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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 02/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet; edited on 08/09/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/09/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/09/08
|First transcribed=13/02/02
|Editorial history=Edited on 08/09/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4974.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 08/09/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1150311
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4974.JPG}}
|Transcription=The third of May 1658.
|Transcription=The third of May 1658.
2. Exámined upon the said allegation libell-
Exámined upon the said allegation libell-
'''Rp. 2.'''
'''Rp. 2.'''
'''Alexander Barfoote''' of Ratcliff Cooper, aged 56
'''Alexander Barfoote''' of Ratcliff Cooper, aged 56
yeares or thereabouts sworne aand exámined.
yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the sixth árticle of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
To the sixth árticle of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
Line 42: Line 39:
the same, both of what was made as Greenland and alsoe at
the same, both of what was made as Greenland and alsoe at
or neere Blackwell, and principall intrusted and imployed ([XXXX]
or neere Blackwell, and principall intrusted and imployed ([XXXX]
Robert Browning a quarter part owner) in and about the said oile: And otherwise hee
Robert Browning a quarter part owner) in and about the said oile: And otherwise hee
cannot depose, referring himselfe to the Charterpartie arlate.
cannot depose, referring himselfe to the Charterpartie arlate.
Line 78: Line 75:
home in the said shipps, and lastly that the said five tonnes and a
home in the said shipps, and lastly that the said five tonnes and a
|People=<u>Alexander Barfoote</u>
|Primary sources='''TNA'''

Latest revision as of 14:53, November 21, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.324v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The third of May 1658.

Exámined upon the said allegation libell-

Rp. 2.

Alexander Barfoote of Ratcliff Cooper, aged 56
yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the sixth árticle of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the shipps the John of Barkshire and
the Sarah of London arlate, and that in or about this time
two yeares, namely in or about Aprill 1656 the said two shipps
proceeded from this port for Greenland, and that upon the
high and open seas at or neare Greenland the masters and
companies of the said shipps tooke and killed severall whales, and
thereof made or gott fiftie seaven tonnes of whale-oile, and
afterwards brought the same to this port, saving the Sarah brought
one of her whales home in blubber and here boiled it neere
Blackwall, and thereof por[XX]ned or made five tonnes and a
hogshead of oile, which hee accounts amongst the said fifty seaven
tonnes, All which hee knoweth because hee this exáminate went the
said voyage in the John of Barkeshire, and was Cooper for the
said voyage for both shipps, and helping to make the said oile
and taking the account of the number of tonnes and amount of
the same, both of what was made as Greenland and alsoe at
or neere Blackwell, and principall intrusted and imployed ([XXXX]
Robert Browning a quarter part owner) in and about the said oile: And otherwise hee
cannot depose, referring himselfe to the Charterpartie arlate.

To the seaventh article hee saith and deposeth that after the
arivall of the said two shipps with the said oile and blubber in
this part, the said oiles brought home in the said shipps to this
port namely all the fore said fiftie and two tonnes wanting
a hogshead (the said five tonnes and a hogshead made of the whale
blubber brought home in the Sarah not being as yet made) were
dischardged out of the said two shipps and landed at the Still yard
key. And saith that shortly namely within two or three
dayes after such landing, the arlate Edmund halley sent
two pipes of the best and finest of the said oile away, one pipe
thereof to mr howlet and the other to mr Cox arlate, and about
eight dayes after sent away or caused to be sent thirteene tonnes more
of the said oile to mr Tuck and mr Scot, and afterwards
all the rest of the said oile saving and excepting seaven tonnes
(the blubber not being yet boiled) to mr Boothes house, and
All which hee knoweth being present at the said landing, and seeing
such disposall by mr halley, but whether or not there were any
consent of the other parties interessed, or any division by consent made
amongst them or not hee knoweth not, only hee shortly after heard
Captaine Thomas say that hee was not acquainted therewith not
called to make out the division, nor did this deponent see any division
made, or understand of any summons for the parties
interessed to make the division. And after the premisses and where
as aforesaid there were but seaven tonnes left, the blubber was
boiled and the said five tonnes and a hogshead proceeding thereof
was alsoe brought and landed at the said key. And otherwise
saving saith the said halley declared that hee left the
said seaven tonnes for Captaine Thomas his share, amongst
which seaven hee saith there were five hogsheads
of black-tonge-oile being the worser sort of all the said oile,
and of which sort there was but sixteene hogshead in all brought
home in the said shipps, and lastly that the said five tonnes and a



Alexander Barfoote


Primary sources