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Abbot [=John Abbot]
John Abbot
John Abbott [=John Abbot]
William Abbott
John Aberdyn
Abraham [=Abraham du Quesne]
Tho: Adames [Signature]
Captaine Adams
Samuell Adams
Mr Walter Adams
Robert Adlington [Deponent]
Robert R A [MARKE] Adlington [Marke]
Admirall William Goodson
Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders
John Daniel Alleman [=Daniel Passier ] [Alias]
Don Alonso [=Don Alonso da Molina y Marina]
Andres [=Andries Aernouts]
Andres Aernouts
Andrew Aerents
Andries Aernouts
John Allen [Deponent]
Haniball Allen [Deponent]
Haniball Allen [Deponent]
Hannaball Allen [Signature]
Hannaball Allen [Signature]
Christoval da Alverado
Christoval da Alvoardo CHECK IN ORIGINAL
Christoval da Alvorad
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Manoele Alvares [Signature]
Manoele Alvares [Signature]
Manoel Alverez [Deponent]
Manoel Alverez [Deponent]
Mr Amery
Thomas Amery [Producent]
Thomas Amery the older
Thomas Amery the younger
Thomas Am[?o]ry
Thomas Am[?o]ry
Isaac da Andrada
Isaac da Andrada
John Andrea [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
John Andrea [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Laurence Andreas
Anneley [=Thomas Anneley]
Thomas Anneley [Deponent]
Thomas Anneley [Deponent]
Thomas Anneley [Signature]
Thomas A[?nnsley [Signature]
Thomas A[?nnsley [Signature]
Robert Archer [Deponent]
Robert Archer [Signature]
Christofer Arrent[?o]n
Christofer Arrent[?o]n
Nicholas Arons [Deponent]
Arthur [=Daniel Arthur]
Daniel Arthur
Edward Ascough
Master Ascough [=Edward Ascough]
Edward Askew
Atkins [=John Atkins]
John Atkins
Auditor Beale
Augustin [=Augustin Rosetti]
John Aveeles
Master Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Mr Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Captaine John Aylet [Deponent]
Mr John Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Captaine Aylett [=Captaine John Aylet]
John Aylett [Signature] [=Captaine John Aylet]
Ayardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Ayardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Edward Aykers
Martha Ayliff [Deponent]
William Ayliff
Ayrardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Ayrardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
John Andrea Ayrardo
John Andrea Ayrardo
Ayscough [=Edward Ascough]
Alexander Baareffoott [Signature] [=Alexander Barfoote]
Paul Backman
Paul Backman
Cornelis baestijaense [Signature [=Cornelius Bastiaenss]
Giles Baily [Deponent]
Captaine Baker
Richard Baker
Richard Baker
Thomas Bake
James Baldwin [Deponent]
Thomas Bale
Mr Thomas [?B]ale
John Ballamy [Signature] [=John Bellamy]
William Ballow [Deponent]
The marke of the said Wm Ballow [Marke]
John Bancks
John Bancks
John Báncks
John Báncks
Line 65: Line 152:
Ben barebore [Signature]
Ben barebore [Signature]
Ben. barebore  [Signature]
Ben. barebore  [Signature]
Barent [=Barent Claeson]
Tomis Barentsen [Deponent]
Tomis Barents[?e]
Allexander Bareffoott [Signature]
Alexander Barfoote [Deponent]
Abraham Barnaby [Deponent]
Abraham Barnabye [Signature]
Thomas Barnes [Deponent]
John Barnett [Deponent]
John Barnett [Deponent]
George Barons [Deponent]
George Barons [Signature]
Nathaniell Bartholmew
Bartlet [=Edward Bartlet]
Edward Bartlet
Joshua Bartlet
Josuah Bartlett
Edward barton
Isack Barton
Isaack Barton
Mr Barton
dela Barr
dela Barr
Vincent dela barr
Vincent dela barr
Thomas Barrett
Captaine Basket
John Maria Bassa
William Basset [=William Bassett]
William Bassett [Deponent]
William Bassett [Deponent]
Antonio Basso [Deponent]
Antt. Basso [Signature]
Adrian Bastianson [Deponent]
Cornelius Bastiaenss [Deponent]
Cornelius Bastianss[on] [Deponent]
Cornelis bastyaens[?n] [Signature] [=Cornelius Bastiaenss]
Leonard Bates [Deponent]
Leonard Bates [Signature]
John Bateman  [Deponent]
John Bateman  [Deponent]
John Bateman [Signature]
John Bateman [Signature]
Mr Bathurst
Richard Batson [Deponent]
Richard Batson [Signature]
William Bawcock [Deponent]
William '''+''' Bawcock [Marke]
Bayley [=Gilles Bayley]
Gilles Bayley
William Beacham [Producent]
Captaine Beach
Captaine Bea[?ch]
Captaine [?Beach GUTTER]
Beacham [=William Beecham]
Auditor Beale
William Becks
Erasmus Bedlowe
Erasmus Bedlowe
Captaine Beech
William Beecham
Francis Beijer [Signature]
John Bellamy
Bellinger [=Beniamin Bellinger]
Beniamin Bellinger
Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Alexander Bence
Mr Alexander Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Mr Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Philipp Beguin
Philipp Beguin
John I B [MARKE] Bennett  {Marke]
John I B [MARKE] Bennett  {Marke]
Marke Bennett [Deponent]
Marke Bennett [Signature]
John Benning
Bequin [=Philipp Bequin]
Philipp Bequin
Richard Beswick [Deponent]
Richard Beswicke [Signature]
Henry Berry [Deposition]
Henry Berry [Signature]
John Berry
Betts [=Patrick Betts]
Henry Betts [Deponent]
H. Betts [=Henry Betts]
Patrick Betts
Frauncis Beyer [Deposition]
Jonathan Bigland [Deponent]
'''+++''' The marke of Jonathan [MARKE, RH SIDE] Bigland [Marke]
Richard Biles [Deponent]
Richard Biles [Signature]
Jan Bi[XXXerse] [Signature]
Captaine Joseph Bl[?owe]
John Bishopp  [Deponent]
John Bishopp  [Deponent]
Mr Edward Blacket
Blake [=Sydrach Blake]
Blake [=Sydrach Blake]
Generall Blake
Sydrach Blake
Sydrach Blake
Sydrack Blake [=Sydrach Blake]
Sydrath Blake
[GUTTER ?Sydrath Blake
Laurance Blancart
La[urence GUTTER] Blancart [=Laurance Blancart]
Mr Blancart [=Laurance Blancart]
Simon To[?u]son Bleau [Deponent]
George Blowe
Blunt [=William Blunt]
William Blunt
Jacob Bolart
Jacob Bola[?i]t
John Bond
Bonnell [=David Bonell]
Bonnell [=David Bonell]
Mr Bonnell [=David Bonell]
Mr Bonnell [=David Bonell]
david Bonell
david Bonell
Thomas Bonfoy [Deponent]
Thomas Bonfoy [Signature]
Bonner [=John Bonner]
Bonner [=John Bonner]
John Bonner
John Bonner
John Bonytho [Deponent]
James Boord [Deponent]
John Booth [Signature]
Mr Boothes
James Bostock
James Bostock
John Bound
John Bound
Edward Boucklee [Signature]
William Bourgh [Deponent]
George Bourman
Humphrey Bourne [Deponent]
Humphrey Bourne [Deponent]
Humphrey Bourne
Humphrey Bourne
William Boutill
Mr William Boutil
Thomas Bowdles [Signature]
Thomas Bowdles [Signature]
Thomas Bowdler [Deponent]
Thomas Bowdler [Deponent]
Andrew Bowman [Signature]
Mr Bradley
Charles Bradick [Deponent]
Charles Bradicke [Signature]
Draniell Bradley
John Brampton
Brand [=John Brand]
John Brand
John Bray
John Brewer [Deponent]
Mr Bright [=Mr Thomas Bright]
Mr Thomas Bright
Briggs [=Edward Briggs]
Edward Briggs [Deponent]
Edward Brigges [Signature]
Morrice Briggs [Deponent]
Morris Brigges [Signature]
Morris Briggs [Signature]
John Consalvo Britta
John Consalvo Britta
Gonsalvo Britto
John Gonsalvo Britto
Cornelius bringhmans [Signature] [=Cornelius Bringmans]
Cornelius Bringmans [Deponent]
Robert Britton
Robert Britton
Mr Broadrick
Mr Broadwick
Thomas Broockes [Signature]
Thomas Brookes [Deponent]
Thomas Brookes [Signature]
Broughton [=John Broughton]
John Broughton
Mr Brown the Marshall
Arnold Browne
Arnold Browne
George Browne [Deponent]
George Browne [Signature]
Henry Browne
John Browne
Mr Browne [=Mr Brown the Marshall]
Peter Browne [Deponent]
Peter Browne [Signature]
Richard Browne
Richard Browne
[?Roger GUTTER] Browne
Zachary Browne
Zachary Browne
Za: Browne [Signature]
Captaine Zachary Browne [Deponent]
Browneing [=Browning]
Browning [=Wm Browning]
Brow[n}ing [=Wm Browning]
Robert Browning
Robert Browning
Tho: Browning [Signature]
Tho: Browning [Signature]
Thomas Browning [Deponent]
Thomas Browning [Deponent]
William Browning
Wm Browning
Albert Brumson
Albert [?B]runston [In Amsterdam]
Albert [?B]runston [In Amsterdam]
John Bruyning [Producent]
John Bryson [Deponent]
James Buckland
Edward Buckley [Deposition]
Budd [Proctor]
Mr Budd [=Budd] [Proctor]
Mr David Budd [=Budd] [Proctor]
Bulkley [=Mr William Bulkely]
Bulkely [=Mr William Bulkely]
Mr Bulkley
Mr William Bulkely
Wiiliam Bulkley
Bultele [=Peter Bultele]
Peter Bultele
Robert Burden [Signature] [=Robert Burdin]
Robert Burdin [Deponent]
Burton [=Thomas Burton]
Thomas Burton [Deponent]
Tho burton [Signature] [=Thomas Burton]
Tho: Burton [=Thomas Burton]
Bushell [=John Bushell]
Edward Bushell
Mr Edward Bushell
John Bushell [Deponent]
Mr John Bushell [=John Bushell]
Butcher his widow
Butcher his widow
Captaine Adams
Captaine John Aylet [Deponent]
Captaine Aylett
Captaine Basket
Captaine Beach
Captaine [?Beach GUTTER]
Captaine Beech
Captaine Joseph Bl[?owe]
Captaine Zachary Browne [Deponent]
Captaine James Cade [Deponent]
Captaine James Cade [Deponent]
Captaine Carsis
Captaine Cock [=Captaine Albert Cock]
Captaine Albert Cock
Captaine Consell
Captaine Croford
Captaine Michaell dibbs
Captaine Thomas Evens
Captaine ffearnes
Captaine ffountayne
Captaine ffox
Captaine Garnett
Captaine Giles
Captaine Gyles [=Captaine Giles]
Captaine haddock
Captaine hare
Captaine John Harris [Deponent]
Captaine John Humphrey
Captaine J[olley GUTTER]
Captaine Jolly
Captaine don Juan
Captaine Lapper
Captain Lockes
Captaine John L[ynis GUTTER]
Captaine Maniard
Captaine Markes
Captaine Peter Martins
Captaine Mings
Captaine Mole
Captaine Ree Morris
Captaine Moulson
Captaine Christofer Myngs
Captaine Richard Payne
Captaine Poole
Captaine Andrew Rand
Captaine Andrew Rands
Captaine Thomas Roberts
Captaine Robinson [= Robert Robinson]
Captaine Rodriguez
Captaine Sammon
Captaine Seaman
Captaine Shawe
Captaine Joseph Taylor
Captaine Thomas Taylor [Deponent]
Captaine Thomas [=William Thomas]
Captaine Tottie
Captaine Totty
Captaine Valence
Captaine Welch [=John Welch]
Captaine Wills [=Captaine John Wills]
Captaine John Wills
Captaine Isaac Woodgreene [Deponent]
Edmund C[?ala]
John Rodrigues Caldron [=John Rodrigues da Calderon]
John Rodriguez Calderon [=John Rodrigues da Calderon]
Camby [=Samuell Camby]
Samuell Camby
Cambye [=Samuell Camby]
Manuel Rodrigues Caminha
Manuel Rodrigues Caminha
Manuel Rodrigues ?Caminha
Manuel Rodrigues ?Caminha
Peter Canaly
Canham [=Thomas Canham]
Thomas Canham
Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Mr Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Mr Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Samuell ?Card:X
Samuell ?Card:X
Careswell [=Joseph Careswell]
Joseph Careswell
William Carey
William Carey
Henry Carpenter
Michael Carpentier
Carsis [=Captaine Carsis]
Captaine Carsis
da Carvalio
da Carvalio
Da Carvallio
Da Carvallio
John da Carvallio
John da Carvallio
Michael Carpentier
fran carvallo [Signature]
Francisco Carvallo [Deponent]
John Martines Cascaes
John Martines Cas[?caes]
Cascales [=John Martines Cascales]
John Martines Cascales
John Martines Cas[?rad]o [=John Martines Cascales]
Peter Cavalier
Jacob Ceelay [Deponent]
Jacob Ceeley
The marke of [MARKE] daniel Chamberlen [Marke]
Mr Chamlett
Francis Chaplin [Deponent]
ffran Chaplin [Deponent] [=Francis Chaplin]
George Chappell [Deponent]
George Chappell  [Signature]
Michaell Charpentier
Michaell Charpentier
Monsieur Charpentier
Monsieur Charpentier
Charles the Irishman
Cheeke [Proctor]
James Cheney
Cheyney [=James Cheney]
Cheyney [=Thomas Cheyney]
Thomas Cheyney
Edward Chorke[?ys]
Cornelius Christianss
Samuell Church [Deponent]
Thomas Church the younger
Claes [=Claes Johnson]
Claes [=Claes Williams]
Samuell Curch [Signature] [=Samuell Church]
Barent Claseson
Fredryck Claesen
ffrederick Claeson [Deposition]
Simon Claeson [Deposition]
Simon '''V''' Claeson [Marke]
Clarke [=Benjamin Clarke]
Clarke [=Thomas Clarke]
Abraham Clarke [Deponent]
Abraham Clarke [Signature]
Benjamin Clarke
Benjámin Clarke
Benj: Clarke
Samuell Clarke
Thomas Clarke [Deponent]
Thomas Clarke  [Signature]
John Clason
John Clason
Henry Classaw
Hans Clauson
Cleeve [=Richard Cleeve]
Richard Cleeve
Clements [Proctor]
George Clements
George Clements
Mathew Clements [Deponent]
Mathew Clements [Deponent]
Mathew Clements [Signature]
Mathew Clements [Signature]
Nicholas Clements
Nicholas Clements
Clerke [=Thomas Clarke]
Thomas Clerq [=Thomas Clarke]
Chritopher Cletheroe [Deponent]
Chr: Clethero [Signature]
John Cob
Cobb [=John Cobb]
John Cobb [Deponent]
Cock [=Captaine Albert Cock]
Collonel Cock
Collonel Cock
Charles George Cock Esquire
George Cock Esquire
George Cock Esquire
Robert Cock
Robert Cock
Thomas Cockerell [=Thomas Cockerill]
Thomas Cockerill
Mr William Cockrof
William Cockroft
Anthone Colard  [Signature]
Anthony Colard  [Deponent]
Colbrant [=Monsieur du Colbrant]
William Cole
William Cole
William 2 Cole [Marke]
William 2 Cole [Marke]
Maior Generall John Culleton
Henry Colleton
Millicent Colequite
Edward Collier [Deponent]
Edward Collier [Signature]
P John Collins [Signature]
P John Collins [Signature]
John Collyns
John Collyns
John Collyns [Deponent]
John Collyns [Deponent]
Colonell ffortescue
Augustin Colonell
Mr Augustine Colonell
Edward Colston [Signature]
Edward Colston [Signature]
Colquist [Proctor]
Captaine Consell
Constant [=Constant Silvester]
Thomas Constant [Deponent]
Thomas Constant [Signature]
David Constantine [Made up name]
David Constantine [Made up name]
Consull Generall for the States of the United Provinces [Andrew Aerents at the Groyne, Galisia]
Anthinio Maria de Conte
Anthinio Maria de Conte
Antonio Maria da Conte
Antonio Maria da Conte
Anthonio Mara de Conte
Anthonio Mara de Conte
Cooke [=James Cooke]
Cooke [=Mathew Cooke]
James Cooke [Claimant]
John Cooke [Deponent]
John Cooke [Deponent]
John Cooke [Signature]
John Cooke [Signature]
Mathew Cooke
Mr Richard Cooke
Rob Cooke [Signature]
Rob Cooke [Signature]
Robert Cooke [Deponent]
Robert Cooke [Deponent]
Cooper [=John Cooper]
John Cooper
Robert Cooper [Deponent]
Robert Cooper [Deponent]
Robert Cooper [Signature]
Robert Cooper [Signature]
heyndrick Cornelise [Signature] [=Hendrick Cornelison]
Bastian Cornliss{on}
Michaell Copey
Michaell Copey
Robert Cordell
Robert Cordell
Corneles Corneles [Signature]
Heyndrick Cornelise [Signature]
Bastian Cornelison
Hendrick Cornelison [Deponent]
Claus Corneliss
Gill Cornelius [Signature]
Cornwallis [=Mr Cornwallis]
Mr Cornwallis
Augustin Coronel [Deposition]
Augustin Coronel [Signature]
Charles Corsellis
Charles Corsellis
Seager Corsellis
Augustin Costa [Deponent]
Augustin Costa [Deponent]
Augustin Costa [Signature]
Augustin Costa [Signature]
Captain Couchman [=Gervaise Couchman]
Captain Couchman [=Gervaise Couchman]
Gervase Couchman [=Captain Couchman]
Gervase Couchman [=Captain Couchman]
Peter County
Courtein [=Isaack Courteines]
Courteines [=Isaack Courteines]
Isaack Courteines
Isaack) Courteins
Peter Bowdan Courten
Thomas Courtman
Anthonio Moria dy Coute
Anthonio Moria dy Coute
Cowell [=Thomas Cowell]
Mr Cowell [=Thomas Cowell]
Thomas Cowell
Edmund Cowse
Edmund and James Cowse
James Cowse
Mr Cowse
Mr Cowses [=Mr Cowse]
Cox [Producent] [=Thomas Cox]
Mr Cox
Thomas Cox [Producent]
Garrard [?Cr]abb
Garrard [?Cr]abb
James Cowes [=James Cowse]
Mr James Cowes [=James Cowse]
Edmund Cowse
James Cowse
James Co[wes GUTTER]  [=James Cowse]
Cox [=Mr Cox]
Mr Cox
Stephen Cranbrooke [Deponent]
The marke of the said [MARKE] Cranbrooke [=Stephen Cranbrooke]
Henry Crane [= Henry Crone]
Henry Crane [= Henry Crone]
George Crapnell [Deponent]
George Craynell  [Signature] [=George Crapnell] CHECK BOTH
ffrancis Creagh
Crew [=Henry Crew]
Henry Crew
Cadwallader Cripps [Signature]
Croford [=William Croford]
Mr Croford [=William Croford]
William Croford [Deponent]
Crofford [=William Croford]
Captaine Croford [=William Croford]
Henry Crone
Henry Crone
John Crooke [Deponent]
Jo: Crooke  [Signature]
John: Crooke [Signature]
Mathew Crouer [Deponent]
Mathew Crouer [Deponent]
Henry Culleton
Gilbert Cult
Mr Currall
Ralph Curtis
Gilbert Cutt
Joan da Alsa
Christoval da Alverado
Christovall da Alverado
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Don Christovall da Alverado
Edward Garcia da Bilbar
John Rodrigues da Calderon
Antonio Maria da Conte
Anthonio Maria da} Coule
Don John da Costa
Antonio da ffonseca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Antonio da ffonseca ffranca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca [Producent]
George ffernandes da ffranca
Gonsalo da Gambea
Gonsalo da Gambea
Gonsalo da Gamboa
Gonsalo da Gamboa
Gonsalo da Gamboa dgalo
Gonsalo da Gamboa dyalo
Gonsalo da Gamboa dyalo
Gonzalo da Gambon dialo
Gonzalo da Gambon dialo
Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo
William da Grates
da herrera [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
diego da Labaton
Martin da Lizonda
da Messa [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
Antonio Martinis da Mesa [Deponent]
Antonio Martinez da Meza
Gasper da Musquaoto
Potter [=John da Potter]
John da Pottar
da Patter [=John da Potter]
John da Potter
Vice Admirall da Ruitter
Vice Admirall da Rutter
fferdinand and Martine da Silva
Nicholas da Silva
Paulus da Soutaladr
Antonio da Apo[X]ni da Souza [Deponent]
[XX] Al[X]oim de Souza [Signature] [=Antonio da Apo[X]ni da Souza]
John da Swart
Diego da Terra
Jan da Vos [Signature]
D, diego de Baton [Signature]
Marwuis [=Marquis de feda Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders and Governour of dunkirke]
Marquis de feda Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders and Governour of dunkirke
Nicholas de Ferrari [Deponent]
Nicolas deferrari [Signature] [=Nicholas de Ferrari]
Manoel de ffonseca [Deponent]
Manuell de ffonseca [Signature]
George ffernandez de ffranca
Antonio de ffonseca da ffranca
de herrera
de herrera Leyva
Mr delabarr
Vincent de la barr
Diego de La Baton [Deponent]
Don Diego de la Baton [Deponent]
Mr de la Vall
Thomas delavall
de La Ville[?tte GUTTER]
de La Villette
Antonio Martines de Messa [Deponent]
Antonio Martino de Messa [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
Antonio , XX de messa [Signature]
Anttonio Martines demessas [Signature] [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
de Nessa CHECK
Daniel [=Daniel de Passanier]
Daniel de Passanier
Vice Admirall de Rutter
Vice Admirall de Ruyter
Manuel de Sousa
Manuel de Souza
John de vas
John de vos [Deponent]
Martin de Yrizundo
Gonsales do Gamboa dgalo
John du Brock
Monsieur du Colbrant
John du fflos
ffrancis du Pont [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] ffrancis du Pont [Marke]
Monsieur du Quesne
Monsieur du Quesnes
Monsieur du Quesent
Abraham du Quesne
Stephen du Quesne
Samuel damerel [Deponent]
ssam:ll Damerell [Signature]
Henry Damorin [Deponent]
The marke of the said Henry H Damor[?o]n: [Marke]
John Daniel [Deponent]
John Daniel [Deponent]
John Daniell [Signature]
John Daniell [Signature]
Davies [=Thomas Davies]
Thomas Davies
Deane [=Mr Deane]
Anthony Deane [Deponent]
Anthony Deane [Signature] [=?Mr Deane] CHECK CONTEXT
Mr Deane
Simon Delboe
Simon Delboe
Symon Delboe
Dell [=Mary dell (nowe Bettenham)]
Mary dell (nowe Bettenham)
Beniamin Denning [Deponent]
Beniamin Denning [Signature]
Beniamine Denning
Beniamine Denning
Beniamin [?D]enning [Signature]
Beniamin [?D]enning [Signature]
Israel Dennis [Deponent]
William dennis
Israell Dermes [Signature]  CHECK
William Dent [Deponent]
Daniell [?d]essell
Thomas dethick
Thomas dethick
Lawrence devenish
Lawrence devenish
Gonsalo Gamboa dialo
Gregorio Diaz
Captaine Michaell dibbs
Francis Dickinson [Deponent]
Francis Dickinson [Deponent]
Ffra: Dickinson [Signature]
Ffra: Dickinson [Signature]
Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo
Gonsalo da Gamboa dgalo
Manoel de ffonseca [Deponent]
Manuell de ffonseca [Signature]
Manuel de Sousa
Manuel de Souza
Gonsales do Gamboa dgalo
Bertrand Dibarbone [Deponent]
Bertrand Dibarbone [Deponent]
Bertrand dibarbore  [Deponent]
Bertrand dibarbore  [Deponent]
Bertrand di[X] Dibarbore [Deponent]
Bertrand di[X] Dibarbore [Deponent]
William Dickers
Lewes Dighton
John Dillick [Deponent]
John Dillicke [Signature]
Richard dillon
ffrancisco dirckson
Dixford [=Judith Dixford]
Judith dixford
Doctor Walker
Dobins [=Joseph dobbins]
Dobbins [=Joseph dobbins]
Joseph dobins [=Joseph dobbins]
Joseph dobbins
Mr Dobbins [=Joseph dobbins]
Don John of Austria
Don [John GUTTER] of Austria
John downeing
John Downer
William downes
James drawater
Mr James Drawater [=James drawater]
Thomas Drayson [Deponent]
Tho: Drayson [Signature] [=Thomas Drayson]
Gonsalo Gamboa dyalo
Gonsalo Gamboa dyalo
Gregorio Diaz
Duke of Brandenburgh
Duke of Courland
Duke of M[?a]dina
Duke of Madina-Cali [Captaine Generall of that coast under  the King of Spaine]
Duke of Oldenburgh
Duke of Oldenburgh
Duke of Yorke
Dunn [=Thomas Dunn]
Robert Dunn
Thomas Dunn
Dutch Admirall
Dutch Admirall
Dyer [Proctor]
Rich: Dyricke [Signature]
John Dyson
Earle of Arundell
William East [Deponent]
William East [Signature]
Eaton [=William Eaton]
William Eaton
Mr Ebbot
Mr Ebbot
Daniel Edwards [Deponent]
p mr Daniell Edwards [Signature]
Mr Egleston
Mr E[g]los [senior]
John Elinck
Peter Elinck
Ellis [=Elisha Ellis]
Jenkin Ellis
Jenkin Ellis
John Ellis
Nicholas Johnson Engell
George England
Jaques Ennet [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] Jacques Ennet [Marke]
Jacques) [GUTTER ?Ennet]
Richard Erdine [Deponent]
Richard Erdine [Deponent]
Captaine Thomas Evens
John Everington
William Eves [Deponent]
The marke of '''O''' William Eves [Marke]
Mary Ewen
Mary Ewens her husband
Master Ewens his servants
Mr Ewen the late husband of Mrs Ewen
Mr Ewen late husband of the said Mris Ewen
Mr Ewens
Mrs Ewens [=Mary Ewen]
mris Ewens her late husband
mr Philipp ffarewell
ffawnce [=Edward ffawnce]
Edward ffawnce [Deponent]
ffearnes [=Richard ffearnes]
Captaine ffearnes [=Richard ffearnes]
Richard ffearnes
Thomas ffelton
John fenner [Signature]
John ffenner  [Deponent]
ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
Anthonio ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
Anthony ffernandez
Mr ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
fferrari [=Nicolas de Ferrari]
Peter fferrari
Nicolas deferrari [Signature]
Nicolas deferrari [Signature]
Edward ffinch [Deponent]
Edward ffinch [Signature]
Edward ffinch [Signature]
The marke of the sayd John I ffletcher [Marke]
Nicholas de Ferrari [Deponent]
Nicholas de Ferrari [Deponent]
ffonseca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Richard ford [Signature]
Richard ford [Signature]
John James ff[XXXX]
John James ff[XXXX]
Peter fferrari
Peter fferrari
ffisher [=William ffisher]
Mr ffisher [=William ffisher]
William ffisher
mr ffitz Garrard [=Richard ffitz Gerald]
Richard ffitz Gerald
Richard} ffitz Gerald
Amos ffoard
John Jaques ffonne
John Jaques ffonne
John Jaques fforné
John Jaques fforné
Line 224: Line 1,035:
ffrancis fforno
ffrancis fforno
Richard fford [Deponent]
Richard fford [Deponent]
Colonell ffortescue
Peter ffourdin [Deponent]
Alex ffowler [Signature]
ffrancis ffrancis
John ffrancisco
ffreeman [=John ffreeman]
John ffreeman
Mr John ffreeman [=John ffreeman]
ffrench woman and her daughter
Captaine ffountayne
Alexander ffowler
ffoxe [=Mr ffox]
Mr ffox
ffranck [=Aron ffranke]
ffrancke [=Aron ffranke]
Lovinus ffranck
Lovinus ffranck
Adrian ffranke [Deponent]
Aron ffrancke [=Aron ffranke]
Aron ffranke
Claus ffrancke
Claus ffrancke
John ffranckland [Deponent]
Jn ffrankland [Signature [=John ffranckland]
ffrancklin [Proctor]
Mr ffrancklin [in Spaine]]
Christofer ffreer
Christofer ffreer
Richard ffu[XX] [Signature]
Richard ffu[XX] [Signature]
John ffytzherbert [Signature]
John Fletcher [Deponent]
Alexander Fowler [Deponent]
Adrian franck [Signature] [=Adrian ffranke]
John frannsen [Signature]
Edward ffridd [Deponent]
Edward [MARKE] ffridd [Marke]
Thomas ffridd [Deponent]
Thomas ffridd [Signature]
ffrost [=William ffrost]
William ffrost
Ab:t Gale [Signature] [=Robert Gale]
Robert Gale [Deponent]
Barbara da Gamboa
Barbara da Gamboa
Mathew da Gamboa
Mathew da Gamboa
Edward Garcia
Manoes Garcia
Manuel [=Manuel Garcia]
Manuell [=Manuel Garcia]
Manuel Garcia
Sebastian Garcia [Deponent]
Captaine Garnett
John Garrard [Deponent]
George gasdas
George gasdas
Daniel Gates
John Gaultier
John Gaultier
Mr Gdwin
Generall Blake
Generall Penn
ffernando Geraldo
ffernando Geraldo
Peter Gerbra[?nsh]
Peter Gerbra[?nsh]
John Germyn
John Germyn
Captaine Giles
William Gillam
John Gillman
John Gillman
Godfrey [=William Godfrey]
Godfrey [=William Godfrey]
William Godfrey
William Godfrey
John Godolphin
John Godolphin
Doctor Godolphin
Doctor Godolphin
John Godsalve [Deponent]
John Godsalve [Deponent]
John Godsalve Junior [Signature]
John Godsalve Junior [Signature]
Gold [=Mr Gold]
Mr Gold
Admirall William Goodson
Mr Goodwin
Gosling [=Hubart Gosling]
Hubart Gosling
Hunert Gosling CHECK
George Gosyde
George Gosyde
Governor of Antego
The Governour [=Governour of Antego]
The Governour and officers of Santa domingo
Governour of Antega
Governour and Counsell at Antego
Governour of Antego
Governour of Angola
Governour of Cartagena
Governour of dunkirke
Governour of Merida
Governour of Portugall [in Angola]
Governour at Saint domingo
Governour of Santa domingo
Governour of the Cape da Verd Islands
Governour or President of Santa domingo
Gowen [=Thomas Gowen]
Thomas Gowen [Deponent]
Thomas Gowin [Signature] [=Thomas Gowen]
John Grant [Deponent]
John Grant [Signature]
Thomas Grant [Deponent]
Thomas Gránt [Signature]
Graves [=Abraham Graves]
Abraham Graves [Deponent]
Mr Abraham Graves
Mr Abraham Graves
Thomas Gray [Deponent]
Thomas Gray [Signature]
Captaine Gra[XXXX]s
Abraham Greaves [Signature]
Abraham Greaves [Signature]
Christofer Greene
Christopher Greene
George Greene
Mr Greene [=Thomas Greene]
Thomas Greene [Deponent]
Thomas Greene [Signature]
William Greene
Mr Greenleaf
Jacob Gregory [Deponent]
Jacob Gregory [Signature]
John Gregory
John Gregory
Thomas Gregs
Thomas Gregs
Thomas Greggs
Thomas Gregg[?s] [Deponent]
Thomas Gregg[?s] [Deponent]
Thomas Gregg[X]  [Signature]
Thomas Gregg[X]  [Signature]
Griffin [=Griffen]
Thomas Grimsditch [Deponent]
Thomas grim[?s]ditch [Signature]
Lawrence Growden
Lawrence Growden
Jean Gueroul[?t] [Signature] [=John Gueroult ]
John Gueroult [Deponent]
Guy [=Leonard Guy]
Leonard Guy
Gyles [=Gyles Vanderpost]
Captaine Gyles [=Captaine Giles]
John Hackman [Deponent]
Captaine haddock
Roger haey
Haie Haies [Deponent]
haije haijes [Signature]
Peter hales
Edmund halle[XX]
Edmund halle[XX]
Mr John hallett
Halley [=Edmund Halley]
Edmund halley
Edmund halley
Roger haly
Joseph hammond
Thomas hanson [Deponent] [=Thomas Hanson]
Thomas hansson [Signature]
hans halvorsen
Mr Joseph Hamon
Maniel Perera ?Hamos
Maniel Perera ?Hamos
John Harbert [Deposition]
John Harbert [Deposition]
John Harbert [Signature]
John Harbert [Signature]
Mr harbyn
Mr harbyn
Captaine hare
Captaine hare
Christopher harle
John Harris [Deponent] [NOT=Captaine John Harris]
John harris [Signature] [NOT=Captaine John Harris]
Captaine John Harris [Deponent]
John Har[?ries] [Signature] [=Captaine John Harris]
Richard Harris [Deponent]
Richard Harris [Signature]
William Harris [Deponent]
The mark of william [MARKE] harris [Marke]
Edward harrison
Edward Harrison [Signature]
Edward Harr[X]on [Deponent]
Mr hart
John Hart
William hart
Master William hart [=William hart]
Robert harthly [Signature] [=Robert Hartley]
Hartie [=Hartie Johnson]
Robert Hartley [Deponent]
Mr hatton
Mr hatton
Samuell Haughton [Deponent]
Sam:ll Haughton [Signature] [=Samuell Haughton]
Richard hauson
Haydon [=James Haydon]
James haydon
John hayward
John hay[XXX GUTTER]
Michael da haze
Michael da haze
John Hebling [Deponent]
Tho: Haward [Signature]
John + hebling [Marke]
Christopher ha[?w]le
William Hearon [Deponent]
Willm hearon [Signature]
John Hebling [Deponent]
John '''+''' hebling [Marke]
John hedda
Henry Hendricksen [Deponent]
Henry Hendricksen [Deponent]
hendrick hendrickson [Signature]
Hendrick Hendrickson [Deponent]
Hendrick hendrickson [Signature]
John Heringer
John Heringer
Herrera [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Mr Nathaniel Herring
Paul Heyn [Deponent]
The marke of Paul [MARKE] heyn [Marke]
Tho: Hiath [Signature]
Robert Hide [Signature] [=Robert Hyde]
His highnes the Lord Protector
His highnes the Lord Protector
His Highnes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England
His Highnes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England
Abraham Hill
Abraham Hill
Cord hilderman
[?Cord] Hilderman [Deponent]
Courd Hillderman [Deponent]
Courd Hillderman [Deponent]
Cord hilderm[XXX] [Signature] [=Courd Hillderman]
Thomas [?hithburne]
Thomas [?hithburne]
Richard Hoare [Deponent]
Thomas Hoare [Deponent]
William hobcroft [Deponent]
William hobcroft [Deponent]
Mee Will hobcroft [Signature]
Mee Will hobcroft [Signature]
William Hogg [Deponent]
William hogg [Signature]
Humphrey holcombe
John holder
Mr holmes
Holway [=Nicholas holway]
Nicholas holway
Mr holwey [=Nicholas holway]
Edward horken
Dierick Hoste
Dierick Hoste
Peter Howard [Deponent]
Thomas Howard  [Deponent]
Mr how [=Mr Alexander Howe]
Mr how [=Mr Alexander Howe]
Mr how [=Mr howe] [said to be steward to the earle of Arundell]
Mr howe [said to be steward to the earle of Arundell]
John howell
Howbart [=Mr howbart]
Mr howbart
Howe [=Alexander howe]
Alexander howe
Mr Alexander howe
Mr Alexander howe
Richard hussey
Mr Robert hubbold
Albert huberts
Allert huberts
John hughesen
Hughes [=Kendrick hughes]
Kendrick hughes
Humphrey [=John humphrey]
John humphrey
Captaine John Humphrey [=John humphrey]
John Humphreys [Deponent]
John Humphreys [Signature]
John Hunt [Deponent]
The marke [MARKE] of the said John Hunt [Marke] [=John Hunt]
Richard huntington
Francis Hurdidge [Deponent]
ffran hurdidge [Signature] [=Francis Hurdidge]
ffrancis Hurdidge [Deponent] [=Francis Hurdidge]
Richard hussey [Deponent]
Richard Hussy
Humphrer Hutchons [Signature]
Humphrer Hutchons [Signature]
Hyatt [=Thomas Hyatt]
Thomas hyat
Thomas Hyatt [Deponent] [=Thomas Hyatt]
Robert Hyde [Deponent]
Arthur Ingram [Deponent]
Arth Ingram [Signature] [=Arthur Ingram]
Mr Arthur Ingram [Deponent] [=Arthur Ingram]
Rowland Ingram
Esiah Isbell [Deponent]
Esiah Isbell [Deponent]
Esa: is-bell [Signature]
Esa: is-bell [Signature] [=Esiah Isbell]
Frederick Ixem [Deponent]
Fred: Ixem [Signature]
Abraham Jacobson [Signature] [=Abraham Jacobson Larson]
Henry James
John James
John James
Thomas Janson [Deponent]
The marke [MARKE] of Thomas Janson [Marke]
Jan Janss [Signature] [=John Johnson]
Edward Jarrett [Deponent]
Edward [MARKE] Jarrett [Marke]
Jefferies [=John Jefferies]
John Jefferies
Jefferyes [=John Jefferies]
Jenkin [=Marmaduke Jenkins]
Marmaduke Jenkins
Jennings [=Mathew Jennings]
Adam Jennings
Haniball Jenninge [Deponent]
Haniball Jennings
Mathew Jennings
Richard Jennings
haniball Jennins [Signature]
John Jermyn
John Jermyn
John Jobe
Mr John Jobs
Johnson [=Barnard Johnson]
Johnson [=Gyles Johnson]
Johnson [=Joost Johnson]
Johnson [=Mr Johnson]
Johnson [=James Jonson; NOT=Mr Johnson; YES=Mr Johnson]
Johnson [=Nicholas Johnson]
Barnard Johnson
Claes Johnson
Gyles Johnson
John Johnson [Deponent]
Joost Johnson
haion Jonson [Deponent]
Harti[?a]} Johnson
Hartie Johnson
James Johnson
Mannk Johnson [=Mannock Johnson]
Mannock Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
Mr Johnson
Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
Jolfe [=Henry Jolfe]
Henry Jolfe
John Jolliffe
Mr John Jo[?lliffe GUTTER] [=John Jolliffe]
Captaine J[olley GUTTER]
Captaine Jolly
Jollyfe [=John Jolliffe]
Jonas [=Morgan Jonas]
Morgan Jonas
Morgan Jona's
Jones [=Morgan Jones]
Jones [=Thomas Jones]
Jone's [=Morgan Jonas]
Morgan Jones [Deponent]
Morgan Jones [Signature]
Richard Jones [Deponent]
Richard Jones [Signature]
Robert Jones
Thomas Jones
the marke of TI [MARKE] To: Jones [Marke]
don Joseph
Joyliffe [=John Jolliffe]
Captaine don Juan
don Juan or Guan [=Captaine don Juan]
Judge of the Admiralty of Saint Lucar
Judge of the Court of Judicature
Gilbert Keate
Jonathan Keate
Mr Gilbert keate
Richard Keate [Deponent]
Richard Keate [Deponent]
Richard Keate [Signature]
Richard Keate [Signature]
Keeble [=William Keeble]
William Keeble
Keech [=Stephen keech]
Stephen keech
Keene [=Edward Keene]
Keene [=John Keene]
Edward Keene
Henry keene [Deponent]
Hen: Keene [Signature]
John Keene
Kell [=Elisha kell]
Elisha kell
Kendrick [=Kendrick hughes]
Christopher Kennell Esquire
Christopher Kennett Esquire CHECK
Henry Kenyon
John Keylock [Deponent]
John Keylock [Signature]
Mr Kiffen [=William Kiffen]
Wm Kiff[?e]n [Signature]
William Kiffen
William Kiffin [Deponent]
Robert kilmer
Robert Kilner
Roger kilvart
Roger kilvart
Robert kilver
Catherin) kil[?v]erth
Catherin) kil[?v]erth
Mris kil?wert
Mris kil?wert
King of Bantam
King of Bantam
King of XXXX
King of ffrance
King of ffrance
King of Portugall
King of Spaine
King of Spaine
King of Scots
King of Scotts
King of Sweden
King of Sweden
Richard Kingston
Peter Knight
Robert Knight [Deponent]
Henry Kyme [Signature]
Henry Kyne [Deponent]
La Valette
John Ladd
Mr Ladd [=John Ladd]
Thomas Lake
Thomas Lake
flaus Lanaisas [Signature] CHECK
Robert Land [Deponent]
Robert Land [Deponent]
Robert Land [Signature]
Robert Land [Signature]
William Lane [Deponent]
William Lane [Signature]
Captaine Lapper
Captaine Lapper
Abraham Jacobson Larson [Deponent]
Abraham Jacobson Larson [Signature]
Ambioen Larson
Jacob Larson [Deponent]
Jacobey larson [Signature] [=Jacob Larson]
Okey Larson [Deponent]
John Lash
George Lea
George Lea
William Lea
Mr Lea
William Lea [Signature]
George Lee
George Lee
William Lee [Deponent]
William Lee [Deponent]
Wm Lee [Signature]
Wm Lee [Signature]
John legg
Commander John Petersson Lelly
Commander John Petersson Lelly
Mr Lemmans wife
Albert Lemmerman
Mr Lemmon [=Lemmon]
Lewellin [=Robert Lewellin]
Robert Lewellin
Edward Lewes
Herrera Leyva [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Symon da herrera Leyva
Thomas Lidington
Lieutenant of the ''Marston Moore frigot''
Luke Lillie [Signature]
Luke Lilly [Deponent]
Abraham da Lima
Abraham da Lima
Abraham de Lima [Signature]
Abraham de Lima [Signature]
John Lindsey
Mr Loades
Captain Lockes
Lord of Arundell
Lordell [=James Lordell]
James Lordell
Nicholas Lorson [Deponent]
ffernando Gerardo Love
ffernando Gerardo Love
Thomas Lowe
Robert Lucas
Jacob Luce
Jacob Luce
Luke Lucie
Mr Lucas lucie [=Luke Lucie]
Mr Luke Luce [=Luke Lucie]
Lucas Lucy [=Luke Lucie]
ypeter lût [Signature]
ypeter lût [Signature]
Captaine John L[ynis GUTTER]
John L[XXX]er
Richard Magin [Signature]
Richard Magin [Signature] [=Richard Megin]
Maior Generall John Culleton
Maior Generall Sedgewick
Major George Walters
Henry Man [Deponent]
henrijck may [Signature] [=Henry Man] CHECK
Mr Elias Mandevile
Captaine Maniard
John M[?oore] [Signature] [=John Moore]
Captaine John Manning
George Margatto
George Margatto
George Margetts
George Margetts
Don Alonso da Molina y Marina
Don Alonso da Molyna y Marina
Don Alonso da Molyna y Marinea CHECK
Arent Marinis
Markature [=Edward Makkettuer]
Edward Markature [=Edward Makkettuer]
Edward Makkettuer [Deponent]
Edward M [MARKE] Makkettuer [Marke] [=Edward Makkettuer]
Captaine Markes
John Makins [Deponent]
John Makins [Signature]
George Margetts
Thomas Markland [Deponent]
Tho: Markland [Signature] [=Thomas Markland]
William Marr (sic)
Marshall [=James Marshall]
James Marshall
henry Mars[?d]en [Signature]
Laurence Martel
Laurence Martel
Laurence Martell
Laurence Martell
Fernando Martin
Fernando martin [Signature]
Henry Martin
John Martin [Signature] [=John Martyn]
Thomas Martin
Martines [=John Martines Cascales]
Tho: Martin [Signature]
Captaine Peter Martins
Henry Martyn
John Martyn [Deponent]
Thomas Martyn [Deponent]
William Martyn [Signature]
[=]William Martyn [Signature] [=William Martyn]
[=]William Martyns [Signature] [=William Martyn]
Mary [=Mary Ewen]
James Massey [Deponent]
James JX [MARKE] Massey [Marke]
Master of the ''Olive Branch''
Master of the ''Olive Branch''
John Mathew [Signature]
John Mathew [Signature]
Baldwin Mathewes [Deponent]
Hance Matson
Peter Matson
Hardwick Matthias [=Hendrick Mathias]
hendrick Matthias [Claimant] [Producent]
May [=Thomas May]
May [=Thomas May]
Thomas May
Thomas May
William May [=William Mayre]
Mayer [=William Mayre]
William Mayre
George Meade [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd George [TRIANGLE] Meade [Marke]
Bernardo Medici [Deponent]
Bernardo Medici [Signature]
Richard Megin [Deponent]
Richard Megin [Deponent]
Peter Mendoza
The Governour of Merida
Simon Messinger [Deponent]
Simon Messinger [Deponent]
Simon Messenger [Signature]
Simon Messenger [Signature]
Symon Messinger
Symon Messinger
Isaac Michaelson [Deponent]
Samuel Micó
Middleton [=Andrew Middleton]
Middleton [=Andrew Middleton]
Andrew Middleton
Andrew Middleton
Thomas Middleton
Thomas Middleton [Deponent]
Tho Middleton [Signature]
Thomas Midwinter [Deponent]
Captaine Mings
John Mirandat [Deponent]
Jean mirouel [Signature]
Captaine Mole
Francis Molina [Deponent]
Bartholomew Moline [Deponent]
Alonso da Molyna Y M[XXXX GUTTER]
Alonso da Molyna Y M[XXXX GUTTER]
Da Moira
Da Moira
Phillip da Moira
Phillip da Moira
Phillip Moira
Phillip Moira
Hendrick Momann
Moone [=George Moone]
George Moone
George Moone
John La [?moon]
John La [?moon]
Mr Monger
John Moore [Deponent]
John Moore [Deponent]
John Moret [Deponent]
Morgan [=Thomas Morgan]
One Morgan
Thomas Morgan [Deponent]
Thomas Morgan [Signature]
Thomas Morley
Jan Morratta [Signature]
Ree Morrice
Ree Morrice
John Morrice [Signature]
John Morris [Deponent]
John Morris [Signature]
John Morris
Ree Morris
Ree Morris
Captaine Ree Morris
Captaine Ree Morris
Robert Moulins [Deponent]
Robert Moulins [Deponent]
Robert Moulins [Signature]
Robert Moulins [Signature]
Moulson [=Jacob Moulson]
Captaine Moulson [=Jacob Moulson]
Jacob Moulson
Mr William Mountioye
Don Whan Moursell
Da Moyra
Da Moyra
Phillipp de Moyra
Phillipp de Moyra
Henry Mudd [Signature]
Henry Mudde [Deponent]
Captaine Christofer Myngs [Deponent]
Christop:r Myngs [Signature]
Hugh Nakes
Peter Nantes [Deponent]
Peter Nantes [Deponent]
James Nappar [=James Napper]
Napper [=James Napper]
James Napper
Mr James Napper [=James Napper]
John Newland
Bernard Niclaesen [Deponent]
John Niclas [=John Nicolas]
John Niclas [=John Nicolas]
John Nicolas
John Nicolas
Edward Nicholas
Mr John Nicholas [=John Nicolas]
Mr John Nicholas [=John Nicolas]
Mr Nicholas [=John Nicolas]
Mr Nicholas [=John Nicolas]
John Nicholls
Isaack Nicholson
Noades [=William Nodes]
William Nodes
John Nonython [Signature]
Norbrooke [Defendant] [=John Norbrooke]
John Norbrooke
Norbrookes aunt
Edward North [Deponent]
Edward North [Signature]
Thomas Norton [Deponent]
Thomas Norton [Deponent]
Notary publique at Batavia
Notary publique at Batavia
Alosnso nunes [Signature]
Alonzo Nunes [Deponent]
Mr Nuttall
Daniell Oadwell
Thomas Oake [Deponent]
Thomas Oaks [Signature]
An oile man [Unnamed]
Robert Oldfeild [Deponent]
Robert Oldfeild [Signature]
John Orton [Deponent]
John Orton [Signature]
John Otley [Deponent]
Ciprian Pachao [Deponent]
Cyprian Pachas [Signature]
Cipriano Pachao [Deponent]
Cipriano Pachao [Deponent]
Cipriano Pachao [Signature]
Cipriano Pachero
Cipriano Pachero
Mr Richard Packer SORT THIS OUT
Page [=John Page]
Page [=John Page]
John Page
John Page
Mr Page [=John Page]
Paine [=Joseph Paine]
Ephraim Paine [Deponent]
George Paine [Deponent]
Joseph Paine [Producent]
Mathew Paine [Deponent]
Nathaniel Paine [Deposition]
Painter [=Gowen Painter]
Ephraim Paine [Deposition]
Ephraim Paine [Deposition]
Ephrat: Payne [Signature]
Gowen Painter [=Gowen Paynter]
Peter Pallart [=Peter Pollart]
Palmer [=Edward Palmer]
Edward Palmer
Ephrat: Payne [Signature] [=Ephraim Paine]
Geo Payne [Signature]
Matth: Payne [Signature] [=Mathew Paine]
John Pantalin
John Pantalin
Mr John Pantalin
Mr John Pantalin
Peter Pantel
Peter Pantel
Geo Papillon [Signature]
George Papillon [Deponent]
Thomas Paramore
Paramour [=Thomas Paramore]
Gregory Parbury [Deponent]
Gregory '''A''' Parbury [Marke]
Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Mr Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Mr Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Francis Pardini [Deponent]
Francis Pardini [Deponent]
francis Pardinj [Signature]
francis Pardinj [Signature]
George Paris
George Parris
Richard Parke [Deponent]
Richard Parke [Signature]
Parker [=Mr Richard Packer] SORT THIS OUT
Edward Parker
Thomas Parkins [Deposition]
Thomas Parkins [Deposition]
Mr Thomas Parris
Josiah Partridge
Daniel Passier alias Daniel Allaman
Daniel Passier alias John Daniel Alleman
Daniel Passier alias John Daniel Allerman
Robert Patsh[?a]ll
Robert Patsh[?a]ll
Paul [=Edward Paul]
Edward Paul [Deponent]
Edw: Paule [Signature] [=Edward Paul]
Mr Thomas Pawley
Nathanell Payne [Signature] [=Nathaniel Paine]
Captaine Richard Payne
Captaine Richard Payne
Gowen Paynter
Gowen Paynter
Roger Paxton [Deponent]
Roger Paxton [Signature]
Richard Peachie [Deponent]
Edward Peachy [Deponent]
Richard Peachey [Signature] [=Richard Peachie]
William Peacock
Gregory Peake [Deponent]
Grego: Peake [Signature] [=Gregory Peake]
Mr Gregory Peake [=Gregory Peake]
Lawerence Peete [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd  Lawrence '''P''' [MARKE] Peete [Marke]
Thomas Pegg [Deponent]
Richard Pendaruts [Deponent]
Richard Pendanues [Signature]
Nicholas Pening
Generall Penn
Thomas Perkins [Signature]
Thomas Perkins [Signature]
John Peterson [Deponent]
John Peterson [Deponent]
Phillips [=Roger Phillips]
Edward Phillips [Deponent]
The marke of Edward [MARKE] Phillips [Marke]
Issac Phillips
Roger Phillips [Deponent]
'''RP''' The marke of Roger Phillip [Marke] [=Roger Phillips]
Mr Pickering
John pietersen [Signature] [=John Peterson]
Samuel Piggot [Producent]
Peter [Captaines boatswaine]
Peter [=Peter Poulla]
John Peterson [Deponent]
John Peterson [Deponent]: 2]
Olave Peterson
Simon Peterson
Simon Peterss[on] [Deponent]
John pietersen [Signature]
John pietersen [Signature]
Mr Pilgrim
Pitt [=Thomas Pitt]
Thomas Pitt
John [?Pooke GUTTER]
John [?Pooke GUTTER]
John Popa
Harman Potten
Pollart [=Peter Pollart]
Peter Pollart
Poole [=William Poole]
Captaine Poole [=William Poole]
William Poole
George Potts
Peter Poulla
Peter P[oulla]
Hugh Powell [Deponent]
Hugh Powell [Signature]
Powes [=James Powis]
Powis [=James Powis]
James Powis
Mr Powis [=James Powis]
Philmon Pown[XXX] [Signature]
John Praet
Pratt [=John Pratt]
John Pratt
Mr Pratt [=John Pratt]
Richard Price [Deponent]
Rich: Price [Signature]
Lewis Pridith [Deponent]
Prince [=George Prince]
ffrancis Prince [Deponent]
George Prince [Deponent]
George: Prince [Signature]
George Princez [Signature]
Mr Prince [=ffrancis Prince]
Prior [=Richard Prior]
Richard Prior
Peter Proby [Deponent]
Peter Proby [Signature]
Lewis Prydyth [Signature] [=Lewis Pridith]
John Pryenaer [Deponent]
Pryor [=Richard Prior]
John Pr[XXX]
Peter Pulla
Peter Pulla the younger
Charles Pullen [Deponent]
Charles Pullen [Signature]
Line 423: Line 1,980:
Manuel Perera Ramos
Manuel Perera Ramos
Captaine Andrew Rand
Captaine Andrew Rand
Captaine Andrew Rands
Edward Ranson
Edward Ranson
Mr John Ray
John Rayment [Deponent]
John Rayment [Signature]
Mr Read
James Reade
Mr Reade [=Mr Read]
William Reade
William Reading [Deponent]
William Reading [Deponent]
Henry Reig[?n]ier
Henry Reig[?n]ier
John Renfeild
Henry Renier
Henry Renier
Mr Thomas Revell
John Reynault
John Reynault
Monsieur Louis Reynault
Monsieur Louis Reynault
Charles Rich
Mr Charles Rich [=Charles Rich]
Mr Rich [=Charles Rich]
Peter Rich [Deponent]
Peter Rich [Deponent]
Pet: Rich [Signature]
Richard Rich [Deponent]
Robb. Richbell  [Signature]
Robb. Richbell  [Signature]
Robert Richbell [Deponent]
Robert Richbell [Deponent]
Richmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
Richmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
William Ricks [Deponent]
Ritchmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
Ritchmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
William Ritchmond the yonger
William Ritchmond the yonger
Marke Ri[XX]
John Rivett
Mr John Roberts
Captaine Thomas Roberts
Francis Robinson [Deponent]
ffra: Robinson [Signature] [=Francis Robinson]
Robert Robinson
Robles [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles]
Antonio Rodrigues Robles
Rodrigues Robles [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles]
Richard Roch [Deponent]
Richard Roche [Signature]
Tho: Rodbardt [Signature]
Thomas Rodberd [Deponent]
Mr Rodberd
Rodrigues [=John Rodrigues Calderon]
Captaine Rodriguez [=John Rodrigues Calderon]
Rogers [=John Rogers]
John Rogers
Mr Rogers [=John Rogers]
Phillip Rogers
ffrancis Rois
ffrancis Rois
Richard Rooke
Rich: Rookes [Libellate]
Mr Rookes
Rosetti [=Augustin Rosetti]
Rosetti his mother
Augustin Rosetti
Alexander Row
Row [=Rowe] [Proctor]
Rowe [Proctor]
Anthony Rowles
John R[?o}y
Balthazar Rubin
Richard Rudstone [Deponent]
Richard Rudstone [Signature]
Vincent Ruflet
William Rushley
William Rushley
Vincent} Ruslet
John Russell
Tomas Russell
Mr Russell
James Rutteil
Ryder [=Edward Ryder]
Edward Rydder [=Edward Ryder]
Edward Ryder [Deponent]
Edward E R [MARKE] Ryder [Marke] [=Edward Ryder]
Sam: Sainthill [Signature]
Salisbury [=Hugh Salisbury]
Hugh Salisbury
Verta Salla
Sam: Sambrooke [Signature]
Sam: Sambrooke [Signature]
Captaine Sammon
Charles Sanders
Charles Sandres [=Charles Sanders]
Nic. Sanders [Signature]
Nic. Sanders [Signature]
Mr Robert Sanders
Robert Sanders
Sandford [=Humfrey Sandford]
Humfrey Sandford
ffrancis Sanstevan
Nicholas Saunders [Deponent]
Nicholas Saunders [Deponent]
Saunders [=Robert Saunders]
Saunders [=Robert Saunders]
Robert Saunders
Robert Saunders
Beniamin Say
Mr Say
John Scapes [Deponent]
John Scapes [Signature]
William Scapes
Lewis Scarletti
Lewis Scarletti
Nicholas Scidmore
Mr Scot
John Scrole
Scroll [=John Scrole]
Scut [=Egbert Scutt]
Egbert Scut [=Egbert Scutt]
Scutt [=Egbert Scutt]
Egbart Scutt
Egbert Scutt
Jacob Sealley [Signature]  [=Jacob Ceelay]
Captaine Seaman
Daniell Searle
William Searle [Deponent]
Maior Generall Sedgewick
Thomas Sennett [Deponent]
Thomas Sennett [Signature]
Walter Senser [Deponent]
Walter John Senser [=Walter Senser]
Walter Sensoes [Signature]
Jacon Senson [Deponent]
Rowland Serchfeild [Deponent]
The marke of Tanica [MARKE OF AN ANCHOR ON ITS SIDE] Sevinian [Marke] [=Tamca S[Xviman]]
Andrew Shan [Deponent]
George Shan [Deponent]
George Shan [Deponent]
George Shaw [Signature]
George Shaw [Signature]
John Shorter
Captaine Shawe
Sherwill [=Thomas Sherwill]
Thomas Sherwill
John Shorter [Deponent]
John Shorter [Signature]
Ceste: Sijlvester [Signature] [=Constant Silvester]
Constant Silvester
Peter Silvester [Deponent]
Nicolas Simoin [Signature] [=Nicholas Symons]
Nicholas Simons
Nicholas Simons
William Simons [=William Simonds]
Mr William Simons [=William Simonds]
Simonds [=William Simonds]
William Simonds
Skidmore [=Nicholas Skidmore]
Nicholas Skidmore
ffrederick Skinner
ffrederick Skinner
Mr ffrederick Skinner [=ffrederick Skinner]
Slater [=Thomas Slater]
Slater [=Thomas Slater]
Thomas Slater
Thomas Slater
Smith [Proctor]
Smith [=Edward Smith]
Smith [=James Smith]
Ambrose Smith
Edward Smith [Producent]
Edward Smith [Producent]
Eustace Smith
James Smith
Joseph Smith [Deponent]
Mathew Smith [Deponent]
Mr Smith [=Ambrose Smith]
Mr Smith [=Edward Smith]
Obediah Smith [Deponent]
Oba Smith [Signature]
Peter Smith [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] Peter Smith [Marke] [=Peter Smith]
Richard Smith [Signature]
William Smith [Deponent]
Will: Smith [Signature]
John Smithier
Joseph Smyth [Signature] [=Joseph Smith]
Mathew Smyth [Signature] [=Mathew Smith]
Richard Smyth [Deponent]
Somers [=ffrancis Sumers]
Mr ffrancis Somers [=ffrancis Sumers]
John Somers [=John Sommers]
Sommers [=John Sommers]
John Sommers
William Sommers [Deponent]
Wllm Sommers [Signature] [=William Sommers]
Sowden [=Mr Sowden]
Mr Sowden
Spencer [=William Spencer]
William Spencer
William Spenser [=William Spencer]
Peter Split [Deponent]
Peter} [?Split]
Mr Splitt
Mr Spur{stow}
Stafford [Deponent]
Stafford [Deponent]
Phillip staford  [Signature] [=Phillip Stafford]
Phillip Stafford [Deponent]
Phillip Stafford [Deponent]
Phillip S[t]afford
Hendrick Staires [=Herbert Staires]
Herbert Staires
John Stan[XX GUTTER]
Mr Standhopp [the Mariners Sollicitor]
William Stannard
William Stannard
Wm: Stannard  [Signature]
Wm: Stannard  [Signature]
Lancelot Stepney
Richard Stevens
Charles Steward
George Steward [Deponent]
George Steward [Deponent]
George Steward [Signature]
George Steward [Signature]
Stiles [=Robert Stiles]
Mr Stiles [=Robert Stiles]
Robert Stiles
Abraham Stock
Abraham (Stock [=Abraham Stock]
Mr Stock [=Abraham Stock]
Mr Stokes
Mr XX Stoakes
Stock [=Mr Stock]
Mr Stock
Cudbard stone [Signature]
Cudbard stone [Signature]
Cuthbert Stone [Deponent]
Cuthbert Stone [Deponent]
Christopher Stribling [Deponent]
Christopher Stribling [Signature]
John Stricke
John Stricke
Nathaniell Stukely
Nathaniell Stukely
Suckley [Proctor] [=Mr Ralph Suckley]
Mr Ralph Suckley
Sumers [=ffrancis Sumers]
ffrancis Sumers
Mr Sumers [=ffrancis Sumers]
John Summers [=John Sommers]
Mr Summers [=ffrancis Sumers]
Thomas S[?u]ter
Swan [=John Swan]
John Swan
derrick Sw[?e?e]rt
derrick Sw[?e?e]rt
The said Symon [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Nicholas Symons [=Nicholas Simons]
Nicholas Symonds [Deponent]
Richard Symonds [Deponent]
Symonds [=William Simonds]
William Symonds [=William Simonds]
Peter Symone
Syon [=Abraham Syon]
Abraham Syon
Abraham Syon
Jaques Maurice Tabellion
SyEllwick Tagersons widow
Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Captaine Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Mr Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Edward Tailor
Tanner [=William Tanner]
William Tanner
John Tarleton
John Tarleton
Tarley [=John Tawley]
Mary Tasker
Mary Taskers husband
Nye Tatam
Tawley [=John Tawley]
John Tawley
John Taylor
John Taylor
Captaine Joseph Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Captaine Thomas Taylor [Deponent]
Tho Taylor [Signature] [=Captaine Thomas Taylor]
William Tayler [Deponent]
Nathaniell Temms
Nathaniell Temms
Colonell Temple
Colonell Temple
The Governour of Merida
Nicholas Terick
Nicholas Terrick
John Thackston [Deponent]
John Thaxton [Signature] [=John Thackston]
The Admirall of the dutch ffleete [At Bantam]
The Alcaled of Portugalott an officer of the King of Spaine
The Alcated of Portugal[?e]tt
The Alfarez Major of Cartagena
The Araled of Portugalot CHECK
The English Phisition of the sayd shipp [The XXXX]
The Lord Protector
The officers of the King of Spaine
The Portugal Ambassadour [in London]
The Portugall Embassador [in London]
The Portugall Governour of ffarnambuco
The ''Peters'' Chirurgion
Thomas [=Thomas Clarke]
Thomas [=Thomas Cox]
Wm Thomas
Wm Thomas
Captaine Thomas [=William Thomas]
William Thomas
William Thomas
George Thomason
George Thomason
Thompson [=Maurice Thompson]
Maurice Thompson
Mr Thompson [=Maurice Thompson]
Thomas Thompson [Deponent]
Thomas Thompson [Signature]
Samuel Thomson
Samuell Thomson [Deponent]
Sam: Thomson [Signature]
Thomas Thorneton [Deponent]
Thomas Thorneton [Deponent]
Thomas W Thornton [Signature]
Thomas W Thornton [Signature]
Just Thourin [Deponent]
Just Thourin  [Signature]
Court Thysen [Deponent]
The marke of '''+''' Court Thysen [Marke]
Henry Thysen [Deponent]
Tilley [=Joseph Tilley]
Tilley [=Joseph Tilley]
John Tilley
Joseph Tilley
Joseph Tilley
Nicholas Tilley
John Tilston
Captaine Titus
Stephen Titus
Mathais Tonelin
George Toriano
George Toriano
Captaine Totty
Towers [=Thomas Towers]
?Towers [=Thomas Towers]
Joane Towers
Thomas Towers
Townsend [=Nathaniell Townsend]
Nathaniell Townsend
ffrancis Tranchant
ffrancis Tranchant
William Traughton
Charles Trenchant
Charles Trenchant
Hugh Treveman
Hugh Trevenian [Deponent]
Hugh Trevanion [Signature]
Hugh Tre[?v]anion [Deponent]
Hugh Trevenion
William Trevil
William Trevill
humfrey Triggs
William Trutter
Tuck [=Mr Tuck]
Mr Tuck
William Tucker [Deponent]
William Tucker [Deponent]
William Tucker [Signature]
William Tucker [Signature]
Walter Tuckfeild
Walter Tuckfeild
William Tufnall
Mr Tufnall [=William Tufnall]
Tuffnell [=Tufnet]
John Tuffley [Deponent]
John Tuffley [Signature]
Tufnet [=Tuffnell]
Tuffn[ulls GUTTER] [=Tuffnell]
Tufudt [=Tuffnell]
Tufulls [=Tuffnell]
Adrian Turner
Adrian Turin [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles] [Fictious name]
Peter Uddmans
Govert Udemans [Deponent]
Govert Udemany [Signature] [=Govert Udemans]
John [?U]mphreys [Signature] [=John Humphreys]
John Upson [Deponent]
hezakiah Usher
hezakiah Usher
Hezekiah Usher [Deponent]
Hezekiah Usher [Deponent]
Hezekiah Usher [Signature]
Hezekiah Usher [Signature]
William Ustick
Line 508: Line 2,429:
Thomas da la val
Thomas da la val
Captaine Valence
Captaine Valence
La Valette
Henry Valeure
Henry Valeure
Salomon Valmussen [Deponent]
Salomon Valmussen [Deponent]
Salomon [MARKE] Valumsson [Marke]
Salomon [MARKE] Valumsson [Marke]
Vanbrough [=William Vanbrough]
Vanbrough [=William Vanbrough]
Vanbroughs [=William Vanbrough]
William Vanbrough
William Vanbrough
William Vanbrughs [=William Vanbrough]
Noe van Baruevelt
Baudwin Van Bourne
Baudwin van Bow[?me]
Van Cassell [Mathias van Cassell]
Mathias van Cassell
Gaspar Van Cullen
Gaspar ván Cullen
Jernonimo Van Cullen
Jernonimo ván Cullen
van Eust [=Jacob van Eust]
Jacob van Eust
Andries van Galisse
John van Sluce
Mr Peter Vandeput
Peter Vandeput
Peter Vandeputt
Heer Vandergoos
Vander hemel
Arnold Vanderhemel
Arnold Vander hemel
Corneluis Vander Hoowe
Cornelius Vander ho[XX]
Cornelis vander Ho[XX GUTTER]
Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER] [Deponent]
Cornelius Vanderhoeve [Signature] [=Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER]]
Adrian Vanderpost
Adrian Vanderpost
Gyles Vanderpost
Mr Vanderputt
Peter vanderputt
Peter Vanderp[utt GUTTER]
John Vander Slane
Jan XXXXXXX XXXXXXe [Signature]
William and John Vandervoart
William and John Vandervoart
Baudwin vo[?m] Ba[?urme]
Vom Bow[?me]
Boudw[?in] von Bo[?wXX]
Daniell Vassell
Don John [=Don John da Monte Verda]
Don John da Monte Verda
Don John da Moule Verde
Caleb Veren [Deponent]
Caleb Veren [Signature]
Mr Veren [=Caleb Veren]
Peter [?ver mar]
Seignior Vernate
Seignior Vernate
Peter vor Marr
Peter V[o]r Mar
William Venus [Deponent]
The marke of W:m '''WV''' Venus [Marke]
Samuel Vernon [Deponent]
Samuel Vernon [Deponent]
Samuel Vernon [Signature]
Samuel Vernon [Signature]
John Antunes Vian
John Antunes Vian
Manuel Autunes Vian
Manuel Antunes ?Vian
Manuel Antunes ?Vian
Autunes Vian
Autunes Viau
Manuel Autunes Viau
John Antunos ?Vian
John Antunos ?Vian
Vice Admirall da Ruitter
Vice Admirall da Rutter
Vice Admirall de Rutter
Vice Admirall de Ruyter
Vice Admirall of Salley
Vice Roy of Cartagena
da Lewis Perez da Victoria
da Lewis Perez da Victoria
don Lewis Perez da Victoria
don Lewis Perez da Victoria
Line 527: Line 2,526:
Hugh Wakes
Walgrave [=John Walgrave]
John Walgrave
John Walgrave
Walker [=John Walker]
Doctor Walker
John Walker
Robert Walker
William Walker
Wall [=William Wall]
William Wall
John Walley
John Walley
Christo: Wallis [Signature]
Christo: Wallis [Signature]
Mathew Wallys [Deponent]
ffrancis Walter
Major George Walters
James Ward
John Ward
John Ward
John [MARKE] Ward [Marke]
John [MARKE] Ward [Marke]
ffrancis Warner
Nicholas Warren
Nicholas Warren
Mr Warren
Thomas Warren
Mr Thomas Warren
Mr Warren [=William Warren]
William Warren [Deponent]
Wm Warren [Signature] [=William Warren]
W.m. Warren [Signature] [=William Warren]
James Watkins
Watson [=William Watson]
Watson [=William Watson]
John Watson [Deponent]
John Watson [Signature]
William Watson
William Watson
Watts [=Edward Watts]
Mr Watts [=Edward Watts]
Edward Watts
Mr William Watts
George Webb [Deponent]
George Webb [Signature]
Mr Webb
George Webber [Deponent]
George Webber [Deponent]
George Webber [Signature]
George Webber [Signature]
John Webber [Deponent]
John webber [Signature]
John Weekes [Deponent]
John Weekes [Deponent]
John Weekes [Signature]
John Weekes [Signature]
Line 544: Line 2,579:
Captaine Welch [=John Welch]
Captaine Welch [=John Welch]
John Welch [Deponent]
John Welch [Deponent]
Zacharie Welch [Deponent]
Wells [=Thomas Wells]
Bartholomew Wells [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd Bartholomew '''B''' Wells [Marke]
Thomas Wells
Gregory Wescomb [Signature] [=Gregory Westcombe]
Mr West
Gregory Westcombe [Deponent]
Richard Westcombe
Richard Westcombe
William Westcombe [Deponent]
Will Wescomb [Signature] [=William Westcombe]
William Westcot [Deponent]
William Westcot [Deponent]
Gregory Westombe
John Whaley [Deponent]
John Whalley [Signature] [=John Whaley]
John Wheake [Deponent]
John Wheake [Signature]
George Wheeler
George Wheeler
George Whillers [Signature]
Henry White
Roger Whitfeild  [Deponent]
William Whittle
Edward Wigge
William Wittle [=William Whittle]
Whittle [=William Whittle]
Mr Whittles [=William Whittle]
William Wight [Deponent]
pp Wm Wights [Signature]
Wigoner [=Giles Wigoner]
Giles Wigoner
Richard Wilde [Deponent]
Richard Wilde [Deponent]
Wild [=Thomas Wilde]
Thomas Wilde [Deponent]
Thomas Wilde [Signature]
John Wiley [Deponent]
John '''I WW''' Wiley [Marke]
John Wilkey
George Wilkinson [Deponent]
George Wilkinson [Signature]
Randall Wilkinson [Deponent]
Randall Wilkinson [Signature]
Claes Williams [Deponent]
Claes Williams [Signature]
Thomas Williams
William Williams
John Williamson [Defendant]
Claus Willems [Deponent]
Claus Willems [Signature] [=Claes Williams]
Claus Willem[?ss] [Signature] [=Claus Willems]
Claus Williams
Claus Williamss
Wills [=Anthony Wills]
Anthony Wills
Captaine Wills [=Captaine John Wills]
John Wills [Deponent]
John Wills [Signature]
Captaine John Wills
Thomas Wilmer
Wilmot [=William Wilmot]
William Wilmot
Jacob Derricksson Wilrey [Deponent]
Wilson [=Samuell Wilson the Yonger]
Henry Wilson [Deponent]
The marke of H [MARKE] Henry Wilson [Marke]
John Wilson [Deponent]
Samuell Wilson
Samuell Wilson
Samuell Wilson the Yonger
Samuell Wilson the Yonger
Jasper Williams [Deponent]
Jasper Williams [Deponent]
Samuell Winter
Samuell Winter
William Winter  [Deponent]
Wm: Winter [Signature]
John Wood
John Wood
William Wood [Deponent]
William Wood [Signature]
Isaac Woodgreene [Signature]
Isaac Woodegreene [Signature]
Captaine Isaac Woodgreene [Deponent]
Woodfin [=Thomas Woodfin]
Thomas Woodfin
Bartholomew [?Wolvile]
Bartholomew Woolvin
John Worke  [Deponent]
John Worke [Marke]
Worthley [=Rogert Worthley]
Rogert Worthley [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd Roger [MARKE] Worthley [Marke] [
Christofer Wouters
Christofer Wouterss
Step Wright [Signature]
Edward Wye
Richard Wylde [Signature]
Richard Wylde [Signature]
Line 563: Line 2,696:
John Yard
John Yard
Yarwood [=John Yarwood]
John Yarwood
Young [=Davide Younge]
Younge [=Davide Younge]
David Young
David Young
David Younge
Davide Younge
Jeremy Younge
Edw: [XXXXX] [Signature]
Hugh [XXXXXX] [Signature]
R[ichard XXXXX] [Signature]
R[ichard XXXXX] [Signature]
=A diego [XXbatory] [Signature] CHECK ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT
= [XXharXXiane] Garcia [Signature]
hendrick [?Wroom]
The marke of [MARKE] William [XXXX] [Marke]
John [XXX] [Signature]
Richd [XXXre] [Signature]
Mr [XX]artfall
[?asannX] Jansson [Signature]
John [Gunter]
Thomas L[XXXX] [Signature]
[XXXX XXXXX] [Signature]
[XXX XXXXXXX] [Signature]
hendrick [XXXX]
Alonso da Molyna Y M[XXXX GUTTER]
John Th[XXXX GUTTER] [Signature]
X Martines [Signature]
[XXXXX XXXXXX] [Signature] [=John Symons Perino]
John Jacobson [?Single]

Latest revision as of 12:50, February 21, 2014

HCA 13/72 People - Summary

Editorial history

Created 12/11/13 by CSG


To list all peoplementioned in depositions before the Admiralty Court of England in 1657 and 1658 (HCA 13/72) - CURRENTLY A PARTIAL LIST

For more information on MarineLives and the MarineLives Annotation Project read our Shipping News blog entries:

Annotating Marine Lives, May 1st 2013
Adding value to primary documents, May 8th 2013
Witnesses in Court, 1657-1658 (May 9th, 2013)

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Abbot [=John Abbot]
John Abbot
John Abbott [=John Abbot]
William Abbott

John Aberdyn
Abraham [=Abraham du Quesne]

Tho: Adames [Signature]
Captaine Adams
Samuell Adams
Mr Walter Adams

Robert Adlington [Deponent]
Robert R A [MARKE] Adlington [Marke]
Admirall William Goodson
Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders
John Daniel Alleman [=Daniel Passier ] [Alias]
Don Alonso [=Don Alonso da Molina y Marina]

Andres [=Andries Aernouts]
Andres Aernouts
Andrew Aerents
Andries Aernouts

John Allen [Deponent]
Haniball Allen [Deponent]
Hannaball Allen [Signature]

Christoval da Alverado
Christoval da Alvoardo CHECK IN ORIGINAL
Christoval da Alvorad
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Manoele Alvares [Signature]
Manoel Alverez [Deponent]

Mr Amery
Thomas Amery [Producent]
Thomas Amery the older
Thomas Amery the younger
Thomas Am[?o]ry
Isaac da Andrada
John Andrea [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Laurence Andreas

Anneley [=Thomas Anneley]
Thomas Anneley [Deponent]
Thomas Anneley [Signature]
Thomas A[?nnsley [Signature]

Robert Archer [Deponent]
Robert Archer [Signature]

Christofer Arrent[?o]n
Nicholas Arons [Deponent]
Arthur [=Daniel Arthur]
Daniel Arthur
Edward Ascough
Master Ascough [=Edward Ascough]
Edward Askew
Atkins [=John Atkins]
John Atkins
Auditor Beale
Augustin [=Augustin Rosetti]

John Aveeles

Master Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Mr Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Captaine John Aylet [Deponent]
Mr John Aylet [=Captaine John Aylet]
Captaine Aylett [=Captaine John Aylet]
John Aylett [Signature] [=Captaine John Aylet]

Ayardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
Edward Aykers

Martha Ayliff [Deponent]
William Ayliff

Ayrardo [=John Andrea Ayrardo]
John Andrea Ayrardo
Ayscough [=Edward Ascough]


Alexander Baareffoott [Signature] [=Alexander Barfoote]
Paul Backman
Cornelis baestijaense [Signature [=Cornelius Bastiaenss]
Giles Baily [Deponent]
Captaine Baker
Richard Baker
Thomas Bake

James Baldwin [Deponent]
Thomas Bale
Mr Thomas [?B]ale
John Ballamy [Signature] [=John Bellamy]
William Ballow [Deponent]
The marke of the said Wm Ballow [Marke]

John Bancks
John Báncks
John Baptista
Ben barebore [Signature]
Ben. barebore [Signature]
Barent [=Barent Claeson]
Tomis Barentsen [Deponent]
Tomis Barents[?e]

Allexander Bareffoott [Signature]
Alexander Barfoote [Deponent]
Abraham Barnaby [Deponent]
Abraham Barnabye [Signature]
Thomas Barnes [Deponent]
John Barnett [Deponent]
George Barons [Deponent]
George Barons [Signature]

Nathaniell Bartholmew
Bartlet [=Edward Bartlet]
Edward Bartlet
Joshua Bartlet
Josuah Bartlett

Edward barton
Isack Barton
Isaack Barton
Mr Barton
dela Barr
Vincent dela barr
Thomas Barrett
Captaine Basket
John Maria Bassa
William Basset [=William Bassett]
William Bassett [Deponent]

Antonio Basso [Deponent]
Antt. Basso [Signature]
Adrian Bastianson [Deponent]
Cornelius Bastiaenss [Deponent]
Cornelius Bastianss[on] [Deponent]
Cornelis bastyaens[?n] [Signature] [=Cornelius Bastiaenss]

Leonard Bates [Deponent]
Leonard Bates [Signature]
John Bateman [Deponent]
John Bateman [Signature]
Mr Bathurst
Richard Batson [Deponent]
Richard Batson [Signature]
William Bawcock [Deponent]
William + Bawcock [Marke]
Bayley [=Gilles Bayley]
Gilles Bayley

William Beacham [Producent]
Captaine Beach
Captaine Bea[?ch]
Captaine [?Beach GUTTER]
Beacham [=William Beecham]
Auditor Beale
William Becks
Erasmus Bedlowe
Captaine Beech
William Beecham

Francis Beijer [Signature]
John Bellamy
Bellinger [=Beniamin Bellinger]
Beniamin Bellinger
Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Alexander Bence
Mr Alexander Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Mr Bence [=Alexander Bence]
Philipp Beguin
John I B [MARKE] Bennett {Marke]
Marke Bennett [Deponent]
Marke Bennett [Signature]
John Benning

Bequin [=Philipp Bequin]
Philipp Bequin

Richard Beswick [Deponent]
Richard Beswicke [Signature]

Henry Berry [Deposition]
Henry Berry [Signature]
John Berry
Betts [=Patrick Betts]
Henry Betts [Deponent]
H. Betts [=Henry Betts]
Patrick Betts
Frauncis Beyer [Deposition]

Jonathan Bigland [Deponent]
+++ The marke of Jonathan [MARKE, RH SIDE] Bigland [Marke]
Richard Biles [Deponent]
Richard Biles [Signature]
Jan Bi[XXXerse] [Signature]
Captaine Joseph Bl[?owe]

John Bishopp [Deponent]
Mr Edward Blacket
Blake [=Sydrach Blake]
Generall Blake
Sydrach Blake
Sydrack Blake [=Sydrach Blake]
Sydrath Blake
[GUTTER ?Sydrath Blake
Laurance Blancart
La[urence GUTTER] Blancart [=Laurance Blancart]
Mr Blancart [=Laurance Blancart]
Simon To[?u]son Bleau [Deponent]

George Blowe

Blunt [=William Blunt]
William Blunt

Jacob Bolart
Jacob Bola[?i]t

John Bond

Bonnell [=David Bonell]
Mr Bonnell [=David Bonell]
david Bonell

Thomas Bonfoy [Deponent]
Thomas Bonfoy [Signature]

Bonner [=John Bonner]
John Bonner

John Bonytho [Deponent]

James Boord [Deponent]
John Booth [Signature]
Mr Boothes
James Bostock
John Bound
Edward Boucklee [Signature]
William Bourgh [Deponent]

George Bourman

Humphrey Bourne [Deponent]
Humphrey Bourne

William Boutill
Mr William Boutil

Thomas Bowdles [Signature]
Thomas Bowdler [Deponent]

Andrew Bowman [Signature]

Mr Bradley
Charles Bradick [Deponent]
Charles Bradicke [Signature]
Draniell Bradley
John Brampton
Brand [=John Brand]
John Brand
John Bray
John Brewer [Deponent]

Mr Bright [=Mr Thomas Bright]
Mr Thomas Bright

Briggs [=Edward Briggs]
Edward Briggs [Deponent]
Edward Brigges [Signature]
Morrice Briggs [Deponent]
Morris Brigges [Signature]
Morris Briggs [Signature]

John Consalvo Britta
Gonsalvo Britto
John Gonsalvo Britto
Cornelius bringhmans [Signature] [=Cornelius Bringmans]
Cornelius Bringmans [Deponent]
Robert Britton

Mr Broadrick
Mr Broadwick
Thomas Broockes [Signature]
Thomas Brookes [Deponent]
Thomas Brookes [Signature]
Broughton [=John Broughton]
John Broughton

Mr Brown the Marshall
Arnold Browne
George Browne [Deponent]
George Browne [Signature]
Henry Browne
John Browne
Mr Browne [=Mr Brown the Marshall]
Peter Browne [Deponent]
Peter Browne [Signature]
Richard Browne
[?Roger GUTTER] Browne
Zachary Browne
Za: Browne [Signature]
Captaine Zachary Browne [Deponent]

Browneing [=Browning]
Browning [=Wm Browning]
Brow[n}ing [=Wm Browning]
Robert Browning
Tho: Browning [Signature]
Thomas Browning [Deponent]
William Browning
Wm Browning

Albert Brumson
Albert [?B]runston [In Amsterdam]
John Bruyning [Producent]
John Bryson [Deponent]
James Buckland
Edward Buckley [Deposition]

Budd [Proctor]
Mr Budd [=Budd] [Proctor]
Mr David Budd [=Budd] [Proctor]

Bulkley [=Mr William Bulkely]
Bulkely [=Mr William Bulkely]
Mr Bulkley
Mr William Bulkely
Wiiliam Bulkley
Bultele [=Peter Bultele]
Peter Bultele
Robert Burden [Signature] [=Robert Burdin]
Robert Burdin [Deponent]
Burton [=Thomas Burton]
Thomas Burton [Deponent]
Tho burton [Signature] [=Thomas Burton]
Tho: Burton [=Thomas Burton]

Bushell [=John Bushell]
Edward Bushell
Mr Edward Bushell
John Bushell [Deponent]
Mr John Bushell [=John Bushell]

Butcher his widow


Captaine Adams
Captaine John Aylet [Deponent]
Captaine Aylett
Captaine Basket
Captaine Beach
Captaine [?Beach GUTTER]
Captaine Beech
Captaine Joseph Bl[?owe]
Captaine Zachary Browne [Deponent]

Captaine James Cade [Deponent]
Captaine Carsis
Captaine Cock [=Captaine Albert Cock]
Captaine Albert Cock
Captaine Consell
Captaine Croford
Captaine Michaell dibbs
Captaine Thomas Evens
Captaine ffearnes
Captaine ffountayne
Captaine ffox
Captaine Garnett
Captaine Giles
Captaine Gyles [=Captaine Giles]
Captaine haddock
Captaine hare
Captaine John Harris [Deponent]
Captaine John Humphrey

Captaine J[olley GUTTER]
Captaine Jolly
Captaine don Juan
Captaine Lapper
Captain Lockes
Captaine John L[ynis GUTTER]
Captaine Maniard
Captaine Markes
Captaine Peter Martins
Captaine Mings
Captaine Mole
Captaine Ree Morris
Captaine Moulson
Captaine Christofer Myngs
Captaine Richard Payne
Captaine Poole
Captaine Andrew Rand
Captaine Andrew Rands
Captaine Thomas Roberts
Captaine Robinson [= Robert Robinson]

Captaine Rodriguez
Captaine Sammon
Captaine Seaman
Captaine Shawe
Captaine Joseph Taylor
Captaine Thomas Taylor [Deponent]
Captaine Thomas [=William Thomas]
Captaine Tottie
Captaine Totty
Captaine Valence
Captaine Welch [=John Welch]
Captaine Wills [=Captaine John Wills]
Captaine John Wills
Captaine Isaac Woodgreene [Deponent]

Edmund C[?ala]
John Rodrigues Caldron [=John Rodrigues da Calderon]
John Rodriguez Calderon [=John Rodrigues da Calderon]
Camby [=Samuell Camby]
Samuell Camby
Cambye [=Samuell Camby]
Manuel Rodrigues Caminha
Manuel Rodrigues ?Caminha
Peter Canaly
Canham [=Thomas Canham]
Thomas Canham
Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Mr Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
Samuell ?Card:X
Careswell [=Joseph Careswell]
Joseph Careswell
William Carey
Henry Carpenter
Michael Carpentier
Carsis [=Captaine Carsis]
Captaine Carsis

da Carvalio
Da Carvallio
John da Carvallio
fran carvallo [Signature]
Francisco Carvallo [Deponent]

John Martines Cascaes
John Martines Cas[?caes]
Cascales [=John Martines Cascales]
John Martines Cascales
John Martines Cas[?rad]o [=John Martines Cascales]

Peter Cavalier
Jacob Ceelay [Deponent]
Jacob Ceeley
The marke of [MARKE] daniel Chamberlen [Marke]
Mr Chamlett

Francis Chaplin [Deponent]
ffran Chaplin [Deponent] [=Francis Chaplin]
George Chappell [Deponent]
George Chappell [Signature]

Michaell Charpentier
Monsieur Charpentier
Charles the Irishman

Cheeke [Proctor]
James Cheney
Cheyney [=James Cheney]
Cheyney [=Thomas Cheyney]
Thomas Cheyney
Edward Chorke[?ys]
Cornelius Christianss
Samuell Church [Deponent]
Thomas Church the younger
Claes [=Claes Johnson]
Claes [=Claes Williams]
Samuell Curch [Signature] [=Samuell Church]

Barent Claseson
Fredryck Claesen
ffrederick Claeson [Deposition]
Simon Claeson [Deposition]
Simon V Claeson [Marke]

Clarke [=Benjamin Clarke]
Clarke [=Thomas Clarke]

Abraham Clarke [Deponent]
Abraham Clarke [Signature]

Benjamin Clarke
Benjámin Clarke
Benj: Clarke

Samuell Clarke

Thomas Clarke [Deponent]
Thomas Clarke [Signature]

John Clason
Henry Classaw
Hans Clauson

Cleeve [=Richard Cleeve]
Richard Cleeve

Clements [Proctor]
George Clements
Mathew Clements [Deponent]
Mathew Clements [Signature]
Nicholas Clements

Clerke [=Thomas Clarke]
Thomas Clerq [=Thomas Clarke]

Chritopher Cletheroe [Deponent]
Chr: Clethero [Signature]

John Cob
Cobb [=John Cobb]
John Cobb [Deponent]

Cock [=Captaine Albert Cock]
Collonel Cock
Charles George Cock Esquire
George Cock Esquire
Robert Cock
Thomas Cockerell [=Thomas Cockerill]
Thomas Cockerill

Mr William Cockrof
William Cockroft
Anthone Colard [Signature]
Anthony Colard [Deponent]
Colbrant [=Monsieur du Colbrant]
William Cole
William 2 Cole [Marke]
Maior Generall John Culleton
Henry Colleton
Millicent Colequite
Edward Collier [Deponent]
Edward Collier [Signature]
P John Collins [Signature]

John Collyns
John Collyns [Deponent]
Colonell ffortescue
Augustin Colonell
Mr Augustine Colonell
Edward Colston [Signature]
Colquist [Proctor]
Captaine Consell
Constant [=Constant Silvester]
Thomas Constant [Deponent]
Thomas Constant [Signature]
David Constantine [Made up name]
Consull Generall for the States of the United Provinces [Andrew Aerents at the Groyne, Galisia]
Anthinio Maria de Conte
Antonio Maria da Conte
Anthonio Mara de Conte

Cooke [=James Cooke]
Cooke [=Mathew Cooke]
James Cooke [Claimant]
John Cooke [Deponent]
John Cooke [Signature]
Mathew Cooke
Mr Richard Cooke
Rob Cooke [Signature]
Robert Cooke [Deponent]

Cooper [=John Cooper]
John Cooper
Robert Cooper [Deponent]
Robert Cooper [Signature]
heyndrick Cornelise [Signature] [=Hendrick Cornelison]
Bastian Cornliss{on}

Michaell Copey
Robert Cordell
Corneles Corneles [Signature]
Heyndrick Cornelise [Signature]
Bastian Cornelison
Hendrick Cornelison [Deponent]
Claus Corneliss
Gill Cornelius [Signature]
Cornwallis [=Mr Cornwallis]
Mr Cornwallis

Augustin Coronel [Deposition]
Augustin Coronel [Signature]

Charles Corsellis
Seager Corsellis

Augustin Costa [Deponent]
Augustin Costa [Signature]

Captain Couchman [=Gervaise Couchman]
Gervase Couchman [=Captain Couchman]

Peter County

Courtein [=Isaack Courteines]
Courteines [=Isaack Courteines]
Isaack Courteines
Isaack) Courteins

Peter Bowdan Courten
Thomas Courtman
Anthonio Moria dy Coute

Cowell [=Thomas Cowell]
Mr Cowell [=Thomas Cowell]
Thomas Cowell

Edmund Cowse
Edmund and James Cowse
James Cowse
Mr Cowse
Mr Cowses [=Mr Cowse]

Cox [Producent] [=Thomas Cox]
Mr Cox
Thomas Cox [Producent]

Garrard [?Cr]abb

James Cowes [=James Cowse]
Mr James Cowes [=James Cowse]
Edmund Cowse
James Cowse
James Co[wes GUTTER] [=James Cowse]
Cox [=Mr Cox]
Mr Cox

Stephen Cranbrooke [Deponent]
The marke of the said [MARKE] Cranbrooke [=Stephen Cranbrooke]
Henry Crane [= Henry Crone]
George Crapnell [Deponent]
George Craynell [Signature] [=George Crapnell] CHECK BOTH

ffrancis Creagh
Crew [=Henry Crew]
Henry Crew
Cadwallader Cripps [Signature]

Croford [=William Croford]
Mr Croford [=William Croford]
William Croford [Deponent]
Crofford [=William Croford]
Captaine Croford [=William Croford]

Henry Crone

John Crooke [Deponent]
Jo: Crooke [Signature]
John: Crooke [Signature]

Mathew Crouer [Deponent]
Henry Culleton
Gilbert Cult

Mr Currall

Ralph Curtis
Gilbert Cutt


Joan da Alsa

Christoval da Alverado
Christovall da Alverado
Don Christovall da Alvarado
Don Christovall da Alverado

Edward Garcia da Bilbar
John Rodrigues da Calderon

Antonio Maria da Conte
Anthonio Maria da} Coule

Don John da Costa

Antonio da ffonseca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Antonio da ffonseca ffranca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca [Producent]
George ffernandes da ffranca
Gonsalo da Gambea
Gonsalo da Gamboa
Gonsalo da Gamboa dgalo
Gonsalo da Gamboa dyalo
Gonzalo da Gambon dialo
Gonzalo da Gamboa dyalo
William da Grates

da herrera [=Symon da herrera Leyva]

diego da Labaton
Martin da Lizonda

da Messa [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
Antonio Martinis da Mesa [Deponent]
Antonio Martinez da Meza

Gasper da Musquaoto

Potter [=John da Potter]
John da Pottar
da Patter [=John da Potter]
John da Potter

Vice Admirall da Ruitter
Vice Admirall da Rutter
fferdinand and Martine da Silva
Nicholas da Silva
Paulus da Soutaladr
Antonio da Apo[X]ni da Souza [Deponent]
[XX] Al[X]oim de Souza [Signature] [=Antonio da Apo[X]ni da Souza]
John da Swart
Diego da Terra
Jan da Vos [Signature]

D, diego de Baton [Signature]

Marwuis [=Marquis de feda Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders and Governour of dunkirke]
Marquis de feda Admirall of [the GUTTER] for the king of Spaine in fflanders and Governour of dunkirke

Nicholas de Ferrari [Deponent]
Nicolas deferrari [Signature] [=Nicholas de Ferrari]

Manoel de ffonseca [Deponent]
Manuell de ffonseca [Signature]

George ffernandez de ffranca
Antonio de ffonseca da ffranca

de herrera
de herrera Leyva
Mr delabarr
Vincent de la barr
Diego de La Baton [Deponent]
Don Diego de la Baton [Deponent]
Mr de la Vall
Thomas delavall
de La Ville[?tte GUTTER]
de La Villette

Antonio Martines de Messa [Deponent]
Antonio Martino de Messa [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
Antonio , XX de messa [Signature]
Anttonio Martines demessas [Signature] [=Antonio Martines de Messa]
de Nessa CHECK

Daniel [=Daniel de Passanier]
Daniel de Passanier
Vice Admirall de Rutter
Vice Admirall de Ruyter
Manuel de Sousa
Manuel de Souza
John de vas
John de vos [Deponent]
Martin de Yrizundo

Gonsales do Gamboa dgalo

John du Brock
Monsieur du Colbrant
John du fflos
ffrancis du Pont [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] ffrancis du Pont [Marke]
Monsieur du Quesne
Monsieur du Quesnes
Monsieur du Quesent
Abraham du Quesne
Stephen du Quesne

Samuel damerel [Deponent]
ssam:ll Damerell [Signature]
Henry Damorin [Deponent]
The marke of the said Henry H Damor[?o]n: [Marke]
John Daniel [Deponent]
John Daniell [Signature]
Davies [=Thomas Davies]
Thomas Davies

Deane [=Mr Deane]
Anthony Deane [Deponent]
Anthony Deane [Signature] [=?Mr Deane] CHECK CONTEXT
Mr Deane

Simon Delboe
Symon Delboe

Dell [=Mary dell (nowe Bettenham)]
Mary dell (nowe Bettenham)

Beniamin Denning [Deponent]
Beniamin Denning [Signature]
Beniamine Denning
Beniamin [?D]enning [Signature]

Israel Dennis [Deponent]
William dennis
Israell Dermes [Signature] CHECK

William Dent [Deponent]
Daniell [?d]essell
Thomas dethick
Lawrence devenish

Gonsalo Gamboa dialo
Gregorio Diaz
Captaine Michaell dibbs
Francis Dickinson [Deponent]
Ffra: Dickinson [Signature]
Bertrand Dibarbone [Deponent]
Bertrand dibarbore [Deponent]
Bertrand di[X] Dibarbore [Deponent]
William Dickers
Lewes Dighton

John Dillick [Deponent]
John Dillicke [Signature]
Richard dillon
ffrancisco dirckson
Dixford [=Judith Dixford]
Judith dixford
Doctor Walker
Dobins [=Joseph dobbins]
Dobbins [=Joseph dobbins]
Joseph dobins [=Joseph dobbins]
Joseph dobbins
Mr Dobbins [=Joseph dobbins]
Don John of Austria
Don [John GUTTER] of Austria
John downeing
John Downer
William downes
James drawater
Mr James Drawater [=James drawater]
Thomas Drayson [Deponent]
Tho: Drayson [Signature] [=Thomas Drayson]
Gonsalo Gamboa dyalo

Duke of Brandenburgh
Duke of Courland
Duke of M[?a]dina
Duke of Madina-Cali [Captaine Generall of that coast under the King of Spaine]
Duke of Oldenburgh
Duke of Yorke

Dunn [=Thomas Dunn]
Robert Dunn
Thomas Dunn
Dutch Admirall

Dyer [Proctor]
Rich: Dyricke [Signature]
John Dyson


Earle of Arundell

William East [Deponent]
William East [Signature]
Eaton [=William Eaton]
William Eaton
Mr Ebbot
Daniel Edwards [Deponent]
p mr Daniell Edwards [Signature]
Mr Egleston
Mr E[g]los [senior]

John Elinck
Peter Elinck

Ellis [=Elisha Ellis]
Jenkin Ellis
John Ellis
Nicholas Johnson Engell
George England
Jaques Ennet [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] Jacques Ennet [Marke]
Jacques) [GUTTER ?Ennet]
Richard Erdine [Deponent]

Captaine Thomas Evens
John Everington
William Eves [Deponent]
The marke of O William Eves [Marke]
Mary Ewen
Mary Ewens her husband
Master Ewens his servants
Mr Ewen the late husband of Mrs Ewen
Mr Ewen late husband of the said Mris Ewen
Mr Ewens
Mrs Ewens [=Mary Ewen]
mris Ewens her late husband


mr Philipp ffarewell
ffawnce [=Edward ffawnce]
Edward ffawnce [Deponent]
ffearnes [=Richard ffearnes]
Captaine ffearnes [=Richard ffearnes]
Richard ffearnes
Thomas ffelton
John fenner [Signature]
John ffenner [Deponent]
ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
Anthonio ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
Anthony ffernandez

Mr ffernandez [=Antonio ffernandez Caravajall]
fferrari [=Nicolas de Ferrari]
Peter fferrari
Nicolas deferrari [Signature]
Edward ffinch [Deponent]
Edward ffinch [Signature]
The marke of the sayd John I ffletcher [Marke]
Nicholas de Ferrari [Deponent]
ffonseca [=Antonio da ffonseca da ffranca]
Richard ford [Signature]

John James ff[XXXX]
Peter fferrari
ffisher [=William ffisher]
Mr ffisher [=William ffisher]
William ffisher
mr ffitz Garrard [=Richard ffitz Gerald]
Richard ffitz Gerald
Richard} ffitz Gerald
Amos ffoard
John Jaques ffonne
John Jaques fforné
ffrancis fforna
ffrancis fforno
Richard fford [Deponent]
Colonell ffortescue
Peter ffourdin [Deponent]
Alex ffowler [Signature]

ffrancis ffrancis
John ffrancisco
ffreeman [=John ffreeman]
John ffreeman
Mr John ffreeman [=John ffreeman]
ffrench woman and her daughter
Captaine ffountayne
Alexander ffowler
ffoxe [=Mr ffox]
Mr ffox
ffranck [=Aron ffranke]
ffrancke [=Aron ffranke]
Lovinus ffranck
Adrian ffranke [Deponent]
Aron ffrancke [=Aron ffranke]
Aron ffranke
Claus ffrancke
John ffranckland [Deponent]
Jn ffrankland [Signature [=John ffranckland]
ffrancklin [Proctor]
Mr ffrancklin [in Spaine]]
Christofer ffreer
Richard ffu[XX] [Signature]
John ffytzherbert [Signature]

John Fletcher [Deponent]
Alexander Fowler [Deponent]


Adrian franck [Signature] [=Adrian ffranke]
John frannsen [Signature]

Edward ffridd [Deponent]
Edward [MARKE] ffridd [Marke]
Thomas ffridd [Deponent]
Thomas ffridd [Signature]

ffrost [=William ffrost]
William ffrost


Ab:t Gale [Signature] [=Robert Gale]
Robert Gale [Deponent]
Barbara da Gamboa
Mathew da Gamboa

Edward Garcia
Manoes Garcia
Manuel [=Manuel Garcia]
Manuell [=Manuel Garcia]
Manuel Garcia
Sebastian Garcia [Deponent]
Captaine Garnett
John Garrard [Deponent]
George gasdas
Daniel Gates
John Gaultier
Mr Gdwin

Generall Blake
Generall Penn

ffernando Geraldo
Peter Gerbra[?nsh]
John Germyn
Captaine Giles
William Gillam
John Gillman
Godfrey [=William Godfrey]
William Godfrey

John Godolphin
Doctor Godolphin
John Godsalve [Deponent]
John Godsalve Junior [Signature]
Gold [=Mr Gold]
Mr Gold
Admirall William Goodson
Mr Goodwin
Gosling [=Hubart Gosling]
Hubart Gosling
Hunert Gosling CHECK
George Gosyde

Governor of Antego
The Governour [=Governour of Antego]
The Governour and officers of Santa domingo
Governour of Antega
Governour and Counsell at Antego
Governour of Antego
Governour of Angola
Governour of Cartagena
Governour of dunkirke
Governour of Merida
Governour of Portugall [in Angola]
Governour at Saint domingo
Governour of Santa domingo
Governour of the Cape da Verd Islands
Governour or President of Santa domingo

Gowen [=Thomas Gowen]
Thomas Gowen [Deponent]
Thomas Gowin [Signature] [=Thomas Gowen]

John Grant [Deponent]
John Grant [Signature]
Thomas Grant [Deponent]
Thomas Gránt [Signature]
Graves [=Abraham Graves]
Abraham Graves [Deponent]
Mr Abraham Graves
Thomas Gray [Deponent]
Thomas Gray [Signature]
Captaine Gra[XXXX]s

Abraham Greaves [Signature]

Christofer Greene
Christopher Greene
George Greene
Mr Greene [=Thomas Greene]
Thomas Greene [Deponent]
Thomas Greene [Signature]
William Greene

Mr Greenleaf

Jacob Gregory [Deponent]
Jacob Gregory [Signature]
John Gregory

Thomas Gregs
Thomas Greggs
Thomas Gregg[?s] [Deponent]
Thomas Gregg[X] [Signature]

Griffin [=Griffen]

Thomas Grimsditch [Deponent]
Thomas grim[?s]ditch [Signature]

Lawrence Growden

Jean Gueroul[?t] [Signature] [=John Gueroult ]
John Gueroult [Deponent]

Guy [=Leonard Guy]
Leonard Guy

Gyles [=Gyles Vanderpost]
Captaine Gyles [=Captaine Giles]


John Hackman [Deponent]

Captaine haddock

Roger haey

Haie Haies [Deponent]
haije haijes [Signature]

Peter hales
Edmund halle[XX]
Mr John hallett

Halley [=Edmund Halley]
Edmund halley

Roger haly
Joseph hammond
Thomas hanson [Deponent] [=Thomas Hanson]
Thomas hansson [Signature]
hans halvorsen
Mr Joseph Hamon
Maniel Perera ?Hamos

John Harbert [Deposition]
John Harbert [Signature]
Mr harbyn
Captaine hare
Christopher harle
John Harris [Deponent] [NOT=Captaine John Harris]
John harris [Signature] [NOT=Captaine John Harris]
Captaine John Harris [Deponent]
John Har[?ries] [Signature] [=Captaine John Harris]
Richard Harris [Deponent]
Richard Harris [Signature]
William Harris [Deponent]
The mark of william [MARKE] harris [Marke]
Edward harrison
Edward Harrison [Signature]
Edward Harr[X]on [Deponent]

Mr hart
John Hart
William hart
Master William hart [=William hart]
Robert harthly [Signature] [=Robert Hartley]
Hartie [=Hartie Johnson]
Robert Hartley [Deponent]
Mr hatton
Samuell Haughton [Deponent]
Sam:ll Haughton [Signature] [=Samuell Haughton]
Richard hauson
Haydon [=James Haydon]
James haydon
John hayward
John hay[XXX GUTTER]

Michael da haze
Tho: Haward [Signature]
Christopher ha[?w]le

William Hearon [Deponent]
Willm hearon [Signature]
John Hebling [Deponent]
John + hebling [Marke]
John hedda
Henry Hendricksen [Deponent]
Hendrick Hendrickson [Deponent]
Hendrick hendrickson [Signature]

John Heringer
Herrera [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Mr Nathaniel Herring
Paul Heyn [Deponent]
The marke of Paul [MARKE] heyn [Marke]
Tho: Hiath [Signature]
Robert Hide [Signature] [=Robert Hyde]
His highnes the Lord Protector
His Highnes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England

Abraham Hill
Cord hilderman
[?Cord] Hilderman [Deponent]
Courd Hillderman [Deponent]
Cord hilderm[XXX] [Signature] [=Courd Hillderman]
Thomas [?hithburne]
Richard Hoare [Deponent]
Thomas Hoare [Deponent]
William hobcroft [Deponent]
Mee Will hobcroft [Signature]
William Hogg [Deponent]
William hogg [Signature]
Humphrey holcombe

John holder
Mr holmes
Holway [=Nicholas holway]
Nicholas holway
Mr holwey [=Nicholas holway]
Edward horken
Dierick Hoste
Peter Howard [Deponent]
Thomas Howard [Deponent]
Mr how [=Mr Alexander Howe]
Mr how [=Mr howe] [said to be steward to the earle of Arundell]
Mr howe [said to be steward to the earle of Arundell]
John howell
Howbart [=Mr howbart]
Mr howbart
Howe [=Alexander howe]
Alexander howe
Mr Alexander howe

Mr Robert hubbold
Albert huberts
Allert huberts
John hughesen
Hughes [=Kendrick hughes]
Kendrick hughes
Humphrey [=John humphrey]
John humphrey
Captaine John Humphrey [=John humphrey]
John Humphreys [Deponent]
John Humphreys [Signature]
John Hunt [Deponent]
The marke [MARKE] of the said John Hunt [Marke] [=John Hunt]
Richard huntington
Francis Hurdidge [Deponent]
ffran hurdidge [Signature] [=Francis Hurdidge]
ffrancis Hurdidge [Deponent] [=Francis Hurdidge]
Richard hussey [Deponent]
Richard Hussy
Humphrer Hutchons [Signature]
Hyatt [=Thomas Hyatt]
Thomas hyat
Thomas Hyatt [Deponent] [=Thomas Hyatt]
Robert Hyde [Deponent]


Arthur Ingram [Deponent]
Arth Ingram [Signature] [=Arthur Ingram]
Mr Arthur Ingram [Deponent] [=Arthur Ingram]
Rowland Ingram
Esiah Isbell [Deponent]
Esa: is-bell [Signature] [=Esiah Isbell]
Frederick Ixem [Deponent]
Fred: Ixem [Signature]


Abraham Jacobson [Signature] [=Abraham Jacobson Larson]

Henry James
John James

Thomas Janson [Deponent]
The marke [MARKE] of Thomas Janson [Marke]
Jan Janss [Signature] [=John Johnson]
Edward Jarrett [Deponent]
Edward [MARKE] Jarrett [Marke]
Jefferies [=John Jefferies]

John Jefferies
Jefferyes [=John Jefferies]
Jenkin [=Marmaduke Jenkins]
Marmaduke Jenkins
Jennings [=Mathew Jennings]
Adam Jennings
Haniball Jenninge [Deponent]
Haniball Jennings
Mathew Jennings
Richard Jennings
haniball Jennins [Signature]

John Jermyn
John Jobe
Mr John Jobs
Johnson [=Barnard Johnson]
Johnson [=Gyles Johnson]
Johnson [=Joost Johnson]
Johnson [=Mr Johnson]
Johnson [=James Jonson; NOT=Mr Johnson; YES=Mr Johnson]
Johnson [=Nicholas Johnson]

Barnard Johnson
Claes Johnson
Gyles Johnson
John Johnson [Deponent]

Joost Johnson
haion Jonson [Deponent]
Harti[?a]} Johnson
Hartie Johnson
James Johnson
Mannk Johnson [=Mannock Johnson]
Mannock Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
Mr Johnson
Peter Johnson

Jolfe [=Henry Jolfe]
Henry Jolfe
John Jolliffe
Mr John Jo[?lliffe GUTTER] [=John Jolliffe]
Captaine J[olley GUTTER]
Captaine Jolly
Jollyfe [=John Jolliffe]
Jonas [=Morgan Jonas]
Morgan Jonas
Morgan Jona's
Jones [=Morgan Jones]
Jones [=Thomas Jones]
Jone's [=Morgan Jonas]

Morgan Jones [Deponent]
Morgan Jones [Signature]
Richard Jones [Deponent]
Richard Jones [Signature]
Robert Jones
Thomas Jones
the marke of TI [MARKE] To: Jones [Marke]

don Joseph
Joyliffe [=John Jolliffe]
Captaine don Juan
don Juan or Guan [=Captaine don Juan]
Judge of the Admiralty of Saint Lucar
Judge of the Court of Judicature


Gilbert Keate
Jonathan Keate
Mr Gilbert keate
Richard Keate [Deponent]
Richard Keate [Signature]
Keeble [=William Keeble]
William Keeble
Keech [=Stephen keech]
Stephen keech

Keene [=Edward Keene]
Keene [=John Keene]
Edward Keene
Henry keene [Deponent]
Hen: Keene [Signature]

John Keene
Kell [=Elisha kell]
Elisha kell
Kendrick [=Kendrick hughes]
Christopher Kennell Esquire
Christopher Kennett Esquire CHECK
Henry Kenyon
John Keylock [Deponent]
John Keylock [Signature]
Mr Kiffen [=William Kiffen]
Wm Kiff[?e]n [Signature]
William Kiffen
William Kiffin [Deponent]

Robert kilmer
Robert Kilner
Roger kilvart
Robert kilver
Catherin) kil[?v]erth
Mris kil?wert

King of Bantam
King of XXXX
King of ffrance
King of Portugall
King of Spaine
King of Scots
King of Scotts
King of Sweden

Richard Kingston
Peter Knight
Robert Knight [Deponent]
Henry Kyme [Signature]
Henry Kyne [Deponent]


La Valette

John Ladd
Mr Ladd [=John Ladd]

Thomas Lake
flaus Lanaisas [Signature] CHECK
Robert Land [Deponent]
Robert Land [Signature]
William Lane [Deponent]
William Lane [Signature]

Captaine Lapper

Abraham Jacobson Larson [Deponent]
Abraham Jacobson Larson [Signature]
Ambioen Larson
Jacob Larson [Deponent]
Jacobey larson [Signature] [=Jacob Larson]
Okey Larson [Deponent]

John Lash

George Lea
Mr Lea
William Lea [Signature]
George Lee
William Lee [Deponent]
Wm Lee [Signature]

John legg

Commander John Petersson Lelly

Mr Lemmans wife
Albert Lemmerman
Mr Lemmon [=Lemmon]

Lewellin [=Robert Lewellin]
Robert Lewellin

Edward Lewes

Herrera Leyva [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Symon da herrera Leyva

Thomas Lidington
Lieutenant of the Marston Moore frigot

Luke Lillie [Signature]
Luke Lilly [Deponent]

Abraham da Lima
Abraham de Lima [Signature]

John Lindsey

Mr Loades
Captain Lockes

Lord of Arundell

Lordell [=James Lordell]
James Lordell

Nicholas Lorson [Deponent]

ffernando Gerardo Love

Thomas Lowe

Robert Lucas

Jacob Luce
Luke Lucie
Mr Lucas lucie [=Luke Lucie]
Mr Luke Luce [=Luke Lucie]
Lucas Lucy [=Luke Lucie]

ypeter lût [Signature]
Captaine John L[ynis GUTTER]

John L[XXX]er


Richard Magin [Signature] [=Richard Megin]
Maior Generall John Culleton
Maior Generall Sedgewick
Major George Walters

Henry Man [Deponent]
henrijck may [Signature] [=Henry Man] CHECK

Mr Elias Mandevile
Captaine Maniard
John M[?oore] [Signature] [=John Moore]
Captaine John Manning

George Margatto
George Margetts
Don Alonso da Molina y Marina
Don Alonso da Molyna y Marina
Don Alonso da Molyna y Marinea CHECK
Arent Marinis

Markature [=Edward Makkettuer]
Edward Markature [=Edward Makkettuer]
Edward Makkettuer [Deponent]
Edward M [MARKE] Makkettuer [Marke] [=Edward Makkettuer]
Captaine Markes
John Makins [Deponent]
John Makins [Signature]

George Margetts
Thomas Markland [Deponent]
Tho: Markland [Signature] [=Thomas Markland]
William Marr (sic)
Marshall [=James Marshall]
James Marshall
henry Mars[?d]en [Signature]

Laurence Martel
Laurence Martell
Fernando Martin
Fernando martin [Signature]
Henry Martin
John Martin [Signature] [=John Martyn]
Thomas Martin
Martines [=John Martines Cascales]
Tho: Martin [Signature]
Captaine Peter Martins
Henry Martyn
John Martyn [Deponent]

Thomas Martyn [Deponent]
William Martyn [Signature]
[=]William Martyn [Signature] [=William Martyn]
[=]William Martyns [Signature] [=William Martyn]
Mary [=Mary Ewen]

James Massey [Deponent]
James JX [MARKE] Massey [Marke]
Master of the Olive Branch
John Mathew [Signature]
Baldwin Mathewes [Deponent]
Hance Matson
Peter Matson
Hardwick Matthias [=Hendrick Mathias]
hendrick Matthias [Claimant] [Producent]

May [=Thomas May]
Thomas May
William May [=William Mayre]
Mayer [=William Mayre]
William Mayre
George Meade [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd George [TRIANGLE] Meade [Marke]
Bernardo Medici [Deponent]
Bernardo Medici [Signature]
Richard Megin [Deponent]
Peter Mendoza
The Governour of Merida

Simon Messinger [Deponent]
Simon Messenger [Signature]
Symon Messinger
Isaac Michaelson [Deponent]
Samuel Micó
Middleton [=Andrew Middleton]
Andrew Middleton
Thomas Middleton [Deponent]
Tho Middleton [Signature]
Thomas Midwinter [Deponent]
Captaine Mings
John Mirandat [Deponent]
Jean mirouel [Signature]

Captaine Mole
Francis Molina [Deponent]
Bartholomew Moline [Deponent]
Alonso da Molyna Y M[XXXX GUTTER]
Da Moira
Phillip da Moira
Phillip Moira
Hendrick Momann

Moone [=George Moone]
George Moone
John La [?moon]
Mr Monger
John Moore [Deponent]
John Moret [Deponent]
Morgan [=Thomas Morgan]
One Morgan
Thomas Morgan [Deponent]
Thomas Morgan [Signature]
Thomas Morley
Jan Morratta [Signature]

Ree Morrice
John Morrice [Signature]
John Morris [Deponent]
John Morris [Signature]
John Morris
Ree Morris
Captaine Ree Morris

Robert Moulins [Deponent]
Robert Moulins [Signature]

Moulson [=Jacob Moulson]
Captaine Moulson [=Jacob Moulson]
Jacob Moulson

Mr William Mountioye
Don Whan Moursell

Da Moyra
Phillipp de Moyra

Henry Mudd [Signature]
Henry Mudde [Deponent]

Captaine Christofer Myngs [Deponent]
Christop:r Myngs [Signature]


Hugh Nakes
Peter Nantes [Deponent]
James Nappar [=James Napper]
Napper [=James Napper]
James Napper
Mr James Napper [=James Napper]
John Newland
Bernard Niclaesen [Deponent]
John Niclas [=John Nicolas]
John Nicolas
Edward Nicholas
Mr John Nicholas [=John Nicolas]
Mr Nicholas [=John Nicolas]

John Nicholls
Isaack Nicholson

Noades [=William Nodes]
William Nodes

John Nonython [Signature]

Norbrooke [Defendant] [=John Norbrooke]
John Norbrooke
Norbrookes aunt

Edward North [Deponent]
Edward North [Signature]
Thomas Norton [Deponent]
Notary publique at Batavia

Alosnso nunes [Signature]
Alonzo Nunes [Deponent]

Mr Nuttall


Daniell Oadwell
Thomas Oake [Deponent]
Thomas Oaks [Signature]
An oile man [Unnamed]

Robert Oldfeild [Deponent]
Robert Oldfeild [Signature]

John Orton [Deponent]
John Orton [Signature]

John Otley [Deponent]


Ciprian Pachao [Deponent]
Cyprian Pachas [Signature]
Cipriano Pachao [Deponent]
Cipriano Pachao [Signature]
Cipriano Pachero
Mr Richard Packer SORT THIS OUT
Page [=John Page]
John Page
Mr Page [=John Page]
Paine [=Joseph Paine]
Ephraim Paine [Deponent]
George Paine [Deponent]
Joseph Paine [Producent]
Mathew Paine [Deponent]
Nathaniel Paine [Deposition]
Painter [=Gowen Painter]
Ephraim Paine [Deposition]
Gowen Painter [=Gowen Paynter]
Peter Pallart [=Peter Pollart]
Palmer [=Edward Palmer]
Edward Palmer

Ephrat: Payne [Signature] [=Ephraim Paine]
Geo Payne [Signature]
Matth: Payne [Signature] [=Mathew Paine]
John Pantalin
Mr John Pantalin
Peter Pantel
Geo Papillon [Signature]
George Papillon [Deponent]

Thomas Paramore
Paramour [=Thomas Paramore]
Gregory Parbury [Deponent]
Gregory A Parbury [Marke]
Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Mr Pardini [=Francis Pardini]
Francis Pardini [Deponent]
francis Pardinj [Signature]

George Paris
George Parris
Richard Parke [Deponent]
Richard Parke [Signature]
Parker [=Mr Richard Packer] SORT THIS OUT
Edward Parker
Thomas Parkins [Deposition]
Mr Thomas Parris
Josiah Partridge
Daniel Passier alias Daniel Allaman
Daniel Passier alias John Daniel Alleman
Daniel Passier alias John Daniel Allerman

Robert Patsh[?a]ll
Paul [=Edward Paul]
Edward Paul [Deponent]
Edw: Paule [Signature] [=Edward Paul]
Mr Thomas Pawley
Nathanell Payne [Signature] [=Nathaniel Paine]
Captaine Richard Payne
Gowen Paynter
Roger Paxton [Deponent]
Roger Paxton [Signature]

Richard Peachie [Deponent]
Edward Peachy [Deponent]
Richard Peachey [Signature] [=Richard Peachie]
William Peacock

Gregory Peake [Deponent]
Grego: Peake [Signature] [=Gregory Peake]
Mr Gregory Peake [=Gregory Peake]

Lawerence Peete [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd Lawrence P [MARKE] Peete [Marke]

Thomas Pegg [Deponent]

Richard Pendaruts [Deponent]
Richard Pendanues [Signature]

Nicholas Pening
Generall Penn

Thomas Perkins [Signature]
John Peterson [Deponent]
Phillips [=Roger Phillips]
Edward Phillips [Deponent]
The marke of Edward [MARKE] Phillips [Marke]
Issac Phillips
Roger Phillips [Deponent]
RP The marke of Roger Phillip [Marke] [=Roger Phillips]
Mr Pickering
John pietersen [Signature] [=John Peterson]
Samuel Piggot [Producent]

Peter [Captaines boatswaine]
Peter [=Peter Poulla]
John Peterson [Deponent]
John Peterson [Deponent]: 2]
Olave Peterson
Simon Peterson
Simon Peterss[on] [Deponent]
John pietersen [Signature]
Mr Pilgrim
Pitt [=Thomas Pitt]
Thomas Pitt

John [?Pooke GUTTER]

John Popa
Harman Potten

Pollart [=Peter Pollart]
Peter Pollart

Poole [=William Poole]
Captaine Poole [=William Poole]
William Poole

George Potts

Peter Poulla
Peter P[oulla]

Hugh Powell [Deponent]
Hugh Powell [Signature]

Powes [=James Powis]
Powis [=James Powis]
James Powis
Mr Powis [=James Powis]

Philmon Pown[XXX] [Signature]

John Praet
Pratt [=John Pratt]
John Pratt
Mr Pratt [=John Pratt]


Richard Price [Deponent]
Rich: Price [Signature]

Lewis Pridith [Deponent]

Prince [=George Prince]
ffrancis Prince [Deponent]
George Prince [Deponent]
George: Prince [Signature]
George Princez [Signature]
Mr Prince [=ffrancis Prince]

Prior [=Richard Prior]
Richard Prior
Peter Proby [Deponent]
Peter Proby [Signature]
Lewis Prydyth [Signature] [=Lewis Pridith]
John Pryenaer [Deponent]
Pryor [=Richard Prior]
John Pr[XXX]

Peter Pulla
Peter Pulla the younger
Charles Pullen [Deponent]
Charles Pullen [Signature]



Manuel Perera Ramos
Captaine Andrew Rand
Captaine Andrew Rands
Edward Ranson
Mr John Ray
John Rayment [Deponent]
John Rayment [Signature]
Mr Read
James Reade
Mr Reade [=Mr Read]
William Reade
William Reading [Deponent]
Henry Reig[?n]ier
John Renfeild

Henry Renier
Mr Thomas Revell
John Reynault
Monsieur Louis Reynault

Charles Rich
Mr Charles Rich [=Charles Rich]
Mr Rich [=Charles Rich]

Peter Rich [Deponent]
Pet: Rich [Signature]
Richard Rich [Deponent]

Robb. Richbell [Signature]
Robert Richbell [Deponent]

Richmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
William Ricks [Deponent]
Ritchmond [=William Ritchmond the yonger]
William Ritchmond the yonger
Marke Ri[XX]
John Rivett

Mr John Roberts
Captaine Thomas Roberts

Francis Robinson [Deponent]
ffra: Robinson [Signature] [=Francis Robinson]
Robert Robinson

Robles [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles]
Antonio Rodrigues Robles
Rodrigues Robles [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles]

Richard Roch [Deponent]
Richard Roche [Signature]

Tho: Rodbardt [Signature]
Thomas Rodberd [Deponent]
Mr Rodberd

Rodrigues [=John Rodrigues Calderon]
Captaine Rodriguez [=John Rodrigues Calderon]

Rogers [=John Rogers]
John Rogers
Mr Rogers [=John Rogers]
Phillip Rogers

ffrancis Rois
Richard Rooke
Rich: Rookes [Libellate]
Mr Rookes
Rosetti [=Augustin Rosetti]
Rosetti his mother
Augustin Rosetti

Alexander Row
Row [=Rowe] [Proctor]
Rowe [Proctor]
Anthony Rowles
John R[?o}y
Balthazar Rubin
Richard Rudstone [Deponent]
Richard Rudstone [Signature]
Vincent Ruflet
William Rushley
Vincent} Ruslet

John Russell
Tomas Russell
Mr Russell
James Rutteil
Ryder [=Edward Ryder]
Edward Rydder [=Edward Ryder]
Edward Ryder [Deponent]
Edward E R [MARKE] Ryder [Marke] [=Edward Ryder]


Sam: Sainthill [Signature]
Salisbury [=Hugh Salisbury]
Hugh Salisbury
Verta Salla
Sam: Sambrooke [Signature]
Captaine Sammon
Charles Sanders
Charles Sandres [=Charles Sanders]
Nic. Sanders [Signature]
Mr Robert Sanders
Robert Sanders
Sandford [=Humfrey Sandford]
Humfrey Sandford
ffrancis Sanstevan

Nicholas Saunders [Deponent]
Saunders [=Robert Saunders]
Robert Saunders
Beniamin Say
Mr Say
John Scapes [Deponent]
John Scapes [Signature]
William Scapes

Lewis Scarletti
Nicholas Scidmore
Mr Scot
John Scrole
Scroll [=John Scrole]

Scut [=Egbert Scutt]
Egbert Scut [=Egbert Scutt]
Scutt [=Egbert Scutt]
Egbart Scutt
Egbert Scutt

Jacob Sealley [Signature] [=Jacob Ceelay]
Captaine Seaman
Daniell Searle
William Searle [Deponent]

Maior Generall Sedgewick

Thomas Sennett [Deponent]
Thomas Sennett [Signature]
Walter Senser [Deponent]
Walter John Senser [=Walter Senser]
Walter Sensoes [Signature]
Jacon Senson [Deponent]

Rowland Serchfeild [Deponent]

The marke of Tanica [MARKE OF AN ANCHOR ON ITS SIDE] Sevinian [Marke] [=Tamca S[Xviman]]

Andrew Shan [Deponent]
George Shan [Deponent]
George Shaw [Signature]
Captaine Shawe

Sherwill [=Thomas Sherwill]
Thomas Sherwill
John Shorter [Deponent]
John Shorter [Signature]
Ceste: Sijlvester [Signature] [=Constant Silvester]
Constant Silvester
Peter Silvester [Deponent]
Nicolas Simoin [Signature] [=Nicholas Symons]
Nicholas Simons
William Simons [=William Simonds]
Mr William Simons [=William Simonds]
Simonds [=William Simonds]
William Simonds

Skidmore [=Nicholas Skidmore]
Nicholas Skidmore
ffrederick Skinner
Mr ffrederick Skinner [=ffrederick Skinner]
Slater [=Thomas Slater]
Thomas Slater

Smith [Proctor]
Smith [=Edward Smith]
Smith [=James Smith]

Ambrose Smith
Edward Smith [Producent]
Eustace Smith
James Smith
Joseph Smith [Deponent]
Mathew Smith [Deponent]

Mr Smith [=Ambrose Smith]
Mr Smith [=Edward Smith]

Obediah Smith [Deponent]
Oba Smith [Signature]

Peter Smith [Deponent]
The marke of [MARKE] Peter Smith [Marke] [=Peter Smith]

Richard Smith [Signature]

William Smith [Deponent]
Will: Smith [Signature]

John Smithier

Joseph Smyth [Signature] [=Joseph Smith]
Mathew Smyth [Signature] [=Mathew Smith]
Richard Smyth [Deponent]

Somers [=ffrancis Sumers]

Mr ffrancis Somers [=ffrancis Sumers]
John Somers [=John Sommers]
Sommers [=John Sommers]
John Sommers
William Sommers [Deponent]
Wllm Sommers [Signature] [=William Sommers]

Sowden [=Mr Sowden]
Mr Sowden

Spencer [=William Spencer]
William Spencer
William Spenser [=William Spencer]

Peter Split [Deponent]
Peter} [?Split]
Mr Splitt

Mr Spur{stow}
Stafford [Deponent]

Phillip staford [Signature] [=Phillip Stafford]
Phillip Stafford [Deponent]
Phillip S[t]afford

Hendrick Staires [=Herbert Staires]
Herbert Staires

John Stan[XX GUTTER]
Mr Standhopp [the Mariners Sollicitor]

William Stannard
Wm: Stannard [Signature]

Lancelot Stepney
Richard Stevens

Charles Steward
George Steward [Deponent]
George Steward [Signature]

Stiles [=Robert Stiles]
Mr Stiles [=Robert Stiles]
Robert Stiles
Abraham Stock
Abraham (Stock [=Abraham Stock]
Mr Stock [=Abraham Stock]
Mr Stokes
Mr XX Stoakes
Stock [=Mr Stock]
Mr Stock

Cudbard stone [Signature]
Cuthbert Stone [Deponent]
Christopher Stribling [Deponent]
Christopher Stribling [Signature]
John Stricke
Nathaniell Stukely
Suckley [Proctor] [=Mr Ralph Suckley]
Mr Ralph Suckley
Sumers [=ffrancis Sumers]
ffrancis Sumers
Mr Sumers [=ffrancis Sumers]
John Summers [=John Sommers]
Mr Summers [=ffrancis Sumers]
Thomas S[?u]ter

Swan [=John Swan]
John Swan
derrick Sw[?e?e]rt
The said Symon [=Symon da herrera Leyva]
Nicholas Symons [=Nicholas Simons]
Nicholas Symonds [Deponent]
Richard Symonds [Deponent]
Symonds [=William Simonds]
William Symonds [=William Simonds]
Peter Symone
Syon [=Abraham Syon]
Abraham Syon


Jaques Maurice Tabellion
SyEllwick Tagersons widow
Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Captaine Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Mr Tailor [=Edward Tailor]
Edward Tailor
Tanner [=William Tanner]
William Tanner
John Tarleton

Tarley [=John Tawley]
Mary Tasker
Mary Taskers husband
Nye Tatam
Tawley [=John Tawley]
John Tawley

John Taylor
Captaine Joseph Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Captaine Thomas Taylor [Deponent]
Tho Taylor [Signature] [=Captaine Thomas Taylor]
William Tayler [Deponent]
Nathaniell Temms
Colonell Temple
Nicholas Terick
Nicholas Terrick

John Thackston [Deponent]
John Thaxton [Signature] [=John Thackston]

The Admirall of the dutch ffleete [At Bantam]
The Alcaled of Portugalott an officer of the King of Spaine
The Alcated of Portugal[?e]tt
The Alfarez Major of Cartagena
The Araled of Portugalot CHECK
The English Phisition of the sayd shipp [The XXXX]
The Lord Protector
The officers of the King of Spaine
The Portugal Ambassadour [in London]
The Portugall Embassador [in London]
The Portugall Governour of ffarnambuco
The Peters Chirurgion

Thomas [=Thomas Clarke]
Thomas [=Thomas Cox]
Wm Thomas
Captaine Thomas [=William Thomas]
William Thomas

George Thomason
Thompson [=Maurice Thompson]
Maurice Thompson
Mr Thompson [=Maurice Thompson]
Thomas Thompson [Deponent]
Thomas Thompson [Signature]

Samuel Thomson
Samuell Thomson [Deponent]
Sam: Thomson [Signature]

Thomas Thorneton [Deponent]
Thomas W Thornton [Signature]
Just Thourin [Deponent]
Just Thourin [Signature]
Court Thysen [Deponent]
The marke of + Court Thysen [Marke]
Henry Thysen [Deponent]
Tilley [=Joseph Tilley]
John Tilley
Joseph Tilley
Nicholas Tilley

John Tilston
Captaine Titus
Stephen Titus
Mathais Tonelin
George Toriano
Captaine Totty

Towers [=Thomas Towers]
?Towers [=Thomas Towers]
Joane Towers
Thomas Towers
Townsend [=Nathaniell Townsend]
Nathaniell Townsend
ffrancis Tranchant
William Traughton
Charles Trenchant

Hugh Treveman
Hugh Trevenian [Deponent]
Hugh Trevanion [Signature]
Hugh Tre[?v]anion [Deponent]
Hugh Trevenion

William Trevil
William Trevill

humfrey Triggs
William Trutter

Tuck [=Mr Tuck]
Mr Tuck

William Tucker [Deponent]
William Tucker [Signature]

Walter Tuckfeild
William Tufnall
Mr Tufnall [=William Tufnall]
Tuffnell [=Tufnet]
John Tuffley [Deponent]
John Tuffley [Signature]
Tufnet [=Tuffnell]
Tuffn[ulls GUTTER] [=Tuffnell]
Tufudt [=Tuffnell]
Tufulls [=Tuffnell]
Adrian Turner
Adrian Turin [=Antonio Rodrigues Robles] [Fictious name]


Peter Uddmans
Govert Udemans [Deponent]
Govert Udemany [Signature] [=Govert Udemans]
John [?U]mphreys [Signature] [=John Humphreys]
John Upson [Deponent]
hezakiah Usher
Hezekiah Usher [Deponent]
Hezekiah Usher [Signature]
William Ustick


Thomas da la val
Captaine Valence
La Valette
Henry Valeure
Salomon Valmussen [Deponent]
Salomon [MARKE] Valumsson [Marke]

Vanbrough [=William Vanbrough]
Vanbroughs [=William Vanbrough]
William Vanbrough
William Vanbrughs [=William Vanbrough]

Noe van Baruevelt
Baudwin Van Bourne
Baudwin van Bow[?me]
Van Cassell [Mathias van Cassell]
Mathias van Cassell
Gaspar Van Cullen
Gaspar ván Cullen
Jernonimo Van Cullen
Jernonimo ván Cullen
van Eust [=Jacob van Eust]
Jacob van Eust
Andries van Galisse
John van Sluce

Mr Peter Vandeput
Peter Vandeput
Peter Vandeputt

Heer Vandergoos
Vander hemel
Arnold Vanderhemel
Arnold Vander hemel
Corneluis Vander Hoowe
Cornelius Vander ho[XX]
Cornelis vander Ho[XX GUTTER]
Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER] [Deponent]
Cornelius Vanderhoeve [Signature] [=Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER]]
Adrian Vanderpost
Gyles Vanderpost

Mr Vanderputt
Peter vanderputt
Peter Vanderp[utt GUTTER]
John Vander Slane
Jan XXXXXXX XXXXXXe [Signature]
William and John Vandervoart

Baudwin vo[?m] Ba[?urme]
Vom Bow[?me]

Boudw[?in] von Bo[?wXX]

Daniell Vassell
Don John [=Don John da Monte Verda]
Don John da Monte Verda
Don John da Moule Verde

Caleb Veren [Deponent]
Caleb Veren [Signature]
Mr Veren [=Caleb Veren]

Peter [?ver mar]
Seignior Vernate
Peter vor Marr
Peter V[o]r Mar

William Venus [Deponent]
The marke of W:m WV Venus [Marke]

Samuel Vernon [Deponent]
Samuel Vernon [Signature]

John Antunes Vian
Manuel Autunes Vian
Manuel Antunes ?Vian
Autunes Vian
Autunes Viau
Manuel Autunes Viau
John Antunos ?Vian

Vice Admirall da Ruitter
Vice Admirall da Rutter
Vice Admirall de Rutter
Vice Admirall de Ruyter

Vice Admirall of Salley
Vice Roy of Cartagena

da Lewis Perez da Victoria
don Lewis Perez da Victoria


Hugh Wakes
Walgrave [=John Walgrave]
John Walgrave
Walker [=John Walker]
Doctor Walker
John Walker
Robert Walker
William Walker
Wall [=William Wall]
William Wall
John Walley
Christo: Wallis [Signature]
Mathew Wallys [Deponent]
ffrancis Walter
Major George Walters

James Ward
John Ward
John [MARKE] Ward [Marke]
ffrancis Warner
Nicholas Warren
Thomas Warren
Mr Thomas Warren
Mr Warren [=William Warren]
William Warren [Deponent]
Wm Warren [Signature] [=William Warren]
W.m. Warren [Signature] [=William Warren]

James Watkins
Watson [=William Watson]
John Watson [Deponent]
John Watson [Signature]
William Watson
Watts [=Edward Watts]
Mr Watts [=Edward Watts]
Edward Watts
Mr William Watts
George Webb [Deponent]
George Webb [Signature]
Mr Webb

George Webber [Deponent]
George Webber [Signature]

John Webber [Deponent]
John webber [Signature]

John Weekes [Deponent]
John Weekes [Signature]

Welch [=John Welch]
Captaine Welch [=John Welch]
John Welch [Deponent]
Zacharie Welch [Deponent]
Wells [=Thomas Wells]
Bartholomew Wells [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd Bartholomew B Wells [Marke]
Thomas Wells
Gregory Wescomb [Signature] [=Gregory Westcombe]
Mr West
Gregory Westcombe [Deponent]
Richard Westcombe
William Westcombe [Deponent]
Will Wescomb [Signature] [=William Westcombe]
William Westcot [Deponent]
Gregory Westombe

John Whaley [Deponent]
John Whalley [Signature] [=John Whaley]
John Wheake [Deponent]
John Wheake [Signature]
George Wheeler

George Whillers [Signature]
Henry White
Roger Whitfeild [Deponent]
William Whittle
Edward Wigge
William Wittle [=William Whittle]
Whittle [=William Whittle]
Mr Whittles [=William Whittle]
William Wight [Deponent]
pp Wm Wights [Signature]
Wigoner [=Giles Wigoner]
Giles Wigoner

Richard Wilde [Deponent]
Wild [=Thomas Wilde]
Thomas Wilde [Deponent]
Thomas Wilde [Signature]
John Wiley [Deponent]
John I WW Wiley [Marke]
John Wilkey
George Wilkinson [Deponent]
George Wilkinson [Signature]
Randall Wilkinson [Deponent]
Randall Wilkinson [Signature]

Claes Williams [Deponent]
Claes Williams [Signature]
Thomas Williams
William Williams

John Williamson [Defendant]
Claus Willems [Deponent]
Claus Willems [Signature] [=Claes Williams]
Claus Willem[?ss] [Signature] [=Claus Willems]
Claus Williams
Claus Williamss

Wills [=Anthony Wills]
Anthony Wills
Captaine Wills [=Captaine John Wills]
John Wills [Deponent]
John Wills [Signature]
Captaine John Wills
Thomas Wilmer
Wilmot [=William Wilmot]
William Wilmot
Jacob Derricksson Wilrey [Deponent]

Wilson [=Samuell Wilson the Yonger]
Henry Wilson [Deponent]
The marke of H [MARKE] Henry Wilson [Marke]
John Wilson [Deponent]
Samuell Wilson
Samuell Wilson the Yonger

Jasper Williams [Deponent]

Samuell Winter
William Winter [Deponent]
Wm: Winter [Signature]
John Wood
William Wood [Deponent]
William Wood [Signature]
Isaac Woodgreene [Signature]
Isaac Woodegreene [Signature]
Captaine Isaac Woodgreene [Deponent]
Woodfin [=Thomas Woodfin]
Thomas Woodfin

Bartholomew [?Wolvile]
Bartholomew Woolvin
John Worke [Deponent]
John Worke [Marke]
Worthley [=Rogert Worthley]
Rogert Worthley [Deponent]
The marke of the sayd Roger [MARKE] Worthley [Marke] [
Christofer Wouters
Christofer Wouterss
Step Wright [Signature]
Edward Wye
Richard Wylde [Signature]



John Yard
Yarwood [=John Yarwood]
John Yarwood
Young [=Davide Younge]
Younge [=Davide Younge]
David Young
David Younge
Davide Younge
Jeremy Younge




Edw: [XXXXX] [Signature]
Hugh [XXXXXX] [Signature]
R[ichard XXXXX] [Signature]
=A diego [XXbatory] [Signature] CHECK ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT
= [XXharXXiane] Garcia [Signature]
hendrick [?Wroom]
The marke of [MARKE] William [XXXX] [Marke]
John [XXX] [Signature]

Richd [XXXre] [Signature]
Mr [XX]artfall
[?asannX] Jansson [Signature]
John [Gunter]
Thomas L[XXXX] [Signature]
[XXXX XXXXX] [Signature]
[XXX XXXXXXX] [Signature]
hendrick [XXXX]
Alonso da Molyna Y M[XXXX GUTTER]
John Th[XXXX GUTTER] [Signature]
X Martines [Signature]
[XXXXX XXXXXX] [Signature] [=John Symons Perino]
John Jacobson [?Single]