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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 06/03/13 by Colin Greenstreet; edited on 29/04/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 06/03/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/03/06
|First transcribed=13/03/06
|Editorial history=Edited on 29/04/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4620.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 28/04/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1150200
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4620.JPG}}
|Transcription=by the Mariners of the ''Unitie'' before the Governour and Counsell at Antego
|Transcription=by the Mariners of the ''Unitie'' before the Governour and Counsell at Antego
for their wages and the sayd Moulson was condemned and ordered to pay
for their wages and the sayd Moulson was condemned and ordered to pay
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beefe Cloathes Caske and hoopes laden aboard the sayd shipp in England for
beefe Cloathes Caske and hoopes laden aboard the sayd shipp in England for
use of the sayd shipp and passengers in her, and some smale quantitie
use of the sayd shipp and passengers in her, and some smale quantitie
of wine to make beveridge of of and some smale quantitie of beefe in Ireland
of wine to make beveridge of and some smale quantitie of beefe in Ireland

Latest revision as of 11:22, November 19, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.146v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


by the Mariners of the Unitie before the Governour and Counsell at Antego
for their wages and the sayd Moulson was condemned and ordered to pay
the same there sixe moneths wages but to how much either in sterling money or suger the same
did amount hee knoweth not but saith hee sawe the sayd Moulson there pay
to divers of them suger at the rate of fower pense a pound and a[XXXXX GUTTER]
other Commodities such as hee had and they were contented to take in lieu
of their sayd sixe moneths wages And hee this deponent for his
owne part did receave in part of his nyne pounds due to him for [XXX GUTTER]
sixe monethes wages sugar at the rate of fower pence a pound
and some hatts and other Commodities such as hee this deponent stood neede of
amounting in all to the valew of sixe or seaven pounds sterling, and
the sayd Moulson engaged his promise to this deponent to pay him the rest
of the sayd nyne pounds And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 22th hee saith that of his this deponents knowledge (who continued
a yeare and a halfe (or neere thereabouts) at Antego after such his comming
thither in the Unitie) the sayd Moulson did endeavour to gett materialls and
to gett the sayd shipp repaired, but could, not, and soe was forced to leave
her at Antego, and this deponent in all the tyme of such his staye at
Antego never knew or heard that the sayd Moulson did or could make
any thing of And hee saith the sayd Moulson was reputed to
bee the true and lawfull Owner of three sixteenth parts of the sayd shipp at the tyme of such
her disaster And therefore hee verily beleeveth that hee suffered
very great losse and dammage by the sayd disaster, not only in the
losse of the shipp but alsoe in the losse and spoile of such goods as hee had
on board her for his owne Accompt, but what to value the same at hee
knoweth not nor cann estimate, but saith it did amount to a very
considerable summe And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 23th hee saith that hee this deponent never receaved any pay at
all either halfe pay or whole for the voyage in question of the sayd
Jefferyes and Lewellin, but what hee receaved either at Gravesend or
else where was payd him by the sayd Moulson And further to this
article hee cannot depose not knowing any thing w[hether GUTTER]
they have paid any wages to the said Moulson or any of the Mariners
or whether they have paid any freight for the voyage in question./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to bee a wittnesse in
this cause by the procurement of the producent Moulson to whome [hee GUTTER]
his not of Kinne noe a servant; nor was in the voyage in question other
than as one of the shipps company under his Command as Master of [her GUTTER]
And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively./

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee was only a private Mariner of the Company
of the Unitie and had noe office in her and saith there was bread beere
beefe Cloathes Caske and hoopes laden aboard the sayd shipp in England for
use of the sayd shipp and passengers in her, and some smale quantitie
of wine to make beveridge of and some smale quantitie of beefe in Ireland