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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 07/01/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 07/01/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/01/07
|First transcribed=14/01/07
|Note=IMAGE: P1120195.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 07/01/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1120195
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1120195.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the fifth sixth and seventh articles hee saith and deposeth That in or about September
|Transcription=To the fifth sixth and seventh articles hee saith and deposeth That in or about September
1657 the said shipp which the said goods soe laded aboard her consisting in [XXX GUTTER]
1657 the said shipp which the said goods soe laded aboard her consisting in [XXX GUTTER]
Line 26: Line 22:
said vessell two hundred and eightie chests of Indico, twenty two chests
said vessell two hundred and eightie chests of Indico, twenty two chests
of drugs, two small barrells and two small potacks of druggs, foure
of drugs, two small barrells and two small potacks of druggs, foure
hundred seaventie and six hides and one thousand ninetie and foure [?rooves GUTTER]
hundred seaventie and six hides and one thousand ninetie and foure [?arobes GUTTER]
of Sassaparillla, which traffique hee saith was truely and really donne [XXX GUTTER]
of Sassaparillla, which traffique hee saith was truely and really donne [XXX GUTTER]
homewards goods pro[?cured] of his certaine knowledge who was that
homewards goods pro[?cured] of his certaine knowledge who was that
Line 33: Line 29:
And having finished the taking in of the said homewards goods, the said
And having finished the taking in of the said homewards goods, the said
shipp departed from the said West Indias to come to the downes there
shipp departed from the said West Indias to come to the downes there
to receive instructions for her dischargem, but by fowle weather was put
to receive instructions for her discharge, but by fowle weather was put
into the other Channell and soe came to Milford haven with
into the other Channell and soe came to Milford haven with
her said goods soe taken in and brought from the West Indies. And
her said goods soe taken in and brought from the West Indies. And
Line 55: Line 51:
State, which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid
State, which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid
To the eleaventh
To the eleaventh hee saith that the said two hundred and eightie chests
of Indico , twnety to chests of drugs two small barrells and two small
potaccoes of driggs foure hundred seaventie and six hides and one
thousand ninetie and foure arobes of Sassaparilla, were the proceed of
the goods and really and truely bought provided and laded aboard the
said shipp ''Hope'' for the sole account and adventure of the said Antonio
ffernandez, John Page, Gowen Paineter, Andrew dunkin, [?Antonio GUTTER]
Robles, John Chanterwell, and John Tilley, and
noe Spaniard or other enemie of this Comonwealth or person whatsoever other then the [?said GUTTER]
producents had (at the seizure) or have any interest therein, which hee knoweth for the reason[?s GUTTER]
To the twelveth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Gowen Painter
John Page and Andrew dunkin were and are commonly accounted
English men and subiects of this Commonwealth, and of his knowledge
both they and the said Antonio ffernandez and Antonio Robles were and
are Marchants of and dwellers in this citie in subiection to this Co[?mmonwealth GUTTER]
this deponent having bin at the houses of them the said parties in this
citie, saving of the said dunkin. And further deposeth not.

Latest revision as of 11:47, May 19, 2015

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HCA 13/73 f.179v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth sixth and seventh articles hee saith and deposeth That in or about September
1657 the said shipp which the said goods soe laded aboard her consisting in [XXX GUTTER]
Perpetuana's, bayes, hatts, linnens, wines, Spicerie and other goods (To the
valew of five and twenty hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts)
from Amsterdam, and afterwards arived at Trinidad, Comana, [?at GUTTER]
Truxhillo and honduras in the said West Indias, where this deponent
sold and trucked them away for Indigo, drugs, hides, and Sassaparilla
for his said Imployers the producents their account, namely [XXXX] for the
account, of the said expected goods made and pro[?vided] and laded aboard [?the GUTTER]
said vessell two hundred and eightie chests of Indico, twenty two chests
of drugs, two small barrells and two small potacks of druggs, foure
hundred seaventie and six hides and one thousand ninetie and foure [?arobes GUTTER]
of Sassaparillla, which traffique hee saith was truely and really donne [XXX GUTTER]
homewards goods pro[?cured] of his certaine knowledge who was that
person that vended the one and bought the other and managed the whole
affaire of the said trade in the West Indias for the said producents advantage
And having finished the taking in of the said homewards goods, the said
shipp departed from the said West Indias to come to the downes there
to receive instructions for her discharge, but by fowle weather was put
into the other Channell and soe came to Milford haven with
her said goods soe taken in and brought from the West Indies. And
further hee cannot depose.

To the eighth and nineth articles hee saith and deposeth that shortly after
such comming in of the said shipp and goods to Milford haven this deponent
came thence to London to advise the said ffernandez and others his Imployers
here aforenamed of the said shipps arivall, who thereupon applying
themselves to the Commissionars of the Admiraltie and [XXXX] obtained
a warrant for a man of warr to Convoy the Hope and her lading from the [XXX GUTTER]
, and sent this deponent downe againe there with accompanied [XX GUTTER
the said mr dunkin, but within three or foure dayes after their comming from
Milford haven, the said shipp was made stay of by a another warrant
or order (as was [XXX] from the same Comissioners And further hee cannot depose

To the tenth article hee saith that as the time of the said stay made and of
putting (as was said) a waiter aboard the said vessell the Hope at Milford by vertue of
the said last warrant all the said goods soe laded at the West Indias were
aboard her, and thence[?forth] came to the possession of the officers of the
State, which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid

To the eleaventh hee saith that the said two hundred and eightie chests
of Indico , twnety to chests of drugs two small barrells and two small
potaccoes of driggs foure hundred seaventie and six hides and one
thousand ninetie and foure arobes of Sassaparilla, were the proceed of
the goods and really and truely bought provided and laded aboard the
said shipp Hope for the sole account and adventure of the said Antonio
ffernandez, John Page, Gowen Paineter, Andrew dunkin, [?Antonio GUTTER]
Robles, John Chanterwell, and John Tilley, and
noe Spaniard or other enemie of this Comonwealth or person whatsoever other then the [?said GUTTER]
producents had (at the seizure) or have any interest therein, which hee knoweth for the reason[?s GUTTER]

To the twelveth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Gowen Painter
John Page and Andrew dunkin were and are commonly accounted
English men and subiects of this Commonwealth, and of his knowledge
both they and the said Antonio ffernandez and Antonio Robles were and
are Marchants of and dwellers in this citie in subiection to this Co[?mmonwealth GUTTER]
this deponent having bin at the houses of them the said parties in this
citie, saving of the said dunkin. And further deposeth not.
