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|Status=First cut transcription, started and completed on 15/03/13 by Colin Greenstreet; edited on 08/05/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/03/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/03/15
|First transcribed=13/03/15
|Editorial history=Edited on 08/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4594.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 07/05/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=v
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4594.JPG}}
|Transcription=in or about July or August last near a hee knoweth, and
while shee soe remained there this deponent went aboard her
and had severall times speech with the said Nicholas Johnson
whom hee heard acknowledge and say that hee came with the said
shipp the said voyage from Cadiz and had taken up money [there GUTTER]
or thereabouts of Spaniards subiects of the said king of Spaine to
buy the said shipp, and that hee intended to goe back againe with
her to Cadiz with Spaniards goods, and to that purpose hee
repaired and fitted her, imploying two of this deponents carpenters
(who were there prisoners) about such her repaire, and put
six and twenty guns or thereabouts with her, declareing unto
this deponent that hee intended to defend himselfe against
the English and ffrench, and that hee would sinke before hee would
be taken by either of them, And further declared to this deponent
that hee was bound back againe for Cadiz and was to take in a
cargo of goods for Cadiz for the account of Spaniards upon freight
and accordingly did take in a cargo of goods, and in particular
a quantitie of tobaccoes, and all that ever hee the said master
pretended to be (of the said Cargo) belonging to himselfe was only
eight hundred of hides or thereabouts, and for buying of them alsoe had
acknowledged to have taken up money of Spaniards upon
bottomerie, and this deponent being to be thense sent prisoner
to Spaine, endeavoured and desired to goe in the said shipp, but
the said Johnson refused it, telling this deponent that if hee the
said Johnson should meete with the English, this deponent would
declare what hee knew concerning his Spanish lading and
other things or to that effect. And further deposeth that
after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid
for Cadiz with his lading of Cuckam, hides and
tobaccoe, (this deponent was imbarked in another shipp to
be sent and was sent away prisoner for Spaine, and [beinge GUTTER]
at the Canaries, was there redeemed by Generall Blake
at such time as hee came and made the late XXXX there, and
being come into the English fleete, this deponent found
that the same had taken the said Johnson and his said shipp and
lading./ And saith that another
dutch man a master of a shipp, sold his shipp guns powder
and shott at Santa Domingo to the Governour for the king of
Spaines service, and with the proceeds laded aboard 600 cXXg's
of Cuckam aboard the said shipp Nicholas the said voyage for
Cadiz, which hee knoweth being present, and seing the premisses
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
1. in or about July or August last near a hee knoweth, and
2. while shee soe remained there this deponent went aboard her
3. and had severall times speech with the said Nicholas Johnson
4. whom hee heard acknowledge and say that hee came with the said
5. shipp the said voyage from Cadiz and had taken up money &#91;there GUTTER&#93;
6. or thereabouts of Spaniards subiects of the said king of Spaine to
7. buy the said shipp, and that hee intended to goe back againe with
8. her to Cadiz with Spaniards goods, and to that purpose hee
9. repaired and fitted her, imploying two of this deponents carpenters
10. (who were there prisoners) about such her repaire, and put
11. six and twenty guns or thereabouts with her, declareing unto
12. this deponent that hee intended to defend himselfe against
13. the English and ffrench, and that hee would sinke before hee would
14. be taken by either of them, And further declared to this deponent
15. that hee was vound back againe for Cadiz and was to take in a
16. cargo of goods for Cadiz for the account of Spaniards upon freight
17. and accordingly did take in a cargo of goods, and in particular
18. a quantitie of tobaccoes, and all that ever hee the said master
19. pretended to be (of the said Cargo) belonging to himselfe was only
20. eight hundred of hides or thereabouts, and for ˹buying of˺ them alsoe had
21. acknowl acknowledged to have taken up money of Spaniards upon
22. bottomerie, and this deponent being to be thense sent prisoner
23. to Spaine, endeavoured and desired to goe in the said shipp, but
24. the said Johnson refused it, telling this deponent that if hee the
25. said Johnson should meete with the English, this deponent would
26. declare what hee knew concerning his Spanish lading and
27. other things or to that effect. And further deposeth that
28. after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid
29. for Cadiz with his lading of Cuckam, hides and
30. tobaccoe, (this deponent was imbarked in another shipp to
31. be sent and was sent away prisoner for Spaine, and &#91;beinge GUTTER&#93;
32. at the Canaries, was there redeemed by Generall Blake
33. at such time as hee came and made the late XXXX there, and
34. being come into the English fleete, this deponent found
35. that the same had taken the said Johnson and his said shipp and
36. lading./ And saith that another
37. dutch man a master of a shipp, sold his shipp guns powder
38. and shott at Santa Domingo to the Governour for the king of
39. Spaines service, and with the proceeds laded aboard 600 cXXg's
40. of Cuckam aboard the said shipp Nicholas the said voyage for
41. Cadiz, which hee knoweth being present, and seing the premisses
42. Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
43. John Aylett SIGNATURE, RH SIDE

Latest revision as of 07:48, November 19, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.133v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in or about July or August last near a hee knoweth, and
while shee soe remained there this deponent went aboard her
and had severall times speech with the said Nicholas Johnson
whom hee heard acknowledge and say that hee came with the said
shipp the said voyage from Cadiz and had taken up money [there GUTTER]
or thereabouts of Spaniards subiects of the said king of Spaine to
buy the said shipp, and that hee intended to goe back againe with
her to Cadiz with Spaniards goods, and to that purpose hee
repaired and fitted her, imploying two of this deponents carpenters
(who were there prisoners) about such her repaire, and put
six and twenty guns or thereabouts with her, declareing unto
this deponent that hee intended to defend himselfe against
the English and ffrench, and that hee would sinke before hee would
be taken by either of them, And further declared to this deponent
that hee was bound back againe for Cadiz and was to take in a
cargo of goods for Cadiz for the account of Spaniards upon freight
and accordingly did take in a cargo of goods, and in particular
a quantitie of tobaccoes, and all that ever hee the said master
pretended to be (of the said Cargo) belonging to himselfe was only
eight hundred of hides or thereabouts, and for buying of them alsoe had
acknowledged to have taken up money of Spaniards upon
bottomerie, and this deponent being to be thense sent prisoner
to Spaine, endeavoured and desired to goe in the said shipp, but
the said Johnson refused it, telling this deponent that if hee the
said Johnson should meete with the English, this deponent would
declare what hee knew concerning his Spanish lading and
other things or to that effect. And further deposeth that
after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid
for Cadiz with his lading of Cuckam, hides and
tobaccoe, (this deponent was imbarked in another shipp to
be sent and was sent away prisoner for Spaine, and [beinge GUTTER]
at the Canaries, was there redeemed by Generall Blake
at such time as hee came and made the late XXXX there, and
being come into the English fleete, this deponent found
that the same had taken the said Johnson and his said shipp and
lading./ And saith that another
dutch man a master of a shipp, sold his shipp guns powder
and shott at Santa Domingo to the Governour for the king of
Spaines service, and with the proceeds laded aboard 600 cXXg's
of Cuckam aboard the said shipp Nicholas the said voyage for
Cadiz, which hee knoweth being present, and seing the premisses

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.