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|Editorial history=Created 28/04/13, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 10/02/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/02/10
|Editorial history=Edited on 10/02/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4418.JPG
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4418.JPG}}
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
|Transcription=To the 6th: article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Civill lawes of
this Nation And to his foregoeing deposition and further cannot depose/.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Repeated with the emendations the 22th
of July 1657 before doctor Godolphin/
The eighth of September 1657.
Cob, Jennings and others, against keate}
and company. ffrancklin. Smith.}
Exámined upon an allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said keate
and company.
'''Rp. .I.'''
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdG1aNzBIZ1dES1hZeWtxZEZYX2xkQVE#gid=1 HCA 13/72 Page Log & Planner]
'''John Upson''' of Rederith in the County of Surrey
Mariner, Masters mate, of the shipp the ''Gilbert''
aged 49 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the first article hee saith and deposeth that the
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
shipp the ''Gilbert'' arlate in her last voyage in question tooke
in her lading at the Barbada's and was to bring the
same directly for this port of London, and for noe other
port or place, and this was and is very well knowne
to the said shipps company, and in particular to this deponent
who was masters mate, and shipped áccordingly, namely to
come with the said lading directly for London.
To the second árticle hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp
in her proceeding from the Barbada's for this port
came with her lading to anchor neere a place called Aberday
upon or about the eighteenth day of January 1656 the wind
being then East North East, and that of his this deponents
certain knowledge the arlate William Crofford (Master of the
said Shipp the ''Gilbert'') had an intent to have sayled direct
for this port of London, and did soe declare or expresse
him selfe to the Mariners of the sayd shipp and that about
twenty of the sayd shipps Company did refuse to doe soe, [XXX GUTTER]
contrary to his the sayd Croffords intention and command,
did compell him the sayd Crofford to carry the sayd shipp first
to Penarth Roade, thense to kings=roade and soe to Bri[stoll GUTTER]
and this deponent saith that of the mutineers against the the arlate Woodfall, Chipson C[avellier GUTTER]
Allen and Gilbert arlate and alsoe one William Tanner
and Charles Sandres were the Ringleaders, The premisses

Latest revision as of 07:30, November 18, 2015

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Suggested links

Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/72 f.45v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th: article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Civill lawes of
this Nation And to his foregoeing deposition and further cannot depose/.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Repeated with the emendations the 22th
of July 1657 before doctor Godolphin/



The eighth of September 1657.

Cob, Jennings and others, against keate}
and company. ffrancklin. Smith.}

Exámined upon an allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said keate
and company.

Rp. .I.

John Upson of Rederith in the County of Surrey
Mariner, Masters mate, of the shipp the Gilbert
aged 49 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that the
shipp the Gilbert arlate in her last voyage in question tooke
in her lading at the Barbada's and was to bring the
same directly for this port of London, and for noe other
port or place, and this was and is very well knowne
to the said shipps company, and in particular to this deponent
who was masters mate, and shipped áccordingly, namely to
come with the said lading directly for London.

To the second árticle hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp
in her proceeding from the Barbada's for this port
came with her lading to anchor neere a place called Aberday
upon or about the eighteenth day of January 1656 the wind
being then East North East, and that of his this deponents
certain knowledge the arlate William Crofford (Master of the
said Shipp the Gilbert) had an intent to have sayled direct
for this port of London, and did soe declare or expresse
him selfe to the Mariners of the sayd shipp and that about
twenty of the sayd shipps Company did refuse to doe soe, [XXX GUTTER]
contrary to his the sayd Croffords intention and command,
did compell him the sayd Crofford to carry the sayd shipp first
to Penarth Roade, thense to kings=roade and soe to Bri[stoll GUTTER]
and this deponent saith that of the mutineers against the the arlate Woodfall, Chipson C[avellier GUTTER]
Allen and Gilbert arlate and alsoe one William Tanner
and Charles Sandres were the Ringleaders, The premisses