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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 13/11/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 13/11/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/11/13
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5255.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_5255.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the 2 article hee saith that by reason hee this deponent ridd neere the same place
with his sayd shipp the ''happy deliverance'' at the same tyme hee did observe
that the ''Phenix'' did then ride in an ordinary place where shipps usually
ride, and rid there from T[?urs]day till Satterday night without doeing any
dammage to any other shipp  or receaving any from them./
|First transcribed=13/11/13
To the 3 article hee saith that upon the Satterday at night or on Sunday towards morning the shipp ''Consent''
did breake one of her Cables by which shee was moored and came
thereby croose the ''Phenix'' her hawse and soe lay crosse the same for one
tyde of ebb videlicet about sixe or seaven howers and in that tyme soe farr
as this deponent could or did observe receaved noe dammage from
the ''Phenix'' or her Anchors And hee saith that the same Sunday towards
Evening the sayd Swire or some other by order of him (as hee beleeveth)
did take the shipp ''Consent'' from rideing crosse the hawse of the
''Phenix'' and new moored her neerer to the ''Phenix'' than shee was
before shee brake loose, but moored her soe badly (the ebb veing
come) that the Anchor which was layed to moore her
by was layed to noe passe, soe that
by that meanes the sayd shipp ''Consent'' came
fowle or satt upon the ''Phenix'' Anchor and by that meanes
receaved the sammage in question this hee deposeth of sight
and certayne knowledge well observing the manner of the layeing
of the ''Consents'' Anchor and saying to some who wer present
with this deponent when the sayd Anchor was soe layed that
the layeing the sayd Anchor in that manner would
without doubt cause the ''Consent'' to come fowle of the ''Phenix''
and either doe her some dammage or receave some dammage
from her, And further to this article hee deposeth not./
|Editorial history=Created 13/11/13, by CSG
To the 4th article hee saith that hee verily beleeveth, and in deede
is well assured that had not the ''Consent'' broke from her cable
as aforesayd but continued moored as shee was at first, or
had moored againe in the same place and in the same manner
as shee was moored at first shee had not receaved any dammage
by the Anchor of the ''Phenix'' but might there have ridd in safety
And hee this deponent is well assured and verily beleeveth
that what dammage happened to the ''Consent'' befell her
by reason of her new mooreing in manner aforesayd And
further hee deposeth not./
To the 5th hee saith that hee well knoweth and did observe that from
Thursday to Satterday the ''Phenix'' and ''Consent'' did winde about cleere
|Transcription image=P1160590
of each other every tyde and in all that tyme an till after the ''Consent''
brake her Cable as aforesayd came not fowle nor endamaged one
an other nor as hee beleeveth could if the ''Consent'' had not broken
her cable and then moored in a new place in manner as shee did And
further hee deposeth not./

Latest revision as of 10:36, November 24, 2015

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Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/72 f.465r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2 article hee saith that by reason hee this deponent ridd neere the same place
with his sayd shipp the happy deliverance at the same tyme hee did observe
that the Phenix did then ride in an ordinary place where shipps usually
ride, and rid there from T[?urs]day till Satterday night without doeing any
dammage to any other shipp or receaving any from them./

To the 3 article hee saith that upon the Satterday at night or on Sunday towards morning the shipp Consent
did breake one of her Cables by which shee was moored and came
thereby croose the Phenix her hawse and soe lay crosse the same for one
tyde of ebb videlicet about sixe or seaven howers and in that tyme soe farr
as this deponent could or did observe receaved noe dammage from
the Phenix or her Anchors And hee saith that the same Sunday towards
Evening the sayd Swire or some other by order of him (as hee beleeveth)
did take the shipp Consent from rideing crosse the hawse of the
Phenix and new moored her neerer to the Phenix than shee was
before shee brake loose, but moored her soe badly (the ebb veing
come) that the Anchor which was layed to moore her
by was layed to noe passe, soe that
by that meanes the sayd shipp Consent came
fowle or satt upon the Phenix Anchor and by that meanes
receaved the sammage in question this hee deposeth of sight
and certayne knowledge well observing the manner of the layeing
of the Consents Anchor and saying to some who wer present
with this deponent when the sayd Anchor was soe layed that
the layeing the sayd Anchor in that manner would
without doubt cause the Consent to come fowle of the Phenix
and either doe her some dammage or receave some dammage
from her, And further to this article hee deposeth not./

To the 4th article hee saith that hee verily beleeveth, and in deede
is well assured that had not the Consent broke from her cable
as aforesayd but continued moored as shee was at first, or
had moored againe in the same place and in the same manner
as shee was moored at first shee had not receaved any dammage
by the Anchor of the Phenix but might there have ridd in safety
And hee this deponent is well assured and verily beleeveth
that what dammage happened to the Consent befell her
by reason of her new mooreing in manner aforesayd And
further hee deposeth not./

To the 5th hee saith that hee well knoweth and did observe that from
Thursday to Satterday the Phenix and Consent did winde about cleere
of each other every tyde and in all that tyme an till after the Consent
brake her Cable as aforesayd came not fowle nor endamaged one
an other nor as hee beleeveth could if the Consent had not broken
her cable and then moored in a new place in manner as shee did And
further hee deposeth not./
