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|Editorial history=Created 06/06/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/08/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/08/04
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0112_copy.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0112_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.451r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0112_copy.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the second negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot answer
To the last hee saith as before that the said Admirall Stokes
had noe such officer or other person belonging to him as was named
Diego Gilson, and further hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin 7th November
The fourth of
November 1659 [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation first given in.
'''Captaine John Stokes''' Admirall of the Squadron of shipps of this
Commonwealth in the Mediteraneansea, aged 49 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth That all
the Hides tobaccoe cacoa and Brazil wood and other goods which were
taken and seized in the said shipp the ''Santa Maria'' were (as her master and
merchant acknowledged to this deponent) of the growth and produce of the west
Indies in the dominion of the King of Spaine and were laded aboard her at Santa domingo; and saith that they further
acknowledged that the Spaniards did their busines in lading the said goods and
merchandizes, and that they were [?forced] tp be beholden to Spaniards in that
case. And further saith that it is notorious that noe man is permitted to
trade in theise parts without the licence or leave of the king of Spaine or his officers
and further hee cannot depose.
To the second article hee deposeth and saith that the said Captaine and
Merchant of the ''Santa Maria'' after her said seizure alsoe said and acknowledged to this
deponent that in their outward course stopping at Santa Cruse in the Canaries
they there tooke in fifteene Spaniards one of which (as they also said) was a Pilot,
and said that the reason wherefore they retourned againe to Santa Cruse, was
to put those Spaniards ashore againe, as they had engaged to doe upon
their taking them thence, and further that two of the said shipps company said
and acknowledged to this deponent that they had a Spaniard to their boatswaine
and that they were commanded by those Spaniards which they had aboard,
and during the whole time of their stay [?about] their lading at Santa domingo,
and that John van lynen who pretended himselfe master, was noe other than
a husband for the shipps owners, And further hee deposeth not.
To the third hee saith that some of the said shipps company after the
said seizure lsoe confessed and acknowledged to this deponent that the said
shipp wore the Spanish flagg both at Santa Cruse and while shee was lading at
Santa domingo, and further saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot depose.
|Transcription=[INSERT TEXT]
To the fourth hee saith that some of the said shipps company further confessed
to and told this deponent that the said shipp was trimmed at Santa domingo
and that the Carpenters and calkers and all others that wrought upon her were
paid by her Spanish Captaine (speaking of John Maria de herera) or his
order, and that they heard him often say that shee belonged to him and
other Spanish merchants. And further saith that the said Pretended marchant of
the ''Santa Maria'' (John Moller) and others of her company alsoe acknowledged that
upon meeting in the night with a fleete of shipps (in her retourne from
Santa domingo) whom they suposed to be Englishm there were papers of the ''Santa
Maria'' throwne overboard, and an endeavour used to gaine the port of
Santa domingo againe, but the next day they appearing to be the Spanish fleete
John Maria de herera went aboard the Admirall and cleared both shipp and goods
And further deposeth nt.

Latest revision as of 19:40, May 16, 2015

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HCA 13/73 f.451r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot answer

To the last hee saith as before that the said Admirall Stokes
had noe such officer or other person belonging to him as was named
Diego Gilson, and further hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin 7th November



The fourth of
November 1659 [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation first given in.


Captaine John Stokes Admirall of the Squadron of shipps of this
Commonwealth in the Mediteraneansea, aged 49 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth That all
the Hides tobaccoe cacoa and Brazil wood and other goods which were
taken and seized in the said shipp the Santa Maria were (as her master and
merchant acknowledged to this deponent) of the growth and produce of the west
Indies in the dominion of the King of Spaine and were laded aboard her at Santa domingo; and saith that they further
acknowledged that the Spaniards did their busines in lading the said goods and
merchandizes, and that they were [?forced] tp be beholden to Spaniards in that
case. And further saith that it is notorious that noe man is permitted to
trade in theise parts without the licence or leave of the king of Spaine or his officers
and further hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee deposeth and saith that the said Captaine and
Merchant of the Santa Maria after her said seizure alsoe said and acknowledged to this
deponent that in their outward course stopping at Santa Cruse in the Canaries
they there tooke in fifteene Spaniards one of which (as they also said) was a Pilot,
and said that the reason wherefore they retourned againe to Santa Cruse, was
to put those Spaniards ashore againe, as they had engaged to doe upon
their taking them thence, and further that two of the said shipps company said
and acknowledged to this deponent that they had a Spaniard to their boatswaine
and that they were commanded by those Spaniards which they had aboard,
and during the whole time of their stay [?about] their lading at Santa domingo,
and that John van lynen who pretended himselfe master, was noe other than
a husband for the shipps owners, And further hee deposeth not.

To the third hee saith that some of the said shipps company after the
said seizure lsoe confessed and acknowledged to this deponent that the said
shipp wore the Spanish flagg both at Santa Cruse and while shee was lading at
Santa domingo, and further saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that some of the said shipps company further confessed
to and told this deponent that the said shipp was trimmed at Santa domingo
and that the Carpenters and calkers and all others that wrought upon her were
paid by her Spanish Captaine (speaking of John Maria de herera) or his
order, and that they heard him often say that shee belonged to him and
other Spanish merchants. And further saith that the said Pretended marchant of
the Santa Maria (John Moller) and others of her company alsoe acknowledged that
upon meeting in the night with a fleete of shipps (in her retourne from
Santa domingo) whom they suposed to be Englishm there were papers of the Santa
Maria throwne overboard, and an endeavour used to gaine the port of
Santa domingo againe, but the next day they appearing to be the Spanish fleete
John Maria de herera went aboard the Admirall and cleared both shipp and goods
And further deposeth nt.
