in the shipp the Scout)
5. of London)</margin>
6. Examined upon Interrogatories ministered on behalfe of the sayd
7. Dighton./
8. <margin value="Left">Rp. Jus</margin>
9. Richard Postgate of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke
10. Mariner aged 40 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
11. before the Right Worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of
12. the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty saith and deposeth
13. as followeth vizt./
14. To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
15. Shipp the Scout of London the voyage Interrogate wherein hee went Masters
16. Mate of her and saith hee well knoweth the Interrogate Phillip Dighton was
17. commonly reputed a true and lawfull part owner of the sayd shipp and her tackle
18. and furniture the tyme Interrogate ˹but of what part hee knoweth not nor hath heard˺ And saith that there were severall goods
19. and Merchandizes vizt twenty butts, one hundred Caratells and about sixty
20. or seaventy quarter Rolls of Currans marked with the marke in the margent
21. laden by one Symon Copia, a Jew for Accompt of the sayd PhillippDighton
22. and Michaell Wilkins and others owners of the sayd shipp and goods ˹beside cetaine goods laden for the particular Accompt of the sayd Phillip Dighton˺ which
23. Currans were the proceeds of certaine goods carried in the sayd shipp outwards
24. bound by the sayd Dighton Wilkins and Company the owners aforesayd the premisses
25. hee deposeth being Masters mate and an eye wittness thereof And further to these
26. Interr hee cannot depose
27. To the 4th Interr hee saith the sayd shipp with the sayd goods on board her sett
28. sayle from Zant bound for London (there to dicharge,) upon the one and twentith
29. day of December last (old style), and in her course homewards shee and her sayd
30. ladeing were mett with surprizals and taken upon the third of ffebruary last about
31. two or three and forty leagues south west of Cillice by two Brest men of warr
32. and carried to Saint Sebastians in Biscay and shee and her ladeing aforesayd belonging
33. as aforesayd to the sayd Dighton Wilkins and others owners and freighters of the
34. sayd shipp were by the sayd Brest men of warr ˹ther˺ sold and disposed of according
35. to their pleasure without any recompence given to the sayd Dighton Wilkins or
36. any other the Owners of the sayd shipp and ladeing, this hee deposeth being
37. Masters Mate and on board and seeing the sayd shipp and goods disposed of by the
38. sayd Brest men of Warr And further to this Interr he cannot depose/
39. Richard Postgate SIGNATURE, RIGHT

Case: Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the sayd Michaell Wilkins; Deponent: Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd Mariner aged 19; Date: Same day

41. The same day/
42. Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe
43. of the sayd Michaell Wilkins./
44. <margin value="Left">Ex pte Wilkins./</margin> SHOULD "ex pte" BE EXPANDED TO "ex parte"?
45. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2us</margin>
46. Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
47. County of Midd Mariner aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts
48. a wittnes sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor
49. of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
50. saith and deposeth as followeth
51. To the first and second Interrogetories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
52. shipp the Scout of London the tyme Interrogate goeing in her as one of her
53. company the sayd voyage And saith the Interrogate Wilkins the tyme Interrogate
54. was commonly accompted to bee the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of
55. one quarter part of the sayd shipp and her tackle apparrelll and furniture which
56. <margin value="Bottom right under main body of text">quarter</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.133v P1130434 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. quarter part of the sayd shipp and her tackle and furniture was in this deponents
2. Judgment and estimate worth eight score pounds sterling or thereabouts the tyme
3. Interrogate And further to these Interries hee cannot depose/
4. To the third Interr hee saith that there were severall goods put on board the sayd shipp
5. at Zant Interrogate to bee transported for London as Currans and a smale
6. quantitie of wyne and ˹oyle˺ all the whole ladeing being about sixty tonnes, which goods
7. were for the Accompt of the Interrogate Michaell Wilkins and Phillipp Dighton
8. the Master of the sayd shipp and others Owners and freighters of the sayd shipp
9. but what part of the sayd ladeing did in particuler belong to the sayd Wilkins hee
10. knoweth not nor the value thereof ˹the XXX in ffee hee deposeth for the reason aforesayd˺ And further saving his foregoeing deposiccon hee
11. cannot depose./
12. To the 4th Interr hee saith that hee being one of the sayd shipps company the
13. voyage in question thereby knoweth that shee departed from Zant Interrogate with
14. her sayd ladeing on board her XX upon or about the two or three and twentieth day of
15. December last XXX bound for London the port off her discharge and saith that
16. upon the third of ffebruary last the sayd shipp and her sayd ladeing on board her
17. were mett with and taken by two Brest men of warr off of CilleXy about fiftie
18. leagues and carried to Saint Sebastiano in Biscay and there disposed X ˹the sayd ladeing XXXX˺ sold
19. by by the sayd Brest men of warr and teh says shipp disposed of according to their
20. will and pleasure without any recompense given to any of the owners of the sayd
21. shipp and goods that this deponent knoweth of And further to this Interrogatorie
22. hee cannot answere./

Case: Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the sayd Dighton./; Deponent: Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd Mariner aged 19; Date: Same day

25. The same day
26. Examined upon the Interries ministred on the behalfe of
27. the sayd Dighton./
28. <margin value="Left">Ex parte Dighton./.</margin>
29. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2us</margin>
30. Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
31. County of Midd Mariner aged 19 yeares or thereabouts
32. a wittness sworne before the Right Worshippfull John Godolphin
33. doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of
34. Admiralty saith and deposeth as followeth. vizt/
35. To the first and second Interries hee saith hee well know the shipp Scout
36. of London Interrogate the tyme Interr being one of her company the voyage
37. in question And saith the Interrogate Phillip Dighton master of the sayd
38. shipp the tyme Interrogate was commonly accompted lawfull Owner and
39. Proprietor of a sixteenth part of the sayd shipp and of her tackle apparrell
40. and furniture which sixteenth part was the tyme Interrogate worth about
41. fowerscore pounds sterling in this deponents Judgment and estimate And
42. further to the sayd Interr hee cannot depose/
43. To the 3 Interr hee saith that for the reasons foresayd hee knoweth that ther
44. was currans and wine and oyle to about the quantitie of sixty tonnes put aboard
45. the sayd shipp at Zant Interrogate to bee transported for London and saith the
46. sayd currans wine and oyle were there laden aboard the says shipp for accompt
47. of the sayd Dighton and Wilkins and others owners and freighters of the sayd
48. shipp, and saith that the sayd Dightons part of the sayd ladeing was as hee
49. beleeveth the prXXXXXX of her outward bound adventure but the value of this
50. hee knoweth not but beleeveth the same was about two hundred pounds
51. sterling And further hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposicon./
52. <margin value="Bottom Right, under main body of text">To XX</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.134r P1130435 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the 4th Interr hee saith that hee well knoweth that the sayd shipp Scout departed
2. from Zant aforesayd with her sayd ladeing on board her upon or about the two or
3. three and twentieth day of december last bound for London the port of her discharge
4. and in her course homewards was on the third day of ffebruary last about
5. fifty leagues off of Cilley togeather with her sayd ladeing surprized and
6. taken by two Brest men of warr and carried to Saint Sebastiano in Biscay
7. where the sayd men of warr sold the ˹sayd˺ ladeing of the Scout and disposed of
8. her according to their will and pleasure whereby the sayd shipp and her ladeing
9. are wholly lost to the sayd Dighton and Wilkins and the rest of the owners and
10. freighters of the sayd shipp and noe satisfaction given to any of them
11. for the same that this deponent knoweth of And further to this Interrogatorie
12. hee cannot depose./
14. <margin value="Left">Repeated with his contest in both causes before
15. Doctor Godolphin</margin>

Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent: George Streete of Exmouth in the County of Devon Mariner, aged 55 ; Date: 05/04/1656

17. The fifth of Aprill 1656.
18. <margin value="Left">A businesse of exámination of witnesses)
19. in the behalfe of William Berk Master and)
20. owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and)
21. seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine)
22. Clements</margin>
23. Examined upon an allon given in on
24. the behalfe of the said Berk
25. the third of this instant.
26. <margin value="Left">Rp. .J.</margin>

27. George Streete of Exmouth in the County of
28. Devon Mariner, aged 55 yeares
29. or thereabouts sworne and examined.
30. To the first and second Arles of the said Allon hee saith, That hee
31. well knoweth the shipp the Hopefull William w˹hereof W:m˺ Berk ˹allate˺ was Master, and wh
32. generally reputed the sole Owner and Proprietor thereof, And saith, That in or
33. about the the moneth of October 1654. this deponent being heere at London spake
34. with the said William Berk who then declared to this deponent that hee would
35. saile his said shipp then being in the River of Thames to Saint Sebastiano in Spaine
36. and in or about the moneth of July next ensueing this deponent saw the said
37. shipp att or neere Shoreham in Sussex, about which time shee sett sayle and
38. Departed hence under the Command of the said William Berk for Saint Sebastiano
39. Spaine, and that this deponent in the shipp the Buckingham of Shoreham,
40. William ˹Thomas˺ Soldnig Master) sett sayle and departed from Shoreham aforesaid upon
41. the 11th day of July 1655. as Pylott of the said shipp, and comeing into the
42. bay of Biscay, they there mett with the said shipp the Hopefull William
43. under the Conduct of the said W:m Beck, and that both the said shipps upon the
44. 17th day of July aforesaid arrived together at Saint Sebastiano, where after they had
45. remained till the thirtieth day of August next ensueing, the Officers or Ministeres
46. of the King of Spayne did in a hostile manner seize upon stopp and detaine
47. the said shipp the Hopefull William with all her tackle apparell furniture and
48. goods aboard her, whereby the said William Beck became utterly deprived of
49. the same, Which this deponent well knoweth, being present and aboard the said shipp Buckingham, when both shee and the said shipp Hopefull William were
50. seized upon, they then lyeing neere together ashoare at Saint Sebastiano
51. aforesaid, And further cannot depose./
52. To the third and fowerth arles of the said Allon hee saith That the said shipp
53. the Hopefull William her tackle apparrell furniture and provisions belonging
54. to her and aboard her at the time of her said seizure were to the best of this
55. <margin value="Bottom right, under main text">(Deponents</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.134v P1130436 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. Deponents judgement really worth the summe of eight hundred pounds sterling
2. or thereabouts, shee being a new-built flye boate of XXX. The burthen of
3. 80 Tunns or thereabouts. The premisses hee deposeth, and for reason of
4. his judgement saith, hee knoweth that the said W.m Beck had been offered
5. three hundred pounds for his said shipp before hee bestwoed upon her last
6. reparation or new makeing at Shoreham aforesaid, which was there generally
7. estimated at 209:li sterling more; besides her new tackle apparrell and furniture
8. and the provisions of Victualls and goods aboard her at the time of her said
9. seizure, which hee in conscience beleeveth to have been really worth three
10. hundred pounds more or thereabouts, this deponent having been Master and Owner
11. of a shipp himselfe, and having long time used navigation and thereby knowne
12. and observed what belongeth to ˹shipping˺ and whereabout the worth of ˹such˺ as shipp may be
13. And further cannot depose; saving hee beleeveth, the said W:m BeXX by
14. meanes of the said seizure and detention of his said shipp, and of
15. consequently the losses of his time and employment hath beeX XXX undoubtedly been much
16. damnified, but to what value, this deponent this saith hee doeth not know
17. neither can hee estimate the same:/.

Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent: Jacob Gerard of the parish of Alhallowes Barking in Tower street London Mariner aged 56.; Date: 05/04/1656

20. <margin value="Left">2:us</margin>
21. The same day Examined upon the said Allon:-/
22. Jacob Gerard of the parish of Alhallowes Barking
23. in Tower street London Mariner aged 56. yeares or
24. thereabouts, a Wittnes sworne and examined saith
25. as followeth vizt:
26. To the first and second arles of the said Allegation hee saith, That
27. hee this deponent ˹hath˺ knowne the shipp the Hopefull William whereof the arlate
28. William Beck was Master or Commander and reputed and generally
29. estimated the sole Owner and Proprietor of her tackle apparrell and furniture
30. ˹for about 2 yeares before her seizure hereaforesaid expressed˺ and saith, That in or about the moneth of July 1655 last past hee this
31. Deponent being at Saint Sebastiano in Spaine, saw and observed the said shipp then
32. lyeing there, and being under the Command of the said William Beck,
33. And saith , That upom or about the 28. or 29th day of August next
34. ensueing the said shipp with her tackle apparrell and furniture were in the
35. said Port of Saint Sebastiano seized upon stopped and deteyned by the Officers
36. or Ministers of the King of Spaine, and the said William Beck
37. turned out and utterly deprived of the same Which the premisses hee saith hee
38. well knoweth, being at Saint Sebastiano at the time of the seizure aforesaid, and
39. suffereing amongst the English that then were stopped and deteyned both there
40. and in other Ports of Spaine. And further cannot depose:-
41. To the third and fowerth arles hee saith, That this deponent doeth in Conscience
42. beleeve and estimate ˹that˺ the said shipp the Hopefull William, togeather with
43. her tackle apparrell furniture provisions and goods aboard her at the
44. time of her said seizure were really worth eight hundred and eight pounds
45. (his losses and dammage by the reasons aforesaid therein comprized) And the reason
46. of this his judgement is, for that hee this deponent hath for many yeares used
47. navigation, and thereby become well acquainted and versed in the valew of
48. shipps, and saw and observed the shipp aforesaid to be a shipp of the burthen
49. of neere upon one hundred Tunns being newly rebuilt at Shoreham aforesaid
50. and provided with very good and sufficient cable apparrell and furniture.
51. And further cannot depose:-/
52. Repeated with his precontest before
53. Doctor Godolphin:.

Case: A businesse of exámination of witnesses in the behalfe of William Berk Master and owner of the shipp the Hopefull William and seized by the subiects of the King of Spaine; Deponent: Henry Colequiste of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner aged 40; Date: 05/04/1656

56. The same day Examined upon the said Allon:-
57. <margin value="Left">Rp. .3us.</margin>
58. Henry Colequiste of Redriffe in the County of Surrey
59. Mariner aged 40. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
60. sworne and examined saith as followeth vizt
61. To the first and second Arles of the said Allon hee saith. That hee this
62. <margin value="Bottom right, below main text">/deponent</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.135r P1130437 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/73</series>
<folio> f.135r</folio>
<status>First cut transcription started and finished, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. deponent well know the shipp pr Vessell the Hopefull William allate whereof
2. the allate William Beck was Master and Commander and generally
3. accompted the sole Owner and Proprietor and that in the moneth of
4. May 1655 last past this deponent being then Masters mate and Pylott of the
5. said shipp under the Command of the said William Beck sayled her
6. from this Port of London to Shoreham in Sussex, and from thence sayled
7. her to Saint Sebastiano in Spaine, where they arrives in safety about the 18th
8. day of July 1655. And saith That upon the 30th day of August next
9. ensueing the said shipp with her tackle apparrell and furniture and
10. provisions belonging to her with XXXX 400 pieces of XXX XXXX were by the
11. Ministers and Officers of the King of Spaine seized upon stopped and deteyned
12. and the said William Beck utterly deprived and divested thereof. The
13. premisses hee well knoweth being then present at Saint Sebastian with and belonging
14. to the said shipp in the quality of afõwersaid, And further cannot depose:-/
15. To the third and fõwerth Arles of the said Allon hee saith, That hee
16. this deponent in conscience verily beleeve and estimate, That the said shipp
17. Hopefull William being a Vessell of about 80. tunns more or lesse and then
18. not long before her said Voiage newly fitted to sea. togeather with her tackle
19. apparrell and fürniture, and the provisions aboard her and belonging to her
20. at the time of her said seizure (the losse of the Master and Mariners time and
21. employment , and the freight due considered) did reallz amount unto six
22. hundred pounds ˹sterl˺ besides an adventure of about one hundred pounds fiftie
23. pounds togeather with the cloaths and necessaries which this deponent had aboard
24. the said shipp the time aforesaid, rendring for reason as is predeposed:- And further
25. cannot depose:-
26. <margin value="Left">Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./ </margin>
27. <margin value="Right, below text">Henerey Colquith</margin>

Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent: Edward Bigland of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged 67; Date: 11/04/1656

29. The 11th of Aprill 1656/
30. <margin value="Left">John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William)
31. and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were)
32. Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company)
33. comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr)
34. Clements Sucily
35. </margin>
36. Examined upon a libell given in on behalf of
37. John Mayor./
38. Edward Bigland of the parish of Saint Mary Mag=
39. dalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged sixty seaven years
40. or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
41. as followeth vizt./
42. <margin value="Left">Rp. 2</margin>
43. To the first arle of the sayd allegaccon hee cannot depose not knowing who were the
44. Owners of the Lighter arlate called the William and ffrancis the tyme arlate but saith that
45. the arlate William Knight is now accompted to bee owner and Proprietor of the
46. sayd lighter And further to this arle hee cannot depose/
47. To the second arle of the sayd libell hee saith that the Lighter the William and ffrancis within the tyme arlate was lyeing in the River of Thames and wanted
48. very many repayres and saith that within the sayd tyme the arlate Mathew Coultman
49. who was as this deponent beleeveth imployed by the Owners of the sayd lighter to that
50. purpose came and desyred the arlate John Mayor a shipwright by trade to repayre
51. and amend the sayd Lighter as sufficiently as possibly shee might bee, and to make
52. her stronge and tight which words or others to the like effect the sayd Coultman
53. spake to the sayd John Mayor in presence pf this deponent and his Contests William Robinson
54. and Isaack Mayers and William haynes and Richard Cooke and others, Whereupon
55. <margin value="Right, bottom, below main text">the</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.135v P1130438 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.135v </folio>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed, 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. the sazd John Mayer did take upon him the repayres of the sayd lighter, ˹and˺ did
2. imploye this deponent and the rest of the men mentioned in the schedule in the sayd
3. second article mentioned and paid unto this deponent and the rest of the parties schedulate
4. the severall and respective summes in the sayd schedule mentioned for their labour in and
5. about the repayres of the sayd lighter and did use all and singular the plankes tymber
6. and other goods mentioned in the sayd scheduls in and about the repayres thereof which
7. in Materialls were at the tyme of the repayre of the sayd lighter very well worth the
8. severall and respective rates in the sayd schedule mentioned this hee deposeth of
9. his owne knowledge being one of the parties imployed by the sayd John Mayer
10. about repayring the sayd lighter and receiving of the sayd Mayer two pounds nyne shillings for twenty three dayes of labour about the repayre of the sayd Lighter
11. and well knowing that the rest of the parties schedulate receaved ASSUMED THAT THE EXPANSION OF "reced" is "receaved", NOT "received" of the sayd John
12. Mayer the respective summes schedulate for their respective labour in repayre
13. of the sayd Lighter hee this deponent being present and seeing them soe paid And
14. further to these ˹this˺ arles hee cannot depose/
15. To the third hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this Court and further
16. cannot depose./
17. To the 4th hee saith that hee beleeveth the sayd John Mayer by his not having
18. the principall money due to him for the repayres of the sayd Lighter ˹paid unto him˺ is in
19. this deponents Judgment (beside his principall money) damnified for want
20. of the same to imploye in his trade the summe of tenn pounds sterling at the
21. least And further hee cannot depose/
22. To the 5th hee saith that for that the arle is not present
23. hee cannot answer thereto/
24. To the 6th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposiccon and to the lawe
25. and further hee cannot depose/
26. To the last hee saith heis foregoeing deposiccon is true/
28. To the Interrogatories/ CENTRE HEADING
29. To the first hee saith hee cometh to bee a wittness in ther cause at the request of
30. th eproducent John Mayre and saith hee expecteth not nor shall receive neither benefit
31. nor preiudice whichsoever of the parties litigant prevaile in this cause and hath noe
32. interest therein./
33. To the 2 hee saith hee well knoweth the Lighter Interrogate XX and did soe much worke
34. about the reayers of her as hee receaved three pounds nyne shillings for his
35. paines therein of the sayd John Mayor who imployed him thereabouts And
36. further hee cannot answere./.
37. To the 3 . hee saith hee doth well know of all the materialls used about the sayd lighter
38. and mentioned in the schedule Interrogate and sawe them used about the same and knoweth
39. (having used to sell such Commodities as áre therein expressed for divers yeares
40. last past) that they were and are well worth the values in the sayd schedule
41. expressed and better And further hee cannot answere/
42. To the 4th hee saith hee did see every of the men expressed in the sayd schedule
43. Interrogate worke upon the sayd Lighter the sayes in the sayd schedule
44. mentioned and was imployed dayly XXXXX XXXXXXby the sayd wages to take
45. a noate of the names of such as wrought upon her, and did soe, and thereby
46. knoweth the premisses and further hee cannot answere/
47. To the last hee cannot depose not knowing of any money sent by the sayd
48. Mayor for the materialls or worke about the sayd lighter./
49. <margin value="Left">Repeated before doctor Godolphin</margin>

Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent: William Robinson of Lon the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in Southwarke Shipwright aged 20; Date: 11/04/1656

HCA 13/71: f.136r P1130439 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started 08/09/12, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The same day
2. Examined upon the sayd libell./
3. <margin value="left">Rp. 3</margin>
4. William Robinson of Lon the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in
5. Southwarke Shipwright aged twenty yeares of therabouts a wittnes
6. sworne and examined saith as followeth vizt./
7. To the first arle hee cannot depose not knowing who were owners of the Lighter
8. arlate the tyme arlate but saith the arlate William Knight is now accompted the
9. true owner and proprietor of the sayd Lighter named the William and ffrancis And
10. further hee cannot depose/
11. To the 2. arle of the sayd libell hee saith that within the tyme arlate the said
12. Lighter arlate named the William and ffrancis lay in the River of Thames and
13. wanted much repayres and saith that within the sayd tyme arlate Mathew
14. Coultman and one Mr Dan who as hee beleeveth imployed by the owners of the
15. sayd lighter to that purpose did in presence of this deponent and his precontest Edward
16. Rigland and Isack Mayne William haynes and Richard Cooke and others workemen
17. who XXXXX wrought upon repayring the sayd lighter desyred the arlate John
18. Mayer a shipwright by trade thoroughly to repayre her and doe all thinges
19. necessarie unto her to make her stronge and tight whereupon the sayd Mayer did
20. take upon him the repayers thereof and imployed this deponent and the rest
21. of the persons mentioned in the schedule arlate to repayre and XXXXd her and
22. XX used thereabout all and singular the plankes and other goods in the sayd schedule
23. mentioned and paid to the respective parties therein mentioned for their labour
24. and service thereabout the severall summes in the sayd schedule expressed XX
25. this hee knoweth being one who was imployed about the sayd repayres and seeing
26. the planckes and other materialls schedulate used about the sayd repayres and
27. receaving three pounds nyne shillings for his labour about the sayd repayers
28. of the sayd mayers, and seeing the sayd Mayers pay the severall summes schedulate
29. to the severall persons schedulate for their labour about the sayd repayres, And
30. hee this deponent being a shipp carpenter and having soe bin for about sixe
31. yeares last past well knoweth that the mterialls schedulate were and are well
32. worth the severall prices in the sayd schedule menconned And further to this
33. arle hee cannot depose/
34. To the 3 hee referreth himselfe to the Registry of this Court and
35. further cannot depose/
36. To the 4th hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd John Mayer over and above
37. his principall money due for materialls and labour as aforesayd is XX in
38. this deponents Judgment damnified by not being paid the same the summe
39. of tenn pounds sterling and more And further to this arle hee cannot depose
40. To the 5th hee cannot depose the arla not being present/
41. To the 6th hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposicon and to the lawe
42. and further cannot depose
43. To the last his foregoeing depositi is true/
45. To the Interries CENTRE HEADING/
46. To the first Interrie hee saith hee cometh to testifie at request of John
47. Maior the producent and hath noe share or interest in this busines other than what
48. hee hath before declared and shall receive neither benefit nor profit whichsoever of
49. the parties litigant prevaile in their suite./
50. <margin value="Left">XX the answeres to the 2: 3: 4th
51. XX Interries in the same case
52. onlz by XXXX haveing XXX 2 leaves
53. in stead of one XXXX the examinaton
54. and in setting XXXXXX</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.136v P1130440 Current Transcription

HCA 13/71 f.136v & f.137r P1130440

HCA 13/71: f.137v P1130441 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, pre-10/09/12, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth the Lighter in question and wrought upon the repayre
2. of her ˹as˺ aforesayd and received 3l - 9s for his paynes therein of the producent Mayer
3. Owho imployed him thereabout, And further hee cannot answere/
4. To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth of all the materialls schedulate used about the sayd
5. lighter for that hee helped to worke them, and sawe them all used thereabouts and well
6. knoweth they were worth the prices schedulate And further hee cannot answere/
7. To the 4th hee saith hee wrought every day upon the sayd Lighter and sawe the rest
8. of the persons schedulate worke the tyme and dayes schedulate upon sayd Lighter And
9. saith hee wrought by order of the sayd Maior And further hee cannot depose/
10. To the 5th hee cannot depose./
11. Repeated before doctor Godolphin./
12. William Rolinson SIGNATURE, RH SIDE

Case: John Mayor against a certayne Lighter called the William and ffrancis whereof william Knight and company were Owners and against the sayd William Knight and company comming in for their interest and against whatsoever persons xr; Deponent: William Haynes of Horsey Downe in the County of Surry Shipp Carpenter aged 19; Date: 16/04/1656

14. The 16th day of Aprill. 1656.
15. Examined upon the sayd Libell
16. <margin value="left">Rp 4us</margin>
17. William Haynes of Horsey Downe in the County of Surry Shipp=
18. Carpenter aged nineteene yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
19. and examined saith as followeth. vizt.
20. To the first arle of the sayd Libell he saith he cannot depose.
21. To the second arle of the sayd Libell, This deponent saith, he knew well the arlate Lighter
22. the William and ffrancis, And saith that the sayd Lighter within the tyme libellat
23. (and in the monethes of October and November XX 1654. ashe now remembreth
24. did ly in the River of Thames, and was much decayed in her planckes amd
25. stood in great need of reparations, whereupon the arlate Mathew Coultman
26. (who as he sayd had order from her Owners to gett her amended) came GRAVE OVER "c" OR "a"? to the
27. sayd John Mayor (who was and is X a shipps carpenter by his profession)
28. and gave his order and desired him sufficiently to repair and amend the
29. sayd Lighter and to make her tight and strong or to that effect, this deponent
30. being present when he gave said order. And the sayd John Mayor did
31. thereupon hire Edward XX Bigland, William ffurnis. Isaac Meyer, John
32. Priddam, Henry Row, Richard Mallot, Thomas Phillips, and a boy, and did
33. employ him this deponent; and his fellow servants William Robinson, and
34. Richard Cooke, to and for the doeing of the sayd repayres, which were by this
35. deponent and the sayd other persons done accordingly. And the sayd hired
36. persons were by agreement to have, and did recyve of and from the sayd Jn.o
37. Mayor the severall and respective summes for their worke and labour in the arlate
38. Schedule mentioned, which Schedule hee hath now read and perused. And this
39. deponent and his sayd fellow servants doe usually earne the respective summes
40. sett downe for them EXPANSION OF "y:m" in the sayd schedule for the number of dayes workes schedulate
41. And all the sayd persons were imployed for the respective number of dayes in
42. the sayd Schedule expressed, which hee knoweth for that EXPANSION OF "y:t" he wrought upon the sayd
43. worke with them note>EXPANSION OF "y:m" and from the beginning to the end thereof. And he further saith
44. that hee saw all and singular the planckes and other materialls and goods schedulat
45. imployed in and upon the repaire of the sayd Lighter. And that the same were
46. then worth the severall and respective summes sett downe in the sayd schedule
47. which he deposeth for that such like goods were of his knowledge then usually
48. sold att such rates. And hee saw the sayd wages duly payed to the sayd hired
49. persons. And doth veleive that EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd worke and repaires could not have
50. <margin value="Right bottom, below main text">beene
51. </margin>

HCA 13/71: f.138r P1130442 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 09/09/10, and completed 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 09/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. bene performed under fifty-two pounds four shillings nyne pence being the
2. summe schedulat and demanded for the sayd repaires done in October and
3. November 1654. And Lastly hee saith he saw ˹some further˺ repaires done to the
4. sayd Lighter in or about June 1655. and knoweth that EXPANSION OF "yt" the same did amount to
5. fifteene shillings two pence as in the sayd schedule is expressed. And
6. otherwise he cannot depose, saving that EXPANSION OF "yt" the sayd Boy was imployed five dayes for
7. the spinning of Okam longer than this Rendent or the rest of the shippwrights.
8. To the 3d. arle he saith that the sayd Mayor in order to procure satisfaction for
9. his expenses upon the sayd Lighter hath caused her to be arrested. And further
10. referring to the Acts of this Court hee cannot depose.
11. To the 4th. arle je saith that the said John Mayor over and besides the said summe
12. due to him, hath suffered dammage by the detentiomn thereof from him. And
13. further he cannot depose

HCA 13/71: f.138v P1130443 Current Transcription (PARTIAL)

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>.138v </folio>
<status>First cut transcription started 10/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. repaires, And the sayd John Mayor being a Shipwright was imployed and did
2. by the helpe of the persons mencconed in the schedule arlate now reade to him
3. ámend and repaire the sayd Lighter of the certayne knowledge of this deponent
4. who was one imployed in that worke, and saw the plankes and materialls
5. schedulat used in the sayd repaires. And the sayd John Mayorhad order so to
6. repair her of and from XXX XXX XXXX and XXXXXX a certaine person whose name
7. he remembreth not whom he beleeveth to have bene imployed by the
8. sayd John Mayor he knoweth that EXPRESSION EXPANDED of "y:t" the materialls schedulat were usually
9. sold att the respective rates in the sayd schedule mentioned. And that all the
10. persons schedulat had for their respective labels
11. in the premisses the severall
12. wages in the sayd schedule mencconed of and from the sayd John Mayor
13. this deponent and his precontests Robinson and Haynes excepted who had not
14. wages being the sayd Mayors servants, but did usally earne wages for
15. their sayd master att the rates schedulat. And Lastly he beleiveth
16. that the sayd repaires could not have bene done under fifty two pounds
17. four shillings nyne pence. And otherwise not having any particu
18. lar remembrance of the worke schedulat mencconed to be done
19. in June 1655. hee cannot depose.

Case: On the behalfe of Mary Carey touching goods delived out of the shipp Ann John Carey Master into the shipp Peter and James Gilbert Christopher Master and against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter and James belonging to the sayd Gilbert and against William Christopher Executor of the sayd Gilbert; Deponent: Walter Elton of the Strand in the County of Midd Mariner late Boatswayn of the sayd shipp the Ann, aged 26; Date: 18/04/1656

HCA 13/71: f.139r P1130444 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The eighteenth day of April 1656.
2. Examined upon a Libell on the behalfe of the sayd Mary Cary.
3. <margin value="Left">On the behalfe of Mary Carey)
4. touching goods delived out of)
5. the shipp Ann John Carey Master)
6. into the shipp Peter and James)
7. Gilbert Christopher Master and)
8. against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter)
9. and James belonging to the sayd)
10. Gilbert and against William Christopher)
11. Executor of the sayd Gilbert.)</margin>
12. Walter Elton of the Strand in the County of Midd Mariner
13. late Boatswayn of the sayd shipp the Ann, aged six and
14. twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
15. examined saith and deposeth as followeth. vizt.
16. <margin value="Left">Rp. jus</margin>
17. To the first arle of the sayd Libell This deponent saith That in the monethes of
18. ffebruary and March 1654. and March, Aprill May and June 1655. the
19. arlate John Carey the plaintiffs late husband was intrusted with and had
20. in his possession a good quantity of copper barrs which he had full and
21. sufficient power to dispose of whiche he did sell as hereafter is expressed
22. And the same att the tyme and place they were sold were well worth
23. the summe of one hundred and fourteene pounds five shillings
24. six pence or thereabouts. which he knoweth for that within the sayd
25. tyme he was Boatswayne of a certayne shipp called the Anne whereof
26. the sayd John Carey was Master wherein the sayd Copper Barrs were,
27. and out of which they were sold and delivered as hereafter is
28. sett forth. And otherwise he cannot depose.
29. To the second and third Arles of the sayd Libell and to the Bill thereunto annexed
30. now shewne to and perused by him hee saith that the sayd John Carey
31. in or about the moneth of ffebruary 1654 did depart from this port of
32. London in his sayd shipp the Anne whereof hee was Master as aforesayd
33. on a voyage to Ginny and carryed with him thither the foresayd Copper
34. barrs, and arrived there with them and ther sold the same unto the
35. arlate Gilbert Christopher for the full summe of one hundred and
36. fourteene pounds five shillings six pence lawfull money of England,
37. And thereupon on or about the fourteenth day of June 1655. last
38. past the sayd Gilbert Christopher did in the Port of Guinney give
39. a Bill under his hand and seale to the sayd John Carey for the payment
40. of the sayd one hundred and fourteene pounds five shillings six
41. pence for the sayd Copper barrs, and the Bill now shewne him was
42. and is the sayd very originall bill and the sayd Gilbert Christopher
43. did signe seale and deliver the same as his Act and deed to the sayd
44. John Carey. All which he knoweth to be true for that he was Boatswayne
45. of and in the sayd shipp Anne the foresayd voyage, and did know of and
46. was made privy to the sayd sale and was present att the signing sealing
47. ánd delivery of the sayd Bill, and did att Ginny upon or about the
48. sayd fourteenth day of June subscribe his name thereto as a witnesse
49. And doth now acknowledge and declare upon his Oath, that the words [Walter
50. Elton] att the foot of the sayd bill were and are this deponents name and
51. handwriting, and that the Contents of the sayd Bill were and are true
52. <margin value="Bottom right, under main text">and</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.139v P1130445 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. ánd second and done as therein is conteyned. And otherwise hee
2. saith hee cannot depose.
3. To the fourth arle of the sayd Libell hee saith that the plaintiff Mary was the
4. lawfull reputed wife, and is the widdow of the sayd John Carey, who is departed
5. this life. And hee beleiveth that she is likewise his Administratrix.
6. And otherwise he cánnot depose.
7. To the 5th. arle hee saith that the sayd Gilbert Christopher is ˹by report˺ likewise departed
8. this life. ánd beleiveth that the sayd shipp Peter and Jane is arrested by
9. authority of this Court in order to the recovery of the sayd summe of
10. 114li. 5s. 6d. And further cannot depose.
11. To the 6th arle he cánnot depose otherwise than as aforesayd.
12. To the 7th. he saith he knoweth not William Christopher.
13. To the 8th. he cánnot depose otherwise than as aforesayd saving that
14. his Contest Richard Daines, and Isaac Jacquiell, and othes did know
15. of the ˹arle˺ sale and allso of the delivery of the sayd Copp barrs to the sayd
16. Gilbert Christopher att Ginney.
17. To the 9th. hee saith his deposition is true.
19. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
20. <margin value="Left">XXXX dt</margin>
21. To the first Interry he saith he did know the sayd John Carey about thirteene
22. monethes before his death, and the sayd Gilbert Christopher he knew
23. onely att Guinny in the month of June 1655 aforesayd. And as to Justice
24. favoured them equally. And he hath noe manner of engagement with
25. or from the sayd Mary Carey, nor was any way indebted to the sayd John
26. Carey, or he to this Rendent. And further otherwise than negatively
27. he cannot depose or answer.
28. To the second Interry he saith he is noe way interested in the sayd goods
29. nor in this suit nor the money that shall be recovered thereby. And
30. saith the sayd ˹Gilbert˺ Christopher did make earnest suit to have the sayd goods
31. or Copper barrs aforesayd, and knoweth and saw that he disposed of some
32. of the sayd Copper barrs in the buying of negroes; and beleiveth he
33. did dispose of the rest for the best advantage of his voyage, which would
34. as this Rendent verily beleiveth have bene overthrowne had not the
35. sayd John Carey furnished him with the sayd Copper barrs as aforesayd.
36. And further saving his foregoeing deposition to which he referreth
37. himselfe hee saith he cannot answere/. Walter Elton SIGNATURE TO RIGHT OF TEXT
39. The same day. Examined upon the sayd allon Libell.
40. <margin value="Left">Rp. (2us</margin>
41. Richard Daynes of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner
42. late Gunner of the sayd shipp the Anne aged twenty six
43. yeares or neare thereabouts, a witnesse sworne and
44. examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt.
45. To the first second and third Arle of the sayd Libell and to the bill thereto
46. annexed now shewne him he saith and deposeth That the arlate John
47. Carey departed from this port in the sayd shipp the Anne whereof he was Master
48. in the month of ffebruary 1654. and tooke with him certayne Quantities
49. <margin value="Bottom right">of</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.140r P1130446 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<folio>f.140r /folio>
<status>|First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/10</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 10/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. Copper barrs and arrived safely therewith att Guinney and there about the
2. moneth of June 1655. last past did sell unto the arlate Gilbert Christopher
3. being then att Guinney with his shipp Peter and Jane such a quantity of
4. Copper Barres as did amount to and were then and there worth one hundred
5. and fourteene pounds five shillings six pence, which summe the sayd
6. Gilbert Christopher did agree to pay for the same. And somuch this
7. deponent knoweth to be true of his owne knowledge for that he was then
8. Gunner of the sayd shipp Anne, and knew of the sayd contract and did
9. assist att and to the delivery of the sayd copper barrs unto the sayd Gilbert
10. Christopher. And he is likewise well assured that the sayd Gilbert
11. on or about the day in the sayd Bill now shewne him mencconed being
12. June the 14th. did signe seale and as his Act and deed deliver the sayd
13. Bill now shewne him to the sayd John Carey for the payment of the sayd summe
14. contracted for as aforesayd for the sayd copp barrs, for that he this deponent
15. did about that EXPANSION OF "y:t" tyme and before the sayd shipp Ann departed from Guinny
16. there see the sayd bill in the hands of the sayd John Carey who sayd
17. EXPANSION OF "y:t" the sayd Gilbert Christopher made and gave him the same for the
18. payment of the sayd money. And he now knoweth the same by XXXX
19. name and handwriting of his precontest Walter Elton att the foot
20. thereof as a witnesse, with whose handwriting this Rendent deponent
21. was and is well acquainted, he the sayd Elton being Boatswayne of
22. the sayd shipp Anne the foresayd voyage. And otherwise he cannot
23. depose.
24. To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 and 9. and Arle of the sayd Libell hee saith. that the sayd John
25. Carey and Gilbert Christopher are departed this life, and the sayd Mary
26. Carey ˹is˺ the Relict and Administratrix of John Carey, aforesayd, and that
27. the arrest in this cause is brought for recovery of the sayd money as
28. And he beleiveth. And that the sayd sale and delivery of the sayd
29. copp barrs are well knowne to his sayd precontest Walter Elton
30. and to his contest Isaac Jacquiot who was one of the sayd shipp Anns
31. Company the voyage aforesayd. And that he hath deposed the truth
32. and otherwise cannot depose.
34. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
35. To the first Interry hee saith, he knew the parties interrte, vizt the sayd John Carey
36. about three yeares before his death. and knew the sayd Gilbert Christopher
37. att Guinney the tyme beforesayd. And saith he is not indebted to the plaintiffe
38. nor shee to him, nor was anyway engaged to the sayd John Carey, nor hee to
39. this Rendent saving for, wages, which this Redent hath receyved. And
40. otherwise he cannot answer, saving that he wisheth and would
41. give the victory in this cause to them EXPANSION OF "y:m" that have right.
42. To the second Interry he saith he is noe way concerned as to proffit or losse in
43. this cause; that he saw the sayd barrs delivered as aforesayd. and beleiveth
44. that the sayd Gilbert Christopher did dispose of the sayd barrs to buy Negroes.
45. And that his voyage had bene overthrowne had it not bene for the sayd
46. barrs. And that he this Rendent did not see the sayd Bills signed
47. sealed or delivered nor was a witnesse thereto. And otherwise hee
48. cannot answer.

Case: On the behalfe of Mary Carey touching goods delived out of the shipp Ann John Carey Master into the shipp Peter and James Gilbert Christopher Master and against 1/8 part of the sayd shipp Peter and James belonging to the sayd Gilbert and against William Christopher Executor of the sayd Gilbert; Deponent: Isaac Jacquett of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner Late one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Anne, aged 34 ; Date: 18/04/1656

HCA 13/71: f.140v P1130447 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. The same day Examined upon the sayd Libell
2. <margin value="Left">3.us</margin>
3. Isaac Jacquett of Wapping in the County of Midds Mariner
4. Late one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Anne, aged
5. 34 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne ánd examined
6. saith as followeth.
7. To the first second ánd third arles of the sayd Libell This deponent saith that in
8. ffebruary ˹last ˺was twelve month the sayd John Carey sayled in the sayd shipp Anne
9. as master of her from this port on a voyage for Guinny whither hee
10. therewith safely att Guinny and about or not long before Midsummer
11. last did there sell to the sayd Gilbert Christopher master of the
12. Peter and James for a good quantity of the sayd Copper barrs of good value
13. which he this deponent being one of the Company of teh Anne
14. in the delivery thereof. And hee did heare at Guinny the tyme
15. aforesayd that the sayd Gilbert gave the sayd John Carey a Bill for the
16. paying for the sayd Copper barrs, ánd did see then and there a certayne
17. writing in the hands of the sayd Carey which the sayd was the sayd
18. Gilbert Christophers bill for the paying for the sayd barrs. And further
19. not knowing the value of the sayd Copper barrs nor what they were
20. so sold for nor being positively able to sweare that the Bill
21. now sworne him was or is the originall true bill aforesayd, he
22. cannot depose.
23. To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9th arles of the sayd Libell hee saith, that the sayd
24. Mary Carey was the wife and is the widdow ánd he hath heard that the sayd Gilbert
25. Christopher is ded, and that the arrest in this cause is in order to
26. recover the moneyes for which the sayd Copp barrs were sold. And
27. that the sayd sale and delivery of the sayd barrs was and is knowne
28. to his precontest Walter Elton and Richard Daynes who whereof
29. ánd belonging to the sayd shipp Ann the voyage aforesayd, And
30. lastly that he hath deposed the truth And otherwise cánnot depose.
32. To the Crosse Interries CENTRE HEADING
33. To th efirst Interry hee saith he did know the partyes interrte. vizt the sayd
34. John Carey from the beginning of the sayd voyage. and the sayd Gilbert
35. in June 1655, And that hee favoureth the truth in this cause wishing
36. that those who were true Owners of the sayd Copper barrs so sold
37. may have their moneyes due for the same. And further otherwise
38. than negativelz hee cannot answer.
39. To the second he saith he hath not any interest in this cause nor is concerned
40. otherwise than to speake the truth according to his Oath. And saith he saw
41. five Chests of Copp barrs delivered to the sayd Gilbert Christopher att Guiny
42. but knoweth not their value, nor how they were disposed of, onely saith
43. he is well assured that the sayd Christopher could not have made this voyage
44. had he not bene furnished with the sayd barrs. And lastly saith he saw not the
45. sayd bills signed sealed or delivered, nor was he a witnesse thereto. And
46. further or otherwise he cannot depose or Answer
47. <margin value="Left">Repeated with his two precontests before Doctor Godolphin./</margin>

Case: On the behalfe of James Long and Companie touching the vessell the Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in a businesse of Assurance; Deponent: Walter Craxton of the parish of Saint Mary at Hill London Scrivener, aged 45 ; Date: 22/04/1656

HCA 13/71: f.141r P1130448 Current Transcription (PARTIAL)

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/11</first-transcriber>

1. <margin value="Left">The 22th of Aprill 1656)
2. On the behalfe of James Long and)
3. Companie touching the vessell the)
4. Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in)
5. a businesse of Assurance.)</margin>
6. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
7. Walter Craxton of the parish of Saint
8. Mary at Hill London Scrivener, aged
9. 45 yeares or thereabouts sworne beX in the
10. High Court of the Admiraltie and examined
11. upon an Interrogatorie as witness on the behalfe
12. of the said James Longe vizt as followeth
13. To the said Intertrogatory hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
14. was present and did see the bill of sale annexed to the said Interroga=
15. terie signed and sealed b William ffreeman therein mentioned, and saith
16. the contents thereof were and are true and XXXXX and donne as
17. therein is mentioned, which hee knowethbecuase hee this deponent
18. was by the said parties made acquainted with the said contract and
19. tooke insurance from them for XXXXis up of the said bill of sale
20. by the said fforeman, and this deponent set his name on the
21. back thereof as a witnes as XXXX appeareth
24. <margin value="Left">Mitchell against the Harry of)
25. London and XXX Mathew)
26. Xeman)</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.141v P1130449 Current Transcription (NOT STARTED)

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. (Tinn farmers) and against number nyne (whose words (Mr Eoods &) and
2. against number 10 XXX his words Vlasblond, which in bayle Numbered 10
3. and against which is written with the sayd henry Mitchells owne hand the sayd
4. Words (Vlasbloud) is the very bale of silke in this suite controverted as this deponent
5. verily beleeveth and is persuaded in his conscience, and the reason why hee XXX NEED TO CHECK GUTTER
6. belleveth it to be the very bale in Controversie is for that hee this deponent did
7. at Ligorno receive from the sayd Mr Longland and Company two coppys off factories under the
8. hand writing of Mr <alternative value="Gabriel">Grabriel</alternative> Roberts aforesayd who was there present and
9. affirmed the sayd ffactories to bee X true coppys of the originall factories writt by
10. the sayd Mr henry Mitchell in Aleppo the 14th of ffebruary 1647 wherein was
11. expressed that the sayd ffactories were for one bayle of Legee silke and one faugott
12. Suffe silke sent downe to Scanderoone by the sayd henry Mitchell to Scanderoone to
13. be laden aboard the harry of London Mathew haman Master and consigned by bill
14. of ladeing to Signior Vlasblond , and marked as by the sayd factories appeared with
15. the marke in the margent and numbered as by the sayd factories appeared, the bale
16. with number 10, and conteyning Aleppo Rottulos 68 which is agreeable as to the wight
17. and number with the entereie thereof made by the sayd henry Mitchell with his owne
18. hands in the sayd Imbayling or ffactory booke, and the sayd ffaugott of Suff silke
19. numbered A and contezning Aleppo Rottulos 19: 4 oz which is also agreeable with
20. the entrie thereof in the sayd Imbayeing or ffactory booke as to the number and weight
21. thereof, and XXX the alsoe for that hee this deponent hath seene at Ligorno
22. aforesayd an Accompt currant under the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell
23. touching all transactions and Merchandizing affayers betweene him and the sayd
24. Vlasblond untill the 19th of ffebruary 1647 where XXXX a true coppy whereof
25. hee this deponent tooke at Ligorne aforesayd wherein it appeareth that the
26. cost and charges of the sayd bayle of Legee silke and faugott of Suffie silke are
27. charged upon Accompt of the sayd Vlasblond according to the rates whereat they
28. are mentioned in the factories thereof

HCA 13/71: f.124r P1130450 Current Transcription (DETAIL)


HCA 13/71: f.142r P1130451 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>First cut transcription started, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

2. to these articles hee cannot depose./
3. To the 7th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposiccon and further cannot depose/
4. To the 8th hee saith XX hee hath seene the will of the arcate henry Mitchell
5. deceased under the hand writing of the sayd deceased and saith the aclate Phillip
6. Mitchell is Executor thereof and hee beleeveth hee hath proved the same and taken
7. upon him the execution thereof And further hee cannot depose/
8. To the 9th hee saith hee beleeveth the arlate Phillip Mitchell by reason of
9. the bayle of silke aclate hath suffered losse and damage too very considerable
10. value but the certiane summe hee knoweth not, but saith hee knoweth the sayd
11. Phillipp was saXXX for the same bayle of silke by the foresayd Vamerk and Executo
12. Assigneo of the sayd Vlasbloude and a considerable summe in lieu thereof
13. recovered at Ligorne of the sayd Phillip for the same but the summe hee remembreth
14. not And further hee cannot depose./
15. To the 10th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this Court And
16. further cannot depose./
17. To the 11th hee saith the sayd hemans is commonly reputed an Englishman
18. and is subiect to the Jurisditon arlate as hee beleeveth and further hee cannot depose/
19. To the 12th hee saith hee hath heard the sayd heamans confesse that hee
20. hath bin required to XX XXX by the arlate Phillip Mitchell to make him satisfaction
21. for the XXX bayle of silke in question and the damahe hee hath susteyned by losse
22. thereof And further hee cannot depose
23. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposiccon is true/
24. <margin value="Left">Repeated this tenth of May 1656 before
25. Doctor Godolphin./</margin>

==Case: On the behalfe of James Long and Companie touching the vessell the Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in a businesse of Assurance; Deponent: 2. Stephen Smith of XXX Worplesdon in the County of Surrey gent aged 32 ; Date: XXXX==

28. 2us.
29. Stephen Smith of XXX Worplesdon in the County
30. of Surrey "c" LIKE SYMBOL OVER WORD gent aged 32 yeares or thereabouts a
31. wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
32. followeth vizt./
33. To the first and second arles of the sayd libell and the bill of ladeing in
34. the sayd second arle mencconed hee saith that hee well knoweth that
35. in or about the bXX XXXX latter end of the moneth of december or beginning
36. of January 1647 old style the arlate henry Mitchell did cause to
37. be laden on board the aclate shipp the henry (whereof th aclate
38. Mathew heamans was Master) in the port of Scanderoone thirty nyne
39. bayls and two faugotts numbred forty and the other faugott
40. numbered A this hee the better knoweth being at that tyme servant to
41. <margin value="Bottom Right, below main text body">the</margin>

HCA 13/71: f.142v P1130452 Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/71</series>
<status>Firtst cut transcription started and completed by Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</status>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet, 11/09/12</first-transcriber>

1. the Viceconsull or factor Mariner for the English Nation at Scanderoone,
2. and being by that meanes imployed to weigh marke and shipp the
3. sayd 39 bales and two faugotts aboard the sayd shipp by order of the sayd
4. henry Mitchell, and saith that amongst the sayd 39 bayles by him this
5. deponent shipped aboard the sayd shipp by order of the sayd Mitchell
6. one bayle of the sayd silke was numbered 10 and a faugett numbered
7. A and saith that all or the greatest part of the sayd 39 bales 2 faugetts
8. were to be delivered by the sayd Mitchell to this depoennt under the marke
10. in the margent but this deponent by order of the sayd Henry Mitchell
11. did XXXX XX sett new markes upon divers of the sayd bayles before
12. their ladeing, and well remembreth that upon the faugett numbered
13. A hee this deponent sett this was sett the marke ensueing vizt MARK MARK IS A THREE HEADED CLOVER ON A VERTICAL STICK INSERTED IN A "V" and
14. alsoe saith that having perused his booke by him kept as servant to the
15. sayd factor marine at Scandaroone ˹which hee hath in his custody and is intending to produce if hee shall bee soe required by this Court˺ hee doth finde that at the in his
16. sayd booke at the say entrie of the sayd bayle number tenn hee had
17. made a smale crosse to put him in minde that the marke of that bale
18. which was only thus vizt AA was to bee altered, and hee verily
19. beleeveth the same was or should have bin altered and marked
20. with the same marke as the sayd faugott numbered A was marked
21. with vizt, this marke MARK MARK IS A THREE HEADED CLOVER ON A VERTICAL STICK INSERTED IN A "V", and saith as to the qualities of the silke
22. whether the bale numbered 10 and by this deponent laden aboard the sayd
23. shipp were Legee silk and the faugott numbered A ˹by him also laden aboard the said shipp˺ were Saffa silke or
24. whether the same ˹were˺ for the use and Accompt of the arlate John Blasbloud hee
25. knoweth not but saith hee this deponent did XXX is very well acquainted
26. with the hand writing of the arlate Mathew heaman having seene
27. him ˹XXXXXXXXXXX˺ signe very many bills of ladeing and having perused the bill
28. of ladeing arlate, hee verily beleeveth the sayd Bill of ladeing
29. is true and was and is signed with the proper handwriting of the
30. sayd Mathew heamans for the bale and faugott of silke in the sayd
31. bill of ladeing mentioned as now the same appeareth to bee And
32. further to these arles hee cannot depose
33. To the 3 hee saith. that hee well knoweth that hee this deponent did by
34. order of the sayd henry Mitchell lade XX amongst other bales and faugotts
35. the bale of silke numbered 10 and the faugott afoesayd numbered A
36. but who was to share the risks of them if they were not delivered hee
37. knoweth not And further hee cannot depose/
38. To the 4th hee cannot depose/
39. To the 5th hee saith hee well knoweth that all the 39 bales and 2 faugotts
40. of silke XX arlate were all entered into the booke of the factor
41. Marine arlate with his this deponents owne hands and were by
42. this deponent shipped aboard the shipp harry aclate./
43. To the 6th hee saith that Mr Phillipp Mitchell the brother of the sayd henry
44. Mitchell being much troubled that hee could not finde out what was
45. become of the sayd bayle of silke number 10 did about three moneths
46. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text">since
47. </margin>