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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 15/08/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 25/01/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/01/25
|Note=IMAGE: P1110412.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1110412.JPG}}
|Transcription=And that the Hollanders then mentioned the English that they had expresse Commissions
to the contrary from their Generall in Battavia who had prohibited the same
and that therefore without their said generalls expresse order they would not
permitt them any accesse to Bantam, or to send thether or to receive any
thing or any advise from thense, and thereupon the English were necessitated
to send to Battavia to treate with the dutch generall, and sent mr Page
and Mr Mainst[XXX] two of the said English Companies factors who tooke their
passage thither in a dutch shipp called the ''Zirick Zee'' on or about the 19th
day of October aforesaid, but they retourning noe  answer from Batavia
the company in the said shipp ''Advise'' sailed her thether and arived about
the first of November, havving aboard mr Edwards and mr Streete two
others of the said English companies factors, And further that the said shipp
the ''draggon'' being come as is before expressed up to Pullambann point
her company the next morning espied sixe saile of dutch shipps
about five leagues distant, one of which shipps comming within shott
of the ''dragon'', never haled but fired a gun with shott at her
Which the ''draggon'' answeered, and about halfe an howre after shee
fired a second on the ''dragon'' and had the like retourned, and then shee
fired a third, the shott passing betweene the ''draggons'' Maine and
foremast, and was likewise answered with a third gun from the ''dragon''
and then and not before the said dutch shipp left the ''dragon''. And
then being cleare of the said dutch shipp, the ''dragon'' anchored in
Bantam roade, and there received orders from the companies factors
then aboard her to sett saile thence for Jambee, and shee weighed anchor
accordingly, and shortly after namely on or about the last of October
in her course thether ward, shee was mett with and haled by a dutch
shipp, the commander or some of the company whereof told the
Captaine of the ''draggon'' that hee must come and speake with their
Admirall, to which hee answered that hee was bound for Jambee and
knew not their Admirall, and therewith all the m[XXXX] being [??calme]
and the currant against her the ''dragon'' came to an anchor, and
that presently another dutch shipp having 24 or 26 guns came and
anchored a[?head] of the ''dragon'', and about halfe an houre after came
up aboard shipp of the dutch which haled the ''dragon'' and told the Captaine
that hee must come and speake with their Admirall, who replied that
hee could not come, upon which they threatened that they would
force him and therewithall [XXXX?red] close by the ''dragon'', and ordered him [XXXXXX] [#]
|First transcribed=13 /08/15
in the other dutch shipp to prepare their guns, and sent the first shipp to acquaint their Admirall, who about eight
|Editorial history=Created 15/08/13, by CSG
at night came in and anchored very neare the ''dragon'', and sent his skiff with two dutch Captaines aboard her
who commanded the Captaine to come and speake with their Admirall, and that the said Captaine answered that
hee could not leave his shipp, but would send aboard to their Admirall, and [?soe] mr ffoulk[?s] Middleton one
of the merchants and mr John Wiltsha[X] his cheife mate went aboard the Admiralll, the mate was
|Transcription image=P1110XXX
permitted to retourne, but mr Middleton detained aboard, and that the said two dutch captaines comming the
[?second] [?time] aboard the ''dragon'' againe commanded the said Captaine Balliford to come aboard their Admirall, who
thereupon sent another man aboard the Admirall to acquaint him that hee would  not leave his shipp in the night
[XXXXXXXXXX] went on time in the morning which would not [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
|Transcription=ADD TEXT
did indeed about twelve oclock at night force him to
leave his owne shipp and goe aboard their Admirall, who detained
him and mr Middleton and carried them and the said shipp ''dragon'' for Batavia, where the[?y]
arived on or about the first of November, and there the dutch Admirall comming aboard the ''dragon'' with tenn dutch m[?a]n
appointed them to continew there untill further order from the Generall
of Batavia, and then carried the said Captaine, and mr Middleton as
prisoners ashore, where they were kept [?close] in a house till the eigth
day of the same moneth. [ffarther] that from the 22th of October till the 26th
of November the said English cpmpanies factors remaining at Battavia
by severall letters and personall addresses sollicited the Generall and his
counsell for their admittance into Bantam and for libertie for [?the re]lading of their
shipps for England, but could not obtaine it. All which or in words to
the same effect hee saith is manifested in and by the letters and dispatches from
the said Commanders and factors from India, which hee this examinate
hath [?perused]. and with whose hand writing hee is well acquainted.

Latest revision as of 12:49, May 19, 2015

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HCA 13/73 f.301r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And that the Hollanders then mentioned the English that they had expresse Commissions
to the contrary from their Generall in Battavia who had prohibited the same
and that therefore without their said generalls expresse order they would not
permitt them any accesse to Bantam, or to send thether or to receive any
thing or any advise from thense, and thereupon the English were necessitated
to send to Battavia to treate with the dutch generall, and sent mr Page
and Mr Mainst[XXX] two of the said English Companies factors who tooke their
passage thither in a dutch shipp called the Zirick Zee on or about the 19th
day of October aforesaid, but they retourning noe answer from Batavia
the company in the said shipp Advise sailed her thether and arived about
the first of November, havving aboard mr Edwards and mr Streete two
others of the said English companies factors, And further that the said shipp
the draggon being come as is before expressed up to Pullambann point
her company the next morning espied sixe saile of dutch shipps
about five leagues distant, one of which shipps comming within shott
of the dragon, never haled but fired a gun with shott at her
Which the draggon answeered, and about halfe an howre after shee
fired a second on the dragon and had the like retourned, and then shee
fired a third, the shott passing betweene the draggons Maine and
foremast, and was likewise answered with a third gun from the dragon
and then and not before the said dutch shipp left the dragon. And
then being cleare of the said dutch shipp, the dragon anchored in
Bantam roade, and there received orders from the companies factors
then aboard her to sett saile thence for Jambee, and shee weighed anchor
accordingly, and shortly after namely on or about the last of October
in her course thether ward, shee was mett with and haled by a dutch
shipp, the commander or some of the company whereof told the
Captaine of the draggon that hee must come and speake with their
Admirall, to which hee answered that hee was bound for Jambee and
knew not their Admirall, and therewith all the m[XXXX] being [??calme]
and the currant against her the dragon came to an anchor, and
that presently another dutch shipp having 24 or 26 guns came and
anchored a[?head] of the dragon, and about halfe an houre after came
up aboard shipp of the dutch which haled the dragon and told the Captaine
that hee must come and speake with their Admirall, who replied that
hee could not come, upon which they threatened that they would
force him and therewithall [XXXX?red] close by the dragon, and ordered him [XXXXXX] [#]

in the other dutch shipp to prepare their guns, and sent the first shipp to acquaint their Admirall, who about eight
at night came in and anchored very neare the dragon, and sent his skiff with two dutch Captaines aboard her
who commanded the Captaine to come and speake with their Admirall, and that the said Captaine answered that
hee could not leave his shipp, but would send aboard to their Admirall, and [?soe] mr ffoulk[?s] Middleton one
of the merchants and mr John Wiltsha[X] his cheife mate went aboard the Admiralll, the mate was
permitted to retourne, but mr Middleton detained aboard, and that the said two dutch captaines comming the
[?second] [?time] aboard the dragon againe commanded the said Captaine Balliford to come aboard their Admirall, who
thereupon sent another man aboard the Admirall to acquaint him that hee would not leave his shipp in the night
[XXXXXXXXXX] went on time in the morning which would not [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]

did indeed about twelve oclock at night force him to
leave his owne shipp and goe aboard their Admirall, who detained
him and mr Middleton and carried them and the said shipp dragon for Batavia, where the[?y]
arived on or about the first of November, and there the dutch Admirall comming aboard the dragon with tenn dutch m[?a]n
appointed them to continew there untill further order from the Generall
of Batavia, and then carried the said Captaine, and mr Middleton as
prisoners ashore, where they were kept [?close] in a house till the eigth
day of the same moneth. [ffarther] that from the 22th of October till the 26th
of November the said English cpmpanies factors remaining at Battavia
by severall letters and personall addresses sollicited the Generall and his
counsell for their admittance into Bantam and for libertie for [?the re]lading of their
shipps for England, but could not obtaine it. All which or in words to
the same effect hee saith is manifested in and by the letters and dispatches from
the said Commanders and factors from India, which hee this examinate
hath [?perused]. and with whose hand writing hee is well acquainted.
